1 shared project otclient
6 unique projects Boost C++ Libraries, GLEW, Lua, PhysicsFS, GNU Compiler Collection, CMake
1 shared project forgottenserver
11 unique projects PHP, Apache HTTP Server, Linux Kernel, PuTTY, MySQL, Mozilla Firefox, GNU GRUB, Apache Subversion, GNU Compiler Collection, GNU Make, GNU Core Utilities
0 shared projects
60 unique projects GLICT, YATC - Yet Another Tibia Client, OpenTibia Server, sudo, GNU Screen, Firebug, GNOME, RapidSVN, Meld, X.Org, Apache Subversion, GNU Compiler Collection, GNOME Web (Epiphany), Code::Blocks, Vim, GNU GRUB, GDB, Debian, Adblock Plus, GNU Make, Linux Kernel, Kopete, GnomeVFS, Bash, CleanOS, xterm, Battle for Wesnoth, w3m, Mozilla Firefox, PuTTY, The Outcast, Squid Cache, DownThemAll!, PHP, TortoiseSVN, Gammu, Familiar Linux, Wget, opentf, GNU tar, OpenSSH, GNU Diff Utilities, GNU Automake, GnuPG, Apache OpenOffice, bzip2, GNU grep, GNU Core Utilities, GNU C Library, FFmpeg, GNU sed, GIMP, Samba, GNU findutils, GNU Autoconf, OpenSSL, Wireshark, pywebkitgtk, The Cocotron, KDE PIM