almost 15 years
Kalle Korhonen
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edited by
Kalle Korhonen
I was going to make a post about the lack of Tapestry jobs available around here at San Francisco Bay Area, but look what I found
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from craiglist (see but craigslist links typically expire pretty soon). The company is called SRI (Shattered Reality Interactive):
Java Web Engineer (Social Games)
• Experience developing reusable, extensible server-side platforms and/or frameworks
• Experience with design patterns, session management, analytics
• Knowledge of various Java-based backend frameworks like Seam, Spring, Struts, Tapestry, Tynamo, JSF, EJB, Grails
(I added the emphasis on Tynamo). Pretty good considering we are just getting started here, huh? Now go get some experience with Tynamo using our super simple Quick start, then apply
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almost 15 years
Kalle Korhonen
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edited by
Kalle Korhonen
Yeah, I know. It all sounds interesting but you don't have time to dwell into examples and archetypes just yet. Couldn't we just
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have some examples live so you could take a quick look first? Glad you asked. I just deployed our tynamo-example-conversations module to Google App Engine. It looks pretty primitive but hey, it's the same tutorial1 on Tapestry5 homepage and I didn't want to put the great Howard Lewis Ships's user experience skills totally in shame (just kidding and thanks for mentioning us at your blog!). I promise to make the next sample a little nicer to look at. In the meantime, go play some Hi/Lo game conversational style in multiple simultaneous windows! Note that this example is just about demonstrating conversations, others to follow.
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almost 15 years
Kalle Korhonen
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edited by
Kalle Korhonen
I was going to make a post about the lack of Tapestry jobs available around here at San Francisco Bay Area, but look what I found
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from craiglist (see but craigslist links typically expire pretty soon). The company is called SRI (Shattered Reality Interactive):
Java Web Engineer (Social Games)
• Experience developing reusable, extensible server-side platforms and/or frameworks
• Experience with design patterns, session management, analytics
• Knowledge of various Java-based backend frameworks like Seam, Spring, Struts, Tapestry, Tynamo, JSF, EJB, Grails
(I added the emphasis on Tynamo). Pretty good considering we are just getting started here, huh? Now go get some experience with Tynamo using our super simple [Quick+start], then apply
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almost 15 years
Kalle Korhonen
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edited by
Kalle Korhonen
Yeah, I know. It all sounds interesting but you don't have time to dwell into examples and archetypes just yet. Couldn't we just
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have some examples live so you could take a quick look first? Glad you asked. I just deployed our tynamo-example-conversations module to Google App Engine. It looks pretty primitive but hey, it's the same tutorial1 on Tapestry5 homepage and I didn't want to put the great Howard Lewis Ships's user experience skills totally in shame (just kidding and thanks for mentioning us at your blog!). I promise to make the next sample a little nicer to look at. In the meantime, go play some Hi/Lo game conversational style in multiple simultaneous windows! Note that this example is just about demonstrating conversations, others to follow.
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almost 15 years
Kalle Korhonen
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edited by
Kalle Korhonen
I am proud to announce the first release of tapestry-jpa. It features full JPA2 integration and provides you with all the
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functionalities known from tapestry's hibernate support. To get started, you may want to take a look at our tapestry-jpa guide.
Many thanks goes to Pierce T. Wetter who helped out with the code as well as to Kalle Korhonen who made this release possible by guiding me through tynamo's release process.
Note that this module is compatible with JPA2 only and that we've changed the naming. Modules are named tapestry-jpa-core and tapestry-jpa, the version is 2.0.0 which gives you a hint about the JPA version its compatible with. There is a 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT available, but its not yet released and does not provide as much functionality because of limitations with JPA1.
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almost 15 years
Kalle Korhonen
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added by
Kalle Korhonen
JAX-RS is simple and cool, and we wanted to make it even simpler for you Tapestry dudes! Tapestry-resteasy is a drop-in module for
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making your webapplication RESTful. Follow our tapestry-resteasy guide to set it up (I promise it's easy ). Note that not all of the JBoss or jars are in Central repo, so if you are one of the poor developers who are running Maven not backed up by a proper repository proxy, you can activate -Prepositories profile to enable downloading directly from the JBoss and repositories. Have fun with it! Oh and if something goes wrong, don't blame me, this module is all Alejandro Scandroli's ingenious work!
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almost 15 years
Kalle Korhonen
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edited by
Kalle Korhonen
Imagine that, even before we've scored any actual users (just kidding - hi there to both of you) we picked up a new committer.
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And not just anybody, but the founder of tapestry-jpa project, Piero Sartini (did I pronounce your name right?). Join me in welcoming him to the project!
Piero has already been busily opening up JIRA issues, annoying Tapestry committers on the user list with feature requests and importing code so quickly that we can barely keep up. Oh yes, that reminds me - Piero is also bringing tapestry-jpa (previously hosted at Kenai) with him to move it under the wings of Tynamo project. For both me and Alejandro, it was a long time goal to add support for generic JPA to Trails rather than just Hibernate, and now we are closer than ever. Tapestry-jpa fits well within our overall mission and hey, it's free code (released under the same tried and true Apache license) so who could resist? We'll try to make it so you can pick and choose the bits you like either from the native Hibernate support or JPA2. Sound good? As always, of course there's a little bit of work to do first so hang in tight, or better yet, join the ranks!
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