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Posted about 17 years ago by jkuhnert
For a long time now I’ve very badly wanted to work for the goog, but my physical location(washington d.c.) has pretty much elminated that possibility. The recruiters have made it very clear that working for google means moving to CA. It’s such torture looking around at work in this area and hearing [...]
Posted about 17 years ago by Howard
Posted about 17 years ago by Howard
Posted over 17 years ago by jkuhnert
My current big contract is finally starting to wind down and I may be looking for something sometime around mid December, so if anyone knows of anything please feel free to contact me. (jkuhnert at feeble-attempt-at blocking spam gmail.com )
Posted over 17 years ago
So, this week we're at Crete, working on European Team Chess Championships 2007... here's some photos:
Posted over 17 years ago by Howard
Posted over 17 years ago by Howard
Posted over 17 years ago
So, commons-httpclient is quite useful and easy for programming http operations, e.t.c. As their tutorial explains, you just create an HttpClient, then a PostMethod or a GetMethod and finally you have the client execute the method. In the ... [More] particular use case i was working on, i needed to post some data to a MS ASP 6.0 Greek Server - both the request and the response should be in windows-1253. After testing a simple get request and seeing it working, I thought it wouldn't get any easier than that... and it didn't! When doing post (which is a requirement due to the size of the data), i kept getting all those weird chars, e.t.c. I tried setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "charset=windows-1253"); but somehow, the server wouldn't get my data this time. So, anyway, to cut a long story sort (and probably save you the hours I lost), the key is to remember you're doing a post (!), and do setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=windows-1253"); BTW, addRequestHeader("Content-Type", "charset=windows-1253"); wouldn't work either. [Less]
Posted over 17 years ago
Emily and I went to Corfu last weekend for a friend's wedding - G. Bourlis! I've known George a.k.a. Giozis and / or karaGiozis for the last 9 years, though he's been living in Patra for some years now and we haven't been able to keep in touch... ... [More] But it's always nice to see him. So, the wedding was at 18:30, we started by car from Athens at 8:15 in the morning. Less than two hours later, we were near Patra, at the Rio-Antirio bridge. After a while, it really started raining we took a wrong turn we missed the ferry for Corfy for 3 mins... but we were just in time for the wedding. There where so many people crammed inside that small village church, all waiting for the bride to arrive - and she was at least a half hour late... the happy groom didn't mind waiting in the rain : ) Well, everything went as planned the after-party was nice (live greek music included)! On the way back, we had the chance to see one of the bigest rainbows in our lives ( i'm mostly sleeping at day and it's difficult to see those at night!!!)... it only lasted for 3 mins due to heavy clouds, but it was awesome. All in all, it was a nice escape. I've made a flickr slideshow with all these - check it out. Oh, and i've almost forgot, here's a short video of the groom waiting: [Less]
Posted over 17 years ago
Here's 3 more public Tapestry sites (using Dojo for ajax javascript): http://www.sourcekibitzer.org/ is ... sourcekibitzer! It provides detailed programming metrics into the relevant code quality, member activity, individual developer know-how ... [More] , and scope of open source projects. It's using Tapestry 4.0.2 and Tacos and it has recently been open-sourced. You can have it running locally in 5 mins! http://freebookie.org is a free internet bookmaker that uses the js effects and ajax that Tapestry 4.1.2 provides (via Dojo 0.4.3). The complete project is open-source, available from http://code.google.com/p/bookie and quite easy to setup and play with locally. http://news247.gr is a high volume greek news site that's constantly updated. It's on Tapestry 4.1.3 and does persistence with iBatis So, if you're interesting in having a look at Tapestry, why not grab the source of freebookie or sourcekibitzer and hack'em around? [Less]