over 13 years
HSQLDB is a very nice and complete all-Java DBMS, particularly useful when doing quick test-outs or maven tests.
A while ago, a bug has been discovered in release 2.0.0 that is causing issues with BLOB management: this is a considerable issue especially with @Lob fields in Hibernate.
almost 14 years
After very good news I have reported before, this morning I have received a very pleasant e-mail saying that since today I have been accepted as member of the Apache Cocoon PMC. Wow, I am still astonished by all this new stuff :-)
almost 14 years
Yesterday evening I had to print out a photo of my son: since the only ready PC in the neighbourhood was my brand new Linux powered laptop, I just plug in the USB cable of my HP Deskjet F300 all-in-one.
almost 14 years
Yes, it's true - I am still realizing, but it's definitely true:since last February 21st 2011 I have been granted committer rights at Apache Software Foundation, on the Cocoon3 project.
almost 14 years
I come from four-in-a-row (very good) laptops made by mummy Apple: an iBook G3, a Powerbook G4, a MacBook Pro Core2Duo and another shining MacBook Pro, powered by dual-core i7 and SSD.
Because of some relevant changes in my work life