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Posted over 14 years ago by John Mettraux
ruote is an open source workflow engine implemented in Ruby. It takes as input process definitions and interprets them. It routes work among participants according to the flow described in those process definitions. It can orchestrate ping pong ... [More] matches as well. The main motivation behind this release is Torsten being tired of advising people to […] [Less]
Posted over 14 years ago by John Mettraux
Hartog de Mik just wrote an investigation into ruote and AMQP. In this blog post, he makes the long jump from zero to ruote + RabbitMQ participants via the vaguely charted ruote-amqp territory. But right before clicking away to Hartog’s blog post, please consider this pure ruote pong solution : require 'rubygems' require 'ruote' pdef [...]
Posted over 14 years ago by John Mettraux
My task as a programmer seems mostly to be throwing forms at knowledge workers. I fool myself in thinking that a workflow engine is the panacea when deciding when and what form to present the user. Workflows are supposed to be adaptable, the forms at the emerged tips even more so. “Can you add a [...]
Posted over 14 years ago by John Mettraux
“rocking the enterprise with ruby” is the name of the talk given by Munjal Budhabhatti and Sudhindra Rao at the RubyKaigi 2010. Munjal and Sudhindra are two ThoughtWorkers and their customer is Rackspace. Maybe I shouldn’t say customer, but rather ... [More] “partner”. While browsing the RubyKaigi’s program, I had noticed that their talk mentioned “business rules” [...] [Less]
Posted over 14 years ago by John Mettraux
During the last Houston.rb meeting, Wes Gamble talked about ruote. Here are his slides :   Wes does an excellent job at presenting the main concepts in ruote, process definitions, participants, workflow vs state management and so on. I’m lucky to have people evangelizing ruote as I’m a too much a “you don’t understand workflow [...]
Posted over 14 years ago by John Mettraux
“Method and Routine” is the title of the chapter 4 of the book 2 of Clausewitz On War. It was written between 1816 and 1830, the author was taken away by cholera before he could complete the final revision of this work. Only the first chapter of the first book was considered finished. I found [...]
Posted over 14 years ago by John Mettraux
I’ve started reading Mastering the Unpredictable by Keith Swenson et al. I’d like to weave two links from from the first chapter to two things I have been exposed to. “Mastering the Unpredictable” is a collection of Essays by Keith Swenson, Max J. Pucher, Jacob P. Ukelson and others. Those essays are reflections on “Adaptive [...]
Posted over 14 years ago by John Mettraux
Recently, contributions to ruote have been on the rise. I’ve listed them on the ruote source page, but here is a small recap : Torsten is maintaining ruote-on-rails : “A simple example Rails app for demonstrating the usage of ruote in Rails using RuoteKit”. Eric Dennis has gone a step further with ruote-rails-example, he extended [...]
Posted over 14 years ago by John Mettraux
ruote is an open source workflow engine implemented in Ruby. It takes as input process definitions and interprets them. It routes work among participants according to the flow described in those process definitions. Version 2.1.10 is out and contains ... [More] lots of small improvements and features requested and developed with the help of various people. I [...] [Less]
Posted almost 15 years ago by John Mettraux
I have started to gather posts and blogs I think are worth a read in the workflow, BPM, Adaptive Case Management, rules, etc fields. The list is at http://ruote.rubyforge.org/resources.html I hope to list there resources that are sincere and ... [More] passionate, and that challenge my point of view on workflow engines and enterprisey programming in general. I will [...] [Less]