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Posted about 15 years ago by Andreas Ecker
It has been a busy week while anticipating JSConf this weekend in Berlin. This is going to be a great event, and we're happy to be present there with four members of the qooxdoo core team at 1&1, including a qooxdoo-related talk. But now to some framework activities this week: Part handling A conceptual bug in the [...]
Posted about 15 years ago by Thomas Herchenröder
Besides code a qooxdoo application maintains a fair amount of data that represents some sort of resources. This might be negligible for small to medium size applications, but becomes significant for large apps. The resources fall roughly into two ... [More] categories, Internationalization (I18N) Data like translated strings and locale information (such as currency, date and time formats, asf.) File [...] [Less]
Posted about 15 years ago by Andreas Ecker
Welcome back to another roundup of qooxdoo happenings. New generator job We've added a new generator job named "info" to the GUI and Inline skeletons. Thus a generate.py info will display some environment information about the system, the Python ... [More] installation and the qooxdoo framework version used to build the skeleton application. This information can be helpful [...] [Less]
Posted about 15 years ago by Thomas Herchenröder
This is another weekly activity report from the qooxdoo realm. Welcome! Framework Mouse Capturing Last week we talked about how to track the mouse position while the cursor is outside of the browser's view port. Since then we have done some more work ... [More] to bring our implementation of mouse capturing in line with the native Internet Explorer implementation: Bubbling: [...] [Less]
Posted over 15 years ago by Andreas Ecker
Welcome back to the roll-up of another exciting week in qooxdoo. Scrolling Menus For a long time qooxdoo's menu implementation was missing an important feature: If the screen was smaller than a menu required, the menu was cut off and some menu entries could not be selected. This is history. Large menus now use slide bars on-demand [...]
Posted over 15 years ago by Fabian Jakobs
Yesterday we have found solution for a really annoying problem. The problem was that we didn't receive mouse events during drag operation in IE and Firefox if the cursor left the browser viewport. This was especially a problem for our scroll bars. Since qooxdoo 0.8 we render scroll bars using qooxdoo widgets. If the scrollbar [...]
Posted over 15 years ago by Andreas Ecker
Here's another roundup of qooxdoo happenings. This time we'll start with one of the most important parts of the framework, i.e. the tool chain, more precisely the Generator: Dependency Analysis An essential part of the work of the generator is ... [More] finding dependency relationships between classes. You throw a few classes at it to start with (like the [...] [Less]
Posted over 15 years ago by Andreas Ecker
Lets take a look back at another enjoyable week in qooxdoo: Native Scroll Bars Since qooxdoo 0.8 we render the scroll bars as pure qooxdoo widgets. This has the advantage that one has full control over the behavior and theming of scroll bars. Unfortunately, it is not possible to always replace the scroll bars with qooxdoo scroll [...]
Posted over 15 years ago by Andreas Ecker
Welcome to another summary of activities that took place during the week: The Ajax Experience But first, here is some feedback from Fabian's participation at this year's TAE: "Last week I (Fabian) represented qooxdoo at The Ajax Experience in Boston. On Sunday Dan Hummon, Derrell Lipman and me did a tiny qooxdoo user group meeting in a very [...]
Posted over 15 years ago by Thomas Herchenröder
Welcome! It is one week after qooxdoo 0.8.3 saw the light of day, thanks for all the feedback we received so far. Keep it rolling! But, there is a road ahead and there is no standing still, so here we go... Framework Data binding A key feature of the whole qooxdoo data binding layer is the data array, [...]