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Posted almost 15 years ago by Amy
Business process management software can be used to automate and optimize administrative tasks, reducing waste and increasing efficiency in HR operations.  In my last blog, I walked through how BPM software could optimize a leave application process ... [More] , totally eliminating the need for HR to participate in the process at all.  Now I’d like to explore [...] [Less]
Posted almost 15 years ago by kurt
I just completed a series of blog posts about LMS trends and what they might forecast for BPM trends. One area I did not tackle was open source software. I can’t look at the open source topic in quite the same way. Both markets have quite a few open source options. At least 50 open [...]
Posted almost 15 years ago by Amy
I have been blogging recently about BPM software and opportunities for automation in a typical leave application process.  I wanted to create a visual example to show how many steps can be automated by using a BPM tool to automate the vacation request process.  Requesting a vacation should be a fairly simple and straightforward process, [...]
Posted almost 15 years ago by Amy
In my previous post I talked about the similarities of BPM software to a GPS system; namely that BPM software walks an employee step-by-step through common HR business processes (such as a leave application) just as a GPS system provides driving directions.  I’d like to highlight, however, a key difference: unlike a GPS system, BPM [...]
Posted almost 15 years ago by Amy
As tax season once again rolls around, I was struck by the recent advertisement campaign of one of the major tax preparation software suites. This particular software claims to be “like GPS for your taxes”, the idea being that the program guides you step-by-step through the virtual twists and turns of tax preparation, just [...]
Posted almost 15 years ago by kurt
BPM in the Cloud with SaaS This post is my last in a series of posts examining past trends in the learning management software market to understand future trends in business process management. Over the last year or so, the buzz has been over cloud computing. The online training software industry embraced cloud computing when it was [...]
Posted almost 15 years ago by kurt
Another trend, another LMS and BPM comparison. Part 2 in my series of postings on what past trends in the learning management software industry might say about future trends in business process management software. In this post, I took a look at the trend of social media tools for business. Many enterprises are already using blogs [...]
Posted almost 15 years ago by brian
It can be tough to sell BPM Software when a company is taught to think that its ERP Software was designed to solve all of its problems.
Posted almost 15 years ago by kurt
After hearing about the recent acquisition of Lombardi Software by IBM, I was reminded of another industry, the learning management system (LMS) industry. The BPM and LMS software markets are both highly fragmented markets with numerous vendors. Do ... [More] the recent BPM acquisitions mirror activity in the LMS software market? Can we look at learning management [...] [Less]
Posted about 15 years ago by kurt
Businesses that need to reduce costs by streamlining processes can replace paperwork with credit or debit card programs. Two examples of processes impacted by these card programs include procurement purchases and incentive payments. Corporate Credit ... [More] and Bank Card Programs Procurement card programs simplify purchasing and accounts payable processes and reduce the paper trail of invoices that these [...] [Less]