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Commits : Listings

Analyzed about 1 year ago. based on code collected about 1 year ago.
Jan 18, 2023 — Jan 18, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
Forgot to include lines in the parseTokens routine to handle the two new parameters introduced -- EXCLUSIVE and EXCLUSIVESTATUS. More... about 21 years ago
Introduced two new parameters - EXCULSIVE and EXCLUSIVESTATUS - which work in conjunction with a STICKY popup. EXCULSIVE will prevent any STICKY popup with this parameter specifed from being closed when mousing over another popup on the page until it is first closed via its own "Close" text, MOUSEOFF or NOCLOSE action. While a popup is EXCLUSIVE a message that is contained in EXCLUSIVESTATUS variable (default value is "Please close open popup first.") will appear in the window status bar. Of course, the user can change it to whatever he wishes by specifying what he wants on the command line. More... about 21 years ago
Changed the following two lines in the routine parseTokens More... over 21 years ago
Added the function quoteMultiNameFonts() and included this function call in the wrapStr(). The quoteMultiNameFonts() makes sure that multi-word font names are quoted as required by the CSS Standards specification of the W3C. More... over 21 years ago
Now that TEXTSIZE, CAPTIONSIZE, and CLOSESIZE can be string values containing a length specifier, had to change the parseTokens routine slightly to account for this. A small change was made for the TEXTSIZE, CAPTION- SIZE, and CLOSESIZE parameters. More... over 21 years ago
Added another check on first line of the cancelScroll() routine. More... over 21 years ago
Removed unnecessary code on line 535. More... over 21 years ago
Corrected logic error which affects the operation of the follow scroll module. More... over 21 years ago
Made runtime variable default textsize, captionsize, and closesize consistent with default quantities of these quantities More... over 21 years ago
Initial plugin version. Based REB's DropScroll. More... over 21 years ago
Cosmetic changes. More... over 21 years ago
Revamped the procedure for ensuring that all modules have been loaded. The window.onload handler fires when all components of a page have been downloaded so the procedure now is to define the onload handler (here it is called OLonload_handler) which resets the OLloaded variable to 1, indicating successful completion of all modules. This approach uses the More... over 21 years ago
Modified the Layer Generation Functions to handle a normal popup and a popup with custom classes. When a particular class isn't defined, the code defaults to the normal overlib default settings. Also the placement of the CLASS tags differs somewhat from how they were in the CSSCLASS module but the current placement probably offers the user more flexibility because they have control now over background colors and text placements. Also introduced the function wrapStr() which determines the correct HTML tag wrapper of the associated text in the popups. This function also allows the font sizes to be specified as either a number or as a number with an associated length speciifier which allows the popups to default back to the previous way of specifiying font sizes and in no way, constrains the user to a particular fixed font size. For Netscape 4.x, the HTML wrapping tag is <font> to avoid any problems with inline style rules. For other supported browsers, the HTML wrapping tag is either <div> for body and caption text and <span> wrapping for any close text. With these changes, the CSSCLASS and FONT modules are no longer required since this flexibility is now part of the core module. More... over 21 years ago
In the parseTokens routine, changed the outer quotation marks from double quotes to single quotes for the commands CAPTION, STATUS, CLOSETEXT, TEXTFONT, CAPTIONFONT, CLOSEFONT, and CLOSETITLE and introduced the escSglQuote() function to escape any imbedded single quote characters. This change was made to keep the string construction that the user specified and to avoid any potential errors with the javascript interpretator. More... over 21 years ago
First versions of plugins. More... over 21 years ago
overLIB 4.00 Alpha 1. Adds plugin functionality. More... over 21 years ago
Changed the mouse handling routine from mouseMove to OLmouseMove and the browser specific variables (ns4, ie4, ns6, etc) to OLns4, OLie4, OLns6, etc. to avoid possible naming conflicts with other scripts that may be on a user's page as well as overlib. The browser specific change was done after contacting Dennis Sandow to see if he planned on making this change and he stated that he wouldn't have time to do it and that I could check this change in. More... about 22 years ago
Removed unnecessary logic in revision 1.29 made by Fote Macrides. Specifically, changed the following line in the parseTokens() routine from: udf = (ar[i] == FUNCTION ? 0 : (pf != 'ol_' ? 1 : 0)); to udf = (pf != 'ol_') ? 1 : 0; The check for the FUNCTION parameter isn't really necessary. These statements are reached when the very first argument to the overlib command is a parameter and the subsequent coding block specifically checks and resets udf to zero when the parameter is either INARRAY or FUNCTION. More... about 22 years ago
Fixed bugs in the command parser which caused a default FUNCTION, when declared via ol_function, incorrectly to replace an INARRAY string if used for the popup's main text, or an alternate FUNCTION if specified in the command line with FUNCTION not used as the lead argument. More... over 22 years ago
Converted the AUTOSTATUS and AUTOSTATUSCAP commands to toggles. More... over 22 years ago
Converted the AUTOSTATUS and AUTOSTATUSCAP commands to toggles. More... over 22 years ago
Added the MOUSEOFF feature suggested by Dennis Sandow in April, 2002 to cancel any TIMEOUT event attached to a STICKY popup when you mouseover it. Also added the mouseout capability that Robert E. Boughner had added to the overlib code. Both these features are triggered for a STICKY when you use the NOCLOSE option. Also found that I needed to add the opt_NOCLOSE() routine which was being called but was not present. More... over 22 years ago
Made a small correction to revision 1.22 (capturing mousemovements from other routines). Changed the line: More... over 22 years ago
Made a small modification to revision 1.9 concerning NS4. Changed the null string to the null object. This is in keeping with what Danny Goodman states in his book -- "Javascript Bible: 3rd Edition" on pg. 375 -- "You can remove the background image by setting the layer.background.src property to null." More... over 22 years ago
At the beginning of the parseTokens() function, I removed the statements: case 'o': otext = ar[i]; break; from the switch conditional check so that a mini-version of the code will be easier to generate in the future. More... over 22 years ago
Added some comment statements to explain what is being done, briefly, when sharing mouse capture with other scripts. More... over 22 years ago
Added code so that overlib can share the mousemove event with other scripts. It accomplishes this by checking to see if the mousemove event has been previousely captured. If it has, then it defines another function which daisy chains the overlib mouse move routine (mouseMove) with the routine that captured it initially and sets that to the onmousemove handler. In this way, both routines get called in turn. If there isn't any capture, then overlib behaves as it did before. For this approach to work, overlib must be loaded last. More... over 22 years ago
Added a function to allow the user to easily set page specific defaults for overlib parameters. That function is called setPgDefaults() and the arguments are the same that would be used in a normal call to overlib. If you want to specify a look for your whole site, then it is probably better to create a separate file in which the ol_variables are set to your liking there and have that loaded at run time. Use of setPgDefaults only affects the current page and must be rerun if your page reloads again for any reason. To implement this capability, I've added the function parseTokens() which handles normal parsing and also the setting of page defaults. It takes two arguments, pf and the overlib argument array. pf is either 'ol_', 'o3_', or 'o' to allow for the mini version although this latter capability hasn't been tested yet. More... over 22 years ago
Added parameters RELX/RELY which are analogous to FIXX/FIXY except they position the popup relative to the upper left hand corner of the browser window, taking into account horizontal/verical scrolling More... over 22 years ago
Enhanced the usage of the FUNCTION parameter to allow the user to specify his own parameters to his function. FUNCTION can now be used in one of the following four ways: 1. FUNCTION, javascript_functionReference -- this is the current way 2. FUNCTION, without any parameters -- The result is 'No Function' if there is no default function handler defined. Otherwise, it is the text string specified by this function that is used as the text popup. 3. FUNCTION, myFunction(arg1, arg2, ....) -- where arg1, arg2, etc are the actual arguments to the function. This works because you're calling the function directly and using the text string which it should return for the popup text. Of course, you're arguments must be known when this call is made. 4. FUNCTION, myTextStr -- myTextStr can be evaluated as var myTextStr = 'myFunc(' + PARAM1 + ',' + PARAM2 + ')' to allow the javascript interpreter to evaluate PARAM1, etc and supply their values. More... over 22 years ago