Contributes to Linux Kernel
Contributes to Debian
Contributes to X.Org
and 14 other projectsContributes to Linux Kernel
Contributes to OpenSSL
Contributes to Samba
and 9 other projectsContributes to Linux Kernel
Contributes to X.Org
Contributes to pciutils
and 1 other projectsContributes to Linux Kernel
Contributes to GNOME
Contributes to KVM
and 22 other projectsContributes to Linux Kernel
Contributes to Debian
Contributes to Debian Games
and 157 other projectsContributes to zsh
Contributes to jEdit as blueyed
Contributes to The Freenet Project
and 210 other projectsContributes to Linux Test Project
Contributes to Linux Kernel
Contributes to Debian
and 61 other projectsContributes to GIMP
Contributes to GNOME
Contributes to Evolution
and 36 other projectsContributes to Linux Kernel as J.H.M. Dassen (Ray)
Contributes to GNOME
Contributes to libpqxx
and 9 other projectsContributes to Ruby on Rails as Lukas Zapletal
Contributes to Workrave as Lukas Zapletal
Contributes to Rake as Lukas Zapletal
and 88 other projects