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Analyzed 4 days ago. based on code collected over 8 years ago.
  • Contributions by brendan will be attributed to Brendan Gregg - Sun Microsystems
  • Contributions by billm will be attributed to Bill Moore
  • Contributions by af will be attributed to Adrian Frost
  • Contributions by dougm will be attributed to Doug McCallum
  • Contributions by timf will be attributed to Tim Foster
  • Contributions by jg will be attributed to Jerry Gilliam
  • Contributions by georges will be attributed to George Shepherd
  • Contributions by timh will be attributed to Tim Haley
  • Contributions by davemq will be attributed to Dave Marquardt
  • Contributions by anders will be attributed to Anders Persson
  • Contributions by vikram will be attributed to Vikram Hegde
  • Contributions by craigm will be attributed to Craig Mohrman
  • Contributions by casper will be attributed to Casper H.S. Dik
  • Contributions by dp will be attributed to Dan Price
  • Contributions by artem will be attributed to Artem Kachitchkine
  • Contributions by raf will be attributed to Roger A. Faulkner
  • Contributions by dme will be attributed to David Edmondson
  • Contributions by blu will be attributed to Brian Utterback
  • Contributions by gwr will be attributed to Gordon Ross
  • Contributions by rie will be attributed to Rod Evans
  • Contributions by myers will be attributed to Dana Myers
  • Contributions by tomee will be attributed to Tom Erickson
  • Contributions by vivek will be attributed to Vivek Gavaskar
  • Contributions by jjj will be attributed to Joep Vesseur
  • Contributions by girish will be attributed to Girish Moodalbail
  • Contributions by Jakub Jermar will be attributed to jj204856
  • Contributions by egillett will be attributed to Edward Gillett
  • Contributions by cz147101 will be attributed to Max zhen
  • Contributions by dinak will be attributed to Dina K Nimeh
  • Contributions by gjelinek will be attributed to Gerald Jelinek
  • Contributions by jwadams will be attributed to Jonathan W Adams
  • Contributions by cth will be attributed to Chris Horne
  • Contributions by jbeck will be attributed to John Beck
  • Contributions by esaxe will be attributed to Eric Saxe
  • Contributions by ethindra will be attributed to Ethindra Ramamurthy
  • Contributions by basabi will be attributed to Basabi Bhattacharya
  • Contributions by dmick will be attributed to Dan Mick
  • Contributions by danmcd will be attributed to Dan McDonald
  • Contributions by achartre will be attributed to Alexandre Chartre
  • Contributions by arutz will be attributed to [email protected]
  • Contributions by carlsonj will be attributed to James Carlson
  • Contributions by sethg will be attributed to Seth Goldberg
  • Contributions by jmcp will be attributed to James C. McPherson
  • Contributions by jojemann will be attributed to John Ojemann
  • Contributions by jacobs will be attributed to Norm Jacobs
  • Contributions by eschrock will be attributed to Eric Schrock
  • Contributions by ericheng will be attributed to Eric Cheng
  • Contributions by johnz will be attributed to [email protected]
  • Contributions by ja97890 will be attributed to Jon Anderson
  • Contributions by tsoydan will be attributed to Tarik Soydan
  • Contributions by hiremath will be attributed to Shantkumar Hiremath
  • Contributions by akolb will be attributed to Alexander Kolbasov
  • Contributions by batschul will be attributed to Frank Batschulat
  • Contributions by bw will be attributed to Bill Watson
  • Contributions by darrenm will be attributed to Darren Moffat
  • Contributions by wendyp will be attributed to Wendy Phillips
  • Contributions by edp will be attributed to Edward Pilatowicz
  • Contributions by vb160487 will be attributed to vitezslav batrla - Sun Microsystems - Prague Czech Republic
  • Contributions by haimay will be attributed to Hai-May Chao
  • Contributions by as158974 will be attributed to Arindam Sarkar
  • Contributions by ahrens will be attributed to Matthew Ahrens
  • Contributions by bonwick will be attributed to Jeff Bonwick
  • Contributions by maybee will be attributed to Mark Maybee
  • Contributions by mj162486 will be attributed to Milan Jurik
  • Contributions by jfrank will be attributed to Justin Frank
  • Contributions by achimm will be attributed to Achim Maurer
  • Contributions by ab196087 will be attributed to Ali Bahrami
  • Contributions by johnlev will be attributed to John Levon
  • Contributions by danice will be attributed to Daniel Ice
  • Contributions by mp153739 will be attributed to Mark Phalan
  • Contributions by stephh will be attributed to Stephen Hanson
  • Contributions by dm120769 will be attributed to David Marker
  • Contributions by jhaslam will be attributed to Jonathan Haslam
  • Contributions by jimand will be attributed to James Anderson
  • Contributions by abalfour will be attributed to Andrew Balfour
  • Contributions by wroche will be attributed to William Roche
  • Contributions by vk199839 will be attributed to Vladimir Kotal
  • Contributions by jc144527 will be attributed to Jonathan Cowper-Andrewes
  • Contributions by gw25295 will be attributed to George Wilson
  • Contributions by djl will be attributed to Douglas Leavitt
  • Contributions by chinlong will be attributed to Chin-Long Shu
  • Contributions by apersson will be attributed to Anders Persson
  • Contributions by an207044 will be attributed to Alexandr Nedvedicky
  • Contributions by gd78059 will be attributed to Garrett D'Amore
  • Contributions by billt will be attributed to Bill Taylor
  • Contributions by acruz will be attributed to Antonello Cruz
  • Contributions by bholler will be attributed to Bill Holler
  • Contributions by baban will be attributed to Baban Kenkre
  • Contributions by jparcel will be attributed to Jan Parcel
  • Contributions by bick will be attributed to Bick Torrejon
  • Contributions by gap will be attributed to Greg Price
  • Contributions by bharding will be attributed to Barry Harding
  • Contributions by htk will be attributed to Hyon Kim
  • Contributions by mc208700 will be attributed to Milan Cermak
  • Contributions by vm156888 will be attributed to Vladimir Marek
  • Contributions by Aruna Ramakrishna - Sun Microsystems will be attributed to Aruna Ramakrishna
  • Contributions by mc208700@nadesico will be attributed to Milan Cermak
  • Contributions by wl202157@chogori will be attributed to wl202157
  • Contributions by yz203490@fogbroom will be attributed to yz203490
  • Contributions by [email protected] will be attributed to Gerald Jelinek Changes will take effect after the next Open Hub report update.
  • Contributions by gt29601@anthrax will be attributed to gt29601
  • Contributions by Daniel OpenSolaris Anderson will be attributed to Daniel Anderson
  • Contributions by [email protected] will be attributed to Mark Phalan Changes will take effect after the next Open Hub report update.
  • Contributions by Dan OpenSolaris Anderson will be attributed to Daniel Anderson
  • Contributions by Oliver Yang will be attributed to yy150190
  • Contributions by jmcp@elpaso will be attributed to James C. McPherson
  • Contributions by wl202157@icefox will be attributed to wl202157
  • Contributions by <[email protected]> will be attributed to Mark Phalan
  • Contributions by Rich Lowe will be attributed to Richard Lowe

About Aliases

  • If an individual has contributed code to a project under several different committer IDs, you can combine them using aliases.
  • An alias will replace one committer ID with another in reports. You specify the ID you wish to replace, and the replacement ID, on the Add Aliases form.
  • Aliases do not change your source code history, and Open Hub continues to gather and analyze this history as always. An alias is only an ID mapping for reports and charts.