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Posted about 15 years ago by Lubos Kosco
V piatok 29.1.2010 sa v podvečerných hodinách uskutočnila prezentácia o tom čo je {OpenGrok, ako sa nainštaluje, používa a aký je jeho vývoj. Dúfam, že informácie a možno aj nejaké fotky pribudnú buď na stránkach http://opensolaris.cz alebo na stránkach archívu CZOSUGu. Dovtedy môžte zhliadnuť aspoň (slovenské) slajdy po kliknutí na tento odkaz.
Posted about 15 years ago by Lubos Kosco
V piatok 29.1.2010 sa v podvečerných hodinách uskutočnila prezentácia o tom čo je {OpenGrok, ako sa nainštaluje, používa a aký je jeho vývoj. Dúfam, že informácie a možno aj nejaké fotky pribudnú buď na stránkach http://opensolaris.cz alebo na stránkach archívu CZOSUGu. Dovtedy môžte zhliadnuť aspoň (slovenské) slajdy po kliknutí na tento odkaz.
Posted about 15 years ago by Lubos Kosco
Posted over 15 years ago by taz
Posted over 15 years ago by user13277694
Posted over 15 years ago by Lubos Kosco
Posted over 15 years ago by Lubos Kosco
We released a minor service release (mainly because of broken solaris package) of {OpenGrok today. Please find the binaries here: http://hub.opensolaris.org/bin/view/Project+opengrok/files I finally got the install docs ... [More] (http://hub.opensolaris.org/bin/view/Project+opengrok/installdescription) up to date. As you can see it's easier then ever to get opengrok up and running. Happy grokking Lubos, Knuth, Trond, Jorgen and Pat [Less]
Posted over 15 years ago by Lubos Kosco
We released a minor service release (mainly because of broken solaris package) of {OpenGrok today. Please find the binaries here: http://hub.opensolaris.org/bin/view/Project+opengrok/files I finally got the install docs ... [More] (http://hub.opensolaris.org/bin/view/Project+opengrok/installdescription) up to date. As you can see it's easier then ever to get opengrok up and running. Happy grokking Lubos, Knuth, Trond, Jorgen and Pat [Less]
Posted over 15 years ago by Lubos Kosco
We released a minor service release (mainly because of broken solaris package) of {OpenGrok today. Please find the binaries here: http://hub.opensolaris.org/bin/view/Project+opengrok/files I finally got the install docs ... [More] (http://hub.opensolaris.org/bin/view/Project+opengrok/installdescription) up to date. As you can see it's easier then ever to get opengrok up and running. Happy grokking Lubos, Knuth, Trond, Jorgen and Pat [Less]
Posted over 15 years ago by Knut Anders Hatlen