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Analyzed 28 days ago. based on code collected 29 days ago.
Posted almost 12 years ago
I have been asked a few times on how to create your own table and add it into MVCForum. I have already created a blog about adding your own custom table and this is a follow up to that post. In the previous post we created a table called ... [More] BannedWord and created a domain class of the same name and mapped it to the database. You can now query that table from within an existing repository that has a context. But its not an ideal situation, as we have tried to create a very DDD pattern and allow you to be able to swap out services and repos with ease just by changing a couple of lines in the IOC container. In the current application we have a BannedWordService and a BannedWordRepository and in the post below I'll explain how I added them and use them, so you can do the same for you own custom table/Domain model and keep the same structure as you customise your own forum. Before you delve in, I must say. When I first started developing this way, I thought it was so long winded. But now after using it for a while I can see how beneficial it is and its pretty quick to setup after you have done it a few times. Interfaces First thing we need to do is create a couple of interfaces within the MVCForum.Domain > Interfaces section. One for the Service and one for the Repository (Repo). Then within these interfaces we will add in the method signatures that we think we'll need to use. Don't worry you can always add more later down the line (In fact I pretty much always end up adding another one or two). The methods you add are usually just CRUD methods. MVCForum.Domain > Interfaces > Repositories This is where we create the Repo interface and you prefix all interfaces with IYourDomainName. Here is the IBannedWordRepository. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using MVCForum.Domain.DomainModel; namespace MVCForum.Domain.Interfaces.Repositories { public interface IBannedWordRepository { BannedWord Add(BannedWord bannedWord); void Delete(BannedWord bannedWord); IList<BannedWord> GetAll(); BannedWord Get(Guid id); PagedList<BannedWord> GetAllPaged(int pageIndex, int pageSize); PagedList<BannedWord> GetAllPaged(string search, int pageIndex, int pageSize); } } MVCForum.Domain > Interfaces > Services And here is the IBannedWordService I have added. You'll see the methods are pretty much the same as the Repo. Around 95% of the time it will be the same as the repo, but I'll go into more detail further down about the difference between the two. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using MVCForum.Domain.DomainModel; namespace MVCForum.Domain.Interfaces.Services { public interface IBannedWordService { BannedWord Add(BannedWord bannedWord); void Delete(BannedWord bannedWord); IList<BannedWord> GetAll(); BannedWord Get(Guid id); PagedList<BannedWord> GetAllPaged(int pageIndex, int pageSize); PagedList<BannedWord> GetAllPaged(string search, int pageIndex, int pageSize); string SanitiseBannedWords(string content); string SanitiseBannedWords(string content, IList<string> words); } } Implementing The Interfaces (Creating the Service & Repo) Now we have created both the above interfaces, we can implement them in the appropriate places. If you don't know about interfaces and how to implement them, then I really suggest you have a read up online. However in short, its very simple and just a matter of creating a class i.e. BannedWordRepository and then at the top of the class next to the class name. You just add a colon : and then interface name (i.e. public class BannedWordRepository : IBannedWordRepository) then visual studio will pick up on this and hopefully prompt you and create the method stubs for you. MVCForum.Data > Repositories We'll create the repo first. BUT one thing you will notice. In pretty much every repo, we add a Constructor and within that add the context (The context is how we query the DBsets/Domain models via Entity Framework). This is resolved by IOC (See below) so you can get access to the database. Don't forget to add/update this or you won't be able to query the data as no context will exist. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using MVCForum.Data.Context; using MVCForum.Domain.DomainModel; using MVCForum.Domain.Interfaces; using MVCForum.Domain.Interfaces.Repositories; namespace MVCForum.Data.Repositories { public class BannedWordRepository : IBannedWordRepository { private readonly MVCForumContext _context; public BannedWordRepository(IMVCForumContext context) { _context = context as MVCForumContext; } public BannedWord Add(BannedWord bannedWord) { return _context.BannedWord.Add(bannedWord); } public void Delete(BannedWord bannedWord) { _context.BannedWord.Remove(bannedWord); } public IList<BannedWord> GetAll() { return _context.BannedWord.OrderByDescending(x => x.DateAdded).ToList(); } public BannedWord Get(Guid id) { return _context.BannedWord.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == id); } public PagedList<BannedWord> GetAllPaged(int pageIndex, int pageSize) { var total = _context.BannedWord.Count(); var results = _context.BannedWord .OrderBy(x => x.Word) .Skip((pageIndex - 1) * pageSize) .Take(pageSize) .ToList(); return new PagedList<BannedWord>(results, pageIndex, pageSize, total); } public PagedList<BannedWord> GetAllPaged(string search, int pageIndex, int pageSize) { var total = _context.BannedWord.Count(x => x.Word.ToLower().Contains(search.ToLower())); var results = _context.BannedWord .Where(x => x.Word.ToLower().Contains(search.ToLower())) .OrderBy(x => x.Word) .Skip((pageIndex - 1) * pageSize) .Take(pageSize) .ToList(); return new PagedList<BannedWord>(results, pageIndex, pageSize, total); } } } MVCForum.Data > MVCForum.Services Now we add the service. And again as with the context in the constructor of the Repo. This time, in the constructor of the class we pull in the Repo we just created so we can get access to the data. The difference between the two classes is like this. The Repo should be purely for getting data and returning it. The service is for getting the data and then doing any complicated logic before it passes it on (i.e. Remapping, filtering, sanitising content etc…). So here is our Service. using System; using System.Linq; using System.Collections.Generic; using MVCForum.Domain.DomainModel; using MVCForum.Domain.Interfaces.Repositories; using MVCForum.Domain.Interfaces.Services; using MVCForum.Utilities; namespace MVCForum.Services { public class BannedWordService : IBannedWordService { private readonly IBannedWordRepository _bannedWordRepository; public BannedWordService(IBannedWordRepository bannedWordRepository) { _bannedWordRepository = bannedWordRepository; } public BannedWord Add(BannedWord bannedWord) { return _bannedWordRepository.Add(bannedWord); } public void Delete(BannedWord bannedWord) { _bannedWordRepository.Delete(bannedWord); } public IList<BannedWord> GetAll() { return _bannedWordRepository.GetAll(); } public BannedWord Get(Guid id) { return _bannedWordRepository.Get(id); } public PagedList<BannedWord> GetAllPaged(int pageIndex, int pageSize) { return _bannedWordRepository.GetAllPaged(pageIndex, pageSize); } public PagedList<BannedWord> GetAllPaged(string search, int pageIndex, int pageSize) { return _bannedWordRepository.GetAllPaged(search, pageIndex, pageSize); } public string SanitiseBannedWords(string content) { var bannedWords = GetAll(); if (bannedWords.Any()) { return SanitiseBannedWords(content, bannedWords.Select(x => x.Word).ToList()); } return content; } public string SanitiseBannedWords(string content, IList<string> words) { if (words != null && words.Any()) { var censor = new CensorUtils(words); return censor.CensorText(content); } return content; } } } You'll notice at the bottom there is a CensorUtils class. This is something that is added in v1.3 to the forum. If you are following this word for word, then just remove both SanitiseBannedWords methods from the interface and implementation as you won't need them for this tutorial. Registering With The IOC Container Once you have created both your Service and Repository you need to register them in with the IOC container (We currently use Unity for our IoC), or the repo in the service constructor above won't work and you won't be able to use your service in the controllers. MVCForum.IOC > UnityMVC3.cs This is a really simple couple of lines to add. Just open the above file and add in the following for the service and repo. container.BindInRequestScope<IBannedWordService, BannedWordService>(); container.BindInRequestScope<IBannedWordRepository, BannedWordRepository>(); It should be pretty self explanatory where to add these, the services are all grouped together and so are the repos. All this file does it point the interface to which implementation of the interface to use. So you can swap out implementations top custom ones if you want to. Using The Service In A Controller As you will see throughout and I mentioned above. The repo is never used apart from by the services. They simply just transfer/update/delete data from the database. But the services are what you use and call from within the application. So to get the data back and use what we have just created, we need to call the service from your controller. This is very simple and the same as how we called the Repo from within our service. We just setup a constructor and initialise the service interface we want to use and the IOC container will take care of the rest and get the correct implementation. For example. If I wanted to create a BannedWordController then I would set it up like this with the service in the constructor using System.Web.Mvc; using MVCForum.Domain.Interfaces.Services; namespace MVCForum.Website.Controllers { public class BannedWordController : Controller { private readonly IBannedWordService _bannedWordService; public BannedWordController(IBannedWordService bannedWordService) { _bannedWordService = bannedWordService; } public ActionResult Index() { // I can now use the service here by called var getAllBannedWords = _bannedWordService.GetAll(); return View(); } } } And that's it. We can call the service from any controller we want as long as we set it up in the constructor like the above example. [Less]
Posted almost 12 years ago
If you want to add a new table and start using it within your forum, its pretty straight forward. I'm in the middle of developing v1.3, and I'm just about to add a BannedWord table for storing banned words in so I'll walk you through how I add it. ... [More] Because of the way the caching is implemented, you will get caching out the box for your new table. 1) Add your table Create your table, making sure you add Id as your primary key and set it to 'uniqueidentifier' as below we set the Id to our CombGuid generator. 2) Add your Domain Model MVCForum.Domain > DomainModel Your domain model is what you code against/with through out your application. To keep things simple just create a class with the same name as your table and then add in properties to match your fields from the database. Add a Constuctor and assign Id to GuidComb.GenerateComb() as this gives us sequential Guids and helps with SQL performance. Here is my domain class for the BannedWord table. using System; using MVCForum.Utilities; namespace MVCForum.Domain.DomainModel { public class BannedWord { public BannedWord() { Id = GuidComb.GenerateComb(); } public Guid Id { get; set; } public string Word { get; set; } public DateTime DateAdded { get; set; } } } 3) Map Model to the database MVCForum.Data > Mapping Firstly we need to create a Mapping class for this domain model you just created. This one will be pretty simple as we are not doing any joins with other tables. If you want to see how joins are mapped, then have a look in the TopicMapping.cs file. using System.Data.Entity.ModelConfiguration; using MVCForum.Domain.DomainModel; namespace MVCForum.Data.Mapping { public class BannedWordMapping : EntityTypeConfiguration<BannedWord> { public BannedWordMapping() { HasKey(x => x.Id); } } } Once this is done we need to hook up the table with the Entity Framework context. This is very simple and just a couple of lines. MVCForum.Data > Context > MVCForumContext.cs Add this line where the other DbSet's for the existing tables are public DbSet<BannedWord> BannedWord { get; set; } Then at the bottom of this class within the OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder) method, add this line. modelBuilder.Configurations.Add(new BannedWordMapping()); That's it That is everything you need to do, to start querying against the database from one of the Repositories. For example I could use the MVCforumcontext and  now get back all BannedWord's ordered by date added like so. _context.BannedWord.OrderBy(x => x.DateAdded).ToList() Structure If you do this. Then it would be highly recommended that you keep the interfaced DDD pattern that we currently have. And create a BannedWordService & BannedWordRepository.  I'll go into the structure in another blog post. [Less]
Posted almost 12 years ago
If you want to add a new table and start using it within your forum, its pretty straight forward. I'm in the middle of developing v1.3, and I'm just about to add a BannedWord table for storing banned words in so I'll walk you through how I add it. ... [More] Because of the way the caching is implemented, you will get caching out the box for your new table. 1) Add your table Create your table, making sure you add Id as your primary key and set it to 'uniqueidentifier' as below we set the Id to our CombGuid generator. 2) Add your Domain Model MVCForum.Domain > DomainModel Your domain model is what you code against/with through out your application. To keep things simple just create a class with the same name as your table and then add in properties to match your fields from the database. Add a Constuctor and assign Id to GuidComb.GenerateComb() as this gives us sequential Guids and helps with SQL performance. Here is my domain class for the BannedWord table. using System; using MVCForum.Utilities; namespace MVCForum.Domain.DomainModel { public class BannedWord { public BannedWord() { Id = GuidComb.GenerateComb(); } public Guid Id { get; set; } public string Word { get; set; } public DateTime DateAdded { get; set; } } } 3) Map Model to the database MVCForum.Data > Mapping Firstly we need to create a Mapping class for this domain model you just created. This one will be pretty simple as we are not doing any joins with other tables. If you want to see how joins are mapped, then have a look in the TopicMapping.cs file. using System.Data.Entity.ModelConfiguration; using MVCForum.Domain.DomainModel; namespace MVCForum.Data.Mapping { public class BannedWordMapping : EntityTypeConfiguration<BannedWord> { public BannedWordMapping() { HasKey(x => x.Id); } } } Once this is done we need to hook up the table with the Entity Framework context. This is very simple and just a couple of lines. MVCForum.Data > Context > MVCForumContext.cs Add this line where the other DbSet's for the existing tables are public DbSet<BannedWord> BannedWord { get; set; } Then at the bottom of this class within the OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder) method, add this line. modelBuilder.Configurations.Add(new BannedWordMapping()); That's it That is everything you need to do, to start querying against the database from one of the Repositories. For example I could use the MVCforumcontext and  now get back all BannedWord's ordered by date added like so. _context.BannedWord.OrderBy(x => x.DateAdded).ToList() Structure If you do this. Then it would be highly recommended that you keep the interfaced DDD pattern that we currently have. And create a BannedWordService & BannedWordRepository.  I'll go into the structure in another blog post. [Less]
Posted almost 12 years ago
If you want to add a new table and start using it within your forum, its pretty straight forward. I'm in the middle of developing v1.3, and I'm just about to add a BannedWord table for storing banned words in so I'll walk you through how I add it. ... [More] Because of the way the caching is implemented, you will get caching out the box for your new table. 1) Add your table Create your table, making sure you add Id as your primary key and set it to 'uniqueidentifier' as below we set the Id to our CombGuid generator. 2) Add your Domain Model MVCForum.Domain > DomainModel Your domain model is what you code against/with through out your application. To keep things simple just create a class with the same name as your table and then add in properties to match your fields from the database. Add a Constuctor and assign Id to GuidComb.GenerateComb() as this gives us sequential Guids and helps with SQL performance. Here is my domain class for the BannedWord table. using System; using MVCForum.Utilities; namespace MVCForum.Domain.DomainModel { public class BannedWord { public BannedWord() { Id = GuidComb.GenerateComb(); } public Guid Id { get; set; } public string Word { get; set; } public DateTime DateAdded { get; set; } } } 3) Map Model to the database MVCForum.Data > Mapping Firstly we need to create a Mapping class for this domain model you just created. This one will be pretty simple as we are not doing any joins with other tables. If you want to see how joins are mapped, then have a look in the TopicMapping.cs file. using System.Data.Entity.ModelConfiguration; using MVCForum.Domain.DomainModel; namespace MVCForum.Data.Mapping { public class BannedWordMapping : EntityTypeConfiguration<BannedWord> { public BannedWordMapping() { HasKey(x => x.Id); } } } Once this is done we need to hook up the table with the Entity Framework context. This is very simple and just a couple of lines. MVCForum.Data > Context > MVCForumContext.cs Add this line where the other DbSet's for the existing tables are public DbSet<BannedWord> BannedWord { get; set; } Then at the bottom of this class within the OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder) method, add this line. modelBuilder.Configurations.Add(new BannedWordMapping()); That's it That is everything you need to do, to start querying against the database from one of the Repositories. For example I could use the MVCforumcontext and  now get back all BannedWord's ordered by date added like so. _context.BannedWord.OrderBy(x => x.DateAdded).ToList() Structure If you do this. Then it would be highly recommended that you keep the interfaced DDD pattern that we currently have. And create a BannedWordService & BannedWordRepository.  I'll go into the structure in another blog post. [Less]
Posted about 12 years ago
We have done this on a few child actions by default, but if you are customising the forum and adding your own widgets then consider adding it. Adding Output Cache To Controller Actions You can decorate Actions with the output cache like so ... [More] [OutputCache(Duration = AppConstants.DefaultCacheLengthInSeconds)] Where duration is the time you want to cache it in seconds (We have a constant set as you can see).  We use this for the RSS feeds already and other child actions, but if you have any data that doesn't need to be instantly updated the moment a user makes a change then you should consider adding this. There are a few overloads and other settings you can add, so to read more about Output cache and other things you can do with it then go here Speed Tip! We Recommend Adding… On the side of the default install of MVC Forum you have a few side menus which are partial views/child actions. We have added Output Cache to most of them except the below. [ChildActionOnly] public PartialViewResult ListCategorySideMenu() We recommend you add it to this child action, so it becomes: [ChildActionOnly] [OutputCache(Duration = AppConstants.DefaultCacheLengthInSeconds)] public PartialViewResult ListCategorySideMenu() Reason we didn't add it by default is because people were changing the categories, and then complaining the site wasn't updating as they didn't realise it had the output cache added. So we removed it to stop the posts/emails, and instead will just recommend you add it yourself just before you put your forum live. [Less]
Posted about 12 years ago
We have done this on a few child actions by default, but if you are customising the forum and adding your own widgets then consider adding it. Adding Output Cache To Controller Actions You can decorate Actions with the output cache like so ... [More] [OutputCache(Duration = AppConstants.DefaultCacheLengthInSeconds)] Where duration is the time you want to cache it in seconds (We have a constant set as you can see).  We use this for the RSS feeds already and other child actions, but if you have any data that doesn't need to be instantly updated the moment a user makes a change then you should consider adding this. There are a few overloads and other settings you can add, so to read more about Output cache and other things you can do with it then go here Speed Tip! We Recommend Adding… On the side of the default install of MVC Forum you have a few side menus which are partial views/child actions. We have added Output Cache to most of them except the below. [ChildActionOnly] public PartialViewResult ListCategorySideMenu() We recommend you add it to this child action, so it becomes: [ChildActionOnly] [OutputCache(Duration = AppConstants.DefaultCacheLengthInSeconds)] public PartialViewResult ListCategorySideMenu() Reason we didn't add it by default is because people were changing the categories, and then complaining the site wasn't updating as they didn't realise it had the output cache added. So we removed it to stop the posts/emails, and instead will just recommend you add it yourself just before you put your forum live. [Less]
Posted about 12 years ago
We have done this on a few child actions by default, but if you are customising the forum and adding your own widgets then consider adding it. Adding Output Cache To Controller Actions You can decorate Actions with the output cache like so ... [More] [OutputCache(Duration = AppConstants.DefaultCacheLengthInSeconds)] Where duration is the time you want to cache it in seconds (We have a constant set as you can see).  We use this for the RSS feeds already and other child actions, but if you have any data that doesn't need to be instantly updated the moment a user makes a change then you should consider adding this. There are a few overloads and other settings you can add, so to read more about Output cache and other things you can do with it then go here Speed Tip! We Recommend Adding… On the side of the default install of MVC Forum you have a few side menus which are partial views/child actions. We have added Output Cache to most of them except the below. [ChildActionOnly] public PartialViewResult ListCategorySideMenu() We recommend you add it to this child action, so it becomes: [ChildActionOnly] [OutputCache(Duration = AppConstants.DefaultCacheLengthInSeconds)] public PartialViewResult ListCategorySideMenu() Reason we didn't add it by default is because people were changing the categories, and then complaining the site wasn't updating as they didn't realise it had the output cache added. So we removed it to stop the posts/emails, and instead will just recommend you add it yourself just before you put your forum live. [Less]
Posted about 12 years ago
We have released v1.2 this morning. There are no major functionality/feature changes, just a lot of bug fixes and changes to the input sanitizing which was over the top and causing issues for some forums in languages other than English. Grab it from ... [More] codeplex via the link below: http://themvcforum.codeplex.com/ We'll be updating the WebPI version today/tomorrow. Codeplex We caused a lot of our own problems by not creating branches on codeplex for different versions, which annoyed a lot of people as you were downloading the latest code on codeplex but it wouldn't build or was not compatible with your version. We're are now changing this, and we'll try to work in a more stuctured way on codeplex. We are still learning the whole branching and open source thing so bear with us. Bugs As always if you find any bugs or something is not working as you expect it to. Then please can you report them on the forum or on codeplex http://themvcforum.codeplex.com/workitem/list/basic [Less]
Posted about 12 years ago
We have released v1.2 this morning. There are no major functionality/feature changes, just a lot of bug fixes and changes to the input sanitizing which was over the top and causing issues for some forums in languages other than English. Grab it ... [More] from codeplex via the link below: http://themvcforum.codeplex.com/ We'll be updating the WebPI version today/tomorrow. Codeplex We caused a lot of our own problems by not creating branches on codeplex for different versions, which annoyed a lot of people as you were downloading the latest code on codeplex but it wouldn't build or was not compatible with your version. We're are now changing this, and we'll try to work in a more stuctured way on codeplex. We are still learning the whole branching and open source thing so bear with us. Bugs As always if you find any bugs or something is not working as you expect it to. Then please can you report them on the forum or on codeplex http://themvcforum.codeplex.com/workitem/list/basic [Less]
Posted over 12 years ago
We had to make a difficult decision this week. And that was whether we continued trying to develop the installer to upgrade users on v1.0 to v1.1. Our intention was always to have the installer work as an upgrader for all versions, and this is ... [More] still our intention. However, the amount of changes and updates from v1.0 to v1.1 is making that difficult and hindering us to get v1.1 released (We got a little carried away adding features and changes). Moving forward from v1.1, we'll definitely be developing the installer as an upgrader too. So any future versions will be fine. So if you do want to upgrade from v1.0 to v1.1 then please follow the instructions below. 1.) Install a blank v1.1 This is because you can use it as a reference and copy across files to you v1.0 version and compare the databases if things don't work as they should. 1.1) Add New Data To Current v1.0 Db In your existing v1.0 forum, open up the admin section and add the following 1.1.1) Go to the Permissions section and add the following new Permission Type (Exactly as below) Vote In Polls 1.1.2) In the Language section and add the following Language keys and then the values Topic.Label.TopicTitle = Title Poll.Button.Create = Add A Poll To This Topic Poll.Button.Remove = Remove Poll From Topic Poll.Placeholder.TypeAnswerHere = Type A Poll Answer Here Topic.OptionsHeading = Topic Options Poll.Button.Vote = Submit Vote Error.WrongAnswerRegistration = There was an error with your answer, please try again Members.LoginOrText = Or Facebook.Error.EnabledButNotAddedKeys = You have enabled Facebook login but not added your AppId or Secret key to the web.config Members.Profile.IsSocialAccount = Social Account 2.) Update your web.config In the appsettings section add the following <add key="FacebookAppId" value="" /> <add key="FacebookAppSecret" value="" /> In the system.web section add the following <httpRuntime requestValidationMode="2.0" requestPathInvalidCharacters="*,:,&,\" relaxedUrlToFileSystemMapping="true" maxQueryStringLength="2048" /> <globalization fileEncoding="utf-8" requestEncoding="utf-8" responseEncoding="utf-8" /> In the system.webServer section add the following <security> <requestFiltering allowDoubleEscaping="true"/> security> Update the version to 1.1 in the app settings to the following <add key="MVCForumVersion" value="1.1" /> 3.) Update the database This part is the trickiest part, and why I said to install a blank v1.1 in the first step. Follow the instructions below, and once done then double check them against the blank v1.1 database to be sure. Also be sure to check the VersionDbChanges.txt in the source which has all changes per version. Also if you are handy with SQL, the full v1.1 database creation script is in the 'Database' solution folder called mvcforum-v1.1.sql so you might be able to adapt that to make this process easier. 3.1) Add primary key to Activity Table 'Id' field 3.2) Add primary key to BadgeTypeTimeLastChecked Table 'Id' field 3.3) 'Topic' table - Add Poll_Id (Guid) allow nulls - Update name to nvarchar(450) - Update slug to nvarchar(450) 3.4) 'Category' Table - Update name to nvarchar(450) - Update slug to nvarchar(450) 3.5) 'TopicTag' Table - Update name to nvarchar(100) 3.4) Add new Table 'Poll' and foreign keys, use the SQL below SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Poll]( [Id] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL, [IsClosed] [bit] NOT NULL, [MembershipUser_Id] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL, [DateCreated] [datetime] NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_Poll] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [Id] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY] GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Poll] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_Poll_MembershipUser] FOREIGN KEY([MembershipUser_Id]) REFERENCES [dbo].[MembershipUser] ([Id]) GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Poll] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_Poll_MembershipUser] GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Poll] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_Poll_IsClosed] DEFAULT ((0)) FOR [IsClosed] GO 3.5) Add new Table 'PollAnswer' and foreign keys, use the SQL below SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[PollAnswer]( [Id] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL, [Answer] [nvarchar](600) NOT NULL, [Poll_Id] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_PollAnswer] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [Id] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY] GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[PollAnswer] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_PollAnswer_Poll] FOREIGN KEY([Poll_Id]) REFERENCES [dbo].[Poll] ([Id]) GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[PollAnswer] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_PollAnswer_Poll] GO 3.6) Add new Table 'PollVote' and foreign keys, use the SQL below SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[PollVote]( [Id] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL, [MembershipUser_Id] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL, [PollAnswer_Id] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_PollVote] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [Id] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY] GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[PollVote] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_PollVote_MembershipUser] FOREIGN KEY([MembershipUser_Id]) REFERENCES [dbo].[MembershipUser] ([Id]) GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[PollVote] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_PollVote_MembershipUser] GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[PollVote] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_PollVote_PollAnswer] FOREIGN KEY([PollAnswer_Id]) REFERENCES [dbo].[PollAnswer] ([Id]) GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[PollVote] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_PollVote_PollAnswer] GO 3.7) Update the 'Settings' table with the following new fields EnableAkisment (bit) allow nulls AkismentKey (nvarchar(100)) allow nulls CurrentDatabaseVersion (nvarchar(10)) allow nulls SMTPPort (nvarchar(10)) allow nulls SpamQuestion (nvarchar(500)) allow nulls SpamAnswer (nvarchar(500)) allow nulls SMTPEnableSSL (bit) allow nulls EnableSocialLogins (bit) allow nulls EnablePolls (bit) allow nulls 3.8) Update the 'Post' table with the following new field FlaggedAsSpam (bit) allow nulls 3.9) Update the 'MembershipUser' table with the following new fields Avatar (nvarchar(250)) allow nulls FacebookAccessToken (nvarchar(150)) allow nulls FacebookId (bigint) allow nulls TwitterAccessToken (nvarchar(150)) allow nulls TwitterId (nvarchar(150)) allow nulls GoogleAccessToken (nvarchar(150)) allow nulls GoogleId (nvarchar(150)) allow nulls MiscAccessToken (nvarchar(150)) allow nulls IsExternalAccount (bit) allow nulls TwitterShowFeed (bit) allow nulls LoginIdExpires (datetime) allow nulls Latitude (nvarchar(40)) allow nulls Longitude (nvarchar(40)) allow nulls And the update the following existing fields Update UserName to nvarchar(150) Update slug to nvarchar(150) 4.) Copy Across The Files Now just copy across the files apart from the web.config from the blank install of v1.1 you made and over write the files in your v1.0 forum. And that 'should' be it, and you're good to go. [Less]