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Analyzed 11 months ago. based on code collected 11 months ago.
Posted over 11 years ago by
Hello, I want to create a server on a vps mangos zero with the following characteristics:512MB RAM.2.0 GHz25GB 2TB TRAFFICUbuntu SERVER 12.4It is enough to create a server handles and its respective database?It is for 20 players.
Posted over 11 years ago by
Hello! So I've used mangos a couple times several years ago. I am interested in using it again and am in the bumpy process of getting a Cata server up and running.I'm hoping I can find someone who would be willing to help me with general mangos ... [More] questions that I come across as I'm playing around with it. I am working toward doing some crazy customization stuff (doubt it will happen but it's fun to work toward regardless) I don't require a "mangos expert" chances are if you've recently setup a mangos server you're further along than me =P.If you're willing to help send me a PM here with your gmail address and I'll add you to my chat. Thanks in advance to anyone willing to help! [Less]
Posted over 11 years ago by
I have compiled the server source and added the database.Yet when starting up mangosd.exe it starts loading and then the error arrives:2013-04-04 03:02:11 Loading SpellsScriptTarget... 2013-04-04 03:02:11 ERROR:Error in spell_script_target table, probably sql file format was updated (there should be 4 fields in sql).Not entirely sure what to do.
Posted over 11 years ago by
Has no Quice to download from http://quice.indomit.ru/.He dis the project passed to another developer.But on GitHub only has the master code, not the compiled.Help me please?
Posted over 11 years ago by
I am attempting to convert some legacy mangos C++ libraries to C#. the original class in C++ is:-//// Adt file cell chunk//class adt_MCNK{        union        {            uint32 fcc;            char   fcc_txt[4];        };        uint32 size;    ... [More] public:        uint32 flags;        uint32 ix;        uint32 iy;        uint32 nLayers;        uint32 nDoodadRefs;        uint32 offsMCVT;        // height map        uint32 offsMCNR;        // Normal vectors for each vertex        uint32 offsMCLY;        // Texture layer definitions        uint32 offsMCRF;        // A list of indices into the parent file's MDDF chunk        uint32 offsMCAL;        // Alpha maps for additional texture layers        uint32 sizeMCAL;        uint32 offsMCSH;        // Shadow map for static shadows on the terrain        uint32 sizeMCSH;        uint32 areaid;        uint32 nMapObjRefs;        uint16 holes;           // locations where models pierce the heightmap        uint16 pad;        uint16 s[2];        uint32 data1;        uint32 data2;        uint32 data3;        uint32 predTex;        uint32 nEffectDoodad;        uint32 offsMCSE;        uint32 nSndEmitters;        uint32 offsMCLQ;         // Liqid level (old)        uint32 sizeMCLQ;         //        float  zpos;        float  xpos;        float  ypos;        uint32 offsMCCV;         // offsColorValues in WotLK        uint32 props;        uint32 effectId;        bool   prepareLoadedData();        adt_MCVT* getMCVT()        {            if (offsMCVT)                return (adt_MCVT*)((uint8*)this + offsMCVT);            return 0;        }        adt_MCLQ* getMCLQ()        {            if (offsMCLQ)                return (adt_MCLQ*)((uint8*)this + offsMCLQ);            return 0;        }};I have managed to convert it to the following:-class adt_MCNK{    uint fcc;    string[] fcc_txt = new string[4];    uint size;    uint flags;    uint ix;    uint iy;    uint nLayers;    uint nDoodadRefs;        //// height map    uint offsMCVT;        //// Normal vectors for each vertex    uint offsMCNR;        //// Texture layer definitions    uint offsMCLY;        //// A list of indices into the parent file's MDDF chunk    uint offsMCRF;        //// Alpha maps for additional texture layers    uint offsMCAL;    uint sizeMCAL;        //// Shadow map for static shadows on the terrain    uint offsMCSH;    uint sizeMCSH;    uint areaid;    uint nMapObjRefs;        //// locations where models pierce the heightmap    ushort holes;    ushort pad;    ushort[] s = new ushort[3];    uint data1;    uint data2;    uint data3;    uint predTex;    uint nEffectDoodad;    uint offsMCSE;    uint nSndEmitters;        //// Liqid level (old)    uint offsMCLQ;        ////    uint sizeMCLQ;    double zpos;    double xpos;    double ypos;        //// offsColorValues in WotLK    uint offsMCCV;    uint props;    uint effectId;    bool[] prepareLoadedData;    //adt_MCVT* getMCVT()    //{    //    if (offsMCVT)    //        return (adt_MCVT*)((uint8*)this + offsMCVT)    //    return 0    //}    //adt_MCLQ* getMCLQ()    //{    //    if (offsMCLQ)    //        return (adt_MCLQ*)((uint8*)this + offsMCLQ)    //    return 0    //}}I need to work out how to implement the last three functions [Less]
Posted over 11 years ago by
Microsoft virtual studio 2010.Hello, I feel my English is so bad. But I have a problem when compiling mangos zero. I just downloaded the repository and open win/mangosdVC100.sln. Realese 32bits. (Though my OS is 64 bit, I compile in 32 and later put ... [More] it on a server to 32).Errors:1>------ Build started: Project: tbb, Configuration: Release Win32 ------ 2>------ Build started: Project: ACE_Wrappers, Configuration: Release Win32 ------ 3>------ Build started: Project: genrevision, Configuration: Release Win32 ------ 4>------ Build started: Project: zlib, Configuration: Release Win32 ------ 5>------ Build started: Project: g3dlite, Configuration: Release Win32 ------ 1> generating tbb.def file 1> win32-tbb-export.def 6>------ Build started: Project: Detour, Configuration: Release Win32 ------ 1> Assembling [Inputs]... 3> genrevision.cpp 4> adler32.c 4> compress.c 4> crc32.c 4> deflate.c 4> example.c 4> gzio.c 4> infback.c 2> ACE.cpp 2> ACE_crc32.cpp 2> ACE_crc_ccitt.cpp 2> ace_wchar.cpp 5> AABox.cpp 2> Activation_Queue.cpp 2> Active_Map_Manager.cpp 4> inffast.c 5> Box.cpp 5> Crypto.cpp 5> format.cpp 5> Matrix3.cpp 5> Plane.cpp 4> inflate.c 4> inftrees.c 6> DetourAlloc.cpp 4> trees.c 4> uncompr.c 4> zutil.c 6> DetourCommon.cpp 6> DetourNavMesh.cpp 4> zlib.vcxproj -> C:\Users\minatohd\Desktop\New folder\server-master\win\VC100\.\zlib__Win32_Release\zlib.lib 6> DetourNavMeshBuilder.cpp 6> DetourNavMeshQuery.cpp 6> DetourNode.cpp 6> Generating Code... 2> Addr.cpp 3> Generating code 5> RegistryUtil.cpp 5> System.cpp 6> Detour.vcxproj -> C:\Users\minatohd\Desktop\New folder\server-master\dep\recastnavigation\Detour\win\VC100\\..\..\..\..\lib\Win32_Release\Detour.lib 3> Finished generating code 1> Assembling [Inputs]... 1> concurrent_queue_v2.cpp 3> genrevision.vcxproj -> C:\Users\minatohd\Desktop\New folder\server-master\win\VC100\.\genrevision__Win32_Release\genrevision.exe 2> Argv_Type_Converter.cpp 1> concurrent_vector_v2.cpp 5> Triangle.cpp 5> Vector3.cpp 2> Assert.cpp 2> Asynch_IO.cpp 5> Vector4.cpp 2> Asynch_IO_Impl.cpp 2> Asynch_Pseudo_Task.cpp 2> ATM_Acceptor.cpp 5> Port System::memcpy SIMD to all platforms 5> Port System::memfill SIMD to all platforms 2> ATM_Addr.cpp 5> debugAssert.cpp 2> ATM_Connector.cpp 5> fileutils.cpp 2> ATM_Params.cpp 2> ATM_QoS.cpp 1> spin_rw_mutex_v2.cpp 2> ATM_Stream.cpp 1> rml_tbb.cpp 2> Atomic_Op.cpp 2> Auto_Event.cpp 2> Barrier.cpp 5> g3dmath.cpp 1> cache_aligned_allocator.cpp 5> g3dfnmatch.cpp 1> concurrent_hash_map.cpp 5> prompt.cpp 2> Base_Thread_Adapter.cpp 2> Based_Pointer_Repository.cpp 2> Basic_Stats.cpp 5> stringutils.cpp 1> concurrent_queue.cpp 2> Basic_Types.cpp 5> Any.cpp 5>..\..\dep\src\g3dlite\g3dmath.cpp(44): warning C4244: 'initializing' : conversion from 'double' to 'const float', possible loss of data 2> Capabilities.cpp 1> concurrent_vector.cpp 2> CDR_Base.cpp 5> BinaryFormat.cpp 5> BinaryInput.cpp 5> BinaryOutput.cpp 2> CDR_Size.cpp 5> Capsule.cpp 1> dynamic_link.cpp 2> CDR_Stream.cpp 1> itt_notify.cpp 2> Cleanup.cpp 1> mutex.cpp 1> pipeline.cpp 5> CollisionDetection.cpp 1> private_server.cpp 5> CoordinateFrame.cpp 2> Codecs.cpp 2> Codeset_IBM1047.cpp 1> queuing_mutex.cpp 2> Codeset_Registry.cpp 1> queuing_rw_mutex.cpp 5> Cylinder.cpp 1> recursive_mutex.cpp 1> spin_mutex.cpp 2> Codeset_Registry_db.cpp 5> Line.cpp 2> Condition_Recursive_Thread_Mutex.cpp 2> Condition_Thread_Mutex.cpp 1> spin_rw_mutex.cpp 2> Configuration.cpp 1> task.cpp 5> LineSegment.cpp 5> Log.cpp 2> Configuration_Import_Export.cpp 1> tbb_misc.cpp 2> Connection_Recycling_Strategy.cpp 5> Matrix4.cpp 2> Containers.cpp 2> Copy_Disabled.cpp 1> Compiling... 1> tbb_thread.cpp 2> Countdown_Time.cpp 2> Date_Time.cpp 5> MemoryManager.cpp 5> Quat.cpp 2> DEV.cpp 2> DEV_Addr.cpp 5> Random.cpp 5> Ray.cpp 2> DEV_Connector.cpp 5> ReferenceCount.cpp 2> DEV_IO.cpp 1> itt_notify_proxy.c 2> Dev_Poll_Reactor.cpp 2> Dirent.cpp 5> Sphere.cpp 5> TextInput.cpp 2> Dirent_Selector.cpp 1> Creating library ..\..\dep\lib\Win32_Release\tbb.lib and object ..\..\dep\lib\Win32_Release\tbb.exp 1> Generating code 2> DLL.cpp 2> DLL_Manager.cpp 5> TextOutput.cpp 5> UprightFrame.cpp 2> Dump.cpp 2> Dynamic.cpp 2> Dynamic_Message_Strategy.cpp 5> Vector2.cpp 1> Finished generating code 1>LINK : fatal error LNK1123: failure during conversion to COFF: file invalid or corrupt 7>------ Build started: Project: tbbmalloc, Configuration: Release Win32 ------ 2> Dynamic_Service_Base.cpp 5> PhysicsFrame.cpp 7> generating tbbmalloc.def file 7> win32-tbbmalloc-export.def 7> Assembling [Inputs]... 7> Assembling [Inputs]... 7> MemoryAllocator.cpp 2> Dynamic_Service_Dependency.cpp 2> Encoding_Converter.cpp 2> Encoding_Converter_Factory.cpp 7> tbbmalloc.cpp 5> FileSystem.cpp 2> Event.cpp 7> dynamic_link.cpp 5> uint128.cpp 2> Event_Handler.cpp 2> FIFO.cpp 7> tbb_misc.cpp 2> FIFO_Recv.cpp 7> itt_notify_proxy.c 2> FIFO_Recv_Msg.cpp 7> Creating library ..\..\dep\lib\Win32_Release\tbbmalloc.lib and object ..\..\dep\lib\Win32_Release\tbbmalloc.exp 7> Generating code 2> FIFO_Send.cpp 7> Finished generating code 7> tbbmalloc.vcxproj -> C:\Users\minatohd\Desktop\New folder\server-master\win\VC100\..\..\dep\lib\Win32_Release\tbbmalloc.dll 8>------ Build started: Project: framework, Configuration: Release Win32 ------ 2> FIFO_Send_Msg.cpp 5> g3dlite.vcxproj -> C:\Users\minatohd\Desktop\New folder\server-master\win\VC100\.\g3dlite__Win32_Release\g3dlite.lib 8> MemoryManagement.cpp 8> ObjectLifeTime.cpp 8> EventProcessor.cpp 2> FILE.cpp 2> FILE_Addr.cpp 2> FILE_Connector.cpp 2> FILE_IO.cpp 2> File_Lock.cpp 2> Filecache.cpp 8>MemoryManagement.obj : warning LNK4221: This object file does not define any previously undefined public symbols, so it will not be used by any link operation that consumes this library 8> framework.vcxproj -> C:\Users\minatohd\Desktop\New folder\server-master\win\VC100\.\framework__Win32_Release\framework.lib 2> Flag_Manip.cpp 2> Framework_Component.cpp 2> Functor.cpp 2> Functor_String.cpp 2> Get_Opt.cpp 2> gethrtime.cpp 2> Handle_Ops.cpp 2> Handle_Set.cpp 2> Hashable.cpp 2> High_Res_Timer.cpp 2> ICMP_Socket.cpp 2> INET_Addr.cpp 2> Init_ACE.cpp 2> IO_Cntl_Msg.cpp 2> IO_SAP.cpp 2> IOStream.cpp 2> IPC_SAP.cpp 2> Lib_Find.cpp 2> Local_Memory_Pool.cpp 2> Local_Name_Space.cpp 2> Local_Tokens.cpp 2> Lock.cpp 2> Log_Msg.cpp 2> Log_Msg_Backend.cpp 2> Log_Msg_Callback.cpp 2> Log_Msg_IPC.cpp 2> Log_Msg_NT_Event_Log.cpp 2> Log_Msg_UNIX_Syslog.cpp 2> Log_Record.cpp 2> Logging_Strategy.cpp 2> LSOCK.cpp 2> LSOCK_Acceptor.cpp 2> LSOCK_CODgram.cpp 2> LSOCK_Connector.cpp 2> LSOCK_Dgram.cpp 2> LSOCK_Stream.cpp 2> Malloc.cpp 2> Malloc_Allocator.cpp 2> Manual_Event.cpp 2> MEM_Acceptor.cpp 2> MEM_Addr.cpp 2> MEM_Connector.cpp 2> MEM_IO.cpp 2> Mem_Map.cpp 2> MEM_SAP.cpp 2> MEM_Stream.cpp 2> Message_Block.cpp 2> Message_Queue.cpp 2> Message_Queue_NT.cpp 2> Message_Queue_Vx.cpp 2> Method_Request.cpp 2> MMAP_Memory_Pool.cpp 2> Monitor_Admin.cpp 2> Monitor_Admin_Manager.cpp 2> Monitor_Base.cpp 2> Monitor_Control_Action.cpp 2> Monitor_Control_Types.cpp 2> Monitor_Point_Registry.cpp 2> Monitor_Size.cpp 2> Msg_WFMO_Reactor.cpp 2> Multihomed_INET_Addr.cpp 2> Mutex.cpp 2> Name_Proxy.cpp 2> Name_Request_Reply.cpp 2> Name_Space.cpp 2> Naming_Context.cpp 2> Netlink_Addr.cpp 2> Notification_Queue.cpp 2> Notification_Strategy.cpp 2> NT_Service.cpp 2> Obchunk.cpp 2> Object_Manager.cpp 2> Object_Manager_Base.cpp 2> OS_Errno.cpp 2> OS_Log_Msg_Attributes.cpp 2> OS_main.cpp 2> OS_NS_arpa_inet.cpp 2> OS_NS_ctype.cpp 2> OS_NS_dirent.cpp 2> OS_NS_dlfcn.cpp 2> OS_NS_errno.cpp 2> OS_NS_fcntl.cpp 2> OS_NS_math.cpp 2> OS_NS_netdb.cpp 2> OS_NS_poll.cpp 2> OS_NS_pwd.cpp 2> OS_NS_regex.cpp 2> OS_NS_signal.cpp 2> OS_NS_stdio.cpp 2> OS_NS_stdlib.cpp 2> OS_NS_string.cpp 2> OS_NS_strings.cpp 2> OS_NS_stropts.cpp 2> OS_NS_sys_mman.cpp 2> OS_NS_sys_msg.cpp 2> OS_NS_sys_resource.cpp 2> OS_NS_sys_select.cpp 2> OS_NS_sys_sendfile.cpp 2> OS_NS_sys_shm.cpp 2> OS_NS_sys_socket.cpp 2> OS_NS_sys_stat.cpp 2> OS_NS_sys_time.cpp 2> OS_NS_sys_uio.cpp 2> OS_NS_sys_utsname.cpp 2> OS_NS_sys_wait.cpp 2> OS_NS_Thread.cpp 2> OS_NS_time.cpp 2> OS_NS_unistd.cpp 2> OS_NS_wchar.cpp 2> OS_NS_wctype.cpp 2> OS_QoS.cpp 2> OS_Thread_Adapter.cpp 2> OS_TLI.cpp 2> Pagefile_Memory_Pool.cpp 2> Parse_Node.cpp 2> PI_Malloc.cpp 2> Ping_Socket.cpp 2> Pipe.cpp 2> POSIX_Asynch_IO.cpp 2> POSIX_CB_Proactor.cpp 2> POSIX_Proactor.cpp 2> Priority_Reactor.cpp 2> Proactor.cpp 2> Proactor_Impl.cpp 2> Process.cpp 2> Process_Manager.cpp 2> Process_Mutex.cpp 2> Process_Semaphore.cpp 2> Profile_Timer.cpp 2> Reactor.cpp 2> Reactor_Impl.cpp 2> Reactor_Notification_Strategy.cpp 2> Reactor_Timer_Interface.cpp 2> Read_Buffer.cpp 2> Recursive_Thread_Mutex.cpp 2> Recyclable.cpp 2> Registry.cpp 2> Registry_Name_Space.cpp 2> Remote_Name_Space.cpp 2> Remote_Tokens.cpp 2> RW_Mutex.cpp 2> RW_Process_Mutex.cpp 2> RW_Thread_Mutex.cpp 2> Sample_History.cpp 2> Sbrk_Memory_Pool.cpp 2> Sched_Params.cpp 2> Select_Reactor_Base.cpp 2> Semaphore.cpp 2> Service_Config.cpp 2> Service_Gestalt.cpp 2> Service_Manager.cpp 2> Service_Object.cpp 2> Service_Repository.cpp 2> Service_Types.cpp 2> Shared_Memory.cpp 2> Shared_Memory_MM.cpp 2> Shared_Memory_Pool.cpp 2> Shared_Memory_SV.cpp 2> Shared_Object.cpp 2> Sig_Adapter.cpp 2> Sig_Handler.cpp 2> Signal.cpp 2> SOCK.cpp 2> SOCK_Acceptor.cpp 2> SOCK_CODgram.cpp 2> Sock_Connect.cpp 2> SOCK_Connector.cpp 2> SOCK_Dgram.cpp 2> SOCK_Dgram_Bcast.cpp 2> SOCK_Dgram_Mcast.cpp 2> SOCK_IO.cpp 2> SOCK_Netlink.cpp 2> SOCK_SEQPACK_Acceptor.cpp 2> SOCK_SEQPACK_Association.cpp 2> SOCK_SEQPACK_Connector.cpp 2> SOCK_Stream.cpp 2> SPIPE.cpp 2> SPIPE_Acceptor.cpp 2> SPIPE_Addr.cpp 2> SPIPE_Connector.cpp 2> SPIPE_Stream.cpp 2> SString.cpp 2> Stack_Trace.cpp 2> Stats.cpp 2> String_Base_Const.cpp 2> SUN_Proactor.cpp 2> SV_Message.cpp 2> SV_Message_Queue.cpp 2> SV_Semaphore_Complex.cpp 2> SV_Semaphore_Simple.cpp 2> SV_Shared_Memory.cpp 2> Svc_Conf_Lexer.cpp 2> Svc_Conf_y.cpp 2> Synch_Options.cpp 2> System_Time.cpp 2> Task.cpp 2> Thread.cpp 2> Thread_Adapter.cpp 2> Thread_Control.cpp 2> Thread_Exit.cpp 2> Thread_Hook.cpp 2> Thread_Manager.cpp 2> Thread_Mutex.cpp 2> Thread_Semaphore.cpp 2> Throughput_Stats.cpp 2> Time_Value.cpp 2> Timeprobe.cpp 2> TLI.cpp 2> TLI_Acceptor.cpp 2> TLI_Connector.cpp 2> TLI_Stream.cpp 2> Token.cpp 2> Token_Collection.cpp 2> Token_Invariants.cpp 2> Token_Manager.cpp 2> Token_Request_Reply.cpp 2> TP_Reactor.cpp 2> Trace.cpp 2> TSS_Adapter.cpp 2> TTY_IO.cpp 2> UNIX_Addr.cpp 2> UPIPE_Acceptor.cpp 2> UPIPE_Connector.cpp 2> UPIPE_Stream.cpp 2> UTF16_Encoding_Converter.cpp 2> UTF32_Encoding_Converter.cpp 2> UTF8_Encoding_Converter.cpp 2> UUID.cpp 2> WFMO_Reactor.cpp 2> WIN32_Asynch_IO.cpp 2> WIN32_Proactor.cpp 2> XML_Svc_Conf.cpp 2> XTI_ATM_Mcast.cpp 2> Atomic_Op_Sparc.c 2> Rtems_init.c 2> Creating library ..\..\dep\lib\Win32_Release\ACE.lib and object ..\..\dep\lib\Win32_Release\ACE.exp 2>LINK : fatal error LNK1123: failure during conversion to COFF: file invalid or corrupt 9>------ Build started: Project: shared, Configuration: Release Win32 ------ 9> Extract revision 9> Performing Build SystemConfig.h 9> 1 file(s) copied. 9> AuthCrypt.cpp 9> BigNumber.cpp 9> Hmac.cpp 9> Sha1.cpp 9> ByteBuffer.cpp 9> Common.cpp 9> Config.cpp 9> Database.cpp 9> DatabaseMysql.cpp 9> DBCFileLoader.cpp 9> Field.cpp 9> QueryResultMysql.cpp 9> SqlDelayThread.cpp 9> SqlOperations.cpp 9> SqlPreparedStatement.cpp 9> SQLStorage.cpp 9> Log.cpp 9> ProgressBar.cpp 9> ServiceWin32.cpp 9> Threading.cpp 9> Util.cpp 9> md5.c 9> shared.vcxproj -> C:\Users\minatohd\Desktop\New folder\server-master\win\VC100\.\shared__Win32_Release\shared.lib 10>------ Build started: Project: realmd, Configuration: Release Win32 ------ 11>------ Build started: Project: game, Configuration: Release Win32 ------ 10> AuthSocket.cpp 10> BufferedSocket.cpp 10> Main.cpp 10> PatchHandler.cpp 10> RealmList.cpp 10> WheatyExceptionReport.cpp 11> pchdef.cpp 10> Creating library ..\..\bin\Win32_Release\realmd.lib and object ..\..\bin\Win32_Release\realmd.exp 10>LINK : fatal error LNK1123: failure during conversion to COFF: file invalid or corrupt 11> AccountMgr.cpp 11> AddonHandler.cpp 11> AggressorAI.cpp 11> AuctionHouseBot.cpp 11> AuctionHouseHandler.cpp 11> AuctionHouseMgr.cpp 11> Bag.cpp 11> BattleGround.cpp 11> BattleGroundAB.cpp 11> BattleGroundAV.cpp 11> BattleGroundHandler.cpp 11> BattleGroundMgr.cpp 11> BattleGroundWS.cpp 11> Camera.cpp 11> Channel.cpp 11> ChannelHandler.cpp 11> ChannelMgr.cpp 11> CharacterDatabaseCleaner.cpp 11> CharacterHandler.cpp 11> Chat.cpp 11> ChatHandler.cpp 11> CombatHandler.cpp 11> ConfusedMovementGenerator.cpp 11> Corpse.cpp 11> Creature.cpp 11> CreatureAI.cpp 11> CreatureAIRegistry.cpp 11> CreatureAISelector.cpp 11> CreatureEventAI.cpp 11> CreatureEventAIMgr.cpp 11> CreatureLinkingMgr.cpp 11> DBCStores.cpp 11> debugcmds.cpp 11> DuelHandler.cpp 11> DynamicObject.cpp 11> FleeingMovementGenerator.cpp 11> FollowerReference.cpp 11> GameEventMgr.cpp 11> GameObject.cpp 11> GMTicketHandler.cpp 11> GMTicketMgr.cpp 11> GossipDef.cpp 11> GridMap.cpp 11> GridNotifiers.cpp 11> GridStates.cpp 11> Group.cpp 11> GroupHandler.cpp 11> GroupReference.cpp 11> GuardAI.cpp 11> Guild.cpp 11> GuildHandler.cpp 11> GuildMgr.cpp 11> HomeMovementGenerator.cpp 11> HostileRefManager.cpp 11> IdleMovementGenerator.cpp 11> InstanceData.cpp 11> Item.cpp 11> ItemEnchantmentMgr.cpp 11> ItemHandler.cpp 11> Level0.cpp 11> Level1.cpp 11> Level2.cpp 11> Level3.cpp 11> LFGHandler.cpp 11> LootHandler.cpp 11> LootMgr.cpp 11> Mail.cpp 11> MailHandler.cpp 11> Map.cpp 11> MapManager.cpp 11> MapPersistentStateMgr.cpp 11> MassMailMgr.cpp 11> MiscHandler.cpp 11> MotionMaster.cpp 11> MoveMap.cpp 11> MovementGenerator.cpp 11> MovementHandler.cpp 11> MoveSpline.cpp 11> MoveSplineInit.cpp 11> packet_builder.cpp 11> spline.cpp 11> util.cpp 11> NPCHandler.cpp 11> NullCreatureAI.cpp 11> Object.cpp 11> ObjectAccessor.cpp 11> ObjectGridLoader.cpp 11> ObjectMgr.cpp 11> ObjectGuid.cpp 11> ObjectPosSelector.cpp 11> Opcodes.cpp 11> PathFinder.cpp 11> Pet.cpp 11> PetAI.cpp 11> PetHandler.cpp 11> PetitionsHandler.cpp 11> Player.cpp 11> PlayerDump.cpp 11> PointMovementGenerator.cpp 11> PoolManager.cpp 11> QueryHandler.cpp 11> QuestDef.cpp 11> QuestHandler.cpp 11> RandomMovementGenerator.cpp 11> ReactorAI.cpp 11> ReputationMgr.cpp 11> ScriptMgr.cpp 11> SkillHandler.cpp 11> SocialMgr.cpp 11> Spell.cpp 11> SpellAuras.cpp 11> SQLStorages.cpp 11> UnitAuraProcHandler.cpp 11> SpellEffects.cpp 11> SpellHandler.cpp 11> SpellMgr.cpp 11> StatSystem.cpp 11> TargetedMovementGenerator.cpp 11> TaxiHandler.cpp 11> TemporarySummon.cpp 11> ThreatManager.cpp 11> Totem.cpp 11> TotemAI.cpp 11> TradeHandler.cpp 11> Transports.cpp 11> Unit.cpp 11> UpdateData.cpp 11> WaypointManager.cpp 11> WaypointMovementGenerator.cpp 11> Weather.cpp 11> World.cpp 11> OutdoorPvP.cpp 11> OutdoorPvPEP.cpp 11> OutdoorPvPMgr.cpp 11> OutdoorPvPSI.cpp 11> WorldSession.cpp 11> WorldSocket.cpp 11> WorldSocketMgr.cpp 11> BIH.cpp 11> DynamicTree.cpp 11> GameObjectModel.cpp 11> MapTree.cpp 11> ModelInstance.cpp 11> TileAssembler.cpp 11> VMapFactory.cpp 11> VMapManager2.cpp 11> WorldModel.cpp 11> Mod.cpp 11> SpellMod.cpp 11> game.vcxproj -> C:\Users\minatohd\Desktop\New folder\server-master\win\VC100\.\game__Win32_Release\game.lib 11> 1 file(s) copied. 11> 1 file(s) copied. 12>------ Build started: Project: mangosd, Configuration: Release Win32 ------ 12> stdsoap2.cpp 12> soapServer.cpp 12> soapC.cpp 12> MaNGOSsoap.cpp 12> CliRunnable.cpp 12> Main.cpp 12>..\..\dep\src\gsoap\stdsoap2.cpp(835): warning C4244: 'return' : conversion from 'std::streamsize' to 'size_t', possible loss of data 12> Master.cpp 12> RASocket.cpp 12> WorldRunnable.cpp 12> WheatyExceptionReport.cpp 12> Creating library .\mangosd__Win32_Release\mangosd.lib and object .\mangosd__Win32_Release\mangosd.exp 12>LINK : fatal error LNK1123: failure during conversion to COFF: file invalid or corrupt ========== Build: 8 succeeded, 4 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========THS [Less]
Posted over 11 years ago by
Hi,i recently started a WoW-TBC Server for a few friends of mine. Though i looked into the code for quite a time now i still dont understand how the spell and effect system works. is there any resource where i can find an explanation for that?
Posted over 11 years ago by
Is there any way to prevent players from using addons?
Posted over 11 years ago by
Hello guys, I have a serious problem on my serves private 3.3.5. I know what is the source of the problem but do not know how to solve. Whenever a player linka atlasloot of an item that is for version 6.0.5 Cataclism, players that are on the channel ... [More] receive Error # 134.There are players who do it badly intecionados channels to overthrow their rivals so they can complete certain missions, I would like some help to solve a situation.Remember, the server does not fall, who falls are the players that are in the channel where the item is placed atlasloot 6.0.5 for visualization, it is a atlasloot cataclism being used by them in version 3.3.5 to cause falls .Below the error report:==============================================================================World of WarCraft (build 12340)Exe:      F:\Backup\Christyan Stussi\World of Wacraft 3.3.5a\Wow.exeTime:     Apr  2, 2013  8:40:32.232 PMUser:     KayzaComputer: CASA------------------------------------------------------------------------------This application has encountered a critical error:ERROR #134 (0x85100086) Fatal ConditionProgram:    F:\Backup\Christyan Stussi\World of Wacraft 3.3.5a\Wow.exeWoWBuild: 12340Realm: Fun Server Dumau []Local Zone: The Veiled Sea, SilithusLocal Player: Kayza, 0000000000041EED, (-10737,2434.58,7.10923)Total lua memory: 18396KBCurrent Addon: (null)Current Addon function: UNKNOWNCurrent Addon object: (null)Add Ons: AtlasLoot AtlasLoot_BurningCrusade AtlasLoot_Cataclysm AtlasLoot_ClassicWoW AtlasLoot_Crafting AtlasLoot_Loader AtlasLoot_WorldEvents AtlasLoot_WrathoftheLichKing Settings: SET locale "enGB"SET realmList "dumau.zapto.org"SET hwDetect "0"SET gxWindow "1"SET gxMultisampleQuality "0.000000"SET gxFixLag "0"SET videoOptionsVersion "3"SET movie "0"SET mouseSpeed "1"SET Gamma "1.000000"SET lastCharacterIndex "2"SET readTOS "1"SET readEULA "1"SET readTerminationWithoutNotice "1"SET showToolsUI "1"SET accounttype "LK"SET Sound_OutputDriverName "System Default"SET Sound_MusicVolume "0.40000000596046"SET Sound_AmbienceVolume "0.60000002384186"SET farclip "277.000000"SET groundEffectDensity "24"SET projectedTextures "1"SET realmName "Fun Server Dumau"SET gameTip "29"SET gxRefresh "60"SET checkAddonVersion "0"SET textureFilteringMode "0"SET MaxLights "1"SET particleDensity "0.7"SET baseMip "1"SET Sound_EnableAllSound "0"----------------------------------------               GxInfo----------------------------------------GxApi: D3D9Adapter Count: 1Adapter 0 (primary):  Driver: ati2dvag.dll  Version: 6.14.0010.6641  Description: ATI Radeon Xpress 1100  DeviceName: \\.\DISPLAY1----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------    Stack Trace (Manual)----------------------------------------Address  Frame    Logical addr  ModuleShowing 17/17 threads...--- Thread ID: 4144 [Current Thread] ---00772AB5 02DCADF8 0001:00371AB5 F:\Backup\Christyan Stussi\World of Wacraft 3.3.5a\Wow.exe008889CE 02DCAE08 0001:004879CE F:\Backup\Christyan Stussi\World of Wacraft 3.3.5a\Wow.exe0050A3AB 02DCFC30 0001:001093AB F:\Backup\Christyan Stussi\World of Wacraft 3.3.5a\Wow.exe00503EE0 02DCFCAC 0001:00102EE0 F:\Backup\Christyan Stussi\World of Wacraft 3.3.5a\Wow.exe00680D2E 02DCFCDC 0001:0027FD2E F:\Backup\Christyan Stussi\World of Wacraft 3.3.5a\Wow.exe0063597C 02DCFE58 0001:0023497C F:\Backup\Christyan Stussi\World of Wacraft 3.3.5a\Wow.exe0063202E 02DCFE7C 0001:0023102E F:\Backup\Christyan Stussi\World of Wacraft 3.3.5a\Wow.exe006324CE 02DCFEAC 0001:002314CE F:\Backup\Christyan Stussi\World of Wacraft 3.3.5a\Wow.exe00633568 02DCFED4 0001:00232568 F:\Backup\Christyan Stussi\World of Wacraft 3.3.5a\Wow.exe00464BF3 02DCFF18 0001:00063BF3 F:\Backup\Christyan Stussi\World of Wacraft 3.3.5a\Wow.exe0047DC4C 02DCFF40 0001:0007CC4C F:\Backup\Christyan Stussi\World of Wacraft 3.3.5a\Wow.exe0047F29A 02DCFF94 0001:0007E29A F:\Backup\Christyan Stussi\World of Wacraft 3.3.5a\Wow.exe0047F2E1 02DCFFAC 0001:0007E2E1 F:\Backup\Christyan Stussi\World of Wacraft 3.3.5a\Wow.exe0040B7D8 02DCFFB4 0001:0000A7D8 F:\Backup\Christyan Stussi\World of Wacraft 3.3.5a\Wow.exe7C80B729 02DCFFEC 0001:0000A729 C:\WINDOWS\system32\KERNEL32.dll--- Thread ID: 2348 ---7C802455 01F7FF40 0001:00001455 C:\WINDOWS\system32\KERNEL32.dll00438935 01F7FF60 0001:00037935 F:\Backup\Christyan Stussi\World of Wacraft 3.3.5a\Wow.exe0044DF1A 01F7FF74 0001:0004CF1A F:\Backup\Christyan Stussi\World of Wacraft 3.3.5a\Wow.exe0088C5DF 01F7FFAC 0001:0048B5DF F:\Backup\Christyan Stussi\World of Wacraft 3.3.5a\Wow.exe0088C684 01F7FFEC 0001:0048B684 F:\Backup\Christyan Stussi\World of Wacraft 3.3.5a\Wow.exe--- Thread ID: 3900 ---7C802455 0354FB60 0001:00001455 C:\WINDOWS\system32\KERNEL32.dll0086B28D 0354FB6C 0001:0046A28D F:\Backup\Christyan Stussi\World of Wacraft 3.3.5a\Wow.exe004BA8BD 0354FF8C 0001:000B98BD F:\Backup\Christyan Stussi\World of Wacraft 3.3.5a\Wow.exe0076FFCB 0354FFB4 0001:0036EFCB F:\Backup\Christyan Stussi\World of Wacraft 3.3.5a\Wow.exe7C80B729 0354FFEC 0001:0000A729 C:\WINDOWS\system32\KERNEL32.dll--- Thread ID: 1656 ---7C80A115 06C6FF88 0001:00009115 C:\WINDOWS\system32\KERNEL32.dll72CD312A 06C6FFB4 0001:0000212A C:\WINDOWS\system32\wdmaud.drv7C80B729 06C6FFEC 0001:0000A729 C:\WINDOWS\system32\KERNEL32.dll--- Thread ID: 4152 ---7C80A115 06EEFE40 0001:00009115 C:\WINDOWS\system32\KERNEL32.dll73EC14A2 06EEFE58 0001:000004A2 C:\WINDOWS\system32\dsound.dll73EC2862 06EEFF78 0001:00001862 C:\WINDOWS\system32\dsound.dll73EC98DF 06EEFF98 0001:000088DF C:\WINDOWS\system32\dsound.dll73EC2896 06EEFFB4 0001:00001896 C:\WINDOWS\system32\dsound.dll7C80B729 06EEFFEC 0001:0000A729 C:\WINDOWS\system32\KERNEL32.dll--- Thread ID: 4512 ---7C80A115 0705FE48 0001:00009115 C:\WINDOWS\system32\KERNEL32.dll73EC14A2 0705FE60 0001:000004A2 C:\WINDOWS\system32\dsound.dll73EC2862 0705FF80 0001:00001862 C:\WINDOWS\system32\dsound.dll73EC292B 0705FFB4 0001:0000192B C:\WINDOWS\system32\dsound.dll7C80B729 0705FFEC 0001:0000A729 C:\WINDOWS\system32\KERNEL32.dll--- Thread ID: 4272 ---7C802455 072CFF94 0001:00001455 C:\WINDOWS\system32\KERNEL32.dll008D1E8D 072CFFA0 0001:004D0E8D F:\Backup\Christyan Stussi\World of Wacraft 3.3.5a\Wow.exe008E520C 072CFFB4 0001:004E420C F:\Backup\Christyan Stussi\World of Wacraft 3.3.5a\Wow.exe7C80B729 072CFFEC 0001:0000A729 C:\WINDOWS\system32\KERNEL32.dll--- Thread ID: 3088 ---7C802455 0743FF94 0001:00001455 C:\WINDOWS\system32\KERNEL32.dll008D1E8D 0743FFA0 0001:004D0E8D F:\Backup\Christyan Stussi\World of Wacraft 3.3.5a\Wow.exe008E520C 0743FFB4 0001:004E420C F:\Backup\Christyan Stussi\World of Wacraft 3.3.5a\Wow.exe7C80B729 0743FFEC 0001:0000A729 C:\WINDOWS\system32\KERNEL32.dll--- Thread ID: 5684 ---7C802455 075AFF94 0001:00001455 C:\WINDOWS\system32\KERNEL32.dll008D1E8D 075AFFA0 0001:004D0E8D F:\Backup\Christyan Stussi\World of Wacraft 3.3.5a\Wow.exe008E520C 075AFFB4 0001:004E420C F:\Backup\Christyan Stussi\World of Wacraft 3.3.5a\Wow.exe7C80B729 075AFFEC 0001:0000A729 C:\WINDOWS\system32\KERNEL32.dll--- Thread ID: 2788 ---7C802455 0771FF94 0001:00001455 C:\WINDOWS\system32\KERNEL32.dll008D1E8D 0771FFA0 0001:004D0E8D F:\Backup\Christyan Stussi\World of Wacraft 3.3.5a\Wow.exe008E520C 0771FFB4 0001:004E420C F:\Backup\Christyan Stussi\World of Wacraft 3.3.5a\Wow.exe7C80B729 0771FFEC 0001:0000A729 C:\WINDOWS\system32\KERNEL32.dll--- Thread ID: 5360 ---7C802542 0788FF58 0001:00001542 C:\WINDOWS\system32\KERNEL32.dll007746A0 0788FF68 0001:003736A0 F:\Backup\Christyan Stussi\World of Wacraft 3.3.5a\Wow.exe004691A5 0788FF80 0001:000681A5 F:\Backup\Christyan Stussi\World of Wacraft 3.3.5a\Wow.exe00469311 0788FF8C 0001:00068311 F:\Backup\Christyan Stussi\World of Wacraft 3.3.5a\Wow.exe0076FFCB 0788FFB4 0001:0036EFCB F:\Backup\Christyan Stussi\World of Wacraft 3.3.5a\Wow.exe7C80B729 0788FFEC 0001:0000A729 C:\WINDOWS\system32\KERNEL32.dll--- Thread ID: 3504 ---7C80A115 079FFD28 0001:00009115 C:\WINDOWS\system32\KERNEL32.dll004699CB 079FFF80 0001:000689CB F:\Backup\Christyan Stussi\World of Wacraft 3.3.5a\Wow.exe0046906E 079FFF8C 0001:0006806E F:\Backup\Christyan Stussi\World of Wacraft 3.3.5a\Wow.exe0076FFCB 079FFFB4 0001:0036EFCB F:\Backup\Christyan Stussi\World of Wacraft 3.3.5a\Wow.exe7C80B729 079FFFEC 0001:0000A729 C:\WINDOWS\system32\KERNEL32.dll--- Thread ID: 2072 ---7E3695F9 08D9FF18 0001:000085F9 C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.dll7E3696A8 08D9FF34 0001:000086A8 C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.dll0044CFA6 08D9FF60 0001:0004BFA6 F:\Backup\Christyan Stussi\World of Wacraft 3.3.5a\Wow.exe0044DF1A 08D9FF74 0001:0004CF1A F:\Backup\Christyan Stussi\World of Wacraft 3.3.5a\Wow.exe0088C5DF 08D9FFAC 0001:0048B5DF F:\Backup\Christyan Stussi\World of Wacraft 3.3.5a\Wow.exe0088C684 08D9FFEC 0001:0048B684 F:\Backup\Christyan Stussi\World of Wacraft 3.3.5a\Wow.exe--- Thread ID: 6032 ---71A15FA7 0B33FC04 0001:00004FA7 C:\WINDOWS\system32\mswsock.dll71A7314F 0B33FC54 0001:0000214F C:\WINDOWS\system32\WS2_32.dll3FA5E9B9 0B33FFAC 0001:0000D9B9 C:\WINDOWS\system32\WININET.dll3FA7DEC3 0B33FFB4 0001:0002CEC3 C:\WINDOWS\system32\WININET.dll7C80B729 0B33FFEC 0001:0000A729 C:\WINDOWS\system32\KERNEL32.dll--- Thread ID: 5680 ---7C80B729 0B4AFFEC 0001:0000A729 C:\WINDOWS\system32\KERNEL32.dll--- Thread ID: 4424 ---7C802542 0C4BFF6C 0001:00001542 C:\WINDOWS\system32\KERNEL32.dll007746A0 0C4BFF7C 0001:003736A0 F:\Backup\Christyan Stussi\World of Wacraft 3.3.5a\Wow.exe008CF786 0C4BFF8C 0001:004CE786 F:\Backup\Christyan Stussi\World of Wacraft 3.3.5a\Wow.exe0076FFCB 0C4BFFB4 0001:0036EFCB F:\Backup\Christyan Stussi\World of Wacraft 3.3.5a\Wow.exe7C80B729 0C4BFFEC 0001:0000A729 C:\WINDOWS\system32\KERNEL32.dll--- Thread ID: 4460 ---7E3695F9 0C62FF18 0001:000085F9 C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.dll7E3696A8 0C62FF34 0001:000086A8 C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.dll0044CFA6 0C62FF60 0001:0004BFA6 F:\Backup\Christyan Stussi\World of Wacraft 3.3.5a\Wow.exe0044DF1A 0C62FF74 0001:0004CF1A F:\Backup\Christyan Stussi\World of Wacraft 3.3.5a\Wow.exe0088C5DF 0C62FFAC 0001:0048B5DF F:\Backup\Christyan Stussi\World of Wacraft 3.3.5a\Wow.exe0088C684 0C62FFEC 0001:0048B684 F:\Backup\Christyan Stussi\World of Wacraft 3.3.5a\Wow.exe----------------------------------------    Stack Trace (Using DBGHELP.DLL)----------------------------------------Showing 17/17 threads...--- Thread ID: 4144 [Current Thread] ------ Thread ID: 2348 ---7C802455 KERNEL32.dll Sleep+15 (0x00000064,0x00000000,0x01F01D60,0x01F01D18)00438935 Wow.exe      +0 (0x00000000,0x00000000,0x01F01D60,0x01F7FFAC)0044DF1A Wow.exe      +0 (0x01F01D18,0xECA37941,0x00000000,0x01F01D60)0088C5DF Wow.exe      +0 (0x00000000,0x7C80B729,0x01F01D60,0x00000000)0088C684 Wow.exe      +0 (0x0088C605,0x01F01D60,0x00000000,0x00000008)--- Thread ID: 3900 ---7C802455 KERNEL32.dll Sleep+15 (0x00000001,0x0354FF8C,0x004BA8BD,0x00000001)0086B28D Wow.exe      +0 (0x00000001,0x03097FE0,0x00000F3C,0x000021C0)004BA8BD Wow.exe      +0 (0x0202BC30,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x03097FE0)0076FFCB Wow.exe      +0 (0x00CAC7E0,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x03097FE0)7C80B729 KERNEL32.dll GetModuleFileNameA+442 (0x0076FF30,0x03097FE0,0x00000000,0x02290000)--- Thread ID: 1656 ---7C80A115 KERNEL32.dll WaitForMultipleObjects+24 (0x00000002,0x06C6FFA4,0x00000000,0xFFFFFFFF)72CD312A wdmaud.drv   midMessage+840 (0x00000000,0x00002569,0x00000000,0x00000000)7C80B729 KERNEL32.dll GetModuleFileNameA+442 (0x72CD30E8,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x07CE0000)--- Thread ID: 4152 ---7C80A115 KERNEL32.dll WaitForMultipleObjects+24 (0x00000040,0x06EEFE78,0x00000000,0xFFFFFFFF)73EC14A2 dsound.dll   +0 (0x00000040,0xFFFFFFFF,0x00000000,0x06EEFE78)73EC2862 dsound.dll   +0 (0xFFFFFFFF,0x0000003F,0x02364BD0,0x06EEFF94)73EC98DF dsound.dll   DirectSoundCreate+20900 (0x00000000,0x0236333C,0x73ECB2E9,0x02DCF794)73EC2896 dsound.dll   +0 (0x0236333C,0x00000000,0x02DCF794,0x0236333C)7C80B729 KERNEL32.dll GetModuleFileNameA+442 (0x73ECB2A1,0x0236333C,0x00000000,0x00000000)--- Thread ID: 4512 ---7C80A115 KERNEL32.dll WaitForMultipleObjects+24 (0x00000001,0x0705FE80,0x00000000,0x000001F4)73EC14A2 dsound.dll   +0 (0x00000001,0x000001F4,0x00000000,0x0705FE80)73EC2862 dsound.dll   +0 (0x000001F4,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000)73EC292B dsound.dll   +0 (0x02361EFC,0x00000000,0x02DCF5A8,0x02361EFC)7C80B729 KERNEL32.dll GetModuleFileNameA+442 (0x73ECB2A1,0x02361EFC,0x00000000,0x00000008)--- Thread ID: 4272 ---7C802455 KERNEL32.dll Sleep+15 (0x0000000A,0x072CFFB4,0x008E520C,0x0000000A)008D1E8D Wow.exe      AssertAndCrash+52413 (0x0000000A,0x7C910222,0x000010B0,0x072CFFEC)008E520C Wow.exe      AssertAndCrash+131132 (0x05AFB6D0,0x02DCF5BC,0x7C910222,0x05AFB6D0)7C80B729 KERNEL32.dll GetModuleFileNameA+442 (0x008E5190,0x05AFB6D0,0x00000000,0x00000000)--- Thread ID: 3088 ---7C802455 KERNEL32.dll Sleep+15 (0x0000000A,0x0743FFB4,0x008E520C,0x0000000A)008D1E8D Wow.exe      AssertAndCrash+52413 (0x0000000A,0x003C21F8,0x00000C10,0x0743FFEC)008E520C Wow.exe      AssertAndCrash+131132 (0x05AF9628,0x7C9100B8,0x003C21F8,0x05AF9628)7C80B729 KERNEL32.dll GetModuleFileNameA+442 (0x008E5190,0x05AF9628,0x00000000,0x00000000)--- Thread ID: 5684 ---7C802455 KERNEL32.dll Sleep+15 (0x0000000A,0x075AFFB4,0x008E520C,0x0000000A)008D1E8D Wow.exe      AssertAndCrash+52413 (0x0000000A,0x7C910222,0x00001634,0x075AFFEC)008E520C Wow.exe      AssertAndCrash+131132 (0x05B342F0,0x02DCF5BC,0x7C910222,0x05B342F0)7C80B729 KERNEL32.dll GetModuleFileNameA+442 (0x008E5190,0x05B342F0,0x00000000,0x00000000)--- Thread ID: 2788 ---7C802455 KERNEL32.dll Sleep+15 (0x0000000A,0x0771FFB4,0x008E520C,0x0000000A)008D1E8D Wow.exe      AssertAndCrash+52413 (0x0000000A,0x003C21F8,0x00000AE4,0x0771FFEC)008E520C Wow.exe      AssertAndCrash+131132 (0x05AF0FA8,0x7C9100B8,0x003C21F8,0x05AF0FA8)7C80B729 KERNEL32.dll GetModuleFileNameA+442 (0x008E5190,0x05AF0FA8,0x00000000,0x00000000)--- Thread ID: 5360 ---7C802542 KERNEL32.dll WaitForSingleObject+18 (0x0000238C,0x000003E8,0x0788FF80,0x004691A5)007746A0 Wow.exe      +0 (0x000003E8,0x000014F0,0x064AE168,0x0000242C)004691A5 Wow.exe      +0 (0x00000000,0x0788FFB4,0x0076FFCB,0x064AD880)00469311 Wow.exe      +0 (0x064AD880,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x064AE168)0076FFCB Wow.exe      +0 (0x00CAC800,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x064AE168)7C80B729 KERNEL32.dll GetModuleFileNameA+442 (0x0076FF30,0x064AE168,0x00000000,0x00000000)--- Thread ID: 3504 ---7C80A115 KERNEL32.dll WaitForMultipleObjects+24 (0x00000002,0x079FFE4C,0x00000000,0x000001F4)004699CB Wow.exe      +0 (0x064AE180,0x079FFFB4,0x0076FFCB,0x064AD870)0046906E Wow.exe      +0 (0x064AD870,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x064AE180)0076FFCB Wow.exe      +0 (0x00CAC820,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x064AE180)7C80B729 KERNEL32.dll GetModuleFileNameA+442 (0x0076FF30,0x064AE180,0x00000000,0x00000000)--- Thread ID: 2072 ---7E3695F9 USER32.dll   GetLastInputInfo+261 (0x00000002,0x08D9FF58,0xFFFFFFFF,0x00000000)7E3696A8 USER32.dll   MsgWaitForMultipleObjects+31 (0x00000002,0x08D9FF58,0x00000000,0xFFFFFFFF)0044CFA6 Wow.exe      +0 (0x00B33958,0x02080000,0x03E33B90,0x08D9FFAC)0044DF1A Wow.exe      +0 (0x06580A28,0xE58D7941,0x02080000,0x03E33B90)0088C5DF Wow.exe      +0 (0x7C97ECE0,0x7C80B729,0x03E33B90,0x02080000)0088C684 Wow.exe      +0 (0x0088C605,0x03E33B90,0x00000000,0x00000008)--- Thread ID: 6032 ---71A15FA7 mswsock.dll  +0 (0x00000001,0x0B33FE84,0x0B33FC7C,0x0B33FD80)71A7314F WS2_32.dll   select+167 (0x00000001,0x0B33FE84,0x0B33FC7C,0x0B33FD80)3FA5E9B9 WININET.dll  Ordinal346+1710 (0x0B33FFEC,0x7C80B729,0x002704C8,0x02DCF228)3FA7DEC3 WININET.dll  InternetSetStatusCallbackA+483 (0x002704C8,0x02DCF228,0x00000040,0x002704C8)7C80B729 KERNEL32.dll GetModuleFileNameA+442 (0x3FA7DEB6,0x002704C8,0x00000000,0x00000000)--- Thread ID: 5680 ---7C80B729 KERNEL32.dll GetModuleFileNameA+442 (0x7C927D83,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x000000C8)--- Thread ID: 4424 ---7C802542 KERNEL32.dll WaitForSingleObject+18 (0x00002630,0x00000064,0x0C4BFF8C,0x008CF786)007746A0 Wow.exe      +0 (0x00000064,0x067B8E48,0x0C4BFFB4,0x0076FFCB)008CF786 Wow.exe      AssertAndCrash+42422 (0x066F2BE0,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x067B8E48)0076FFCB Wow.exe      +0 (0x00CAC840,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x067B8E48)7C80B729 KERNEL32.dll GetModuleFileNameA+442 (0x0076FF30,0x067B8E48,0x00000000,0x00000000)--- Thread ID: 4460 ---7E3695F9 USER32.dll   GetLastInputInfo+261 (0x00000002,0x0C62FF58,0xFFFFFFFF,0x00000000)7E3696A8 USER32.dll   MsgWaitForMultipleObjects+31 (0x00000002,0x0C62FF58,0x00000000,0xFFFFFFFF)0044CFA6 Wow.exe      +0 (0x00B339A0,0x0788E504,0x09262008,0x0C62FFAC)0044DF1A Wow.exe      +0 (0x066E1CB8,0xE1367941,0x0788E504,0x09262008)0088C5DF Wow.exe      +0 (0x00000000,0x7C80B729,0x09262008,0x0788E504)0088C684 Wow.exe      +0 (0x0088C605,0x09262008,0x00000000,0x00000008)----------------------------------------    Loaded Modules----------------------------------------DBG-MODULE<00400000 009FD000 "Wow.exe" "Wow.pdb" 0 {8805d059-f6a3-4565-a646aa69736d4efe} 1 1277448958>DBG-MODULE<00E00000 00009000 "Normaliz.dll" "normaliz.pdb" 0 {d0658e32-2b2d-4ddc-a57fb9c9715c6cad} 1 1151593542>DBG-MODULE<01C30000 00115000 "dbghelp.dll" "dbghelp.pdb" 0 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Thank you. [Less]
Posted over 11 years ago by
------------------------------------ MaNGOS master (Cataclysm) -------------------------------------- core https://github.com/mangos/server-- scriptshttps://github.com/mangos/scripts-- ... [More] databasehttps://github.com/mangos/database-------------------------------------------- MaNGOSTwo WOTLK ---------------------------------------------- corehttps://github.com/mangostwo/server-- scriptdev2https://github.com/mangostwo/scripts-- databasehttps://github.com/mangostwo/database---------------------------------------- MaNGOSZero (classic) ----------------------------------------- corehttps://github.com/mangoszero/server-- scriptshttps://github.com/mangoszero/scripts-- databasehttps://github.com/mangoszero/database--------------------------------- MaNGOSOne (tbc) ----------------------------------- corehttps://github.com/mangos-one/server-- scriptshttps://github.com/mangos-one/scripts-- databasehttps://github.com/mangos-one/database---------------------------       Forums       ---------------------------http://ru-mangos.ru/http://www.scriptdev2.com/http://getmangos.com/http://ytdb.ru/http://udb.no-ip.org/http://project-silvermoon.forumotion.com-------------------------- Android App --------------------------http://project-zero.eu/app/--------------------------          IRC          --------------------------Server:irc.getmangos.comChannels:#mangos#zero#one#two#threeChannels for MaNGOS-One test server#smalltalk (german and other games)#wow--------------------------        Other        ---------------------------- German Mangos DataBase (GMDB)http://gm-db.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/gm-db/ [Less]