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Posted about 16 years ago by MeduZaPaT
I uploaded 2 binary files, one is a preview of the GUI and the second one is a new version of the lcdspicer. Bug Fixs and new database system. I also work a little on the web page the last weekend, but I have a problem with the font, no one have that font instaled and the only safari accept the CSS3 command for import the font :P
Posted about 16 years ago by MeduZaPaT
After leave the deamon part stable (10 days working fine) I fix some minor bug and sort the code I started working on the GUI.
Posted about 16 years ago by [email protected] (MeduZaPaT)
After leave the deamon part stable (10 days working fine) I fix some minor bug and sort the code
Posted about 16 years ago by MeduZaPaT
After leave the deamon part stable (10 days working fine) I fix some minor bug and sort the code I started working on the GUI.
Posted over 16 years ago by MeduZaPaT
I started the project paper and the library selection, I write some code and I finding reading material. maybe in few days I will have some code to upload
Posted over 16 years ago by [email protected] (MeduZaPaT)
I started the project paper and the library selection, I write some code and I finding reading material.
Posted over 16 years ago by MeduZaPaT
I started the project paper and the library selection, I write some code and I finding reading material. maybe in few days I will have some code to upload