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Analyzed 8 months ago. based on code collected about 4 years ago.
Posted about 17 years ago
I ran into a problem when trying to build and use JPOX via the Maven2 POMs. As it turns out, some of the JPOX projects weren't including the MANIFEST file correctly. I created patches (against the trunk) for the projects I was using and attached ... [More] them to [url=http://www.jpox.org/servlet/jira/browse/CORE-3187]CORE-3187[/url] . As an aside, thanks so much for finally supporting this build ... [Less]
Posted about 17 years ago
Hello: I am using JPOX 1.2 beta 4. I am getting this exception in my application: java.lang.NullPointerException at org.jpox.state.JDOStateManagerImpl.loadUnloadedFieldsInFetchPlan(JDOStateManagerImpl.java:1502) at ... [More] org.jpox.state.JDOStateManagerImpl.isLoaded(JDOStateManagerImpl.java:1755) at persistent.ChildProduct.jdoGetretailPriceSchedule(ChildProduct.java) ... [Less]
Posted about 17 years ago
Hi, I am using JPA with orm.xml files for the mapping. Now I want to use the enhancer and schematool, but how do i set it up? do i need to createe *.jdo metadata files even if I am using JPA? If yes, what is needed to be configured in the jdo ... [More] metadata files and what in the orm.xml files? Do i also need a *.properties file (pointing to the *.jdo files)? Thanks for your help, Oliver [Less]
Posted about 17 years ago
I have a situation where I'm writing a new application that will be part of a larger, old system. I'm using JPOX 1.1.9 and I want JPOX to manage the schema for my application's new data objects. org.jpox.autoCreateSchema=true ... [More] org.jpox.autoCreateTables=true org.jpox.autoCreateColumns=true org.jpox.autoCreateConstraints=true That works well. However, I also need read-only access ... [Less]
Posted about 17 years ago
Perhaps it is an easy question that I miss but I cannot find any answer to my problem. I have following claseses: Store and Book. public class Store extends BaseClass{ List bookList = new ArrayList(); } public class Book ... [More] extends BaseClass{ String title ; } public class BaseClass{ private long id; } metadata for this classes is : [Less]
Posted about 17 years ago
I have two classes Entity{ long id; } EntityStatistics{ long entityId; int avarageRating; } Note that Entity class does not have reference to EntityStatistics. Now I need to fetch Entity sorted by avarageRating. In order to ... [More] do it I need to join Entity table and EntityStatistics table (id=entityId). I want to get Entity which does not have EntityStatistics too, so it has ... [Less]
Posted about 17 years ago
Hi! Having class defined as following ,which using field oid as primary key and value-strategy="identity". [code] public class C implements Serializable{ [color=red]private long oid = -1;[/color] private int version; String name; ... [More] private C(){}; public C(String name){ this.name = name; } public static class OID implements Serializable { private static final ... [Less]
Posted about 17 years ago
Is there an annotations equivalent (@Implements or something) that is the equivalent of ? Reason I ask is I'm trying to use persistent classes that implement interfaces, and refer to other instances via those interfaces. So far its not working ... [More] , and the only possibility I can find is , but I'm using an all annotations approach (so far). Thanks, Stuart. [Less]
Posted about 17 years ago
Hi! Update newly created object failed because the object's version is not retrieved in memory. Environment is WinXP,JPOX1.2Beta5,Postgresql 2.5.1 [code] public class B implements Serializable{ private static final long ... [More] serialVersionUID = 1L; private long oid = -1; private int version; String name; List cList = new ArrayList(); private ... [Less]
Posted about 17 years ago
Personnel Good morning! I am willing to make a search in the database (mysql), using Jpox to create the tables. When I use the LIKE clause, it does. Ex: In the bank the name of the city is: Sao Paulo. When I use the query (1) he does not ... [More] believe in query (2) he thinks. (1) SELECT * FROM test.city where name Like '% s%'; (2) SELECT * FROM test.city where name Like '% S%'; If I ... [Less]