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Analyzed about 1 year ago. based on code collected about 1 year ago.
Posted almost 11 years ago by IgorE
I'm having the same trouble. Marking nodes as transient solves it, but I still waiting for fix :)
Posted almost 11 years ago by crokusek
Yes that is working! Thanks for your comments. var stringId = new IdentitiferTerminal("stringId", "_", ""); var dot = g.ToTerm("."); var optionallyQualifiedStringId = new NonTerminal("optionallyQualifiedStringId"); var selectExprList = new ... [More] NonTerminal("selectExprList"); var selectExprTerm = new NonTerminal("selectExprTerm"); selectExprList.Rule = MakePlusRule(selectExprList, comma, selectExprTerm); selectExprTerm.Rule = optionallyQualifiedStringId; optionallyQualifedStringId.Rule = stringId + optDotStringId; // put optional part at end rather than front optDotStringId.Rule = Empty | dotStringId; dotStringId.Rule = dot + stringId; [Less]
Posted almost 11 years ago by crokusek
So if made them the same then I still seem to have the same problem because the leading prefix "alias plus dot" is optional for each term in the list but the parser keeps going down the scopeDot path expecting the ".". var stringId = new ... [More] IdentitiferTerminal("stringId", "_", ""); var dot = g.ToTerm("."); var optionallyQualifiedStringId = new NonTerminal("optionallyQualifiedStringId"); var selectExprList = new NonTerminal("selectExprList"); var selectExprTerm = new NonTerminal("selectExprTerm"); selectExprList.Rule = MakePlusRule(selectExprList, comma, selectExprTerm); selectExprTerm.Rule = optionallyQualifiedStringId; optionallyQualifiedStringId.Rule = optScopeDot + stringId; optScopeDot.Rule = Empty | scopeDot; scopeDot.Rule = scope + dot; Oh, wait, I think maybe I see, do I have to flip it and make the first part (scope) required and then the second part (dot plus id) optional (and unwind the meaning after parsing)? [Less]
Posted almost 11 years ago by rivantsov
you can't do that - define identical terminals (like alias, field, propStringId), unless you have very separate areas, surrounding context that can help parser determines which one to use for a string of characters. All three are essentially ... [More] identifier, one and the same thing - the difference is in it's role inside the statement, which should be attributed after parsing. [Less]
Posted almost 11 years ago by crokusek
Hi, I'm a novice user. I'm getting a syntax error after attempting to expand a grammar. The existing grammar accepts a list of identifiers like "A, B". The enhancement is to be able to intermix "qualified dot" identifier's such as "c.c". E.g. ... [More] feed it a list like: "A, B, c.c" A and B should be recognized as propStringId's and "c.c" should be an qualifiedField. The problem is that it tries to make the first token an Alias and then complains that there is no "dot." Thanks, Chris Attempted to partially extract from the full grammar: var propStringId = new IdentifierTerminal("propStringId", "_", ""); var field = new IdentifierTerminal("field", "_", ""); var alias = new IdentifierTerminal("alias", "_", ""); var dot = g.ToTerm("."); var selectExprList = new NonTerminal("selectExprList"); var selectExprTerm = new NonTerminal("selectExprTerm"); selectExprList.Rule = MakePlusRule(selectExprList, comma, selectExprTerm); selectExprTerm.Rule = propStringId | qualifiedField; qualifiedField.Rule = alias + dot + field; [Less]
Posted almost 11 years ago by vladimircalderon
Solution chosen based on time and resources for deliver: Hypothesis: The expressions sent over to Android devices have already been tested/validated by the dynamic grammars generated on the server with Irony. Solution: In this case, in Android we ... [More] will implement a more generic grammar that doesn't check the type of the identifiers (as the dynamic grammars on Irony do) and we will just use the grammar to be able to parse a tree and interpret it. For that we will use natively ANTLR. Thanks everyone for the tips. And yes, I will continue using Irony nevertheless for the server solution. [Less]
Posted almost 11 years ago by JamesCurran
Now, my Java is a bit rusty, but as I recall, it doesn't allow operator overloading, which is used heavily in Irony.
Posted almost 11 years ago by cureos
Have you tried to build Irony for Xamarin.Android? If it does not work out-of-the-box, you might consider to use the same Irony subset that is used when building Irony for Silverlight.
Posted almost 11 years ago by vladimircalderon
Hi everyone, I have been using Irony for quite some time now and love it. We have a project here in Bolivia that needs Irony capabilities but it has to be done in Android or Java. Do you know if there is something like Irony in Java/Android? or ... [More] better yet, is there an Irony port to Java/Android? I have even considered porting it myself but I think it would be a little naive to step on it without asking first an opinion on this. regards [Less]
Posted almost 11 years ago by mikedepriest
Update: I took a suggestion I found here https://irony.codeplex.com/discussions/501380 and decided to preprocess the equation to ensure there were no embedded spaces in the variable names. (It's just as well, because it turns out I have other ... [More] problematic characters in the stream as well, so I just deal with them all now.) I can then reverse the preprocessing at the point when the identifiers have to be resolved to actual values for computation. That will get me going for now, but it seems like an inelegant approach. If there's a relatively straightforward way to "do it right" I'm interested in learning it. Thanks! [Less]