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Posted almost 18 years ago by [email protected] (Florian Schmitz)
Is there a better way to subtly scare away visitors? if you are interested in the URL, follow the link...
Posted almost 18 years ago by [email protected] (Florian Schmitz)
Is there a better way to subtly scare away visitors? if you are interested in the URL, follow the link...
Posted almost 18 years ago by [email protected] (Florian Schmitz)
Apparently the 0.9.9 release went very well. We didn't discover any severe (functional) bugs yet, but thanks to reports on the mailing list and in our forum, which seems to be pretty well accepted by now, we spotted some bugs and problems. Since ... [More] 0.9.9 is maintained (in opposite to 0.9.8 ) we now released which includes all those fixes. This time we also tracked the changes Please note that an important security issue has also been discovered (thanks again to Stefan Esser) and fixed, thus we urge you to upgrade to the new version in your own interest The release took a while longer than intended because of a server outage. The reason was our own Flyspray. What happened? One problem was (or rather still is) a bug (or, until we know more a change) in PHP 5.2.1 which causes problems with Jabber connections and made our server have (too) many unclosed connections, another problem were really slow queries in Flyspray. Our own Flyspray did in fact never get a correct database upgrade (I'd say due to the laziness of the previous maintainer ^^) so many important indices were missing which resulted in a lot of work for our SQL server. BTW, if you are interested in always having the most stable version of Flyspray, you can safely use the latest code from our SVN repository (branches/0.9.9/) which is the basis for new bug fix releases, you don't have to wait for new releases. If you are interested in new features, you should try the current trunk. In particular FS#218 is done, which adds the possibility to add and delete custom fields. The upgrader also got some improvements, so this time you probably will not have to fear that you can't upgrade your development version anymore when you don't remember the revision number. It should now be able to upgrade from any revision to any version. Themes again: Recently Flyspray got the first 0.9.9 compatible custom theme! Tristan made a "high density" theme: A short while after that, we also got an update of the "clean theme" from Paul. I'll use this as occasion to once again point out that we need someone who creates a fabulous new theme for 1.0 If no one offers to do this, we might start a design contest with a higher reward...so if you got curious check FS#937. So what is the schedule for 1.0? Well, there is none - at least no dates. We have a TODO list with lots of stuff on it, but we still have some other tasks to tackle for 1.0. It will probably take a while...maybe even a year or longer again (all depends on how many new developers join), but as mentioned earlier 0.9.9 will be maintained during that time. On a side note: this post has been drafted on Feb 26th, so you can see how much longer the release took... [Less]
Posted almost 18 years ago by [email protected] (Florian Schmitz)
Apparently the 0.9.9 release went very well. We didn't discover any severe (functional) bugs yet, but thanks to reports on the mailing list and in our forum, which seems to be pretty well accepted by now, we spotted some bugs and problems. Since ... [More] 0.9.9 is maintained (in opposite to 0.9.8 ) we now released which includes all those fixes. This time we also tracked the changes Please note that an important security issue has also been discovered (thanks again to Stefan Esser) and fixed, thus we urge you to upgrade to the new version in your own interest The release took a while longer than intended because of a server outage. The reason was our own Flyspray. What happened? One problem was (or rather still is) a bug (or, until we know more a change) in PHP 5.2.1 which causes problems with Jabber connections and made our server have (too) many unclosed connections, another problem were really slow queries in Flyspray. Our own Flyspray did in fact never get a correct database upgrade (I'd say due to the laziness of the previous maintainer ^^) so many important indices were missing which resulted in a lot of work for our SQL server. BTW, if you are interested in always having the most stable version of Flyspray, you can safely use the latest code from our SVN repository (branches/0.9.9/) which is the basis for new bug fix releases, you don't have to wait for new releases. If you are interested in new features, you should try the current trunk. In particular FS#218 is done, which adds the possibility to add and delete custom fields. The upgrader also got some improvements, so this time you probably will not have to fear that you can't upgrade your development version anymore when you don't remember the revision number. It should now be able to upgrade from any revision to any version. Themes again: Recently Flyspray got the first 0.9.9 compatible custom theme! Tristan made a "high density" theme: A short while after that, we also got an update of the "clean theme" from Paul. I'll use this as occasion to once again point out that we need someone who creates a fabulous new theme for 1.0 If no one offers to do this, we might start a design contest with a higher reward...so if you got curious check FS#937. So what is the schedule for 1.0? Well, there is none - at least no dates. We have a TODO list with lots of stuff on it, but we still have some other tasks to tackle for 1.0. It will probably take a while...maybe even a year or longer again (all depends on how many new developers join), but as mentioned earlier 0.9.9 will be maintained during that time. On a side note: this post has been drafted on Feb 26th, so you can see how much longer the release took... [Less]
Posted about 18 years ago by [email protected] (Florian Schmitz)
Here you go: http://flyspray.org/beta All bug reports go to the mailing list preferably
Posted about 18 years ago by [email protected] (Florian Schmitz)
Here you go: http://flyspray.org/beta All bug reports go to the mailing list preferably
Posted about 18 years ago by [email protected] (Florian Schmitz)
You remeber this heading? This has been said about a year ago by our former project manager Tony. Well, this time we are close. The installer and upgrader have just been finished. The installer helps you to install 0.9.9, the upgrader can upgrade ... [More] any Flyspray version from 0.9.7 (probably 0.9.6 too) to 0.9.9. It will also be used to upgrade from one development version to another. Now we will test it a little more and fix a few remaining issues, then we'll release the first (and hopefully last) release candidate of Flyspray 0.9.9 for public testing. If no serious problems arise, we can expect a release next month If you'd like to help testing, you can already grab the lastest development version and either upgrade (/setup/upgrade.php) or install (/setup/index.php) it with the new scripts. More infos here: http://flyspray.org/development [Less]
Posted about 18 years ago by [email protected] (Florian Schmitz)
You remeber this heading? This has been said about a year ago by our former project manager Tony. Well, this time we are close. The installer and upgrader have just been finished. The installer helps you to install 0.9.9, the upgrader can upgrade ... [More] any Flyspray version from 0.9.7 (probably 0.9.6 too) to 0.9.9. It will also be used to upgrade from one development version to another. Now we will test it a little more and fix a few remaining issues, then we'll release the first (and hopefully last) release candidate of Flyspray 0.9.9 for public testing. If no serious problems arise, we can expect a release next month If you'd like to help testing, you can already grab the lastest development version and either upgrade (/setup/upgrade.php) or install (/setup/index.php) it with the new scripts. More infos here: http://flyspray.org/development [Less]
Posted about 18 years ago by [email protected] (Florian Schmitz)
It's been more than 1 year and 2 months now since 0.9.8 has been released. So you might ask what has changed since then. Well, you should rather ask "what has not changed". That would be the documentation. It's still outdated I'll give you a ... [More] little gist. First of all our team has changed significantly. Our project manager (Tony Collins) had to leave the project for personal reasons, one of our PHP developers (Mac Newbold) has to few free time to work on Flyspray, as has Pierre who's been doing a great job one year ago "refactoring" Flyspray. Anders Betnér and Konrad Roziewski have also stopped working on Flyspray. So who is left? That's me and Christian (aka judas_iscariote). As you see we are not very well manned right now. Anyway, we managed to get a lot of stuff done over the time. During the 0.9.9 development we introduced a templating engine, a new translation system, improved the search feature significantly, made multiple assignees possible, improved the feeds, extended the task list, implemented a voting feature and a roadmap, added dokuwiki as syntax plugin, developed the delete feature, unlimited depth of categories, tightended security and a lot more. We even implemented tasks which were originally planned for 1.0 like improved error messages and the possibility for anonymous users to read their opened tasks any time. We also added some important bug fixes. The dependeny graphs will now work for more people, since using a public dot-server is possible. The scheduler should work better now as well. The Jabber support (a feature which was one of the reaosns why Flyspray was actually created) has also been fixed. Our old library had very broken and ugly code, but not until we developed our very own Jabber library we found out that primarily the missing support for SASL authentication (used by all major Jabber servers) caused our library to fail. Unfortunately all other Jabber libs out there didn't have SASL authentication either. So now have a very clean, much faster and working (well, it's very new so it will probably have a few bugs left) Jabber library. It might be of note for other projects too. Unfortunately we had to remove the XML-PRC API because fixing it up for 0.9.9 wasn't possible for us with just 2 developers who have to work on every part of Flyspray. In total, we closed about 500 bugs (heh, this reminds me of bugzilla search links which developers sometimes include in their blog posts. If you klick on them you only get a "Please wait ..." page. At the beginning I really did wait, but I eventually realised that I would never see a single bug. This link is real though :-p) since 0.9.9 and made ca. 600 revisions in our SVN repository (compared to about 400 revisions from 0.9.4 to 0.9.8, over 0.9.5, 0.9.6 and 0.9.7). We probably changed a few thousand lines of code, but I don't have any statistics on that The webpage might also be worth a note. We got a new one (regarding layout) and also a new domain, flyspray.org. Some content has been updated, but for the most part it didn't change. Now, what are we waiting for? If you installed our latest beta or development versions, you'll probably have noticed that setup is a little complicated. This is because we don't have an installer or update yet, which is the only requirement left for the release. So until it is finished, we'll continue fixing bugs for 0.9.9. Probably the notifications will be rewritten before, then you'd have the choice between active (instant) and passive (scheduler) sending of notifications, which applies to both email and Jabber notifications. Also, we started development of 1.0 a while ago, so you will find a few minor new features there, like CSV export of the task list and an improved user and group management. So if you want to try something even more cutting edge than our 0.9.9 development version, you might want to try our 1.0 development version (only minor DB changes necessary, compatible to 0.9.9dev). By the way, we are still looking for a skilled designer, so don't hesitate if you'd like to join. When will it be ready? I don't know. Probably in Q1/2007. But as always, it's done when it's done. So far my little summary, I could have gone on [Less]
Posted about 18 years ago by [email protected] (Florian Schmitz)
It's been more than 1 year and 2 months now since 0.9.8 has been released. So you might ask what has changed since then. Well, you should rather ask "what has not changed". That would be the documentation. It's still outdated I'll give you a ... [More] little gist. First of all our team has changed significantly. Our project manager (Tony Collins) had to leave the project for personal reasons, one of our PHP developers (Mac Newbold) has to few free time to work on Flyspray, as has Pierre who's been doing a great job one year ago "refactoring" Flyspray. Anders Betnér and Konrad Roziewski have also stopped working on Flyspray. So who is left? That's me and Christian (aka judas_iscariote). As you see we are not very well manned right now. Anyway, we managed to get a lot of stuff done over the time. During the 0.9.9 development we introduced a templating engine, a new translation system, improved the search feature significantly, made multiple assignees possible, improved the feeds, extended the task list, implemented a voting feature and a roadmap, added dokuwiki as syntax plugin, developed the delete feature, unlimited depth of categories, tightended security and a lot more. We even implemented tasks which were originally planned for 1.0 like improved error messages and the possibility for anonymous users to read their opened tasks any time. We also added some important bug fixes. The dependeny graphs will now work for more people, since using a public dot-server is possible. The scheduler should work better now as well. The Jabber support (a feature which was one of the reaosns why Flyspray was actually created) has also been fixed. Our old library had very broken and ugly code, but not until we developed our very own Jabber library we found out that primarily the missing support for SASL authentication (used by all major Jabber servers) caused our library to fail. Unfortunately all other Jabber libs out there didn't have SASL authentication either. So now have a very clean, much faster and working (well, it's very new so it will probably have a few bugs left) Jabber library. It might be of note for other projects too. Unfortunately we had to remove the XML-PRC API because fixing it up for 0.9.9 wasn't possible for us with just 2 developers who have to work on every part of Flyspray. In total, we closed about 500 bugs (heh, this reminds me of bugzilla search links which developers sometimes include in their blog posts. If you klick on them you only get a "Please wait ..." page. At the beginning I really did wait, but I eventually realised that I would never see a single bug. This link is real though :-p) since 0.9.9 and made ca. 600 revisions in our SVN repository (compared to about 400 revisions from 0.9.4 to 0.9.8, over 0.9.5, 0.9.6 and 0.9.7). We probably changed a few thousand lines of code, but I don't have any statistics on that The webpage might also be worth a note. We got a new one (regarding layout) and also a new domain, flyspray.org. Some content has been updated, but for the most part it didn't change. Now, what are we waiting for? If you installed our latest beta or development versions, you'll probably have noticed that setup is a little complicated. This is because we don't have an installer or update yet, which is the only requirement left for the release. So until it is finished, we'll continue fixing bugs for 0.9.9. Probably the notifications will be rewritten before, then you'd have the choice between active (instant) and passive (scheduler) sending of notifications, which applies to both email and Jabber notifications. Also, we started development of 1.0 a while ago, so you will find a few minor new features there, like CSV export of the task list and an improved user and group management. So if you want to try something even more cutting edge than our 0.9.9 development version, you might want to try our 1.0 development version (only minor DB changes necessary, compatible to 0.9.9dev). By the way, we are still looking for a skilled designer, so don't hesitate if you'd like to join. When will it be ready? I don't know. Probably in Q1/2007. But as always, it's done when it's done. So far my little summary, I could have gone on [Less]