about 10 years
the following changes have been pushed to
[1094902] needinfo canceled or requested email end with @@body-headers@@
[1067619] Pulse is not notified of changes to attachment flags
[1089805] BzAPI compatibility layer returns HTTP
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200 when a bug update failed
[1096318] Restricting a bug’s visibility does not delete any associated MozReview review requests
discuss these changes on under: bmo, mozilla [Less]
about 10 years
[email protected] (Monica Chew)
On Monday a project that I've been working on was officially announced as part of a larger privacy initiative called Polaris. In case you missed it, there is an experimental tracking protection feature in Firefox Nightly that allows people to avoid
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being tracked by not communicating with known tracking domains, especially those that do not respect DNT. Our initial blocklist is from Disconnect. As a side effect, blocking resources from tracking domains speeds up page load times on average by 20%. Privacy features rarely coincide with performance benefits, so that's exciting.Currently, tracking protection is available by turning on browser.polaris.enabled in about:config. If you care about privacy in Firefox and are running Nightly, please give it a try. Requiring about:config changes is quite onerous, but we need your feedback to improve tracking protection. You can read official instructions on how to turn on tracking protection or see the animated gif below (original slide deck here for people who like to advance manually).Many thanks to everyone who helped get this landed, especially my awesome intern, Georgios Kontaxis, and the team at Disconnect for open sourcing their blocklist. [Less]
about 10 years
Denelle Dixon-Thayer
Today, President Obama announced his support for clear, enforceable rules to protect net neutrality, grounded in “Title II” reclassification by the Federal Communications Commission. We’re nearing the end of a long, sustained fight to get strong
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, effective protections for net neutrality. Now it is time to take it to the finish line.
Imagine a world where a small handful of powerful companies decide what information is available and accessible on the Internet. Or, a world where someone else chooses what you should (and shouldn’t) see on the Internet. Or, a world where you can no longer access your favorite website because it’s not part of the suite of content offered in your area.
Preventing the Internet that you just imagined is why the net neutrality fight is so important to the Mozilla community. It is about protecting the core ethos of the Internet. It is about ensuring that it remains an engine of innovation, opportunity and learning. It is about standing up to those in power with a core assertion: the Web is not owned by any one of us; rather, it is shared by all of us.
In the spring, the U.S. Federal Communications Commission proposed rules that would have gutted the free and open Web. Under its original proposal, we would have seen the emergence of a two-tiered Internet — a fast one that benefits the few companies that can afford to pay; and a slow one for the rest of us.
The Internet community quickly responded, mobilizing itself for a long, sustained fight. Around the country, everyone from small business owners to librarians told their stories of why net neutrality was important to them. People saw the debate for what it really was — a few cable company goliaths trying to hoodwink the mainstream public and change the nature of the Web. We fought back with a resounding voice — the greatest amount of public engagement the FCC has ever seen — demanding strong net neutrality.
Today, as the FCC is closing in on a decision about net neutrality, tensions are rising over if and how it will adopt rules grounded in Title II authority. Title II would empower the FCC to prohibit the discrimination created when someone else can control which content is accessible. The question of where the FCC gets its authority — Title II or something else — is important. If the FCC chooses to rely on the wrong authority, the rules could be weakened, challenged, or overturned.
We have a view on both the authority and the rules required.
First, we believe that the FCC’s authority must come from Title II, and that full Title II reclassification is the cleanest, simplest path forward.
Second, we want a baseline set of protections that incorporate Title II. These protections include strong rules against blocking and discrimination of content, and should apply to the ‘last mile’ portion of the network controlled by the Internet access service provider.
In short, the FCC must not create separate fast lanes that enable prioritization of content over the Internet not based on reasonable and transparent network management.
Finally, because there is only one Internet, we believe the same framework and rules must be applied to mobile as well as fixed access services. It is time to bring mobile into the open Internet age.
Anything less than strong, enforceable rules against blocking, discrimination, and fast lanes, grounded in Title II, is unacceptable. Anything less than this is not the Mozilla baseline or the Mozilla proposal.
In the 25 year history of the Web there have been moments when the masses have stood up to the powerful forces that seek to control it; the launch of Firefox, which defeated the one-browser monopoly of Internet Explorer; the fight that stopped SOPA/PIPA from becoming law; the recent protests in Hungary against an Internet tax.
This is our moment to save the Internet as we know it, and the President’s focus on the issue demonstrates that we can win this fight, and get the FCC to adopt strong, enforceable rules to protect net neutrality. We stand with our Community ready to fight if our baseline is not met. [Less]
about 10 years
about 10 years
Ten years ago today, we declared independence. We declared that we have the independence: to choose the tools we use to browse and build the web; to create, talk, play, trade in the way we want and where we want; and to invent new tools, new ways to
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create and share, new ways of living online, even in the face of monopolies and governments who insist the internet should work their way, not ours. When we launched Firefox on on November 9, 2004, we declared independence as citizens of the web.
The launch of Firefox was not just the release of a browser: it was the beginning of a global campaign for choice and independence on the web. Over 10 million people had already joined this campaign by the time of the launch — and 10s of millions more would join in coming months. They would join by installing Firefox on their own computers. And then move on to help their friends, their families and their coworkers do the same. People joined us because Firefox was a better browser, without question. But many also wanted to make a statement with their actions: a single company should not control the web.
By taking this action, we — the millions of us who spread the software and ideas behind Firefox — helped change the world. Remember back to 2004: Microsoft had become an empire and a monopoly that controlled everything from the operating system to the web browser; the technology behind the web was getting stale; we were assaulted by pop up ads and virus threats constantly. The web was in bad shape. And, people had no choices. No way to make things better. Together, we fixed that. We used independence and choice to bring the web back to life.
And alive the web is. For all 2.8 billion of us on the web today, it has become an integral part of the way we live, learn and love. And, for those who think about the technology, we’ve seen the web remain open and distributed — a place where anyone can play — while at the same time becoming a first class platform for almost any kind of application. Millions of businesses and trillions of dollars in new wealth have grown on the web as a result. If we hadn’t stood up for independence and choice back in 2004, one wonders how much of the web we love today we would have?
And, while the web has made our lives better for the most part, it both faces and offers new threats. We now see the growth of new empires — a handful of companies who control how we search, how we message each other, where we store our data. We see a tiny oligopoly in smartphones and app stores that put a choke hold on who can distribute apps and content — a far cry from the open distribution model of the web. We see increased surveillance of our lives both by advertisers and governments. And, even as billions more people come online, we see a shift back towards products that treat people as consumers of the digital world rather than as makers and as citizens. We are at risk of losing our hard won independence.
This is why — on the 10th birthday of Firefox — I feel confident in saying that Mozilla is needed more than ever. We need great products that give people choices. We need places for those of us who care about independence to gather. And we need to guard the open nature of the web for the long haul. This is why Mozilla exists.
Just as we did 10 years ago, we can start to shift the tide of the web by each and every one of us taking concrete actions — big or small. Download the Firefox 10th Anniversary release — and then tell a friend why Mozilla and Firefox still matter. Grab a colleague or a parent or a kid and teach them something about how the web gives them independence and choice. Or, just watch and share the Firefox 10 video with friends (it’s really good, honest :)). These are a few small but meaningful things you can do today to celebrate Firefox turning 10.
Putting the web back on course as a force for openness and freedom will require much more than just small actions, of course. But it’s important to remember that the global community of people who installed Firefox for others — and then talked about why — made a huge difference when Mozilla first stood up for the web. We moved mountains over the past 10 years through millions of people taking small actions that eventually added up to a groundswell. As we look today for new ways to shore up our independence on the web, we will need to do this again.
Th 10th Anniversary of Firefox is a day to celebrate, no doubt. But today is also a day to deepen our commitment to choice and independence — to stand together and start sharing that commitment with everyone around us.It is a day to show that we are citizens of the web. I hope you will join me.Filed under: drumbeat, mozilla, open, openweb, poetry, webmakers [Less]
about 10 years
So, as you may have heard, Firefox is launching a dev edition.
This post does not attempt to elaborate on that specifically too much, but it’s more to identify some issues I hit in early testing and the solutions to them.
While I do admire the
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changes of the Developer Edition Theme, I’m a guy who likes to stick with “what I know” more than a drastic change like that. What I didn’t realize was that this is possible out of the box in developer edition.
After the Tour you get, you’ll want to open the Customize panel and then deselect “Use Firefox Developer Edition Theme” (see the following image — arrow added) and that will get you back to what you know.
As a longtime user, I had “Old Firefox Sync” enabled; this was the one that very few users enabled and even fewer used it across devices.
Firefox Developer Edition, however, creates a new profile (so you can use it alongside whatever Firefox version you want) and supports setting up only the “New” sync features. Due to creating a new profile, it also leaves you without history or saved passwords.
To sync my old profile with developer edition, I had to:
Unlink my Desktop Firefox from old sync
Unlink my Android Firefox from old sync
Create a new sync account
Link my old Firefox profile with new sync
Link my Android with new sync
Link Dev Edition with new sync
Now other than steps 6 and 7 (yea, how DO I profit?) this is all covered quite well in a SuMo article on the subject. I will happily help guide people through this process, especially in the near future, as I’ve just gone through it!
(Special Thanks to Erik for helping to copy-edit this post) [Less]
about 10 years
Darren Herman
The Content Services team is working to reframe how users are understood on the Internet: how content is presented to them, how they can signal what they are interested in, how they can take control of the kinds of adverts they are exposed to. As
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the Web evolves, these signals will be generated in two places by two actors: in the user’s client, at the user’s behest, or in the cloud, by a service or by a third party who seeks to know whatever it can about the user. We believe it is Mozilla’s place to ensure that the client empowers the user in this relationship and over time, think about how the cloud can play a role.
We’ve been working on an experimental feature that we think is super cool – which we’re calling the “Interest Dashboard” and today, we’ve releasing it as an experimental beta Firefox add-on. The team here is excited about the Interest Dashboard as it explores the advancement of content and the browser. The project has been led under the Product Management of Kevin Ghim and engineering leadership of Ed Lee in the Content Services team. The goal is to see how people consume the Web and try and classify it, and we have something we want to get testing and feedback on with this beta add-on..
How does it work?
You can download the experimental beta Interest Dashboard add-on here.
We believe that there are lots of ways that this add-on can benefit users – from new content discovery, to helping the user manage their own browsing behavior.
The ability to see how that time is spent, on which interests, and at what frequency and volume, will be fascinating for many users. Users will see how their content consumption is categorized and provide feedback directly into the Interest Dashboard. Ultimately, we can then start showing the user a more personalized content experience, on the user’s terms.
We also know that we have a lot of challenges ahead of us. We’d absolutely love your feedback after playing around with the add-on so please leave feedback in Bugzilla or in the comments section of this post. This is a foundational piece for what we’re doing and we have to deliver value for ours users before we build on top of this.
There’s a lot of data science behind the classification system and we’re looking to make it better. The feature presents you with a number of views of your data and actions, but we want to know what you would find interesting.
The Interest Dashboard shows the user their activity and lets them gain insight from it – “what gets measured, gets managed”. In our case, the user of the Interest Dashboard will see all of the user’s browsing behavior and display it in a way the user can interact with. And if you use multiple instances of Firefox, across multiple desktops, or Firefox for Android, and you have connected all instances to a Firefox Account, you will see your data from all your browsing.
The Firefox Interest Dashboard add-on is unique in bringing this functionality directly to the user in their client, under their control. And unlike recommendation engines, the Firefox Interest Dashboard add-on will not be trying to stimulate you to remain engaged with a particular website, it will be a vehicle to allow the user to consciously express their own desires for what they want to browser to do.
So go download the Interest Dashboard add-on and see how much time each month you’re spending on watching kittens or funny videos. [Less]
about 10 years
Note: Most of the enhanced tiles changes landed during the 33 cycle. This explains
why most of them does not show on this page.
65 changesets
119 files changed
2286 insertions
374 deletions
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List of changesets:
Simone Bruno [email protected] 1058286 - Add in-tree manifests needed for tests. DONTBUILD a=NPOTB - 3f092c058c62
Ed Lee [email protected] 1082051 - Enable enhanced tiles for desired locales on 33. r=ttaubert, a=sledru - 7dc8f5f9ad9e
Ed Lee [email protected] 1081157 - "What is this page" link appears on "blank" version of about:newtab. r=ttaubert, a=sledru - d69a0e8a853d
Nicolas Silva [email protected] 1083071 - Add some old intel drivers to the blocklist. r=Bas a=sledru - d96967b7f22a
Nicolas Silva [email protected] 1044975 - Don't crash if mapping D3D11 shader constant buffers fails. r=Bas a=sledru - 946f61c00aa0
Bas Schouten [email protected] 1026893 - "crash in @0x0 | CContext::ID3D11DeviceContext1SetSamplers(ID3D11DeviceContext1, unsigned int, unsigned int, ID3D11SamplerState const*)". r=jmuizelaar a=sledru - b9e31f93e53c
Nicolas Silva [email protected] 1083071 - Blacklist device family IntelGMAX4500HD drivers older than 7-19-2011 because of OMTC issues on Windows. r=Bas, a=sledru - b4f691bf543e
Ryan VanderMeulen [email protected] 1083071 - Change accidentally-used periods to commas. rs=nical, a=bustage - fc031fd29ac3
Ed Lee [email protected] 1075620 - Switch to GET for fetch to allow caching of links data from redirect. r=ttaubert, a=sledru - a7f2d0803533
Randell Jesup [email protected] 1075640 - Don't return 0-length frames for decoding; add comments about loss handling. r=ehugg, a=sledru - be43cc1b2373
Ethan Hugg [email protected] 1075640 - Check for zero length frames in GMP H264 decode. r=jesup, a=sledru - 45dd53a5354b
Irving Reid [email protected] 1059674 - Use AsynchShutdown.blocker() for AddonManager provider shutdown. r=Unfocused, r=Yoric, r=Mossop, a=sledru - bda37eb8a921
Irving Reid [email protected] 1074135 - Callback after exceptions when calling async provider methods. r=Unfocused, r=Mossop, a=sledru - b3ce9237bb9a
Irving Reid [email protected] 1081702 - Check that callback parameters are defined before pushing onto result arrays. r=Mossop, a=sledru - f7b82b004588
Nicolas Silva [email protected] 1083071 - Backout the additional blacklist entries. r=jmuizelaar, a=sledru - e890ed642ccc
Jeff Muizelaar [email protected] 1083071. Disable D3D11 and D3D9 layers on broken drivers. r=bjacob, a=sledru - 1b2b105a4c54
Ryan VanderMeulen [email protected] out changeset 1b2b105a4c54 (Bug 1083071) for Win7 mochitest-1 failures. - 77e045dd0f7c
Jeff Muizelaar [email protected] 1083071 - Disable D3D11 and D3D9 layers on broken drivers. r=bjacob, a=sledru - 3fdbf5e789d0
Benoit Jacob [email protected] 1083071 - Avoid touching D3D11 at all, even to test if it works, if D3D11 layers are blacklisted. r=Bas, r=jmuizelaar, a=sledru - e4f020cdef25
Ed Lee [email protected] 1088729 - Only allow http(s) directory links. r=adw, a=sledru - 137b543a1ec4
Benoit Jacob [email protected] 1089413 - Only test resource sharing on d3d feature level >= 10. r=jmuizelaar, a=sledru - 9a8dc41a653e
Justin Wood [email protected] Bug - Dummy commit to trigger jobs. r=robots a=people approved for CLOSED TREE by aliens. - bfeaec35449a
Justin Wood [email protected] Bug - Dummy commit to trigger jobs. r=robots a=people approved for CLOSED TREE by aliens. - 0f740e9b92d5
Justin Wood [email protected] Bug - Dummy commit to trigger jobs. r=robots a=people approved for CLOSED TREE by aliens. - 506dbb9cb1c8
Justin Dolske [email protected] releases/mozilla-release and alder - 8a69f66b4e31
Justin Dolske [email protected] 1068290 - UI Tour: Add ability to highlight New Private Window icon in chrome. r=mattn - ea602704377d
Justin Dolske [email protected] 1072036 - UI Tour: Add ability to highlight new privacy button. r=mattn - 62fee88552f8
Justin Dolske [email protected] 1071238 - UI Tour: add ability to put a widget in the toolbar. r=mattn - f4c017d24f92
Blair McBride [email protected] 1068284 - UI Tour: Add ability to highlight search provider in search menu. r=MattN - 4dc2af2e837c
Gijs Kruitbosch [email protected] 1069300 - add a privacy/forget/panic button (includes fix for Bug 1074498), r=jaws, a=dolske - aea178b2ec0c
Gijs Kruitbosch [email protected] 1079869 - Fix closing forget panel by adding a closemenu=none attribute. r=jaws, a=sledru - 0de8444b8da0
Gijs Kruitbosch [email protected] 1077404 - subviewradio elements in panic button panel are elliptical and labels get borders, r=jaws - cc67ff387243
Justin Dolske [email protected] 1076943 - forget icon has white border (non-transparent background). r=jaws a=dolske - 36221eb238be
Gijs Kruitbosch [email protected] 1073607 - add magical pref system for panic button, r=jaws, a=dolske - 1599c644f54f
Chris AtLee [email protected] 1083853: adjust expected keys used for nightly-alder r=bhearsum - a752028423fd
Justin Dolske [email protected] releases/mozilla-release and alder - 3f594a5bacfc
Justin Dolske [email protected] 1088137 - Forget button can fail to clear cookies by running sanitizer too early. r=MattN - 860d5a053b5f
Mark Hammond [email protected] 1077643 - Enable WhatsNew page in-product for 33.X anniversary - 1d7405a097b1
Justin Dolske [email protected] 1089421 - Forget button should call more attention to it closing all tabs/windows. r=gijs, ui-r=phlsa - e0d4cbcae717
Gijs Kruitbosch [email protected] 1074520 - Use CSS instead of hacks to make the forget button lay out correctly. r=jaws, a=lmandel,dolske - c55d0a927772
Gijs Kruitbosch [email protected] 1079222 - deny fullscreen from the forget button, r=dolske, a=dolske - 914bed88291e
Justin Dolske [email protected] 1085330 - UITour: Highlight positioning breaks when icon target moves into "more tools" overflow panel. r=Unfocused - 48f2446e0b8b
Gavin Sharp [email protected] 1061736: add DuckDuckGo as a search engine option in Firefox. r=dolske - 0746f89a5aee
Justin Dolske [email protected] 1077643 - followup to disable test that's now expected to fail. - 3e492d503e8d
Justin Dolske [email protected] releases/mozilla-release and alder a=merge - 766b4b4fa7c7
Kai Engert [email protected] 1049435 - importing an RSA private key fails if p < q, upgrade to NSS 3.17.2, r=wtc, a=sledru - 8c16b644aaa7
Kai Engert Bug 1042889 - Cannot override secerrorcacertinvalid. r=dkeeler, a=sledru - efd4bca5ac0d
Benoit Jacob [email protected] 1088858 - Backport ANGLE fixes to make WebGL work on Windows in Firefox 33. r=jmuizelaar, a=sledru - d49ad0a834a8
Patrick McManus [email protected] 1088850 - Disable http/1 framing enforcement from Bug 237623. r=bagder, a=sledru - b4f797f3cd52
David Rajchenbach-Teller [email protected] 1087674 - Handle XHR abort()/timeout and certificate errors more gracefully in GMPInstallmanager. r=gfritzsche, a=sledru - 0de6e2b5507a
Richard Newman [email protected] 1090385 - More robust handling of external intents. r=snorp, a=sledru - 2c6590150a85
Richard Newman [email protected] 1090385 - Follow-up: fix GeckoAppShell. a=bustage - f8bdafd5fac5
Richard Newman [email protected] 1090385 - Follow-up: fix GeckoApp. a=bustage - 13b6fd9ab7a1
Richard Newman [email protected] 1090385 - Follow-up: fix yet more bustage in GeckoApp. a=bustage - 1316d20c2270
Bas Schouten [email protected] 1064864. Ensure the copying bounds are sane. r=jrmuizel a=sylvestre - 6e6d4a8dc162
Jonathan Watt [email protected] 1076910 - Don't use gfxPlatform::GetPlatform() off the main thread. r=Bas, a=sledru - aa636b6addb1
Jonathan Watt [email protected] 1076910 - Add some error checks to gfxUtils::EncodeSourceSurface. r=Bas, a=sledru - 75c2f18b0020
Mark Finkle [email protected] 883254 - Add the duckduckgo searchplugin. r=margaret, a=lmandel - 6233fa4970a4
Nick Alexander [email protected] 883254 - Add the duckduckgo searchplugin to certain locales. f=glandium, r=mfinkle, a=lmandel - 9b6e72bafd64
Nicolas Silva [email protected] 1064107 - Ensure that gfxPlatform is initialized by the time we create the compositor. r=Bas, a=sledru - 204173cef30b
Bas Schouten [email protected] 1093694 - Don't allow any graphics features when there's a driver version mismatch. r=jrmuizel, a=sledru - e1414483567c
Benoit Jacob [email protected] 1021265 - Regard d3d11 as broken with displaylink on versions <=, and fall back to basic layers. r=jrmuizel, a=sledru - 7496596b3075
Benoit Jacob [email protected] 1093863 - Blacklist D3D on dual Intel/AMD not advertised as such in the registry. r=jrmuizel, a=lmandel - 8296918e9bdb
Nick Alexander [email protected] 883254 - Follow-up to add extra new line in JAR manifest. r=mfinkle, a=sledru - ff5068a4aa0c
Nicolas SilvaBug 1089183 - Blacklist D2D on a range of ATI drivers that don't handle dxgi keyed mutex properly. r=bjacob, a=sledru - 818480839115
about 10 years
Denelle Dixon-Thayer
At Mozilla, we believe that an individuals’ privacy on the Internet cannot be treated as optional. Our Privacy Principles guide us with the design of each of our products and services. We’ve introduced features to support our privacy focus across … Continue reading
about 10 years
Today we are celebrating the 10th anniversary of Firefox and as a birthday present have lots of exciting new technologies for developers to try out.
Over the last 10 years Mozilla didn’t just build Firefox, we also helped build much of the Web that
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users experience today through Firefox and other browsers.
The Mozilla Project was created to wrestle control over the Web from Microsoft. Through its then dominant 98% browser market share with Internet Explorer 6, Microsoft had almost total control over the evolution of the Web. Mozilla didn’t tackle this situation merely through advocacy–telling the world why it is bad if a single corporation has disproportionate control over an ecosystem as important and central to our lives as the Web. Instead, we went to work to create a better, more powerful Web and a better, more powerful browser: Firefox. The competition and innovation Firefox brought to the Web has dramatically changed the open Web and browser landscape over the last 10 years.
Today, no single browser vendor has the same dominant market share Microsoft had. Users can choose from a number of browsers made by Microsoft, Google, Apple and of course Mozilla. The competition in the browser space is one of the clearest signs of the success of our mission over the last 10 years.
At Mozilla we don’t just build a consumer browser, we also build the Web itself. To overcome proprietary ecosystems the Web has to match or exceed the capabilities and performance of native platforms. Over the last 10 years we have pioneered many new Web technologies, and contributed to standardizing them.
Gaming has become an important form of entertainment for many. In the past, gaming in the browser was dependent on plugins, restricting developers from distributing content widely on the Web. Mozilla has pioneered a number of new technologies to unlock the Web as an immersive platform for games, including WebGL, which is now ubiquitous among all modern browsers. And we created asm.js, a new JavaScript extension that enables near-native performance for game engines.
Performance Improvements
I am proud to say that Mozilla’s JavaScript engine now leads the market on JavaScript performance in pretty much all categories, offering a best in class gaming experience in the browser. We also enabled process separation in Nightly builds, providing additional performance and security benefits to Firefox users. And if you are using a 64-bit capable version of Windows, we will start shipping 64-bit builds of Firefox to Windows soon (on Mac we have been offering 64-bit builds for quite some time).
Advancing Audio and Video
Audio and Video on the Web are also making big leaps forward with the help of Mozilla. We are one of the leading proponents of WebRTC, a new Web API for real-time communication via audio, video and data channels. Together with our long time partner Telefonica, we are bringing Firefox Hello, a WebRTC-based audio/video chat feature to Firefox soon. Firefox Hello allows people to communicate in real time without the need to download software or create an account.
Building out the Web
Our volunteer community continues to have a big role in advancing Firefox and the Web. Andre Natal from our Brazilian community has been contributing speech recognition functionality to Firefox and Firefox OS. This will allow users to interact with their desktop browsers as well as Firefox OS devices by simply using their voice. This Web Speech API is currently being added to our rendering engine Gecko.
Firefox Developer Edition
If you are a Web developer and excited to try out some of the technologies above, we have something special for you in celebration of our 10th anniversary. While we build the Web, it is developers who build the content and experiences the Web enables. In recognition of their efforts and our ongoing commitment to the Web developer community we are releasing a dedicated Firefox Developer Edition, made specifically for Web developers with many features that developers want enabled by default. The developer edition streamlines development workflow and adds new features that simplify the process of building for the entire Web, whether targeting mobile or desktop across many different platforms.
What the Future Holds
10 years ago, Mozilla started a long journey to set the Web free of Microsoft’s proprietary control, and today we have largely achieved that goal. The next phase of the struggle for an open Web is mobile where a new duopoly has arisen: iOS and Android. Just as we took on Microsoft 10 years ago with Firefox, we are looking to unseat Google’s and Apple’s dominance over the mobile space by creating a new smartphone OS that is built of the Web: Firefox OS. Since its launch last year Firefox OS has now spread to 24 countries all over the world, including our most recent launch in India. If you are using our Firefox OS developer phone, we are releasing a new developer build of Firefox OS 2.0 today.
We are also advancing the fundamental technologies of the Web through Servo and Rust. Servo is a new rendering engine for the next generation Web with advanced support for parallelism as well as improved security and reliability. We are able to accomplish this thanks to Rust, a new systems programming language which we have been building and which is gaining strong community support.
And, we have also started to explore the next frontier of the Web: Virtual Reality. We are pioneering new capabilities for VR on the Web and we are launching as a platform for technology demos and a place for developers to learn about how to bring VR experiences to the Web.Filed under: Mozilla [Less]