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Analyzed about 1 year ago. based on code collected about 1 year ago.
Posted almost 2 years ago by Frank Tackitt
Problem/Opportunity Statement reported by @davidls1: What would success / a fix look like? Exosphere handles quotes approximately the same way that bash handles quotes. A good-enough heuristic might be: if whatever follows the equal sign starts and ends with a pair of single or double quotes, then strip those quotes.
Posted almost 2 years ago by Chris Martin
To do: revisit in a few weeks after !769 is complete, should be easier to test then.
Posted almost 2 years ago by Frank Tackitt
Overview Wrap bulkActionsView and numberOfRecordsDisplay in a Element.column to remove any layout shifting and vertically align the text Placing the text above the bulkActionsView instead would prevent the text moving when bulk actions become ... [More] available, but it breaks the alignment of the actions and filters. Fixes #893 How to Test Open the instances view, add some filters, and then check at least one instance Screenshots Before: After: [Less]
Posted almost 2 years ago by Frank Tackitt
Overview Parse single quoted strings in imported OpenRC files Fixes #741 How to Test Import an OpenRC file with quoted values in variables, such as: OS_AUTH_URL='https://js2.jetstream-cloud.org:5000/v3/' OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME=access ... [More] OS_USERNAME="[email protected]" OS_PASSWORD='mysupersecurepassword1' Screenshots There are no visual changes [Less]
Posted almost 2 years ago by Chris Martin
I selected: International Scope Independent Transparent "Yes" to "Should the foundation aim at supporting the development of specific open source projects?" 33 results: .NET Foundation Apache Software Foundation Center for the Cultivation of ... [More] Technology Cloud Foundry Foundation Django Software Foundation Document Foundation Eclipse Foundation F# Software Foundation Fintech Open Source Foundation FreeBSD Foundation GNOME Foundation Gentoo Foundation Kuali Foundation Mozilla Foundation NLnet Labs Foundation NetBSD Foundation OASIS Open OW2 Open Compute Project Open Infrastructure Foundation Open Source Collective Open Source Geospatial Foundation Open Source Initiative OpenBSD Foundation OpenSourceMatters OpenStreetMap Foundation Parrot Foundation Plone Foundation Python Software Foundation Sahana Foundation The Perl Foundation Wikimedia Foundation X.Org Foundation LLC Removing ones that seem clearly not applicable to Exosphere, that leaves us with: Apache Software Foundation Center for the Cultivation of Technology OW2 Open Compute Project Open Infrastructure Foundation Open Source Collective Open Source Initiative We are somewhat familiar with ASF and OpenInfra Foundation. I'm not familiar with the others. Next step: for each of the 5 new to us, note the services they offer and the governance model(s) they support. A few bullets or sentences for each. Then, this issue is complete. [Less]
Posted almost 2 years ago by Chris Martin
Go ahead! Please remove "Draft: " prefix from the MR title when you feel it's ready.
Posted almost 2 years ago by Julian Pistorius
Overview Documentation that describes which parts of the project require which subsets of contributor skills. Fixes #824
Posted almost 2 years ago by Chris Martin
Overview Documentation that describes which parts of the project require which subsets of contributor skills. Fixes #824
Posted almost 2 years ago by Julian Pistorius
Ideas: Tutorials for specific contribution tasks (e.g. new page, widget, browser test, etc.) Labels indicating skills (e.g. Elm, Linux, Cloud APIs, etc.) Follow-up from "Add contributor skills section to contributing.md" The following discussion ... [More] from !743 should be addressed: @dmsnell started a discussion: (+3 comments) I may not have a very useful opinion on this, but some initial thoughts: The table seems to only describe who can't contribute, not who can, because if someone is able they will try and likely not first look to see if they are qualified. I like what @cmart suggests with language like "For each skill, we might consider a sentence that links the reader to a "learn this skill" resource or two" as that could make this document a jumping point for how to learn. If you get started and find that you don't know what you're doing, then maybe a guide that gives a pointer would be helpful… ## Skills/knowledge domains in use in this project - The project is written in the Elm language. Learn how to [get started](https://elm-lang.org). - Our UI is abstracted on [elm-ui](https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/mdgriffith/elm-ui/1.1.8/), a library which attempts to replace the need to write CSS. - Contributions are submitted through [git](https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/what-is-git-and-how-to-use-it-c341b049ae61/) and [Gitlab](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/tutorials/). - We employ [browser tests](link) to automate testing in our project. [This MR](link) is an example of a change adding new browser tests for an existing feature of the site. - Everything in Exosphere is about interfacing [OpenStack](link to open stack tutorial/intro). Learn more about [OpenStack](openstack.org) and [Jetstream2](jetstream2), our partner blah blah. I you hit a roadblock, don't be discouraged! You can reach in our [Slack channel](slack.com) or on [Discord](discord) or ask for help here in an issue or merge request. This minimal intro could be incorporated in the project README where it will likely get much more visibility than in a doc hidden in the docs directory. Overall, I have strong doubts that people look at necessary skills documents, or that they help people. In my experience it has only been a thing where someone was redirected to a skills matrix after asking a human for help and getting that help. I struggle to come up with a situation where someone is asking, "I wonder if I have the skills necessary to work on this project. Oops, OpenStack interactions are an essential skill for working with OpenStack APIs, so I better not do that." In fact, as I mentioned to you @julianpistorius just recently, I'm only starting to get a handle on the OpenStack APIs after having worked with them for more than a year, so in that sense either I shouldn't have been working with them, or they shouldn't be essential skills, or (as is probably more likely the case) skills matrices suffer from a fundamental ambiguity about what "skills" and "required" means. [Less]
Posted almost 2 years ago by Julian Pistorius
This issue is diffuse without clear resolution criteria. I will either improve it, or close it in favor of more concrete issues.