I Use This!


Analyzed 16 days ago. based on code collected over 7 years ago.
Posted over 16 years ago
Exalt is a network manager built for E17 by Watchwolf. It already has every feature you need to setup basic networking both wired and wireless, and comes with the added benefit of having a module for quick network switching. This should be compiled and installed by everyone wanting to use E17 as there Desktop.
Posted over 16 years ago
Exalt is a network manager built for E17 by Watchwolf. It already has every feature you need to setup basic networking both wired and wireless, and comes with the added benefit of having a module for quick network switching. This should be compiled and installed by everyone wanting to use E17 as there Desktop.
Posted over 16 years ago
Edje editor is a visual editor for edje file.
Posted over 16 years ago
Medium dark theme with my favorite clock (edje_decc the theme and view clock.edc if you are interested in a 24-hour version).
Posted over 16 years ago
A theme for Rockstars. It has recently undergone a code clean up and is now mildly faster. There are some cosmetic changes too, in the Configuration panels and Dialog boxes. The border corners are also neater.
Posted over 16 years ago
A theme for Rockstars. It has recently undergone a code clean up and is now mildly faster. There are some cosmetic changes too, in the Configuration panels and Dialog boxes. The border corners are also neater.
Posted over 16 years ago
A sleek, silver dynamically coloured theme. This theme can be controlled by the command-line via enlightenment_remote. For more details on that, see the themes About page. It is recommended to use a composite manger like Bling module or the ... [More] xcompmgr program and set the Background color_class to 255 255 255 128 for some nice transparency effects. Icon theme is in! Its called [http://danrabbit.deviantart.com/art/Elementary-Icons-65437279 Elementary] [Less]
Posted over 16 years ago
Intended to be clean and simple.
Posted over 16 years ago
Intended to be clean and simple.
Posted over 16 years ago
Baroque is an extravagant theme for E17. Meant for high resolution screens that have plenty of space. Border inspired by Toma's [theme:Framed]. Be careful of the corners. They might be alive. Don't use the theme's wallpaper for more than 5 minutes ... [More] or you may go blind. Use the alternate shelf theme for large shelves. And careful where you point that thing! This theme is currently incomplete, missing themes for all the default shelf modules, the scrollframe widget, run command and the file manager. It is looking for a maintainer that will provide these features and more. [Less]