about 9 years
We announced a number of new features in formalmind Studio right before Christmas, including better SpecRelations (linking), Validation, ID-Generation and a few more. But we did not stop there, but continued our work. Read on to learn what we added.
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But first… Talk at ReConf 2016 Dr. […]
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about 9 years
Michael Jastram
We announced a number of new features in formalmind Studio right before Christmas, including better SpecRelations (linking), Validation, ID-Generation and a few more. But we did not stop there, but continued our work. Read on to learn what we added.
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But first… Talk at ReConf 2016 Dr.
The post Even More New Features in formalmind Studio appeared first on Formal Mind GmbH.
about 9 years
Michael Jastram
Over the last two months, we put a lot of work into formalmind Studio: We polished the rough edges and we implemented new features. Maybe you already noticed these, as we rolled some of them out silently, like jumping to the target of links. Others
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we already announced, like Consequent, the ReqIF validator. But here is the full list.
So here is our Christmas gift to you, and to the open source.
Before we start: Trends in Systems Engineering (German)
We mentioned it before: We launched a new German-language blog, Systems Engineering Trends. Recent Stories include:
Was man über SYSMOD wissen muss
Fünf Trends im Systems Engineering
Kann Deutschland im Systems Engineering mithalten?
Rezension: Just Enough Systems Engineering
If you speak German, please check it out, and please forward this to interested friends and colleagues. Visit SE-Trends >>
New Features in fmStudio
Here is the list of new features:
Bidirectional SpecRelations
SpecRelations (Links) have a source and a target. Therefore, there are incoming and outgoing links. We always counted the number of incoming links, but upon double clicking on the link column, only the outgoing links were shown. We finally change that, so now you can also see the incoming links.
You can see this to the right, where three requirements are linked from Start to Middle to End. Also note that the lines between SpecRelations are weaker, so that the SpecObjects are visually grouped with their SpecRelations.
Following SpecRelations
Another long overdue feature: Users don't just want to see the target of a Link (which is shown in the Properties view, if the rightmost column is selected); they also want to be able to jump to the target requirements in the Specification where it is used.
This is not as trivial as it sounds: Requirements (SpecObjects) are referenced. This means that the SpecObject can be referenced multiple times, or not at all. In those scenarios, the tool lists all locations where the SpecObject is used in a dialog.
Faster SpecRelations
And while we were dealing with the linking, we also made it faster. If you encountered performance problems with SpecRelations in the past, please give it a try again.
Validation everywhere
We recently released Consequent, which performs ReqIF validation. We now automatically validate upon saving, so that you always know if something is wrong. You can disable this via Window | Preferences | ProR | Validate ReqIF on save.
Another place, where it is easy to introduce invalid model elements is the type configuration (fmStudio | Datatype Configuration). Therefore, the dialog now features a functioning "validate" button and requires users to click it before closing it. We also started to add validation rules to Presentations (extensions to the tool).
Last, clicking on a Problem now also selects the corresponding element in the editor. For now there is the limitation that the element must exists in the open editor, but we plan on chaning that as well.
Improvements in ID Generation
fmStudio always had the ability to generate human-readable IDs via the ID Presentation (accessible via fmStudio | Presentation Configuration). We made a number of improvements: The starting value is automatically determined, useful if some IDs have already been created manually. Also, if ID clashes are detected (e.g. because the file was modified outside fmStudio), the validator will produce an error, as shown in the screenshot below: The ID REQ-1 is used twice, which is shown in the Problems View.
New ReqIF Wizard (Prostep-conform)
We also created a new Wizard that takes the recommendations from the ProSTEP ReqIF Implementor Forum into account. This means that using that Wizard for new ReqIF files will make it much easier to import them in other tools. You can create new models via File | New | ReqIF 10 Model (with Attributes from Implementation Guide).
A model created this way also has the ID-Presentation configured, which means that human-readable IDs are also generated automatically.
Note: If the Wizard does not show up, you may have to reset your perspective via Window | Reset Perspective... You can also access it via File | New | Other...
Automatic Columns
fmStudio supports multiple Specifications. But upon creation of a new one, no columns were configured. Now the columns are created as soon as you add a requirement (SpecObject) to a new Specification. The SpecObject's attributes are used as the template for the columns.
Also, the Column Dialog fmStudio | Configure Columns now features an additional button, Auto add Columns. Upon activation, the first 50 SpecObjects of the Specification are inspected and missing columns are added.
Little Improvements everywhere
And last, we fixed a lot of little things, sped things up, and made usage easier. This includes new keyboard shortcuts, bug fixes and the like.
Happy Holidays!
Even though we doubt that you will spend Christmas evening writing requirements, we still hope that these new features will make your work with ReqIF in 2016 a little easier.
Image courtesy of Mister GC at
about 9 years
Michael Jastram
Over the last two months, we put a lot of work into formalmind Studio: We polished the rough edges and we implemented new features. Maybe you already noticed these, as we rolled some of them out silently, like jumping to the target of links. Others
... [More]
we already announced, like Consequent, the ReqIF validator. But here is the full list.
So here is our Christmas gift to you, and to the open source.
Before we start: Trends in Systems Engineering (German)
We mentioned it before: We launched a new German-language blog, Systems Engineering Trends. Recent Stories include:
Was man über SYSMOD wissen muss
Fünf Trends im Systems Engineering
Kann Deutschland im Systems Engineering mithalten?
Rezension: Just Enough Systems Engineering
If you speak German, please check it out, and please forward this to interested friends and colleagues. Visit SE-Trends >>
New Features in fmStudio
Here is the list of new features:
Bidirectional SpecRelations
SpecRelations (Links) have a source and a target. Therefore, there are incoming and outgoing links. We always counted the number of incoming links, but upon double clicking on the link column, only the outgoing links were shown. We finally change that, so now you can also see the incoming links.
You can see this to the right, where three requirements are linked from Start to Middle to End. Also note that the lines between SpecRelations are weaker, so that the SpecObjects are visually grouped with their SpecRelations.
Following SpecRelations
Another long overdue feature: Users don't just want to see the target of a Link (which is shown in the Properties view, if the rightmost column is selected); they also want to be able to jump to the target requirements in the Specification where it is used.
This is not as trivial as it sounds: Requirements (SpecObjects) are referenced. This means that the SpecObject can be referenced multiple times, or not at all. In those scenarios, the tool lists all locations where the SpecObject is used in a dialog.
Faster SpecRelations
And while we were dealing with the linking, we also made it faster. If you encountered performance problems with SpecRelations in the past, please give it a try again.
Validation everywhere
We recently released Consequent, which performs ReqIF validation. We now automatically validate upon saving, so that you always know if something is wrong. You can disable this via Window | Preferences | ProR | Validate ReqIF on save.
Another place, where it is easy to introduce invalid model elements is the type configuration (fmStudio | Datatype Configuration). Therefore, the dialog now features a functioning "validate" button and requires users to click it before closing it. We also started to add validation rules to Presentations (extensions to the tool).
Last, clicking on a Problem now also selects the corresponding element in the editor. For now there is the limitation that the element must exists in the open editor, but we plan on chaning that as well.
Improvements in ID Generation
fmStudio always had the ability to generate human-readable IDs via the ID Presentation (accessible via fmStudio | Presentation Configuration). We made a number of improvements: The starting value is automatically determined, useful if some IDs have already been created manually. Also, if ID clashes are detected (e.g. because the file was modified outside fmStudio), the validator will produce an error, as shown in the screenshot below: The ID REQ-1 is used twice, which is shown in the Problems View.
New ReqIF Wizard (Prostep-conform)
We also created a new Wizard that takes the recommendations from the ProSTEP ReqIF Implementor Forum into account. This means that using that Wizard for new ReqIF files will make it much easier to import them in other tools. You can create new models via File | New | ReqIF 10 Model (with Attributes from Implementation Guide).
A model created this way also has the ID-Presentation configured, which means that human-readable IDs are also generated automatically.
Note: If the Wizard does not show up, you may have to reset your perspective via Window | Reset Perspective... You can also access it via File | New | Other...
Automatic Columns
fmStudio supports multiple Specifications. But upon creation of a new one, no columns were configured. Now the columns are created as soon as you add a requirement (SpecObject) to a new Specification. The SpecObject's attributes are used as the template for the columns.
Also, the Column Dialog fmStudio | Configure Columns now features an additional button, Auto add Columns. Upon activation, the first 50 SpecObjects of the Specification are inspected and missing columns are added.
Little Improvements everywhere
And last, we fixed a lot of little things, sped things up, and made usage easier. This includes new keyboard shortcuts, bug fixes and the like.
Happy Holidays!
Even though we doubt that you will spend Christmas evening writing requirements, we still hope that these new features will make your work with ReqIF in 2016 a little easier.
Image courtesy of Mister GC at
about 9 years
Over the last two months, we put a lot of work into formalmind Studio: We polished the rough edges and we implemented new features. Maybe you already noticed these, as we rolled some of them out silently, like jumping to the target of links. Others we already […]
The post Many new features in formalmind Studio appeared first on Formal Mind GmbH.
about 9 years
Over the last two months, we put a lot of work into formalmind Studio: We polished the rough edges and we implemented new features. Maybe you already noticed these, as we rolled some of them out silently, like jumping to the target of links. Others we already […]
The post Many new features in formalmind Studio appeared first on Formal Mind GmbH.
about 9 years
Michael Jastram
Over the last two months, we put a lot of work into formalmind Studio: We polished the rough edges and we implemented new features. Maybe you already noticed these, as we rolled some of them out silently, like jumping to the target of links. Others we already
The post Many new features in formalmind Studio appeared first on Formal Mind GmbH.
about 9 years
Michael Jastram
Over the last two months, we put a lot of work into ReqIF Studio: We polished the rough edges and we implemented new features. Maybe you already noticed these, as we rolled some of them out silently, like jumping to the target of links. Others we already
Read the full article: Many new features in ReqIF Studio
about 9 years
tweet share share share share flattr Over the last two months, we put a lot of work into formalmind Studio: We polished the rough edges and we implemented new features. Maybe you already noticed these, as we rolled some of them out silently, like
... [More]
jumping to the target of links. Others we already […]
The post Many new features in formalmind Studio appeared first on Formal Mind GmbH. [Less]
about 9 years
Michael Jastram
Earlier this year, we launched a survey, asking how we could improve this blog. After shuffling through the answers, we decided to keep this blog as is, but to launch an additional, second blog. We are proud to announce:
The Systems Engineering
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Trend Blog can be found at What is this blog about?
It is in German, as we realize that a lot of our readers (and customers) reside in Germany
It is generally commerce-free: In the Formal Mind Blog (what you are reading right now), we often talk about our products and services. SE-Trends is focused on independent knowledge transfer.
It is social: Content is cross-posted on various social networks, and you can easily share content. Of course, you can also comment directly (without requiring login).
It appears weekly: We publish new content every week. If you prefer delivery via newsletter, you can choose between weekly and monthly delivery.
Bonus: If you sign up for the SE-Trends newsletter today, you will receive a copy of the Eclipse Magazin-Article "Entwicklung mit System", which was published earlier this year. Of course you can unsubscribe anytime.
And last, if you have ideas on how SE-Trends could be improved, let us know. In particular, for social sharing, we focused on professional networks (namely LinkedIn, Xing, Google Plus and Twitter). Should we also include personal networks (like Facebook or WhatsApp)? We look forward to your feedback.