Update Readme.txt |
over 4 years ago
Update Readme.txt |
over 4 years ago
Fixed typo where configSETUP_PRIORITY was defined twice |
over 4 years ago
Merge pull request #26 from samboneym/master |
over 4 years ago
Fixed a bug where configSETUP_PRIORITY was defined twice Fixed a bug where mainSetupStackSize_PRIORITY was used twice instead of mainSetupPriority |
over 9 years ago
Removed naked attribute to fix compile error |
over 9 years ago
The names of the subsections as ". lowtext" does not need a reference. Text so its reference should be made only as ". lowtext" and not as ". text.lowtext" |
almost 12 years ago
Auxiliary function defined as the Task naked and always_inline The |
almost 12 years ago
Auxiliary function defined as the Task naked and always_inline The |
almost 12 years ago
Fixed type parameter to the function defnition Once the function is always_inline it need not be noreturn not naked. |
almost 12 years ago
The proposed solution to improve the presentation of the code in port.c was not a good result in initial tests I did worked, but I was using in a function and in this case macros are then researched the impact of using functions inline, and so I thought acclaim, besides the fact that the result be the same when properly parameterized. http://www.parashift.com/c++-faq/inline-vs-macros.html |
almost 12 years ago
malloc.c file restored from the last release of the 1.0.x Arduino |
almost 12 years ago
FreeRTOS.h updating with fixes lost the FreeRTOS 7.4.0 |
almost 12 years ago
File with instruction to make a Merge. and update .gitignore |
almost 12 years ago
A new approach to identify the presence of register RAMPZ and ENDI and using Program Counter (PC) greater than 17 bits. Merge from specific branch for test. |
almost 12 years ago
Pins 5 and 6 on the Arduino UNO and pins 7 and 13 in the Arduino MEGA TIMER0 use to control the PWM, Timer 0 as being used by DuinOS, insert the option to disable by setting the property using your DISABLED_BY_DUINOS |
almost 12 years ago
Merge pull request #4 from niesteszeck/master |
almost 12 years ago
repaired portSAVE_CONTEXT() for atmega2560 was missing a push over r0 |
almost 12 years ago
Added specific FreeRTOSConfig***.h files that where missing in the last update |
almost 12 years ago
Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/carlosdelfino/DuinOS |
almost 12 years ago
Fixed storage register R0 to other AVRs than the ATmega 2560. the macro portRESTORE_CONTEXT () when used for other AVRs that are not the type ATmega 2560 has a fault after the last fix, replicating the storage R0 registered two consecutive unnecessarily. |
almost 12 years ago
Merge pull request #2 from niesteszeck/Mega2560 |
almost 12 years ago
Update repository DuinOS and Master Branch to reflect the work of the Arduino repository in the same branch and FreeRTOS upgraded to 7.4.0. |
almost 12 years ago
Added the ability to save RAMPZ and EIND registers (Atmega2560 has it) |
almost 12 years ago
Added the ability to save RAMPZ and EIND registers (Atmega2560 has it) |
almost 12 years ago
atualização do esqueleto do código para permitir o uso da função delay() dentro do setup. Estou trabalhando no código para permitir a auto seleção do tipo de delay a ser usado quando usando ou não as tasks. |
about 12 years ago
ajustado o esqueleto da aplicação para que a função setup() possa usar delay(). |
about 12 years ago
ignorado alguns arquivos da IDE de desenvolvimento (Eclipse) |
about 12 years ago
coreção do nome da função aduinoTickHook para vApplicationTickHook |
about 12 years ago
master atualizado para sincronizar com o Arduino 1.0.3+ |
about 12 years ago