about 18 years
The DMCMS demo site is now up and running. The demo site consists of a fully working version of DMCMS that you can test out by loggin in as an administrator. The save functions have been disabled s...
about 18 years
After some extensive re-writing DM CMS is very nearly ready for release candidate 1. Most of the niggling bugs have been ironed out, a few extra features have been added and a lot of tidying up has...
about 18 years
After a break over the Xmas period I have finally managed to get around to uploading another Beta version.I have decided to lose the version control for the beta versions as I am making so many cha...
about 18 years
Recently I have been looking at open source IDE's and text editors. I am a long time user of Ultraedit (initially Ultraedit 32 and then Ultraedit studio) which I have found to be an excellent p...
about 18 years
DeeEmm 0.5.62.beta is now available for download, this version fixes a few minor bugs present with version 0.5.61. The bugfixes are related to the default database schema for newly created tables (...
about 18 years
DeeEmm.0.5.61.beta is now available for download. This version is fully functioning with a few minor exceptions, these are as follows. User Administration Profile Settings Password Change Media ...
over 18 years
In a bid to get DM CMS ready to publish I have been sorting though the last few issues and adding some extra features. One such feature is RSS Support.This morning I knew nothing about RSS (well, t...
over 18 years
Progress has been rather slow of late, unfortunately I have had to spend some time overseas for my real job, which has meant that progress on the site has been at a standstill for a while, to top i...
over 18 years
For those of you who have been following the progress you would have noticed that things have stood still for the past few weeks. This is as I have been taking a long overdue holiday. I'll star...
over 18 years
I have still been working on getting the bugs ironed out with the site but have recently been paying a little thought to the useability of DeeEmm for the end user, one idea that I will incorporate ...