Sometimes the simplicity of DJB's software trips people up. There are no complicated zone files or configurations in XML; in his signature style, djb uses directories and files to configure the software. A lot of folks don't realize how utterly elegant and simple this is....I admit, getting a summary of the config takes a little effort (ala script or a 3rd party front-end), but the configs are so easy to manipulate b/c it is just dir/file/content and easy to automate or hand edit.
djbdns is, hands down the most secure dns system out there - it is also light on system resources and performs very very well. Germany is using them to host their root nameservers and many fortune 500 companies use djbdns for their externally hosted dns for security reasons.
Read djb's setup guidance and join the list at his site. If you still have trouble, check out lifewithdjbdns