Contributes to Git
Contributes to QEMU
Contributes to Linux Kernel
and 5 other projectsContributes to Git as Thomas Harning
Contributes to OpenSC
Contributes to luaevent as Thomas Harning Jr
and 9 other projectsContributes to Git
Contributes to OpenEmbedded
Contributes to Gentoo Linux
and 15 other projectsContributes to GNU Core Utilities
Contributes to GNU gnulib
Contributes to GNU C Library
and 31 other projectsContributes to zsh
Contributes to Mailman
Contributes to Perl IRC Statistics Generator as xtaran
and 40 other projectsContributes to Wine as Michael Ploujnikov
Contributes to UFO: Alien Invasion
Contributes to VLC media player as Michael Ploujnikov
and 4 other projects