This release adds some new command line scripts for managing the OAI-PMH providerand its data. It also includes bug fixes to Harmoni and Polyphony. See the corresponding Harmoniand Polyphony changelogs for details.Concerto 2.5.2 includes Harmoni
... [More]
0.13.2 and Polyphony 0.10.2.Release Notes: (0 comments) [Less]
over 17 years
Adam Franco
This release adds some new command line scripts for managing the OAI-PMH provider
and its data.
It also includes bug fixes to Harmoni and Polyphony. See the corresponding Harmoni
and Polyphony changelogs for details.
Concerto 2.5.2 includes Harmoni
... [More]
0.13.2 and Polyphony 0.10.2.
Release Notes:
over 17 years
Adam Franco
This release includes several bug fixes in the Polyphony libraries which impacted
browsing of logs by admins and some spurious access of pages by search engine spiders.
As well, this release includes a change to the way assets are created in order
... [More]
streamline the process and prevent confusion.
v. 2.5.0 (2007-10-22)
As of this release, Concerto no longer supports PHP4. Please use PHP 5.2 or later.
Concerto requires PHP 5.2 or later and either a MySQL 5.0 or later database or a
PostgreSQL database.
For upgrades from prior versions of concerto, please point your browser at the
harmoni database updater and run each of the updates. The updates are safe to run
multiple times as they will only take action where needed. The updater is found at
This release includes several bug fixes in the Polyphony libraries which impactedbrowsing of logs by admins and some spurious access of pages by search engine spiders.As well, this release includes a change to the way assets are created in order
... [More]
tostreamline the process and prevent confusion.Download: 2.5.0 (2007-10-22)----------------------------------------------------As of this release, Concerto no longer supports PHP4. Please use PHP 5.2 or later.Concerto requires PHP 5.2 or later and either a MySQL 5.0 or later database or aPostgreSQL database.For upgrades from prior versions of concerto, please point your browser at theharmoni database updater and run each of the updates. The updates are safe to runmultiple times as they will only take action where needed. The updater is found atconcerto/main/harmoni/core/DBHandler/db_updater.php (0 comments) [Less]
over 17 years
Adam Franco
This release includes several bug fixes in the Polyphony libraries which impacted
browsing of logs by admins and some spurious access of pages by search engine spiders.
As well, this release includes a change to the way assets are created in order to
... [More]
streamline the process and prevent confusion.
v. 2.5.0 (2007-10-22)
As of this release, Concerto no longer supports PHP4. Please use PHP 5.2 or later.
Concerto requires PHP 5.2 or later and either a MySQL 5.0 or later database or a
PostgreSQL database.
For upgrades from prior versions of concerto, please point your browser at the
harmoni database updater and run each of the updates. The updates are safe to run
multiple times as they will only take action where needed. The updater is found at
concerto/main/harmoni/core/DBHandler/db_updater.php [Less]
This release includes several bug fixes in the Polyphony libraries which impactedbrowsing of logs by admins and some spurious access of pages by search engine spiders.As well, this release includes a change to the way assets are created in order
... [More]
tostreamline the process and prevent confusion.Download: 2.5.0 (2007-10-22)----------------------------------------------------As of this release, Concerto no longer supports PHP4. Please use PHP 5.2 or later.Concerto requires PHP 5.2 or later and either a MySQL 5.0 or later database or aPostgreSQL database.For upgrades from prior versions of concerto, please point your browser at theharmoni database updater and run each of the updates. The updates are safe to runmultiple times as they will only take action where needed. The updater is found atconcerto/main/harmoni/core/DBHandler/db_updater.php (0 comments) [Less]
almost 20 years
Adam Franco
Concerto 0.1.1 has just been released.
This version of Concerto is a preview of our developement and not intended for production use. It provides a minimum of functionality for creating collections and assets and cataloguing of assets. Administrative
... [More]
tools for managing authorizations are also provided.
Concerto 0.1.1 makes use of Harmoni 0.3.1 and Polyphony 0.2.1 from our Harmoni project []. All are provided together in the 'concerto-bundle' package. [Less]
Concerto 0.1.1 has just been released.This version of Concerto is a preview of our developement and not intended for production use. It provides a minimum of functionality for creating collections and assets and cataloguing of assets. Administrative
... [More]
tools for managing authorizations are also provided.Concerto 0.1.1 makes use of Harmoni 0.3.1 and Polyphony 0.2.1 from our Harmoni project []. All are provided together in the 'concerto-bundle' package. (0 comments) [Less]
Concerto 0.1.1 has just been released.This version of Concerto is a preview of our developement and not intended for production use. It provides a minimum of functionality for creating collections and assets and cataloguing of assets. Administrative
... [More]
tools for managing authorizations are also provided.Concerto 0.1.1 makes use of Harmoni 0.3.1 and Polyphony 0.2.1 from our Harmoni project []. All are provided together in the 'concerto-bundle' package. (0 comments) [Less]
almost 20 years
Adam Franco
Concerto 0.1.1 has just been released.
This version of Concerto is a preview of our developement and not intended for production use. It provides a minimum of functionality for creating collections and assets and cataloguing of assets.
... [More]
Administrative tools for managing authorizations are also provided.
Concerto 0.1.1 makes use of Harmoni 0.3.1 and Polyphony 0.2.1 from our Harmoni project []. All are provided together in the 'concerto-bundle' package.