almost 11 years
The default Support Center uses the Cerberus Helpdesk logo and a fairly plain color scheme. Most administrators will want to change the logo used, and many will also want to change the color scheme to match the corporate / institutional
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colors. This article will show you how to do both of those.
Modifying your Support Center with custom templates
Click Setup on the right of the global navigation menu.
Click the Configure menu and select Community Portals.
Click on the Support Center that you would like to edit.
Select the Custom Templates tab.
Changing the default logo
Click the Add Custom Template button.
Select the template [cerberusweb.support_center] support_center/header.tpl and click Save Changes.
The second line reads, in part:
Replace the contents of the image src property with a link to your corporate / institutional logo, like:
Click the Save Changes button.
Changing the color scheme
Click Add Custom Template button.
Select template: [cerberusweb.support_center] support_center/style.css.tpl and click Save Changes.
You can edit any of the CSS styles of the support center here, but as an example, we'll change the H1 tag from blue to green.
First, find the section that says:
H1 {
color: rgb(8,90,173);
and then edit the color to:
color: rgb(0,120,0);
Click the Save Changes button.
Test it!
Browse to your Support Center. You should now see your new logo and color scheme.
almost 11 years
The default Support Center uses the Cerberus Helpdesk logo and a fairly plain color scheme. Most administrators will want to change the logo used, and many will also want to change the color scheme to match the corporate /
... [More]
institutional colors. This article will show you how to do both of those.
Modifying your Support Center with custom templates
Click Setup on the right of the global navigation menu.
Click the Configure menu and select Community Portals.
Click on the Support Center that you would like to edit.
Select the Custom Templates tab.
Changing the default logo
Click the Add Custom Template button.
Select the template [cerberusweb.support_center] support_center/header.tpl and click Save Changes.
The second line reads, in part:
Replace the contents of the image src property with a link to your corporate / institutional logo, like:
Click the Save Changes button.
Changing the color scheme
Click Add Custom Template button.
Select template: [cerberusweb.support_center] support_center/style.css.tpl and click Save Changes.
You can edit any of the CSS styles of the support center here, but as an example, we'll change the H1 tag from blue to green.
First, find the section that says:
H1 {
color: rgb(8,90,173);
and then edit the color to:
color: rgb(0,120,0);
Click the Save Changes button.
Test it!
Browse to your Support Center. You should now see your new logo and color scheme.
almost 11 years
The default Support Center uses the Cerberus Helpdesk logo and a fairly plain color scheme. Most administrators will want to change the logo used, and many will also want to change the color scheme to match the corporate / institutional
... [More]
colors. This article will show you how to do both of those.
Modifying your Support Center with custom templates
Click Setup on the right of the global navigation menu.
Click the Configure menu and select Community Portals.
Click on the Support Center that you would like to edit.
Select the Custom Templates tab.
Changing the default logo
Click the Add Custom Template button.
Select the template [cerberusweb.support_center] support_center/header.tpl and click Save Changes.
The second line reads, in part:
Replace the contents of the image src property with a link to your corporate / institutional logo, like:
Click the Save Changes button.
Changing the color scheme
Click Add Custom Template button.
Select template: [cerberusweb.support_center] support_center/style.css.tpl and click Save Changes.
You can edit any of the CSS styles of the support center here, but as an example, we'll change the H1 tag from blue to green.
First, find the section that says:
H1 {
color: rgb(8,90,173);
and then edit the color to:
color: rgb(0,120,0);
Click the Save Changes button.
Test it!
Browse to your Support Center. You should now see your new logo and color scheme.
about 11 years
Release notes for Cerb 6.6
Cerb (6.6) is a major functionality release candidate as of January 31, 2014. It contains over 70 new features and usability tweaks from community feedback.
... [More]
Fields] Implemented configurable parameters for custom fields. The various custom fields types can now provide additional options to modify how they work. Picklist and multi-checkbox fields had a hardcoded parameter for their option list which has been converted to the new format.
[CHD-3582] [Custom Fields/Owners] Added a 'Send worker notifications' option to worker-based custom fields. This makes it easy to add an 'owner' field to any kind of record. More advanced workflows are also possible; for example, having two owner fields for a 'salesperson' and 'sales support'. Owners receive watcher notifications about record activity for the duration of their assignment. They don't need to explicitly watch or unwatch records.
[Custom Fields/Links] Implemented a new 'Record Link' custom field type. This is similar to how the Links tab works, except the custom field is formalized and the fields of the linked record will be shown in Virtual Attendant behaviors, snippets, etc. For instance, a time tracking entry could have a custom fieldset with fields for an organization and a domain. Time tracking records could then be filtered based on those links, and the related record information could be used in Virtual Attendants, worklists, and the API.
[Setup/Storage/Attachments] Fixed an issue where an attachment worklist with multiple links pointing to the same file resulted in missing rows.
[Setup/Attachments/Worklists] Attachment worklists now display the storage profile column as a name rather than an ID.
[CHD-3377] [Setup/Attachments/Worklists] Attachment worklists once again provide links to the records containing the files (i.e. the 'Context' column). Previously, a link was provided to the ticket but workers had to dig for the message containing the file. Now, when clicking on the permalink for an email message attachment that specific message will be expanded and focused.
[CHD-2971] [Mail/Reply/Usability/Keyboard] When using the keyboard to navigate the ticket reply form, using the attachments upload popup previously broke the TAB flow through the form. Now the focus is returned to the attachments (+) button after files have been uploaded.
[Storage/Platform/Optimization/Performance] Cerb now automatically detects when a new storage object duplicates an existing one, and an additional link will be created to the same underlying file. A file is only removed when there are zero links pointing at it (e.g. message or comment attachments). Duplicate attachment detection is implemented for incoming mail, worker replies through the UI, the worker proxy, messages imported from an ImpEx export, and files uploaded through the API. This should save a considerable amount of storage space in environments where the same attachments (e.g. PDFs, forms, ebooks) are sent by workers on a regular basis. Similarly, when the same senders include logos and other content in their signature these can be condensed into a single storage object. Currently, existing storage objects are not hashed since would be very intensive on busy systems. New duplicates will be prevented from version 6.6 onward. However, we'll be providing instructions on how to retroactively hash existing storage objects and remove redundancy (technical note: this involves providing SHA1 hashes in the attachment.storage_sha1hash database column, and redirecting attachment_link records based on that).
[Mail/Parser/Performance] The original_message.html attachment is now created more efficiently for new incoming messages. Previously its contents were written to a temporary file that was then read into long-term storage. Now it is saved directly from memory into storage. This improvement also made it easier to modify the contents of the HTML message to improve usability (e.g. rewriting links for inline attachments to Cerb URLs).
[Mail/Parser/Usability] When viewing an original_message.html attachment in the browser, inline images will now be properly displayed in the content. For instance, this is useful when customers send screenshots by embedding them in the middle of their reply. Previously, such images were included as attachments on the ticket but they weren't displayed in the HTML contents (technical note: The IMG tags still referenced the MIME content-id header). These IMG links are now rewritten to use Cerb file paths. This process works for all new messages that are received in version 6.6 or later, but it will not fix existing original_message.html attachments.
[Devblocks/Platform/Markdown] Added the Parsedown library to Devblocks. This is a faster, leaner, and more modern replacement for the existing PHP Markdown Extra library we've been using up to this point.
[Setup/Storage/S3/Usability] When testing a new S3 storage engine profile, a temporary object will be saved, read, and deleted to verify that the credentials work for all actions. Previously the contents of the bucket were listed, but this didn't verify that content could actually be stored and retrieved.
[Setup/Storage/S3/Usability] The S3 storage engine now supports a 'Path prefix' configuration option. Previously all content was saved starting at the top-level of a bucket. Now a single bucket can be shared between multiple instances of Cerb.
[Setup/Storage/S3/Security] When configuring the S3 storage engine, the secret key parameter is no longer displayed in the profile popup form. If left blank it will remain unchanged. This is far more secure than transmitting it.
[Storage/Performance] The storage service now has the ability to queue multiple delete operations to perform them in a single transaction. This is useful for storage engines where incremental deletes would be very expensive. For instance, S3 would generate an HTTP request per file being deleted, which could potentially be hundreds or thousands. Waiting for that many HTTP requests during cron.maint is undesirable. It is now possible for hundreds of objects to be deleted in a single request.
[Setup/Storage/S3/Usability] Implemented batch delete functionality in the S3 storage engine. Up to 500 objects can be deleted from S3 in a single HTTP request.
[CHD-2711] [Mail/Relay/Comments] When a worker is replying to a relayed message from an external email account, the #comment tag will now allow comments to span multiple lines. The comment will be terminated when it encounters a blank line or a line starting with another #tag. This was necessary because some email applications, like Gmail, force text/plain content to hard wrap on spaces before 76 characters, and quoted-printable encoding isn't used to preserve the original wrapping. The comment will still appear as a single paragraph in Cerb.
[CHD-2711] [Mail/Relay/Comments] A new #start comment tag is available to workers that respond to relayed messages through an external email account. This allows multiple line comments where linefeeds will be preserved. This is especially useful for chunks of formatted text like code fragments and patches. A multiple line comment is terminated with an #end tag on its own line. If a worker's mail application adds hard linefeeds to their comment content, those will be preserved in the comment created by Cerb.
[Mail/Parser/Localization] Cerb will now use the iconv PHP extension if it is loaded. This is capable of converting a wider range of encodings than mbstring. For instance, TIS-620 (Thai) and WIN-1258 (Vietnamese) were not properly converted to Unicode by Cerb when only using mbstring.
[Mail/Relay] Workers can now manually relay specific messages to external email accounts without having to set up a Virtual Attendant behavior first. The reply menu on each message contains a new 'Relay to worker email' option. Selecting the relay option displays a popup where worker email accounts can be filtered and selected. This feature is particularly useful for situations where workers may need to reply while offline, such as during transoceanic flights or cruises. A worker can relay messages from Cerb to their mobile email application, reply at their leisure, and their messages will be delivered when network access is restored. The feature is also useful when certain workers handle requests through email without logging into the Cerb interface (e.g. temps, interns, consultants). A human dispatcher can route messages to these workers on an as-needed basis.
[Mail/Relay/Activity Log] An Activity Log entry is now created when messages are relayed to an email account by a worker or Virtual Attendant. This notifies other workers that work may be taking place on the ticket from outside of Cerb, and it also serves to keep a better history of the actions of Virtual Attendants. Previously, there was no record on a ticket that it had been relayed unless a comment was explicitly created to say so.
[Mail/Activity Log/Preferences] Workers can now enable the display of Activity Log entries on the ticket timeline. This displays a mix of messages, comments, and activity log data in a single place without having to click into the 'Activity Log' tab. The option is located on the Settings page that is accessed from the menu displayed when a worker clicks on their name in the top right of the UI. Consecutive log entries will be combined in a single block, and those that take place with a similar timestamp are grouped together for readability. This option is also compatible with the 'Read all' option where the timeline is displayed expanded in 'oldest first' order rather than 'newest first'.
[Devblocks/Platform/jQuery] Updated jQuery dependency from 1.7.2 to 1.10.2
[Devblocks/Platform/jQuery] Updated jQuery UI dependency from 1.9.1 to 1.10.3
[Devblocks/Platform/Dependencies] Added the jQuery Caret plugin for getting and setting the cursor position in textareas.
[Devblocks/Platform/jqPlot] Updated jqplot dependency from 1.0.0b2 to 1.0.8
[Devblocks/Platform/qTip] Updated qTip dependency from 1.0.0rc3 to 2.2.0
[Tour/Usability] Updated and expanded the tour so it provides tips and callouts about the main functionality within Cerb. This should help onboard new workers faster.
[Tour/Usability] When clicking on a new 'Point of Interest' callout in tour mode, the previously viewed callout will now be closed automatically.
[CHD-786] [Mail/HTML] Workers can now send HTML formatted email replies from Cerb. This feature was a long time coming, as we wanted to implement it in a way that was consistent with Cerb's spirit of productivity and automation, which are heavily based on the efficient processing of large amounts of text. To facilitate this, the feature is divided into two parts: HTML templates and Markdown syntax. Multiple HTML templates (e.g. letterhead and stylesheets) can be created from the Setup->Mail->HTML page. Each group and bucket can be configured to use a specific template by default, which determines the style of their HTML replies. Templates can contain any valid HTML, although most mail apps will sanitize the messages (e.g. removing Javascript). Rather than introducing a visual HTML editor which obscures the underlying text, workers can reply with Markdown syntax to bold, italicize, link, embed images, quote, and to add headings, code blocks, and lists. Markdown is a markup language that was designed for use in email to preserve human readability. This "progressive enhancement" approach provides workers with greater flexibility in their replies without compromising efficiency. Outgoing messages in the Cerb history are still displayed as plaintext. Additionally, Virtual Attendant behaviors are capable of working with Markdown syntax much easier than with HTML directly.
[CHD-786] [Mail/Reply/HTML] When workers are replying to mail, an editor is now provided to assist with using Markdown formatting. By default the editor starts in plaintext mode, which behaves the same as Cerb always has (i.e. only sending text responses). In this case the toolbar only displays a single button that toggles rich text functionality. Once that button is clicked, the toolbar expands to provide: bold, italics, unordered and ordered lists, embedded images, external images, links, quotes, code blocks, and a preview option. The preview option displays the HTML version of the current reply in a popup window. It will also use the HTML template of the current group and bucket, if available. The preview window can be left open while responding, and it will update its contents every time the RETURN key is pressed.
[Storage/Files] Attachments can now be requested by their SHA-1 hash in a URL, in addition to the globally unique ID of any of their links. This makes it possible to refer to attachments that have been uploaded but not linked to anything yet. For instance, this is useful for implementing embedded images in mail and knowledgebase articles; those images would need to be previewed before the record (and link) is created.
[Platform/Usability] Popups will now open in the middle of the browser window by default. They previously opened in the top center, which made smaller popups less noticeable.
[Plugins/Platform] When a file is uploaded using the file chooser popup, it now provides the caller with a SHA-1 hash and internal URL, as well as the entire response object (name, size, mime type, etc). This should make the file chooser reusable in more situations; for instance, in providing embedded image functionality.
[Mail/Reply/HTML] Workers can now send inline images in their replies. A new 'Upload an Image' button is available in the toolbar when replying to mail with HTML formatting. This button displays the file chooser popup, which automatically generates the syntax for an embedded image once saved. The image is visible in the preview popup, and once the message is sent Cerb will automatically convert it to an embedded image for the recipient (i.e. replacing the link to Cerb with a self-contained MIME part).
[Mail/Search/Usability] When using Search->Ticket, the results will no longer be restricted to only a worker's own groups. The group filter is now added by default but it can be removed from the editable filters. Previously it was a required filter that couldn't be removed. This has been requested several times by organizations that want workers to see the "Access denied" listing for a ticket when searching by mask or participant, instead of having zero results shown (which leads people to believe they're doing the search wrong).
[Platform/Popups/Usability] Popups will now float over the same position in the browser even when the rest of the page scrolls. Previously, popups could be scrolled off the page and become lost.
[Mail/Peek/Usability] When viewing the peek popup for a ticket, its group and bucket are now shown as two linked dropdowns. Changing the group in the first dropdown will change the list of available buckets in the second one. Previously, the group and bucket were only visible by clicking the dropdown and looking for the (*) marker, which was cumbersome. Additionally, the previous dropdown also combined groups and buckets into a single long list which was difficult to use.
[Mail/Compose/Usability] When composing mail, the 'From:' option now displays the group and bucket in two linked dropdowns instead of one big list.
[Mail/Compose/HTML] Added HTML message support to the compose popup. The preview feature will display the template for the currently selected group and bucket.
[Storage/Files] The '/files' page now provides cache control headers for the content it serves. This allows a worker's browser to cache certain resources (like images) after their first retrieval so they aren't requested from the server again. This is useful now that content like embedded images in HTML messages are displayed through this page.
[Platform/Dependencies] Updated HTMLPurifier library from 4.5 to 4.6.
[Platform/Devblocks/Dependencies] Added the 'CSS to Inline Styles' library by Tijs Verkoyen. This provides an easy to way to convert CSS STYLE blocks to inline styles when sending HTML email, as many email readers filter out HEAD, BODY, and STYLE.
[Mail/Reply/HTML/Preferences] Added a worker preference for "Always switch to HTML mode" while replying to mail.
[Platform/Plugins/Popups] Plugins that use genericAjaxPopup() can now specify the 'target' option using a jQuery Position object; e.g. { my: 'top left', at: 'bottom right', of: 'selector' }.
[CHD-3622] [Explore/Usability] Improved the way the last accessed time is recorded for explorer sets. Previously the access timestamp only updated 20% of the time in order to reduce extraneous UPDATE database queries when someone quickly paged through the list. Now, instead, the access time is updated any time at least 30 seconds has elapsed since the last recorded access time. Additionally, the access time is now always recorded when the set is created. The prior inefficiency rarely caused problems, but it would manifest if an explorer set was created shortly before the maintenance scheduled job ran, or if the maintenance job was set to run very often instead of nightly. This could result in explorer sets being purged while they were still in use.
[Mail/HTML/Broadcast] Implemented HTML message support in ticket worklist broadcasts from bulk update.
[Mail/HTML/Broadcast] Implemented HTML message support in address worklist broadcasts from bulk update.
[Mail/HTML/Broadcast] Implemented HTML message support in opportunity worklist broadcasts from bulk update.
[Mail/Usability/HTML] When generating a plaintext part from an HTML-only message, Cerb now attempts to preserve whitespace in pre-formatted (PRE) and CODE blocks.
[Mail/Usability/HTML] When generating a plaintext part from an HTML-only message, Cerb now attempts to prefix nested BLOCKQUOTE content with '>'.
[Mail/HTML/Usability] When sending HTML mail, Cerb will generate a new plaintext part that cleans up Markdown formatting. This plaintext part is sent along with the HTML message (e.g. for mobile and automated mail readers), and it's also what's stored in the conversation history.
[REVERT] [Platform/Popups/Usability] Popups no longer open up in the center of the browser window by default. This was causing problems on popups that grow, since they could expand beyond the bottom of the window and constantly require being dragged into place. Popups now display at the top so they have the full browser height to grow before they show a scrollbar. When a popup is opened a position can be defined now, so popups that don't grow (like the file chooser) may still elect to show up in the center of the page.
[Setup/Mail/Reply-To/HTML] Reply-to addresses can now specify a default HTML template for outgoing mail. The template set on the default reply-to address is the global default. When a group doesn't have its own HTML template it will default to the one on its reply-to address.
[Mail/HTML/Usability] The upgrade script for 6.6 now automatically creates a default HTML template and associates it with the default reply-to address. This allows HTML replies to "just work" without any manual configuration.
[Virtual Attendants/Mail/HTML] The 'Send mail' action in Virtual Attendant behaviors now supports sending messages using Markdown and HTML templates.
[Virtual Attendants/Mail/HTML] The 'Send mail to recipients' action in Virtual Attendant behaviors now supports sending messages using Markdown and HTML templates.
[Mail/HTML/Reply] Workers can now optionally choose a specific HTML template when replying. If nothing is selected, the current group/bucket's default is used.
[Mail/HTML/Compose] Workers can now optionally choose a specific HTML template when composing a new message. If nothing is selected, the given group/bucket's default is used.
[Mail/HTML/Broadcast/Tickets] Workers can now optionally choose a specific HTML template when broadcasting from ticket worklists. If nothing is selected, the default for the group/bucket is used instead.
[Mail/HTML/Broadcast/Addresses] Workers can now optionally choose a specific HTML template when broadcasting from email address worklists. If nothing is selected, the default for the given group/bucket is used instead.
[Mail/HTML/Broadcast/CRM/Opps] Workers can now optionally choose a specific HTML template when broadcasting from opportunity worklists. If nothing is selected, the default for the group/bucket is used instead.
[Mail/Reply/Usability] When replying to a message, the "Would you like to move this conversation?" option now shows the groups and buckets in two linked dropdowns. Changing the group in the first list automatically displays the available buckets in the second list. Previously, the current group and bucket was displayed as a default "No, leave it in the [name] bucket of [group]" option, and moving the conversation required using a long combined list of all the buckets which was difficult to navigate. The new way is also more efficient when using keyboard shortcuts.
[Performance/Worklists/Tickets] When using the "Is in groups of [worker]" filter on ticket worklists, the database query is now optimized if the worker is a member of every group. Previously, this inefficiently checked the group_id on every result anyway.
[Support Center/Contact/Usability] The ability to upload multiple files in the Support Center now uses a browser's HTML5 support.
[Support Center/Contact/Usability] The file type is now set properly on attachments uploaded through the Support Center. Previously, all uploaded files were being saved as 'application/octet-stream', which forced attachments to download even if they could be displayed in the browser (e.g. images, text files).
[Web-API/Contexts] Implemented 'GET /rest/contexts/list.json' in the Web-API for retrieving a list of context IDs and names. The context IDs are used for making various kinds of requests (e.g. attachment links, comments, record links) and there wasn't a comprehensive list available anywhere. This API request will also include any contexts that were added through plugins, which the standard documentation wouldn't include.
[CHD-3562] [Web-API/Contexts/Links] Implemented 'POST /rest/contexts/link.json' in the Web-API for adding any number of links to a record. See:
[CHD-3562] [Web-API/Contexts/Links] Implemented 'POST /rest/contexts/unlink.json' in the Web-API for removing any number of links from a record. See:
[Setup/Groups] Fixed an issue when deleting a group where group-owned Virtual Attendants and custom fieldsets may not be cleaned up properly.
about 11 years
Release notes for Cerb 6.6
Cerb (6.6) is a major functionality update in development as of January 21, 2014. It contains over 35 new features and usability tweaks from community feedback.
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Fields] Implemented configurable parameters for custom fields. The various custom fields types can now provide additional options to modify how they work. Picklist and multi-checkbox fields had a hardcoded parameter for their option list which has been converted to the new format.
[CHD-3582] [Custom Fields/Owners] Added a 'Send worker notifications' option to worker-based custom fields. This makes it easy to add an 'owner' field to any kind of record. More advanced workflows are also possible; for example, having two owner fields for a 'salesperson' and 'sales support'. Owners receive watcher notifications about record activity for the duration of their assignment. They don't need to explicitly watch or unwatch records.
[Custom Fields/Links] Implemented a new 'Record Link' custom field type. This is similar to how the Links tab works, except the custom field is formalized and the fields of the linked record will be shown in Virtual Attendant behaviors, snippets, etc. For instance, a time tracking entry could have a custom fieldset with fields for an organization and a domain. Time tracking records could then be filtered based on those links, and the related record information could be used in Virtual Attendants, worklists, and the API.
[Setup/Storage/Attachments] Fixed an issue where an attachment worklist with multiple links pointing to the same file resulted in missing rows.
[Setup/Attachments/Worklists] Attachment worklists now display the storage profile column as a name rather than an ID.
[CHD-3377] [Setup/Attachments/Worklists] Attachment worklists once again provide links to the records containing the files (i.e. the 'Context' column). Previously, a link was provided to the ticket but workers had to dig for the message containing the file. Now, when clicking on the permalink for an email message attachment that specific message will be expanded and focused.
[CHD-2971] [Mail/Reply/Usability/Keyboard] When using the keyboard to navigate the ticket reply form, using the attachments upload popup previously broke the TAB flow through the form. Now the focus is returned to the attachments (+) button after files have been uploaded.
[Storage/Platform/Optimization/Performance] Cerb now automatically detects when a new storage object duplicates an existing one, and an additional link will be created to the same underlying file. A file is only removed when there are zero links pointing at it (e.g. message or comment attachments). Duplicate attachment detection is implemented for incoming mail, worker replies through the UI, the worker proxy, messages imported from an ImpEx export, and files uploaded through the API. This should save a considerable amount of storage space in environments where the same attachments (e.g. PDFs, forms, ebooks) are sent by workers on a regular basis. Similarly, when the same senders include logos and other content in their signature these can be condensed into a single storage object. Currently, existing storage objects are not hashed since would be very intensive on busy systems. New duplicates will be prevented from version 6.6 onward. However, we'll be providing instructions on how to retroactively hash existing storage objects and remove redundancy (technical note: this involves providing SHA1 hashes in the attachment.storage_sha1hash database column, and redirecting attachment_link records based on that).
[Mail/Parser/Performance] The original_message.html attachment is now created more efficiently for new incoming messages. Previously its contents were written to a temporary file that was then read into long-term storage. Now it is saved directly from memory into storage. This improvement also made it easier to modify the contents of the HTML message to improve usability (e.g. rewriting links for inline attachments to Cerb URLs).
[Mail/Parser/Usability] When viewing an original_message.html attachment in the browser, inline images will now be properly displayed in the content. For instance, this is useful when customers send screenshots by embedding them in the middle of their reply. Previously, such images were included as attachments on the ticket but they weren't displayed in the HTML contents (technical note: The IMG tags still referenced the MIME content-id header). These IMG links are now rewritten to use Cerb file paths. This process works for all new messages that are received in version 6.6 or later, but it will not fix existing original_message.html attachments.
[Devblocks/Platform/Markdown] Added the Parsedown library to Devblocks. This is a faster, leaner, and more modern replacement for the existing PHP Markdown Extra library we've been using up to this point.
[Setup/Storage/S3/Usability] When testing a new S3 storage engine profile, a temporary object will be saved, read, and deleted to verify that the credentials work for all actions. Previously the contents of the bucket were listed, but this didn't verify that content could actually be stored and retrieved.
[Setup/Storage/S3/Usability] The S3 storage engine now supports a 'Path prefix' configuration option. Previously all content was saved starting at the top-level of a bucket. Now a single bucket can be shared between multiple instances of Cerb.
[Setup/Storage/S3/Security] When configuring the S3 storage engine, the secret key parameter is no longer displayed in the profile popup form. If left blank it will remain unchanged. This is far more secure than transmitting it.
[Storage/Performance] The storage service now has the ability to queue multiple delete operations to perform them in a single transaction. This is useful for storage engines where incremental deletes would be very expensive. For instance, S3 would generate an HTTP request per file being deleted, which could potentially be hundreds or thousands. Waiting for that many HTTP requests during cron.maint is undesirable. It is now possible for hundreds of objects to be deleted in a single request.
[Setup/Storage/S3/Usability] Implemented batch delete functionality in the S3 storage engine. Up to 500 objects can be deleted from S3 in a single HTTP request.
[CHD-2711] [Mail/Relay/Comments] When a worker is replying to a relayed message from an external email account, the #comment tag will now allow comments to span multiple lines. The comment will be terminated when it encounters a blank line or a line starting with another #tag. This was necessary because some email applications, like Gmail, force text/plain content to hard wrap on spaces before 76 characters, and quoted-printable encoding isn't used to preserve the original wrapping. The comment will still appear as a single paragraph in Cerb.
[CHD-2711] [Mail/Relay/Comments] A new #start comment tag is available to workers that respond to relayed messages through an external email account. This allows multiple line comments where linefeeds will be preserved. This is especially useful for chunks of formatted text like code fragments and patches. A multiple line comment is terminated with an #end tag on its own line. If a worker's mail application adds hard linefeeds to their comment content, those will be preserved in the comment created by Cerb.
[Mail/Parser/Localization] Cerb will now use the iconv PHP extension if it is loaded. This is capable of converting a wider range of encodings than mbstring. For instance, TIS-620 (Thai) and WIN-1258 (Vietnamese) were not properly converted to Unicode by Cerb when only using mbstring.
[Mail/Relay] Workers can now manually relay specific messages to external email accounts without having to set up a Virtual Attendant behavior first. The reply menu on each message contains a new 'Relay to worker email' option. Selecting the relay option displays a popup where worker email accounts can be filtered and selected. This feature is particularly useful for situations where workers may need to reply while offline, such as during transoceanic flights or cruises. A worker can relay messages from Cerb to their mobile email application, reply at their leisure, and their messages will be delivered when network access is restored. The feature is also useful when certain workers handle requests through email without logging into the Cerb interface (e.g. temps, interns, consultants). A human dispatcher can route messages to these workers on an as-needed basis.
[Mail/Relay/Activity Log] An Activity Log entry is now created when messages are relayed to an email account by a worker or Virtual Attendant. This notifies other workers that work may be taking place on the ticket from outside of Cerb, and it also serves to keep a better history of the actions of Virtual Attendants. Previously, there was no record on a ticket that it had been relayed unless a comment was explicitly created to say so.
[Mail/Activity Log/Preferences] Workers can now enable the display of Activity Log entries on the ticket timeline. This displays a mix of messages, comments, and activity log data in a single place without having to click into the 'Activity Log' tab. The option is located on the Settings page that is accessed from the menu displayed when a worker clicks on their name in the top right of the UI. Consecutive log entries will be combined in a single block, and those that take place with a similar timestamp are grouped together for readability. This option is also compatible with the 'Read all' option where the timeline is displayed expanded in 'oldest first' order rather than 'newest first'.
[Devblocks/Platform/jQuery] Updated jQuery dependency from 1.7.2 to 1.10.2
[Devblocks/Platform/jQuery] Updated jQuery UI dependency from 1.9.1 to 1.10.3
[Devblocks/Platform/Dependencies] Added the jQuery Caret plugin for getting and setting the cursor position in textareas.
[Devblocks/Platform/jqPlot] Updated jqplot dependency from 1.0.0b2 to 1.0.8
[Devblocks/Platform/qTip] Updated qTip dependency from 1.0.0rc3 to 2.2.0
[Tour/Usability] Updated and expanded the tour so it provides tips and callouts about the main functionality within Cerb. This should help onboard new workers faster.
[Tour/Usability] When clicking on a new 'Point of Interest' callout in tour mode, the previously viewed callout will now be closed automatically.
[CHD-786] [Mail/HTML] Workers can now send HTML formatted email replies from Cerb. This feature was a long time coming, as we wanted to implement it in a way that was consistent with Cerb's spirit of productivity and automation, which are heavily based on the efficient processing of large amounts of text. To facilitate this, the feature is divided into two parts: HTML templates and Markdown syntax. Multiple HTML templates (e.g. letterhead and stylesheets) can be created from the Setup->Mail->HTML page. Each group and bucket can be configured to use a specific template by default, which determines the style of their HTML replies. Templates can contain any valid HTML, although most mail apps will sanitize the messages (e.g. removing Javascript). Rather than introducing a visual HTML editor which obscures the underlying text, workers can reply with Markdown syntax to bold, italicize, link, embed images, quote, and to add headings, code blocks, and lists. Markdown is a markup language that was designed for use in email to preserve human readability. This "progressive enhancement" approach provides workers with greater flexibility in their replies without compromising efficiency. Outgoing messages in the Cerb history are still displayed as plaintext. Additionally, Virtual Attendant behaviors are capable of working with Markdown syntax much easier than with HTML directly.
[CHD-786] [Mail/Reply/HTML] When workers are replying to mail, an editor is now provided to assist with using Markdown formatting. By default the editor starts in plaintext mode, which behaves the same as Cerb always has (i.e. only sending text responses). In this case the toolbar only displays a single button that toggles rich text functionality. Once that button is clicked, the toolbar expands to provide: bold, italics, unordered and ordered lists, embedded images, external images, links, quotes, code blocks, and a preview option. The preview option displays the HTML version of the current reply in a popup window. It will also use the HTML template of the current group and bucket, if available. The preview window can be left open while responding, and it will update its contents every time the RETURN key is pressed.
[Storage/Files] Attachments can now be requested by their SHA-1 hash in a URL, in addition to the globally unique ID of any of their links. This makes it possible to refer to attachments that have been uploaded but not linked to anything yet. For instances, this is useful for implementing embedded images in mail and knowledgebase articles; those images would need to be previewed before the record (and link) is created.
[Platform/Usability] Popups will now open in the middle of the browser window by default. They previously opened in the top center, which made smaller popups less noticeable.
[Plugins/Platform] When a file is uploaded using the file chooser popup, it now provides the caller with a SHA-1 hash and internal URL, as well as the entire response object (name, size, mime type, etc). This should make the file chooser reusable in more situations; for instance, in providing embedded image functionality.
[Mail/Reply/HTML] Workers can now send inline images in their replies. A new 'Upload an Image' button is available in the toolbar when replying to mail with HTML formatting. This button displays the file chooser popup, which automatically generates the syntax for an embedded image once saved. The image is visible in the preview popup, and once the message is sent Cerb will automatically convert it to an embedded image for the recipient (i.e. replacing the link to Cerb with a self-contained MIME part).
about 11 years
Privacy Statement and Disclosure
Webgroup Media LLC (“WGM”) is a commercial open source company that
has been leading and supporting the community development of Cerb
(formerly Cerberus Helpdesk) since January 2002. In connection with this
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, we operate the
project website, as well as an On-Demand (“software as a service”)
network of applications hosted by subscription as subdomains of,, and
It is WGM’s policy to respect your privacy regarding any information we
may collect while operating our websites and services. We do not sell
any personally identifiable information or data stored by On-Demand
services to third-parties. We do not directly share your information
with third-parties without explicit permission except to comply with the
law or to provide necessary infrastructure in connection with the
services you request; however, there is some passive risk of exposure to
third-party access inherent in web-based services that is outlined in
detail below. We do our best to mitigate and minimize these risks on
your behalf.
Website Visitors
Like most website operators, WGM collects non-personally identifying
information of the sort that web browsers and servers typically make
available, such as the browser type, language preference, referring
site, and the date and time of each visitor request. WGM’s purpose in
collecting non-personally identifying information is to better
understand how WGM’s visitors use its website. From time to time, WGM
may release non-personally identifying information in the aggregate;
e.g., by publishing a report on trends in the usage of its website.
WGM also collects potentially personally identifying information like
Internet Protocol (IP) addresses for website visitors and workers. WGM
only discloses IP addresses under the same circumstances that it uses
and discloses personally identifying information as described below.
Gathering of Personally Identifying Information
Certain visitors to WGM’s websites choose to interact in ways that
require us to gather personally identifying information. The amount and
type of information that WGM gathers depends on the nature of the
interaction. For example, we ask workers who sign up for On-Demand
services to provide an email address. Those who engage in financial
transactions with WGM (e.g. by purchasing products and services) are
asked to provide additional information, including as necessary the
personal and financial information required to process those
transactions. In each case, WGM collects such information only insofar
as is necessary or appropriate to fulfill the purpose of the visitor’s
interaction with WGM. WGM does not disclose personally identifying
information other than as described below. Visitors can always refuse to
supply personally identifying information, with the caveat that it may
prevent them from purchasing or engaging in certain services.
Aggregated Statistics
WGM may collect statistics about the behavior of visitors to its
websites or workers of its On-Demand software. For instance, WGM may
gather metrics about individual Cerb instances like the number of
workers, addresses, conversations, messages, and attachments; the
composition of file attachments such as distributions of sizes or file
types; or the amount of activity over a given time period. This
information is used to improve the usability and performance of products
and services provided by WGM.
WGM may display this aggregate, anonymous information publicly or
provide it to others. However, WGM does not disclose personally
identifying information other than as described below.
Protection of Certain Personally Identifying Information
WGM discloses personally identifying information only to those of its
employees, contractors and affiliated organizations that (i) need to
know that information in order to process it on WGM’s behalf or to
provide products and services available at WGM’s websites, and (ii) that
have agreed not to disclose it to others. Some of those employees,
contractors, and affiliated organizations may be located outside of your
home country; and by using WGM’s websites, you consent to the transfer
of such information to them. WGM will not rent or sell potentially
personally identifying and personally identifying information to anyone.
Other than to its employees, contractors and affiliated organizations,
as described above, WGM discloses personally identifying information
only in response to a subpoena, court order, or other governmental
request, or when WGM believes in good faith that disclosure is
reasonably necessary to protect the property or rights of WGM, third
parties, or the public at large.
If you are a registered user of a WGM product or service like Cerb and
have supplied your email address, WGM may occasionally send you an email
to tell you about new features or to solicit your feedback. We primarily
use our social network profiles to communicate this type of information,
and we expect to keep email broadcasts to a minimum. If you send us a
request (e.g. via a support email or one of our feedback mechanisms), we
reserve the right to anonymously republish it in order to help us
clarify or respond to your request, or to help us support other users.
WGM takes all measures reasonably necessary to protect against the
unauthorized access, use, alteration or destruction of potentially
personally identifying information.
Security and Safeguards
WGM takes reasonable precautions to protect your data and personally
identifying information.
We do not have physical access to any of our servers or online storage
mediums. See the section about “Third-Party Data Centers” for the
upstream security policies of SoftLayer, Amazon Web Services, and
Linode. These servers are protected within state-of-the-art data
WGM performs 24/7/365 monitoring of our network and service
infrastructure. This includes metrics like server load, process
information, account access, service utilization, and network activity.
Web-based communication with our servers is protected through 256-bit
encryption via Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology. This feature is
included with all On-Demand applications when URLs are prefixed with
“https://”. It is the responsibility of clients and their
representatives to ensure the use of SSL; and upon request we can
configure your application to require the use of SSL.
We do not store credit card information on our servers. For one-time
transactions we do not save credit card or bank account numbers
anywhere, although we do store email-based receipts that include contact
information, payment type, transaction IDs, and authorization codes. For
recurring transactions, payment information is stored with vendors who
adhere to the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS).
We use FreshBooks for sending invoices and
collecting payments, and they protect financial information with AES
encryption. We process credit card transactions through our merchant
account at Depending on a client’s preferred payment
method, these transactions may alternatively take place through other
vendors like PayPal, or through wire transfers to Wells Fargo Bank. We
do not have access to client credit card numbers or bank account
information through any of these vendors.
WGM technicians securely access our servers using Secure Shell (SSH)
encryption. Logins are authenticated with RSA
keys rather than simple
passwords. We do not provide general purpose client access (e.g. SSH,
Telnet, FTP) to machines housing multi-tenant On-Demand data.
We have disabled insecure features in our PHP environment (e.g. process
control, shell command execution, remote file includes) to protect
against arbitrary code execution. To protect against cross-site
scripting (XSS), we
all user-provided data that is displayed in a web browser.
Disclosure of Security Breaches
WGM will notify you as soon as possible if a security breach results in
the potential disclosure of any personally identifiable information or
data related to your account. At the conclusion of a security
investigation, WGM will provide you with a report about the nature of
any compromised data (e.g. email addresses, worker account passwords)
and the actions taken to prevent future intrusions.
Third-Party Data Centers, Cloud Computing, and Virtualization
WGM remotely provisions, administers, and maintains servers in various
data centers throughout the world and WGM does not maintain a physical
presence in any of them. Most On-Demand services are currently provided
from machines exclusively leased and operated by WGM from SoftLayer in
their Seattle and Dallas facilities. However, other services, like our
project portal, are provided from virtual servers in cloud computing and
storage environments at Amazon Web Services, Linode, and Slicehost
(Rackspace Cloud). In virtual environments, many users from various
organizations share a pool of resources like computational power and
storage capacity, although provisioned resources are isolated from one
another to a similar degree as leased machines in a datacenter.
Due to the remote nature of leased servers, colocation, cloud computing,
and virtualization, authorized technicians from our vendors and service
providers may have temporary access to our servers in order to perform
physical maintenance and upgrades, or to provide hands-on assistance
with troubleshooting issues like RAID degradation and hardware failures.
In such events we defer to upstream privacy policies:
Cerb has two main components for storing customer data: (1) the
database, and (2) the /storage/ filesystem which contains large,
immutable content like email attachments. Data may be stored on a single
machine, or distributed among several machines, on our On-Demand
network. Generally, that data will be housed on WGM’s dedicated servers
in SoftLayer’s datacenters.
If you communicate with WGM, or use On-Demand services provided by WGM,
your information will be regularly copied for the express purpose of
maintaining backups for continuity and disaster recovery. Nightly
backups and redundant storage are kept on machines controlled remotely
by WGM. Backups may be transferred to Amazon’s Simple Storage Service
(S3) for long-term, off-site archival.
When WGM runs nightly backups, we make full backups of the database, and
incremental backups of the /storage/ filesystem. These are stored in the
same datacenter, and are often attached to the same server, but on an
alternate, redundant storage medium.
Twice per week (usually Wednesday and Sunday) we off-site the latest
backups to our private buckets on Amazon’s S3 service. We also rotate
these to keep a weekly backup for a few months of history, and at least
the most recent three backups.
Disposal of Data and Backups
Upon cancellation, we remove all client data from the On-Demand network
and send a final backup to Amazon S3. We will attempt to make
arrangements for this backup to be transferred to the client before
permanently destroying our copies of the data. Without an explicit
request for their immediate removal, backups may be persisted for
several months.
We will comply with any written, and duly authenticated, client requests
for the immediate destruction of all account data and backups.
WGM displays a list of clients and testimonials on our websites. We do
not disclose the names of licensed organizations, or their
representatives, without explicit permission, except in the event that a
client freely discloses their identity through postings on public forums
or social networks.
A cookie is a string of information that a website stores on a visitor’s
computer, and that the visitor’s browser provides to the website each
time the visitor returns. WGM uses cookies to help WGM identify and
track visitors, their usage of WGM website, and their website access
preferences. Visitors who do not wish to have cookies placed on their
computers should set their browsers to refuse cookies before using WGM’s
websites, with the drawback that certain features of WGM’s websites may
not function properly without the aid of cookies. Web-based products
like Cerb require cookies to be enabled, although their use is limited
to maintaining a logged-in session within the software.
Business Transfers
If WGM, or substantially all of its assets were acquired, or in the
unlikely event that WGM goes out of business or enters bankruptcy, user
information would be one of the assets that is transferred or acquired
by a third party. You acknowledge that such transfers may occur, and
that any acquirer of WGM may continue to use your personal information
as set forth in this policy.
In the rare event that ads appear in any of our applications or on any
of our websites, they may be delivered to users by advertising partners,
who may set cookies. These cookies allow the ad server to recognize your
computer each time they send you an online advertisement to compile
information about you or others who use your computer. This information
allows ad networks to, among other things, deliver targeted
advertisements that they believe will be of most interest to you. This
Privacy Policy covers the use of cookies by WGM and does not cover the
use of cookies by any advertisers.
Privacy Policy Changes
Although most changes are likely to be minor, WGM may change its Privacy
Policy from time to time, and in WGM’s sole discretion. WGM encourages
visitors to frequently check this page for any changes to its Privacy
Policy. Your continued use of this site after any change in this Privacy
Policy will constitute your acceptance of such change.
This privacy policy is available under a Creative Commons
Sharealike license
derived from original groundwork by
Automattic. WGM has no professional
affiliation with Automattic. [Less]
over 11 years
Release notes for Cerb 6.5
Cerb (6.5) is a major functionality update released on September 20, 2013. It contains over 144 new features and usability tweaks from community feedback.
[CHD-3425] [Virtual
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Attendants/Code Cleanup] Fixed a PHP error regarding "Undefined variable: func in abstract_view.php" when Virtual Attendant behaviors contained list variables with a specific combination of parameters.
[Contacts/Snippets] Fixed an issue where the names of Contact Person records always displayed '(contact person)' in snippets and Virtual Attendant placeholders.
[Virtual Attendants/Variables] Virtual Attendant behavior variables now support parameters based on each type of variable. This provides more control over how they operate, and it also makes new variable types possible (like a picklist of pre-defined options).
[Virtual Attendants/Variables] Text-based Virtual Attendant behavior variables can be configured for single-line or multiple-line input. Previously, all text variables were single-line input, which made it difficult to enter certain kinds of data (e.g. long comments).
[Virtual Attendants/Variables] Virtual Attendant behavior variables can be reordered by dragging them in the UI
[Virtual Attendants/Variables] Virtual Attendant behaviors may specify picklist (drop down) variables. Picklists require a worker to pick an option from a list of predefined options. Previously, only freeform text entry was available. This is particularly useful for macro behaviors.
[Snippets/Tester/Usability] The snippet tester now displays output with a fixed width font that preserves whitespace. Previously, tester output stripped whitespace. This made it impossible to check the style of indentation (e.g. at the beginning of paragraphs, or in fragments of code).
[Virtual Attendant/Usability] The Virtual Attendant action for entering custom scripts no longer auto wraps the contents of the text box. This makes it easier to read source code.
[Virtual Attendant/Simulator/Usability] Added an indent to the form elements in the Virtual Attendant Simulator to improve readability.
[Virtual Attendants/Simulator/Variables] The public variables of Virtual Attendant behaviors may now be changed from within the simulator. This makes it much easier to test macros.
[Comments/Snippets] Implemented two new placeholders for comment records. The record_watchers placeholder is a list of watchers on the record containing the comment. The record_watchers_emails placeholders contains a comma-delimited list of watcher email addresses. This was requested by several people who wanted a way to relay an email to all watchers about comments on records of any type using Virtual Attendants; however, it can also be used to display a list of watchers anywhere the comment is referenced.
[Plugins/Choosers] Choosers can be opened in 'single selection' mode, where the first selection closes the chooser and returns control to the caller. This provides all the benefits of choosers for situations where a single record must be selected.
[Virtual Attendants/Simulator/Usability] The output of the Virtual Attendant simulator no longer has a maximum height before introducing scrollbars. Having multiple scrollable sections made it more difficult to read the output or to scroll down the page.
[Virtual Attendants/Simulator] When using the Virtual Attendant simulator, it is now possible to choose the exact record that the current behavior is being tested against. Previously, the simulator would choose random records to help test behaviors, but this often required opening up the simulator many times in order to find a suitable record. For macros, it was possible to run the simulator from a record profile in order to test using that record, but this option wasn't available to events like 'New message on a group conversation'.
[Virtual Attendants/Simulator/Usability] In the Virtual Attendant simulator, data entry for parameters and values have been moved to tabs. When a behavior provides parameters (public variables for entry by a worker), the parameters section is shown by default and the long list of values is hidden on a second tab, which improves usability by reducing clutter.
[Virtual Attendants/Snippets] Implemented a new json_decode() function for snippets and placeholders to convert a JSON string to an associative array. This can be used to easily reference JSON results from API calls within Virtual Attendant behaviors (or snippets in special situations).
[Virtual Attendants/Snippets] Implemented a new json_pretty filter for snippets and placeholders to optimize the human readability of a JSON string. This is mainly useful for advanced Virtual Attendant actions that exchange JSON with remote apps and services.
[Virtual Attendants] Virtual Attendants are now first-class records (like groups and workers), with worklists, profiles, peek, ownership rights, etc. Previously, Virtual Attendant behaviors were owned directly by roles, groups, and workers; but this was creating clutter and confusion because some behaviors are related but there was no indication of this in the UI. Now, multiple Virtual Attendants can be created to contain any number of behaviors, and each VA can be owned by a worker, group, or role. All existing behaviors have been migrated to a new default Virtual Attendant record for each distinct owner. Virtual Attendants now show up in the global 'Search' menu, and clicking into a VA profile is where you will find the behavior trees and scheduled behavior. This also provides many new possibilities for future expansion; for example, Virtual Attendants can log errors to their profile in an easy-to-find tab. You can export and import behaviors between Virtual Attendants to place related behaviors together.
[Messages/Performance/Snippets] The placeholder for message content is now lazy-loaded only when it is needed. This reduces extraneous queries from hitting the database when Virtual Attendants or snippets use message fields but ignore content.
[Virtual Attendants/Macros/Profiles] The 'Virtual Attendants' button on profiles now organizes behaviors by Virtual Attendant. This makes it much easier to find the behavior you're looking for. Additionally, the macro menu no longer displays two lines for each entry; instead, behaviors are indented below their Virtual Attendant. This allows more options to be displayed in a smaller space, and it's less visually confusing.
[Virtual Attendants/Activity Log] Activity Log entries that are created in response to Virtual Attendant actions will now log each Virtual Attendant as the actor. Previously, these entries were created as if the behavior's owner (e.g. worker, group) had performed them, which could lead to some confusion of accountability. Since Virtual Attendants are now first-class objects, they can be held accountable individually for actions they take. The Activity Log will also specify the name of the responsible behavior next to the Virtual Attendant.
[Debug/Virtual Attendants] The /debug/export_attendants page will now export all behaviors grouped by Virtual Attendant.
[Virtual Attendants/Scheduled Behavior] The 'Scheduled Behavior' tabs have moved to Virtual Attendant profiles. Previously, scheduled behavior was shown on worker and group profiles, since those records directly owned behaviors. The records targeted by scheduled behavior still show a summary at the top of their profile.
[Mail/Reply/Virtual Attendants/Macros] The 'Virtual Attendants' button that is displayed when replying to a message will now display macros grouped by Virtual Attendant.
[Setup/Virtual Attendants] The 'Setup->Configure->Virtual Attendants' page now displays a worklist of Virtual Attendants with links to profiles. Previously, a funky interface was used that required an admin to pick an owner from a list to view their owned behaviors in a tab. The new process is consistent with the way the rest of Cerb works.
[Virtual Attendants/Snippets] Implemented a new jsonpath_set() function for snippets and placeholders to dynamically create deeply nested JSON objects from inside scripts. This is mainly useful for advanced Virtual Attendant actions that exchange JSON with remote apps and services.
[Setup/Mail/Filtering/VAs] The Setup->Mail->Filtering page now shows the mail filtering behavior from all global Virtual Attendants on a single page. Previously, it was only possible to have a single global Virtual Attendant and its use was implied on this page.
[Setup/Mail/Filtering/VAs] When an admin views the Setup->Mail->Filtering page for the first time, Cerb will offer to create the first global Virtual Attendant if one doesn't exist already. This improves the onboarding experience.
[Virtual Attendants] Virtual Attendants may now be disabled, which treats all of their behaviors as being disabled. These behaviors will not trigger during events, and will now show up as macros on profiles. This makes it very simple to simultaneously deactivate related behaviors, which was tedious in earlier versions. Additionally, a worker can disable a Virtual Attendant while building and testing its behaviors.
[Activity Log] Activity Logs for actor profiles (address, worker, group, virtual attendant) now display entries where the record was either an actor or a target of the activity. Previously, the log only showed actor activity for those records, and target activity for everything else. This meant that when viewing an address's activity from its profile, you wouldn't see log entries for when that address replied to conversations (as an actor), only when workers performed actions on that address (as a target). This change provides a more comprehensive view of the activities a record was involved with.
[Activity Log/Groups] Group profiles now display an Activity Log tab.
[Virtual Attendants/Custom Fieldsets] Virtual Attendants can own custom fieldsets, providing them with long-term storage for arbitrary data on any record. This enables some very interesting new automation workflows. For instance, a monitoring Virtual Attendant can remember the last time it notified each worker about something by using a custom fieldset with a date on worker records. Similarly, a sales Virtual Attendant can keep track of its progress through an automated sales process with a custom fieldset that it saves on opportunities.
[Virtual Attendants/Macros] Application-owned Virtual Attendants can now create custom behaviors for any record type. This allows global macros that are accessible by all workers, which greatly simplifies many workflows. Previously, these macros could only be created by VAs owned by groups, roles, or workers.
[Virtual Attendants/Macros] Implemented a 'Custom virtual attendant behavior' event. This is the ideal place to implement generic behaviors that don't rely on a specific record type. For example, a Twitter Bot could schedule a recurring behavior to look for new @mentions, and it wouldn't make sense to target this behavior to any particular record. Previously, we had recommended to bind these generic behaviors on worker records just because it made them easy to manage from a profile. Now we recommend that these behaviors be migrated to Virtual Attendant profiles.
[CHD-3113] [Support Center/Logins/Usability] When a Support Center page requires a login, a visitor will be redirected to their original destination after successfully logging in. Previously, the Support Center didn't even provide a login form to anonymous visitors if they requested a protected resource, it just displayed the default page. The new process should make it much easier to send contacts direct links to a specific ticket history, or protected knowledgebase articles.
[Support Center/Usability] By default, the logo image on the Support Center is now a shortcut link back to the default page.
[CHD-3441] [Support Center] When a customer views a ticket in the Support Center, there is now a reply button per message and no reply from is shown by default. Previously, a single reply form was always displayed at the top of the ticket which led to much confusion.
[CHD-3148] [Support Center] When a customer replies to a ticket in the Support Center, the original message will now be automatically quoted in the response.
[Platform/Popups/Usability] Popups are now limited to a height no more than 85% of the current browser height. Previously, popups could be so tall that they scrolled off the page. This made them difficult to work with; particularly when dragging them around.
[Virtual Attendants/Macros/Plugins/Platform] Any Virtual Attendant behaviors that respond an event trigger will now be returned along with a snapshot of their data at their conclusion. This allows the caller to retrieve detailed information from those responders, and in an arbitrary way.
[Virtual Attendants/Actions/Run Behavior] Virtual Attendant behaviors may now use a global '(Run behavior)' action. This is similar to 'Schedule behavior', except it runs the behavior immediately and allows the caller to retrieve values from the delegate behavior. For example, if one Virtual Attendant delegates another VA's behavior in order to create a task, then the caller can afterwards retrieve information about the created task from the delegate. This greatly improves the reusability of Virtual Attendants, as specialized VAs can handle routine actions, and helper VAs can delegate requests to them. This also makes it possible to build mediator VAs that listen on channels like SMS, IM, and Campfire; with requests being delegated to VAs that can do almost anything possible in Cerb: send reminders; create and complete tasks; check and change calendars; interact with Twitter, Facebook, JIRA; etc.
[Virtual Attendants/Scheduled Behavior] Fixed an issue with the 'Schedule behavior' and 'Unschedule behavior' actions in Virtual Attendants. Disabled behaviors were not included in the list of available options, so if the actions referred to a behavior while it was disabled, and that action was edited and saved, then it would no longer refer to the behavior afterwards. Disabled behaviors are now displayed in the action, but they're marked as being disabled in case this is unintentional.
[Virtual Attendants/Actions] When a Virtual Attendant action is missing, the behavior editor will now provide more helpful information, including an indication of what it was supposed to be. Previously, a blank action box was shown without providing any clue about what was missing.
[Support Center/History/Reply] Fixed warnings created by the Support Center when a customer replies to a ticket without any attachments.
[Virtual Attendants/Actions/Variables/Usability] In Virtual Attendants, the actions for setting variables are now displayed at the top of the available actions. As with other global actions, they are surrounded by parentheses. Previously these were sorted alphabetically with other 'Set' options, which made them more difficult to find.
[CHD-1050] [Worklists/Custom Fields] When displaying a multiple value custom field as a worklist column, all of the selected values will now be displayed. Previously, only a single value per custom field was displayed based on what matched the search filters.
[CHD-1086] [Custom Fields/Attachments] Implemented two new custom field types: file and multiple files. These types allow arbitrary attachments to be attached to records through custom fields. Internally, these fields use the attachments system and they store file IDs.
[Virtual Attendants/Scheduled Behavior] The 'Schedule behavior' and 'Unschedule behavior' actions in Virtual Attendants are now global. They are available in all events and plugin-provided events do not need to implement them. Additionally, the action names are wrapped in parentheses so they appear at the top of the list of available actions.
[Custom Fieldsets] Custom fieldsets may now be owned by the application. These fieldsets are readable by all workers but only configurable by admins.
[Virtual Attendants/Custom Script] The 'custom script' condition in Virtual Attendant outcomes now a placeholders menu and script tester.
[Calendars/Virtual Attendants] Calendar records can now also be owned by Virtual Attendants or the Application.
[CHD-3460] [Virtual Attendants/Calendars] All Virtual Attendant behaviors may now use 'calendar availability' as a condition in outcomes. For example, this can be used to send different auto-replies based on availability.
[CHD-2866] [Virtual Attendants] The 'new message on a watched conversation' event will now always include a ticket's owner even if they aren't a watcher.
[Setup/Localization] A Setup->Configure->Localization page has been added for selecting the default date/time format for everywhere dates are displayed. Admins can choose between 12hr or 24hr formats, and this selection will cover all workers that don't have an established preference.
[CHD-3064] [CHD-2973] [Preferences/Localization] Each worker can choose their desired time format (12-hour or 24-hour) from the 'Settings' page in their worker menu.
[Virtual Attendant/Events] Added a new application-level 'Before sending worker message' event. Previously this was only possible at the group level.
[Virtual Attendant/Events] Added a new application-level 'After sending worker message' event. Previously this was only possible at the group level.
[CHD-3340] [Virtual Attendants/Mail] Virtual Attendant behaviors on the 'Before sending worker message' event may now add custom mail headers to the outgoing message. This was requested as a way to force read receipts, among other workflows.
[Virtual Attendants/Behaviors] Virtual Attendant macro behavior may now be marked as public or private. A public behavior is visible to everyone with access to the VA (on profiles, etc). A private behavior is only visible to the VA itself. Private behaviors are useful for implementing helper macros within a VA that shouldn't be exposed to the outside world. These are generally used from 'Run behavior' or 'Schedule behavior' actions.
[Virtual Attendants/Permissions/Events] Admins can choose which events each Virtual Attendant is capable of creating behaviors for. The options are 'allow all', 'allow these:', and 'deny these:'. This provides a way to offer limited Virtual Attendant functionality to workers with all use cases requiring prior approval. After the upgrade, all existing Virtual Attendants will default to 'allow all' events.
[Virtual Attendants/Permissions/Actions] Admins can choose which plugin-provided actions a Virtual Attendant is capable of using in behaviors. The options are 'allow all', 'allow these:', and 'deny these:'. For example, the actions for JIRA and Twilio may be restricted to admin-controlled global VAs that worker VAs can delegate to. Actions that directly communicate with external apps and services can be restricted from use by most workers. After the upgrade, all existing Virtual Attendants will default to 'allow all' actions.
[Virtual Attendants/Simulator/Actions] The Virtual Attendant 'Set custom placeholder' action can specify a format for its output of either 'text' or 'JSON'. JSON output will be automatically be converted to an object when it is saved to a placeholder. This is particularly useful to simulate JSON responses from actions that perform API calls.
[Virtual Attendants/Simulator/Actions] The Virtual Attendant 'Set custom placeholder' action can be configured to only set the placeholder when in simulator mode. This assists with providing test data in the simulator without affecting the outcome of a behavior when it runs normally.
[Virtual Attendant/Simulator] Public worklist variables in Virtual Attendant behaviors can now be tested properly in the simulator.
[Virtual Attendants/Actions] The 'Schedule behavior' and 'Run behavior' actions in Virtual Attendants can now include placeholders in the parameters being passed to the other behavior.
[Virtual Attendants/API] Implemented '/rest/va/list.json' in the Web API for retrieving the list of Virtual Attendants that are visible to the current worker. This can include an 'expand' parameter with the option 'behaviors' to list all of the defined behaviors.
[Virtual Attendants/API] Implemented '/rest/va/123.json' in the Web API for retrieving the a particular Virtual Attendant. This can include an 'expand' parameter with the option 'behaviors' to list all of its defined behaviors.
[Virtual Attendants/API] Implemented '/rest/va/behavior/123/run.json' in the Web API for running a 'Custom API request' Virtual Attendant behavior. This provides a standardized way for external applications and services to communicate with Virtual Attendants in Cerb. For example, a Campfire Bot can listen for messages in a chat room and relay a specific pattern (e.g. "@Cerb do something") to a specific VA behavior through the Cerb API. The response is a dictionary of all the behavior's values after running, including public and private variables. If a behavior retrieves a list of tickets, then their details will be available in the response for use outside of Cerb.
[Virtual Attendants/API] Added a new 'Custom API request' event to Virtual Attendants. This can be utilized by app-owned and worker-owned VAs. These behaviors work similarly to macros, except they are only triggered through the API from external apps and services. This allows for interaction with Virtual Attendants through mobile text messages, email, instant messages, Campfire/Hipchat, mobile applications, browser plugins, etc. Custom API request behaviors always target the owning Virtual Attendant, and they provide an 'Add to API response message' action that appends text to the _response value of the API response. Using the _response value is optional, but it provides for generalized interaction with Virtual Attendants through the API. For example, an iOS app could display a list of all Virtual Attendants and their API-enabled behaviors. Running any behavior could prompt for its public parameters, and the response message could be displayed. It's also possible to use the 'custom placeholder' action for additional outputs.
[Virtual Attendants/API] When a Virtual Attendants dictionary is converted to an array (e.g. for use by the Web API), any nested dictionaries will also be converted to arrays. Previously, if a behavior contained extra dictionaries (e.g. a list of records from a worklist search), it would return the IDs of those records but not their values.
[Virtual Attendants/Simulator] When simulating the Virtual Attendant 'Run behavior' and 'Schedule behavior' actions, the simulator output will now show behavior variables being set.
[Virtual Attendants/Simulator] Implemented Virtual Attendant simulator output for the 'Send email to notified worker' action in 'New notification for me' behaviors.
[Setup/Mail/Parser] Raw email messages can be imported from Setup->Mail by pasting them into a textbox. This simplifies development, training, and evaluations. Previously, these messages had to be saved in the /storage/mail/new/ directory and then the parser scheduler job had to be manually run.
[CHD-957] [CHD-3037] [CHD-3173] [Setup/Mail/Parser] Incoming mail messages that failed to parse can now be viewed, retried, or deleted from the Setup->Mail->Failed Messages page. Previously, administrators had to proactively monitor these files on the disk in the /storage/mail/fail/ directory, occasionally move them to /storage/mail/new/, and run the parser scheduled job manually in order to inspect the output. Failed mail is now displayed in a familiar worklist format with a peek popup to view each message source.
[Web-API/Usability] Added a QR code image to the Web API Credentials peek popup. This allows mobile apps to quickly scan the QR code to copy the access and secret keys rather than requiring a user to laboriously type them.
[Contexts/Messages] The generic label for Message records now shows the sender email, ticket mask, and ticket subject. Previously this just showed an unhelpful '(message)' placeholder. The label is used in Virtual Attendants, the Web-API, and the mobile app.
[Contexts/Activity Log] Activity Log contexts now provide actor_* and target_* placeholders. These can be used in Virtual Attendant behaviors, snippets, and the Web-API.
[Contexts/Activity Log] Activity Log contexts now provide a human-readable 'event' placeholder to describe the activity being logged. This can be used in Virtual Attendant behaviors, snippets, and the Web-API.
[Contexts/Workers] Worker contexts now provide is_disabled and is_superuser placeholders. These can be used in Virtual Attendant behaviors, snippets, and the Web-API.
[Snippets/VAs/Workers] Added 'last activity date' to worker placeholders.
[Devblocks/Workspaces/Charts/Plugin Development] The Devblocks HTML5 charting library now mediates all mouse interaction with the charts. Listeners can bind to 'devblocks-chart-click' or 'devblocks-chart-mouseover' to receive updates about user input. The returned event includes information about the closest data point to the mouse cursor, including chart coordinates. This saves the caller a lot of work when designing interactive charting elements.
[Workspaces/Dashboards/Line Charts] Line chart dashboard widgets now display a horizontal line through the selected data point to make lateral comparisons easier.
[Workspaces/Dashboards/Scatterplots] Scatterplot dashboard widgets now display crosshairs that intersect at the selected data point. This makes comparisons easier in both dimensions by creating quadrants.
[Workspaces/Dashboards/Gauges] Gauge dashboard widgets now display their labels below the widget for uniformity.
[Virtual Attendants/Variables/Lists] When a Virtual Attendant behavior has a list variable, the resulting worklist view_id will now be saved in the dictionary in the format var_name_view_id. This allows reuse of the underlying worklist for all kinds of functionality. Notably, it's currently used to send worklists to the mobile app. It could also overcome the 100 object limit of list variables now.
[Calendars] Fixed an issue where long-running calendar events that started before and ended after the current month wouldn't be displayed as spanning the entire month.
[Platform/Contexts/Plugins] Added a getPropertyLabels($dictionary) method to Extension_DevblocksContext extensions. This provides more terse human-readable text for labels when dictionaries are used on worklists and profiles (particularly in the mobile interface where spaces is limited). For example, "Ticket initial message sender address" can be abbreviated to "First wrote".
[Mail/Display] Fixed an issue when displaying tickets where very long messages (i.e. over 1MB) could cause a PHP timeout before the page was displayed. This was caused by attempting to auto-hyperlink URLs found within the email message, and it was exacerbated if 'read all' mode was always enabled when reading tickets. Cerb will no longer attempt to auto-hyperlink URLs within messages that are greater than 512KB in length.
[Platform/Plugins/Search] Devblocks now provides an OPER_CUSTOM operator for DevblocksSearchCriteria objects. This allows the caller to provide their own WHERE clause. For example, in some situations a query needs to modify a value before doing a comparison on it (e.g. fieldvalue+5 > otherfield_value).
[Devblocks/Placeholders/Usability] The 'devblocks_prettytime' modifier in placeholders now outputs 'just now' instead of '0 secs'.
[Calendars/Datasources/Performance] On calendars, worklist datasources were previously inconsistent in that the 'end date' could use placeholders while the 'start date' required a specific date field. This option was provided so that events could be arbitrary lengths; however, it wasn't possible to efficiently determine the events that needed to be displayed for a given month because the placeholders would have to be evaluated for every record in the database. In order to fix this issue, the 'end date' for worklist datasources on calendars now requires an explicit date field. Event durations can be set by using the new 'offset' fields for the start and end dates. For example, an event can end using the same field as the start date, but with a "+2 hours" offset. These offsets are much more efficient to process algorithmically in the database than open-ended placeholders.
[CHD-3515] [Calendars/Datasources] Fixed an issue with displaying worklist records on calendars when the events didn't start and end within the same calendar month. For example, if an event started on August 31 2013 and ran for 3 days, it wasn't being displayed on the September calendar.
[Virtual Attendants/Actions/HTTP Requests] A new 'Execute an HTTP request' action in Virtual Attendants allows them to send and receive data with other apps and services. The results of an HTTP request are stored in a custom placeholder that can be used by subsequent outcomes and actions. JSON responses are automatically converted to an object. Image resources as a response (e.g. PNG, GIF, JPEG) are converted to base64 text. For example, when new mail is received a Virtual Attendant could send relevant details to an external URL (like a webhook). A behavior could also request information from any source as a URL; e.g. datacenter temperature, website traffic, monitoring metrics, etc.
Mobile plugin
[CHD-1056] [CHD-1108] [CHD-2378] [Mobile/Plugins] A 'Mobile Interface' plugin has been added to the Plugin Library. We had originally held off on creating a mobile interface because most workers use desktop computers and Cerb's UI workflow design is heavily dependent on multiple layers of popups to enable multiple actions from the same page. With the introduction of custom workspace pages in 6.0 and distinct Virtual Attendants in 6.5, the components of a mobile interface clicked into place. Rather than seeking to replace all the functionality in Cerb's normal UI, the mobile UI provides a access to previously curated content. The primary focus is on providing access to notifications, workspaces, and special Virtual Attendant mobile behaviors. The mobile plugin is built using jQuery Mobile, so there is a large list of supported devices: iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows Phone, Blackberry, WebOS, etc. We feel that a slim web interface is an ideal mobile strategy for Cerb because the functionality is contained within a plugin that is always in sync with the version of the main project. With mobile apps in various app stores using Cerb's API, users would constantly run into issues with version incompatibilities. Once logged in, the mobile interface can be accessed from any mobile browser by visiting the '/m' page at your normal Cerb URL. This can be bookmarked or saved to your device's home screen.
[Mobile] Notifications can be viewed in the mobile interface. At the moment they open up a new browser tab to the full Cerb UI. In the near future we plan to implement mobile-friendly profiles for all record types. A count of unread notifications is displayed on a badge at the bottom of the app.
[CHD-891] [Mobile/Workspaces] Workspaces can be viewed in the mobile interface. All workspaces that the current worker has access to will be displayed. The worker is prompted in several steps to select a workspace, a tab, and finally a worklist or a widget. The pages for tabs, worklists, and widgets provide shortcuts to jump back to the previous selections (for instance, from a widget to a page or tab). A filter box above the list narrows down the choices (for example, only showing pages with a specific owner). At the moment, clicking on a worklist row opens up the record in the full Cerb UI in the default browser.
[Mobile/Virtual Attendants] Added a new 'Mobile behavior' event to Virtual Attendants. These behaviors can be run from mobile devices for any kind of workflow. For instance, mobile behaviors can create or search tickets, create tasks or notifications, search external systems for information, etc. Any public behavior variables will prompt the current worker for additional information. These behaviors can also be implemented on app-owned VAs so they are available to all workers by default. Mobile behaviors can respond with various types of messages that are displayed in a mobile device (e.g. text, html, maps, etc).
[Mobile/Virtual Attendants] Virtual Attendants with mobile behaviors can be viewed in the mobile interface. All VAs that the current worker has access to will be displayed. When a Virtual Attendant is selected, a list of its available mobile behaviors is displayed. Selecting a behavior will prompt for the input of any public behavior variables (for instance, a mobile behavior to create a task would prompt for the task's name and due date). The response from the Virtual Attendant is displayed in a message reminiscent of a chat bubble. This functionality is incredibly powerful; Virtual Attendant powered mobile behaviors can provide workers with shortcuts to accomplish almost any workflow. Those behaviors are built inside Cerb's normal web interface.
[Mobile/Plugin/iOS] The Cerb mobile interface now supports being added to the iOS home screen as a web app. This removes the location bar and footer from Mobile Safari so the experience feels more like a native app. Device-specific icons and start screens are provided (e.g. iPhone, iPad, retina).
[Mobile] Implemented a sidebar panel in the mobile interface. This provides access to more functionality than can fit in the footer shortcuts: favorites, compose, pages, search, etc.
[Mobile/Workspaces/Pages] The mobile interface now provides access to both workspaces and pages. The distinction is that a workspace is a page added by a worker to their navigation menu. Pages represent everything that a worker could choose to add to their menu as a workspace.
[Mobile/Workspaces] The Workspaces shortcut in the mobile footer now displays a worker's workspaces in the same order that they appear in the full site. Previously this was displaying a list of all pages in alphabetical order.
[Mobile/Profiles] The mobile interface now provides a profile page for every record type in Cerb. This makes it possible to gather more information without leaving the mobile site. Profiles also provide automatic links between related records. For example, from a ticket profile you can quickly view the sender's profile, their org's profile, the assigned group's profile, the ticket owner's profile, etc.
[Mobile/Search] The mobile interface now provides a 'Search' page in the menu panel. This displays a list of every record type in Cerb. When a record type is selected then a mobile worklist is displayed with the matching records. Clicking on a record displays its mobile profile. The profile also contains a link to open the record in the full site. This improvement makes the mobile interface very useful for workers who need to perform quick record lookups while away from their desk.
[Mobile/Workspaces] Mobile worklists now display their current filters above the list. Clicking a filter removes it.
[Mobile/Workspaces] New filters can be added to mobile worklists using quick search functionality. Clicking the filters button above the list opens a popup that displays all searchable fields.
[Mobile/Workspaces] Mobile worklists can use existing filter presets. After clicking on the filters button, all presets are displayed as buttons in a popup. Clicking one of these buttons will instantly replace the filters. This is particularly useful in a mobile environment, especially when performing ad-hoc searches rather than using prebuilt workspaces.
[Mobile/Workspaces] Mobile worklists can be sorted in ascending or descending order on any available column. The field currently being sorted by is displayed above the list, and the arrow next to the label indicates the sort direction (i.e. asc, desc).
[Mobile/Workspaces] Mobile worklists can be paged forward and backward. On subsequent pages, an option is provided to instantly jump back to the first page. In a slight deviation from the full UI, paging displays the current and total pages along with the total number of results. In the full UI, paging displays the current position in the results and the total number of results (i.e. no indication is given for the total number of pages).
[Mobile/Workspaces] Mobile worklists can now display any number of fields for each row. Since screen space is generally limited on mobile devices, these fields are not displayed as horizontal columns like in the full UI, but as smaller vertical rows beneath each result's heading. At the moment, the displayed fields are based on useful defaults for each record type. In the near future this feature will support the ability to decide which fields should be displayed per worklist or worklist type. This functionality is actually more advanced than the main UI, since it uses the placeholders from Virtual Attendants and snippets instead of being confined by the results from the database. In the main UI, only a limited amount of information from related records is available as columns (e.g. ticket -> organization). With the placeholder approach, even content at the end of a long chain of related records can be displayed (e.g. ticket -> first message -> sender -> org -> custom field).
[Mobile/Virtual Attendants] Mobile Virtual Attendant behaviors now return their response on a new page. Previously the response was displayed below the submit button. The state of the response page is now cached so that the back button works properly. This allows responses to include links to new records, with the back button returning to the response without re-running the behavior. By not caching the behavior page, the mobile app can now instantly see any changes made to the behavior in Cerb.
[Mobile/Workspaces] Mobile worklists can now be paged, sorted, filtered, and searched in place using Ajax. Previously, these actions were initiating a full page reload due to the way that popups work in jQuery Mobile. The reload was displaying a 'flash of unstyled content' on mobile devices.
[Mobile/Virtual Attendants] Mobile Virtual Attendants can now return different types of responses. Previously, all messages had to be text-based.
[Mobile/Virtual Attendants] Mobile Virtual Attendants can return HTML responses. Any provided Javascript is evaluated, which makes interactive responses possible. For example, a Virtual Attendant can return a real-time chart using an HTML5 canvas.
[Mobile/Virtual Attendants] Mobile Virtual Attendants can return interactive worklists as responses. Previously, behavior variables that contained a list of records had to be displayed as text with links back to each record. Now any list variable on the behavior can be sent to a worker's mobile device. This displays a mobile worklist that's sortable, pageable, and filterable. The results also display properties about each record, and clicking on a record will display its mobile profile. The back button can be used to return to the worklist. For example, a mobile VA can send a list of tasks or tickets to a worker, and the worker can use that worklist in place as if they had searched for those results themselves.
[Mobile/Virtual Attendants] Mobile Virtual Attendants can return multiple responses to a single request. For example, a text response can state "Here are the results I found for you" and a second response can display the results as an interactive worklist.
[Mobile/Performance] Implemented caching for the common navigation pages in the mobile interface: search, workspaces, workspace tabs, pages, and Virtual Attendants. The content in these pages rarely changes; they'll now be pulled from the server once per session. Closing and reopening the app, or switching to the app from another app, will clear the cache. This significantly reduces mobile bandwidth usage and improves perceived performance.
[Mobile/Profiles/Plugins] Implemented a 'mobile.profile.block' extension point for plugins to provide custom content on profiles in the mobile interface.
[Mobile/Profiles/Ticket] Ticket profiles in the mobile interface now display the most recent message on the ticket, and the conversation history can be paged forward and backward.
[Mobile/Profiles/Ticket] Tickets can be replied to from the mobile interface. The reply button will automatically quote the currently displayed message, and the status and reopen date can be set. In order to reduce extra work from a mobile device when pruning quotes, only the most recent message worth of comments is displayed. In other words, quotes like ">>> Something said three messages ago" are automatically removed. When possible, signatures in quoted text are also automatically removed.
[Mobile/Profiles/Ticket] Basic ticket properties can be edited from mobile profiles: status, reopen date, owner, and spam training.
[Mobile/Profiles/Task] Basic task properties can be edited from mobile profiles: title, status, and due date.
[Mobile/Profiles/Message] Message profiles in the mobile interface show the full email content.
[Mobile/Calendars] Calendars are now displayed in a compact format in the mobile interface. These mobile calendars are displayed on workspace tabs, in workspace widgets, and on calendar profiles. Days that have events are indicated with a white circle. Clicking a day will select it, denoted by a pale blue circle, and its events will be listed below the calendar. Clicking an event from the list will display its profile, and the back button will return to the list with the previously selected date still highlighted.
[Mobile/Calendars] In mobile calendars, the current day is now highlighted as a filled in circle compared to the outlined circles denoting days with events.
[Mobile/Calendars] Mobile calendars can be paged forward and backward to adjacent months. A 'today' button is also provided to quickly reset the calendar on the current month with the current day selected. The selected month and year will be remembered per calendar for the duration of the session.
[Mobile/Calendars] Mobile calendars now tag daily events as a block of 'available' or 'busy' time.
[Mobile/Profiles/Virtual Attendants] Virtual Attendant custom behaviors are now available on mobile profiles. These are the same behaviors that show up in the desktop interface, enabling powerful automation from mobile devices.
[Mobile/Bookmarks/Usability] The mobile interface now allows any page to be added to the menu as a bookmark. This provides one-click access to frequently used widgets, profiles, Virtual Attendant behaviors, etc. To add a bookmark, navigate to a page and then click the 'menu' button in the top right. In the bookmarks section there will be an 'add' button if the page isn't a bookmark yet, and a 'remove' button if it is. Bookmarks are stored locally on each device, so different devices can have different mobile bookmarks even when the same user is logged in. Bookmarks are currently organized alphabetically.
[Mobile/Mail/Compose] Added a 'Compose' page to the mobile interface. This can send mail from any group the current worker is a member of. The 'To' field offers autocompletion for multiple email address recipients. An 'Insert signature' button will use the proper signature for the selected group and bucket. After sending the message, the worker will be redirected to the new ticket's profile.
[Mobile/Profiles/Addresses] Basic email address properties can be edited from mobile profiles: first name, last name, is banned, is defunct, and organization.
[Mobile/Profiles/Addresses] Mobile email address profiles provide a 'Search ticket history' button that lists all tickets where the address is a requester.
[Mobile/Profiles/Addresses] Mobile email address profiles provide a 'Compose' button that switches to the compose page with the email address pre-filled. This provides a similar workflow to the full interface where an organization is selected in order to determine the appropriate contacts.
[Mobile/Profiles/Orgs] Basic organization properties can be edited from mobile profiles: name, street, city, province, postal, country, phone, and website.
[Mobile/Profiles/Orgs] Organization mobile profiles provide a 'Search contacts' button which lists all associated email addresses in a worklist.
[Mobile/Profiles/Orgs] Organization mobile profiles provide a 'Search ticket history' button which lists all associated tickets in a worklist.
[Mobile/Notifications] Clicking on a mobile notification will now display its profile instead of opening up a browser to the full site. This allows a notification to be researched without leaving the mobile interface.
[Mobile/Notifications] Mobile notification profiles provide a 'Mark as read' button that clears the notification and returns to the previous page. This allows notifications to be saved for later if they're not currently actionable.
[Mobile/Notifications] The unread notification count in the mobile interface now updates every time a new page is displayed. The count is still efficiently cached on the server.
[Mobile/Profiles/Comments] Mobile profiles now display all the comments on a record. The most recent comment is displayed first, and buttons allow navigation forward and backward.
[Mobile/Profiles/Comments] New comments can be created from mobile profiles, with the ability to notify specific workers.
JIRA plugin
[JIRA/Plugins] Added a 'JIRA Integration' plugin to the Plugin Library. This automatically synchronizes JIRA project and issue information. It also extends Virtual Attendants with the ability to remote control JIRA data. JIRA Projects and Issues can be accessed from Cerb's global Search menu. JIRA data can also be linked to other records (e.g. addresses, orgs) to track customer interest in issues and provide Virtual Attendants with data for following up on that interest.
[JIRA/Virtual Attendants] Implemented an 'Execute an API request to JIRA' action in Virtual Attendants. Rather than being restricted to a few options, this can make any API calls to JIRA that the given credentials are authorized to do. For this reason, it is important to restrict this action to only trusted Virtual Attendants. Other VAs can still delegate actions to the behaviors on trusted VAs with access to JIRA. Check the online documentation for examples.
[JIRA/Issues/VAs] Implemented Virtual Attendant custom behaviors for JIRA Issue records. For example, a 'Resolve' behavior could close a JIRA issue from Cerb.
[Virtual Attendants/Simulator/HTTP Requests] When a Virtual Attendant executes an HTTP request as an action, a new "Also execute HTTP request in simulator mode" option is available. This is useful for testing behaviors when an HTTP request is read-only (e.g. GET), and it's also useful for testing live PUT/POST requests without leaving the simulator.
[Virtual Attendants/Simulator/Run Behavior] Virtual Attendants using the 'Run behavior' action may now enable an 'Also run behavior in simulator mode' option. Previously, the simulator only showed that a behavior would have run. Now delegate behaviors can also run in simulator mode, which makes it much easier to test and troubleshoot complex chained behavior.
[Virtual Attendants/Scheduled Behavior/Usability] The scheduled behavior popup on profiles now provides enough room for the "When:" text box. Previously, if the drop down of date fields was very wide then the text box could be compressed to only a few characters. If the dropdown is exceptionally wide now, the text box will wrap to a new line.
[Devblocks/Platform/Resources] TTF and WOFF font resources will now be transferred through the resource proxy with the proper mime types.
[Virtual Attendants] In Virtual Attendant actions, the Virtual Attendant itself will now always appear as a target in the 'On:' parameter. This happened in some places (e.g. mobile behaviors, API behaviors) but not everywhere else. This makes it much easier to delegate behaviors between Virtual Attendants using the 'Custom virtual attendant behavior' event.
[Virtual Attendants/Links] Virtual Attendants can use a new 'Get Links' action to load links of any type on any related record into a variable or placeholder. For example, when new mail is received a Virtual Attendant could check for a specific type of link (e.g. product, license) on the organization of the message sender.
[CHD-3557] [Workspaces/Dashboards/Subtotals] Fixed a bug where filters with NULL (e.g. blank) values in worklist-based widgets were being ignored in some cases. For instance, a pie chart showing task assignments based on a worker custom field, with an 'assignee is not blank' filter, would show all workers including 'nobody'.
[Setup/Branding/Usability] Renamed 'Logo & Title' to 'Branding' in the Setup->Configure menu.
[Setup/Branding] The favicon used by Cerb is now configurable on the Setup->Configure->Branding page. Thanks to Niek Beernink @ for the contribution!
[CHD-3464] [Consistency] Fixed a consistency issue where the refresh button on some profiles (e.g. task, worker) said "Reload this ticket" in the tooltip. This was due to the reuse of text from the translation system. These tooltips now show 'Refresh'.
[CHD-3561] [Setup/Mail/Filters] Fixed an issue on the Setup->Mail->Filtering page where 'Create behavior' buttons weren't being displayed for each of the Virtual Attendants listed.
[CHD-3565] [Virtual Attendants/Comments] The 'New comment on a record' event can now use the comment's parent record or author as 'On:' targets for actions. These were previously ignored because they are abstract (i.e. they can end up being various record types, and it's not possible for the simulator to know in advance). The author and parent record of a comment still can't be used in the 'On:' parameter of run behavior, schedule behavior, or unschedule behavior actions; instead, the desired record should be loaded into a private variable of a specific type (using {{comment_record_*}} placeholder fields), and that variable can be used as a target.
[Comments/Worklists/Choosers] Implemented subtotals, filters, and choosers for comment worklists.
[Worklists/Export] Fixed errors when exporting virtual fields from a worklist.
[Virtual Attendants/Comments] When simulating new Virtual Attendant behaviors on the 'New comment on a record' event, a specify comment record can now be targeted for testing. Previously this wasn't possible due to a lack of comment choosers.
[Support Center/Code Cleanup] Fixed a bug in the Support Center that ignored the sort order of the menu options.
[CHD-3566] [Time Tracking/Code Cleanup] Fixed an error being displayed in the 'Time Spent' field on Time Tracking profiles.
[CHD-3569] [Virtual Attendants/Mail/Headers] In 'Before sending worker message' Virtual Attendant behaviors, the 'Set header' action is now capable of replacing existing headers like 'Subject:' and 'X-Mailer:'. Previously, duplicate headers were being added.
[CHD-3519] [Virtual Attendants/Mail] In the 'Before sending worker message' Virtual Attendant behavior, the 'Bucket' condition is now available again.
[CHD-3568] [Worklists/Usability] Fixed an issue when editing 'Owner' filters on worklists where the existing values weren't displayed as defaults. This meant if you were filtering by a list of 5 owners, you had to reselect them in addition to any other changes you were making.
[Virtual Attendants/Groups] Fixed an issue with bucket names always being 'Inbox' in some Virtual Attendant behaviors.
[CHD-3508] [Virtual Attendants/Usability] When building Virtual Attendant outcomes and actions, the 'Insert placeholder' menu will now include the '|date' modifier on placeholders by default. Otherwise they are displayed as Unix timestamps (e.g. 1381874586). This used to happen in earlier versions, but the '|date' option was hardcoded for various fields; now it happens automatically based on the field type.
[CHD-3470] [Mail/Reply/Usability] On ticket profiles, if the reply form is already open then clicking the 'Reply' button or pressing the 'r' shortcut will focus the existing form rather than discarding its contents and opening a new one.
[CHD-3433] [Mail/Setup/Usability] Added a warning to POP3 setup that downloaded messages will be deleted from the mailbox. There have been a few instances where users included an IMAP mailbox with a long history where clearing the mailbox was not desirable.
[CHD-3378] [Virtual Attendants/Worklists] 'While displaying a worklist' behaviors can now be created by role-owned Virtual Attendants.
[Setup/Custom Fields/Usability] In Setup, custom fields can now be quickly dragged into the desired order rather than having to manually number them.
[Setup/Custom Fields/Usability] When deleting custom fields in Setup, a confirmation step is now shown prior to deleting the fields and their data.
[CHD-3372] [Setup/Custom Fields/Fieldsets] In Setup, global custom fields can now be easily migrated to fieldsets of the same type.
[CHD-3341] [Mail/Reply/Usability] After clicking the 'Reply' button in a ticket conversation, a loading indicator is shown in a popup until the form is displayed. This was requested several times by clients who experience occasional latency so they have a visual cue that something is happening.
over 11 years
Release notes for Cerb 6.5
Cerb (6.5) is a major functionality update released on September 20, 2013. It contains over 144 new features and usability tweaks from community feedback.
[CHD-3425] [Virtual
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Attendants/Code Cleanup] Fixed a PHP error regarding "Undefined variable: func in abstract_view.php" when Virtual Attendant behaviors contained list variables with a specific combination of parameters.
[Contacts/Snippets] Fixed an issue where the names of Contact Person records always displayed '(contact person)' in snippets and Virtual Attendant placeholders.
[Virtual Attendants/Variables] Virtual Attendant behavior variables now support parameters based on each type of variable. This provides more control over how they operate, and it also makes new variable types possible (like a picklist of pre-defined options).
[Virtual Attendants/Variables] Text-based Virtual Attendant behavior variables can be configured for single-line or multiple-line input. Previously, all text variables were single-line input, which made it difficult to enter certain kinds of data (e.g. long comments).
[Virtual Attendants/Variables] Virtual Attendant behavior variables can be reordered by dragging them in the UI
[Virtual Attendants/Variables] Virtual Attendant behaviors may specify picklist (drop down) variables. Picklists require a worker to pick an option from a list of predefined options. Previously, only freeform text entry was available. This is particularly useful for macro behaviors.
[Snippets/Tester/Usability] The snippet tester now displays output with a fixed width font that preserves whitespace. Previously, tester output stripped whitespace. This made it impossible to check the style of indentation (e.g. at the beginning of paragraphs, or in fragments of code).
[Virtual Attendant/Usability] The Virtual Attendant action for entering custom scripts no longer auto wraps the contents of the text box. This makes it easier to read source code.
[Virtual Attendant/Simulator/Usability] Added an indent to the form elements in the Virtual Attendant Simulator to improve readability.
[Virtual Attendants/Simulator/Variables] The public variables of Virtual Attendant behaviors may now be changed from within the simulator. This makes it much easier to test macros.
[Comments/Snippets] Implemented two new placeholders for comment records. The record_watchers placeholder is a list of watchers on the record containing the comment. The record_watchers_emails placeholders contains a comma-delimited list of watcher email addresses. This was requested by several people who wanted a way to relay an email to all watchers about comments on records of any type using Virtual Attendants; however, it can also be used to display a list of watchers anywhere the comment is referenced.
[Plugins/Choosers] Choosers can be opened in 'single selection' mode, where the first selection closes the chooser and returns control to the caller. This provides all the benefits of choosers for situations where a single record must be selected.
[Virtual Attendants/Simulator/Usability] The output of the Virtual Attendant simulator no longer has a maximum height before introducing scrollbars. Having multiple scrollable sections made it more difficult to read the output or to scroll down the page.
[Virtual Attendants/Simulator] When using the Virtual Attendant simulator, it is now possible to choose the exact record that the current behavior is being tested against. Previously, the simulator would choose random records to help test behaviors, but this often required opening up the simulator many times in order to find a suitable record. For macros, it was possible to run the simulator from a record profile in order to test using that record, but this option wasn't available to events like 'New message on a group conversation'.
[Virtual Attendants/Simulator/Usability] In the Virtual Attendant simulator, data entry for parameters and values have been moved to tabs. When a behavior provides parameters (public variables for entry by a worker), the parameters section is shown by default and the long list of values is hidden on a second tab, which improves usability by reducing clutter.
[Virtual Attendants/Snippets] Implemented a new json_decode() function for snippets and placeholders to convert a JSON string to an associative array. This can be used to easily reference JSON results from API calls within Virtual Attendant behaviors (or snippets in special situations).
[Virtual Attendants/Snippets] Implemented a new json_pretty filter for snippets and placeholders to optimize the human readability of a JSON string. This is mainly useful for advanced Virtual Attendant actions that exchange JSON with remote apps and services.
[Virtual Attendants] Virtual Attendants are now first-class records (like groups and workers), with worklists, profiles, peek, ownership rights, etc. Previously, Virtual Attendant behaviors were owned directly by roles, groups, and workers; but this was creating clutter and confusion because some behaviors are related but there was no indication of this in the UI. Now, multiple Virtual Attendants can be created to contain any number of behaviors, and each VA can be owned by a worker, group, or role. All existing behaviors have been migrated to a new default Virtual Attendant record for each distinct owner. Virtual Attendants now show up in the global 'Search' menu, and clicking into a VA profile is where you will find the behavior trees and scheduled behavior. This also provides many new possibilities for future expansion; for example, Virtual Attendants can log errors to their profile in an easy-to-find tab. You can export and import behaviors between Virtual Attendants to place related behaviors together.
[Messages/Performance/Snippets] The placeholder for message content is now lazy-loaded only when it is needed. This reduces extraneous queries from hitting the database when Virtual Attendants or snippets use message fields but ignore content.
[Virtual Attendants/Macros/Profiles] The 'Virtual Attendants' button on profiles now organizes behaviors by Virtual Attendant. This makes it much easier to find the behavior you're looking for. Additionally, the macro menu no longer displays two lines for each entry; instead, behaviors are indented below their Virtual Attendant. This allows more options to be displayed in a smaller space, and it's less visually confusing.
[Virtual Attendants/Activity Log] Activity Log entries that are created in response to Virtual Attendant actions will now log each Virtual Attendant as the actor. Previously, these entries were created as if the behavior's owner (e.g. worker, group) had performed them, which could lead to some confusion of accountability. Since Virtual Attendants are now first-class objects, they can be held accountable individually for actions they take. The Activity Log will also specify the name of the responsible behavior next to the Virtual Attendant.
[Debug/Virtual Attendants] The /debug/export_attendants page will now export all behaviors grouped by Virtual Attendant.
[Virtual Attendants/Scheduled Behavior] The 'Scheduled Behavior' tabs have moved to Virtual Attendant profiles. Previously, scheduled behavior was shown on worker and group profiles, since those records directly owned behaviors. The records targeted by scheduled behavior still show a summary at the top of their profile.
[Mail/Reply/Virtual Attendants/Macros] The 'Virtual Attendants' button that is displayed when replying to a message will now display macros grouped by Virtual Attendant.
[Setup/Virtual Attendants] The 'Setup->Configure->Virtual Attendants' page now displays a worklist of Virtual Attendants with links to profiles. Previously, a funky interface was used that required an admin to pick an owner from a list to view their owned behaviors in a tab. The new process is consistent with the way the rest of Cerb works.
[Virtual Attendants/Snippets] Implemented a new jsonpath_set() function for snippets and placeholders to dynamically create deeply nested JSON objects from inside scripts. This is mainly useful for advanced Virtual Attendant actions that exchange JSON with remote apps and services.
[Setup/Mail/Filtering/VAs] The Setup->Mail->Filtering page now shows the mail filtering behavior from all global Virtual Attendants on a single page. Previously, it was only possible to have a single global Virtual Attendant and its use was implied on this page.
[Setup/Mail/Filtering/VAs] When an admin views the Setup->Mail->Filtering page for the first time, Cerb will offer to create the first global Virtual Attendant if one doesn't exist already. This improves the onboarding experience.
[Virtual Attendants] Virtual Attendants may now be disabled, which treats all of their behaviors as being disabled. These behaviors will not trigger during events, and will now show up as macros on profiles. This makes it very simple to simultaneously deactivate related behaviors, which was tedious in earlier versions. Additionally, a worker can disable a Virtual Attendant while building and testing its behaviors.
[Activity Log] Activity Logs for actor profiles (address, worker, group, virtual attendant) now display entries where the record was either an actor or a target of the activity. Previously, the log only showed actor activity for those records, and target activity for everything else. This meant that when viewing an address's activity from its profile, you wouldn't see log entries for when that address replied to conversations (as an actor), only when workers performed actions on that address (as a target). This change provides a more comprehensive view of the activities a record was involved with.
[Activity Log/Groups] Group profiles now display an Activity Log tab.
[Virtual Attendants/Custom Fieldsets] Virtual Attendants can own custom fieldsets, providing them with long-term storage for arbitrary data on any record. This enables some very interesting new automation workflows. For instance, a monitoring Virtual Attendant can remember the last time it notified each worker about something by using a custom fieldset with a date on worker records. Similarly, a sales Virtual Attendant can keep track of its progress through an automated sales process with a custom fieldset that it saves on opportunities.
[Virtual Attendants/Macros] Application-owned Virtual Attendants can now create custom behaviors for any record type. This allows global macros that are accessible by all workers, which greatly simplifies many workflows. Previously, these macros could only be created by VAs owned by groups, roles, or workers.
[Virtual Attendants/Macros] Implemented a 'Custom virtual attendant behavior' event. This is the ideal place to implement generic behaviors that don't rely on a specific record type. For example, a Twitter Bot could schedule a recurring behavior to look for new @mentions, and it wouldn't make sense to target this behavior to any particular record. Previously, we had recommended to bind these generic behaviors on worker records just because it made them easy to manage from a profile. Now we recommend that these behaviors be migrated to Virtual Attendant profiles.
[CHD-3113] [Support Center/Logins/Usability] When a Support Center page requires a login, a visitor will be redirected to their original destination after successfully logging in. Previously, the Support Center didn't even provide a login form to anonymous visitors if they requested a protected resource, it just displayed the default page. The new process should make it much easier to send contacts direct links to a specific ticket history, or protected knowledgebase articles.
[Support Center/Usability] By default, the logo image on the Support Center is now a shortcut link back to the default page.
[CHD-3441] [Support Center] When a customer views a ticket in the Support Center, there is now a reply button per message and no reply from is shown by default. Previously, a single reply form was always displayed at the top of the ticket which led to much confusion.
[CHD-3148] [Support Center] When a customer replies to a ticket in the Support Center, the original message will now be automatically quoted in the response.
[Platform/Popups/Usability] Popups are now limited to a height no more than 85% of the current browser height. Previously, popups could be so tall that they scrolled off the page. This made them difficult to work with; particularly when dragging them around.
[Virtual Attendants/Macros/Plugins/Platform] Any Virtual Attendant behaviors that respond an event trigger will now be returned along with a snapshot of their data at their conclusion. This allows the caller to retrieve detailed information from those responders, and in an arbitrary way.
[Virtual Attendants/Actions/Run Behavior] Virtual Attendant behaviors may now use a global '(Run behavior)' action. This is similar to 'Schedule behavior', except it runs the behavior immediately and allows the caller to retrieve values from the delegate behavior. For example, if one Virtual Attendant delegates another VA's behavior in order to create a task, then the caller can afterwards retrieve information about the created task from the delegate. This greatly improves the reusability of Virtual Attendants, as specialized VAs can handle routine actions, and helper VAs can delegate requests to them. This also makes it possible to build mediator VAs that listen on channels like SMS, IM, and Campfire; with requests being delegated to VAs that can do almost anything possible in Cerb: send reminders; create and complete tasks; check and change calendars; interact with Twitter, Facebook, JIRA; etc.
[Virtual Attendants/Scheduled Behavior] Fixed an issue with the 'Schedule behavior' and 'Unschedule behavior' actions in Virtual Attendants. Disabled behaviors were not included in the list of available options, so if the actions referred to a behavior while it was disabled, and that action was edited and saved, then it would no longer refer to the behavior afterwards. Disabled behaviors are now displayed in the action, but they're marked as being disabled in case this is unintentional.
[Virtual Attendants/Actions] When a Virtual Attendant action is missing, the behavior editor will now provide more helpful information, including an indication of what it was supposed to be. Previously, a blank action box was shown without providing any clue about what was missing.
[Support Center/History/Reply] Fixed warnings created by the Support Center when a customer replies to a ticket without any attachments.
[Virtual Attendants/Actions/Variables/Usability] In Virtual Attendants, the actions for setting variables are now displayed at the top of the available actions. As with other global actions, they are surrounded by parentheses. Previously these were sorted alphabetically with other 'Set' options, which made them more difficult to find.
[CHD-1050] [Worklists/Custom Fields] When displaying a multiple value custom field as a worklist column, all of the selected values will now be displayed. Previously, only a single value per custom field was displayed based on what matched the search filters.
[CHD-1086] [Custom Fields/Attachments] Implemented two new custom field types: file and multiple files. These types allow arbitrary attachments to be attached to records through custom fields. Internally, these fields use the attachments system and they store file IDs.
[Virtual Attendants/Scheduled Behavior] The 'Schedule behavior' and 'Unschedule behavior' actions in Virtual Attendants are now global. They are available in all events and plugin-provided events do not need to implement them. Additionally, the action names are wrapped in parentheses so they appear at the top of the list of available actions.
[Custom Fieldsets] Custom fieldsets may now be owned by the application. These fieldsets are readable by all workers but only configurable by admins.
[Virtual Attendants/Custom Script] The 'custom script' condition in Virtual Attendant outcomes now a placeholders menu and script tester.
[Calendars/Virtual Attendants] Calendar records can now also be owned by Virtual Attendants or the Application.
[CHD-3460] [Virtual Attendants/Calendars] All Virtual Attendant behaviors may now use 'calendar availability' as a condition in outcomes. For example, this can be used to send different auto-replies based on availability.
[CHD-2866] [Virtual Attendants] The 'new message on a watched conversation' event will now always include a ticket's owner even if they aren't a watcher.
[Setup/Localization] A Setup->Configure->Localization page has been added for selecting the default date/time format for everywhere dates are displayed. Admins can choose between 12hr or 24hr formats, and this selection will cover all workers that don't have an established preference.
[CHD-3064] [CHD-2973] [Preferences/Localization] Each worker can choose their desired time format (12-hour or 24-hour) from the 'Settings' page in their worker menu.
[Virtual Attendant/Events] Added a new application-level 'Before sending worker message' event. Previously this was only possible at the group level.
[Virtual Attendant/Events] Added a new application-level 'After sending worker message' event. Previously this was only possible at the group level.
[CHD-3340] [Virtual Attendants/Mail] Virtual Attendant behaviors on the 'Before sending worker message' event may now add custom mail headers to the outgoing message. This was requested as a way to force read receipts, among other workflows.
[Virtual Attendants/Behaviors] Virtual Attendant macro behavior may now be marked as public or private. A public behavior is visible to everyone with access to the VA (on profiles, etc). A private behavior is only visible to the VA itself. Private behaviors are useful for implementing helper macros within a VA that shouldn't be exposed to the outside world. These are generally used from 'Run behavior' or 'Schedule behavior' actions.
[Virtual Attendants/Permissions/Events] Admins can choose which events each Virtual Attendant is capable of creating behaviors for. The options are 'allow all', 'allow these:', and 'deny these:'. This provides a way to offer limited Virtual Attendant functionality to workers with all use cases requiring prior approval. After the upgrade, all existing Virtual Attendants will default to 'allow all' events.
[Virtual Attendants/Permissions/Actions] Admins can choose which plugin-provided actions a Virtual Attendant is capable of using in behaviors. The options are 'allow all', 'allow these:', and 'deny these:'. For example, the actions for JIRA and Twilio may be restricted to admin-controlled global VAs that worker VAs can delegate to. Actions that directly communicate with external apps and services can be restricted from use by most workers. After the upgrade, all existing Virtual Attendants will default to 'allow all' actions.
[Virtual Attendants/Simulator/Actions] The Virtual Attendant 'Set custom placeholder' action can specify a format for its output of either 'text' or 'JSON'. JSON output will be automatically be converted to an object when it is saved to a placeholder. This is particularly useful to simulate JSON responses from actions that perform API calls.
[Virtual Attendants/Simulator/Actions] The Virtual Attendant 'Set custom placeholder' action can be configured to only set the placeholder when in simulator mode. This assists with providing test data in the simulator without affecting the outcome of a behavior when it runs normally.
[Virtual Attendant/Simulator] Public worklist variables in Virtual Attendant behaviors can now be tested properly in the simulator.
[Virtual Attendants/Actions] The 'Schedule behavior' and 'Run behavior' actions in Virtual Attendants can now include placeholders in the parameters being passed to the other behavior.
[Virtual Attendants/API] Implemented '/rest/va/list.json' in the Web API for retrieving the list of Virtual Attendants that are visible to the current worker. This can include an 'expand' parameter with the option 'behaviors' to list all of the defined behaviors.
[Virtual Attendants/API] Implemented '/rest/va/123.json' in the Web API for retrieving the a particular Virtual Attendant. This can include an 'expand' parameter with the option 'behaviors' to list all of its defined behaviors.
[Virtual Attendants/API] Implemented '/rest/va/behavior/123/run.json' in the Web API for running a 'Custom API request' Virtual Attendant behavior. This provides a standardized way for external applications and services to communicate with Virtual Attendants in Cerb. For example, a Campfire Bot can listen for messages in a chat room and relay a specific pattern (e.g. "@Cerb do something") to a specific VA behavior through the Cerb API. The response is a dictionary of all the behavior's values after running, including public and private variables. If a behavior retrieves a list of tickets, then their details will be available in the response for use outside of Cerb.
[Virtual Attendants/API] Added a new 'Custom API request' event to Virtual Attendants. This can be utilized by app-owned and worker-owned VAs. These behaviors work similarly to macros, except they are only triggered through the API from external apps and services. This allows for interaction with Virtual Attendants through mobile text messages, email, instant messages, Campfire/Hipchat, mobile applications, browser plugins, etc. Custom API request behaviors always target the owning Virtual Attendant, and they provide an 'Add to API response message' action that appends text to the _response value of the API response. Using the _response value is optional, but it provides for generalized interaction with Virtual Attendants through the API. For example, an iOS app could display a list of all Virtual Attendants and their API-enabled behaviors. Running any behavior could prompt for its public parameters, and the response message could be displayed. It's also possible to use the 'custom placeholder' action for additional outputs.
[Virtual Attendants/API] When a Virtual Attendants dictionary is converted to an array (e.g. for use by the Web API), any nested dictionaries will also be converted to arrays. Previously, if a behavior contained extra dictionaries (e.g. a list of records from a worklist search), it would return the IDs of those records but not their values.
[Virtual Attendants/Simulator] When simulating the Virtual Attendant 'Run behavior' and 'Schedule behavior' actions, the simulator output will now show behavior variables being set.
[Virtual Attendants/Simulator] Implemented Virtual Attendant simulator output for the 'Send email to notified worker' action in 'New notification for me' behaviors.
[Setup/Mail/Parser] Raw email messages can be imported from Setup->Mail by pasting them into a textbox. This simplifies development, training, and evaluations. Previously, these messages had to be saved in the /storage/mail/new/ directory and then the parser scheduler job had to be manually run.
[CHD-957] [CHD-3037] [CHD-3173] [Setup/Mail/Parser] Incoming mail messages that failed to parse can now be viewed, retried, or deleted from the Setup->Mail->Failed Messages page. Previously, administrators had to proactively monitor these files on the disk in the /storage/mail/fail/ directory, occasionally move them to /storage/mail/new/, and run the parser scheduled job manually in order to inspect the output. Failed mail is now displayed in a familiar worklist format with a peek popup to view each message source.
[Web-API/Usability] Added a QR code image to the Web API Credentials peek popup. This allows mobile apps to quickly scan the QR code to copy the access and secret keys rather than requiring a user to laboriously type them.
[Contexts/Messages] The generic label for Message records now shows the sender email, ticket mask, and ticket subject. Previously this just showed an unhelpful '(message)' placeholder. The label is used in Virtual Attendants, the Web-API, and the mobile app.
[Contexts/Activity Log] Activity Log contexts now provide actor_* and target_* placeholders. These can be used in Virtual Attendant behaviors, snippets, and the Web-API.
[Contexts/Activity Log] Activity Log contexts now provide a human-readable 'event' placeholder to describe the activity being logged. This can be used in Virtual Attendant behaviors, snippets, and the Web-API.
[Contexts/Workers] Worker contexts now provide is_disabled and is_superuser placeholders. These can be used in Virtual Attendant behaviors, snippets, and the Web-API.
[Snippets/VAs/Workers] Added 'last activity date' to worker placeholders.
[Devblocks/Workspaces/Charts/Plugin Development] The Devblocks HTML5 charting library now mediates all mouse interaction with the charts. Listeners can bind to 'devblocks-chart-click' or 'devblocks-chart-mouseover' to receive updates about user input. The returned event includes information about the closest data point to the mouse cursor, including chart coordinates. This saves the caller a lot of work when designing interactive charting elements.
[Workspaces/Dashboards/Line Charts] Line chart dashboard widgets now display a horizontal line through the selected data point to make lateral comparisons easier.
[Workspaces/Dashboards/Scatterplots] Scatterplot dashboard widgets now display crosshairs that intersect at the selected data point. This makes comparisons easier in both dimensions by creating quadrants.
[Workspaces/Dashboards/Gauges] Gauge dashboard widgets now display their labels below the widget for uniformity.
[Virtual Attendants/Variables/Lists] When a Virtual Attendant behavior has a list variable, the resulting worklist view_id will now be saved in the dictionary in the format var_name_view_id. This allows reuse of the underlying worklist for all kinds of functionality. Notably, it's currently used to send worklists to the mobile app. It could also overcome the 100 object limit of list variables now.
[Calendars] Fixed an issue where long-running calendar events that started before and ended after the current month wouldn't be displayed as spanning the entire month.
[Platform/Contexts/Plugins] Added a getPropertyLabels($dictionary) method to Extension_DevblocksContext extensions. This provides more terse human-readable text for labels when dictionaries are used on worklists and profiles (particularly in the mobile interface where spaces is limited). For example, "Ticket initial message sender address" can be abbreviated to "First wrote".
[Mail/Display] Fixed an issue when displaying tickets where very long messages (i.e. over 1MB) could cause a PHP timeout before the page was displayed. This was caused by attempting to auto-hyperlink URLs found within the email message, and it was exacerbated if 'read all' mode was always enabled when reading tickets. Cerb will no longer attempt to auto-hyperlink URLs within messages that are greater than 512KB in length.
[Platform/Plugins/Search] Devblocks now provides an OPER_CUSTOM operator for DevblocksSearchCriteria objects. This allows the caller to provide their own WHERE clause. For example, in some situations a query needs to modify a value before doing a comparison on it (e.g. field_value+5 > other_field_value).
[Devblocks/Placeholders/Usability] The 'devblocks_prettytime' modifier in placeholders now outputs 'just now' instead of '0 secs'.
[Calendars/Datasources/Performance] On calendars, worklist datasources were previously inconsistent in that the 'end date' could use placeholders while the 'start date' required a specific date field. This option was provided so that events could be arbitrary lengths; however, it wasn't possible to efficiently determine the events that needed to be displayed for a given month because the placeholders would have to be evaluated for every record in the database. In order to fix this issue, the 'end date' for worklist datasources on calendars now requires an explicit date field. Event durations can be set by using the new 'offset' fields for the start and end dates. For example, an event can end using the same field as the start date, but with a "+2 hours" offset. These offsets are much more efficient to process algorithmically in the database than open-ended placeholders.
[CHD-3515] [Calendars/Datasources] Fixed an issue with displaying worklist records on calendars when the events didn't start and end within the same calendar month. For example, if an event started on August 31 2013 and ran for 3 days, it wasn't being displayed on the September calendar.
[Virtual Attendants/Actions/HTTP Requests] A new 'Execute an HTTP request' action in Virtual Attendants allows them to send and receive data with other apps and services. The results of an HTTP request are stored in a custom placeholder that can be used by subsequent outcomes and actions. JSON responses are automatically converted to an object. Image resources as a response (e.g. PNG, GIF, JPEG) are converted to base64 text. For example, when new mail is received a Virtual Attendant could send relevant details to an external URL (like a webhook). A behavior could also request information from any source as a URL; e.g. datacenter temperature, website traffic, monitoring metrics, etc.
Mobile plugin
[CHD-1056] [CHD-1108] [CHD-2378] [Mobile/Plugins] A 'Mobile Interface' plugin has been added to the Plugin Library. We had originally held off on creating a mobile interface because most workers use desktop computers and Cerb's UI workflow design is heavily dependent on multiple layers of popups to enable multiple actions from the same page. With the introduction of custom workspace pages in 6.0 and distinct Virtual Attendants in 6.5, the components of a mobile interface clicked into place. Rather than seeking to replace all the functionality in Cerb's normal UI, the mobile UI provides a access to previously curated content. The primary focus is on providing access to notifications, workspaces, and special Virtual Attendant mobile behaviors. The mobile plugin is built using jQuery Mobile, so there is a large list of supported devices: iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows Phone, Blackberry, WebOS, etc. We feel that a slim web interface is an ideal mobile strategy for Cerb because the functionality is contained within a plugin that is always in sync with the version of the main project. With mobile apps in various app stores using Cerb's API, users would constantly run into issues with version incompatibilities. Once logged in, the mobile interface can be accessed from any mobile browser by visiting the '/m' page at your normal Cerb URL. This can be bookmarked or saved to your device's home screen.
[Mobile] Notifications can be viewed in the mobile interface. At the moment they open up a new browser tab to the full Cerb UI. In the near future we plan to implement mobile-friendly profiles for all record types. A count of unread notifications is displayed on a badge at the bottom of the app.
[CHD-891] [Mobile/Workspaces] Workspaces can be viewed in the mobile interface. All workspaces that the current worker has access to will be displayed. The worker is prompted in several steps to select a workspace, a tab, and finally a worklist or a widget. The pages for tabs, worklists, and widgets provide shortcuts to jump back to the previous selections (for instance, from a widget to a page or tab). A filter box above the list narrows down the choices (for example, only showing pages with a specific owner). At the moment, clicking on a worklist row opens up the record in the full Cerb UI in the default browser.
[Mobile/Virtual Attendants] Added a new 'Mobile behavior' event to Virtual Attendants. These behaviors can be run from mobile devices for any kind of workflow. For instance, mobile behaviors can create or search tickets, create tasks or notifications, search external systems for information, etc. Any public behavior variables will prompt the current worker for additional information. These behaviors can also be implemented on app-owned VAs so they are available to all workers by default. Mobile behaviors can respond with various types of messages that are displayed in a mobile device (e.g. text, html, maps, etc).
[Mobile/Virtual Attendants] Virtual Attendants with mobile behaviors can be viewed in the mobile interface. All VAs that the current worker has access to will be displayed. When a Virtual Attendant is selected, a list of its available mobile behaviors is displayed. Selecting a behavior will prompt for the input of any public behavior variables (for instance, a mobile behavior to create a task would prompt for the task's name and due date). The response from the Virtual Attendant is displayed in a message reminiscent of a chat bubble. This functionality is incredibly powerful; Virtual Attendant powered mobile behaviors can provide workers with shortcuts to accomplish almost any workflow. Those behaviors are built inside Cerb's normal web interface.
[Mobile/Plugin/iOS] The Cerb mobile interface now supports being added to the iOS home screen as a web app. This removes the location bar and footer from Mobile Safari so the experience feels more like a native app. Device-specific icons and start screens are provided (e.g. iPhone, iPad, retina).
[Mobile] Implemented a sidebar panel in the mobile interface. This provides access to more functionality than can fit in the footer shortcuts: favorites, compose, pages, search, etc.
[Mobile/Workspaces/Pages] The mobile interface now provides access to both workspaces and pages. The distinction is that a workspace is a page added by a worker to their navigation menu. Pages represent everything that a worker could choose to add to their menu as a workspace.
[Mobile/Workspaces] The Workspaces shortcut in the mobile footer now displays a worker's workspaces in the same order that they appear in the full site. Previously this was displaying a list of all pages in alphabetical order.
[Mobile/Profiles] The mobile interface now provides a profile page for every record type in Cerb. This makes it possible to gather more information without leaving the mobile site. Profiles also provide automatic links between related records. For example, from a ticket profile you can quickly view the sender's profile, their org's profile, the assigned group's profile, the ticket owner's profile, etc.
[Mobile/Search] The mobile interface now provides a 'Search' page in the menu panel. This displays a list of every record type in Cerb. When a record type is selected then a mobile worklist is displayed with the matching records. Clicking on a record displays its mobile profile. The profile also contains a link to open the record in the full site. This improvement makes the mobile interface very useful for workers who need to perform quick record lookups while away from their desk.
[Mobile/Workspaces] Mobile worklists now display their current filters above the list. Clicking a filter removes it.
[Mobile/Workspaces] New filters can be added to mobile worklists using quick search functionality. Clicking the filters button above the list opens a popup that displays all searchable fields.
[Mobile/Workspaces] Mobile worklists can use existing filter presets. After clicking on the filters button, all presets are displayed as buttons in a popup. Clicking one of these buttons will instantly replace the filters. This is particularly useful in a mobile environment, especially when performing ad-hoc searches rather than using prebuilt workspaces.
[Mobile/Workspaces] Mobile worklists can be sorted in ascending or descending order on any available column. The field currently being sorted by is displayed above the list, and the arrow next to the label indicates the sort direction (i.e. asc, desc).
[Mobile/Workspaces] Mobile worklists can be paged forward and backward. On subsequent pages, an option is provided to instantly jump back to the first page. In a slight deviation from the full UI, paging displays the current and total pages along with the total number of results. In the full UI, paging displays the current position in the results and the total number of results (i.e. no indication is given for the total number of pages).
[Mobile/Workspaces] Mobile worklists can now display any number of fields for each row. Since screen space is generally limited on mobile devices, these fields are not displayed as horizontal columns like in the full UI, but as smaller vertical rows beneath each result's heading. At the moment, the displayed fields are based on useful defaults for each record type. In the near future this feature will support the ability to decide which fields should be displayed per worklist or worklist type. This functionality is actually more advanced than the main UI, since it uses the placeholders from Virtual Attendants and snippets instead of being confined by the results from the database. In the main UI, only a limited amount of information from related records is available as columns (e.g. ticket -> organization). With the placeholder approach, even content at the end of a long chain of related records can be displayed (e.g. ticket -> first message -> sender -> org -> custom field).
[Mobile/Virtual Attendants] Mobile Virtual Attendant behaviors now return their response on a new page. Previously the response was displayed below the submit button. The state of the response page is now cached so that the back button works properly. This allows responses to include links to new records, with the back button returning to the response without re-running the behavior. By not caching the behavior page, the mobile app can now instantly see any changes made to the behavior in Cerb.
[Mobile/Workspaces] Mobile worklists can now be paged, sorted, filtered, and searched in place using Ajax. Previously, these actions were initiating a full page reload due to the way that popups work in jQuery Mobile. The reload was displaying a 'flash of unstyled content' on mobile devices.
[Mobile/Virtual Attendants] Mobile Virtual Attendants can now return different types of responses. Previously, all messages had to be text-based.
[Mobile/Virtual Attendants] Mobile Virtual Attendants can return HTML responses. Any provided Javascript is evaluated, which makes interactive responses possible. For example, a Virtual Attendant can return a real-time chart using an HTML5 canvas.
[Mobile/Virtual Attendants] Mobile Virtual Attendants can return interactive worklists as responses. Previously, behavior variables that contained a list of records had to be displayed as text with links back to each record. Now any list variable on the behavior can be sent to a worker's mobile device. This displays a mobile worklist that's sortable, pageable, and filterable. The results also display properties about each record, and clicking on a record will display its mobile profile. The back button can be used to return to the worklist. For example, a mobile VA can send a list of tasks or tickets to a worker, and the worker can use that worklist in place as if they had searched for those results themselves.
[Mobile/Virtual Attendants] Mobile Virtual Attendants can return multiple responses to a single request. For example, a text response can state "Here are the results I found for you" and a second response can display the results as an interactive worklist.
[Mobile/Performance] Implemented caching for the common navigation pages in the mobile interface: search, workspaces, workspace tabs, pages, and Virtual Attendants. The content in these pages rarely changes; they'll now be pulled from the server once per session. Closing and reopening the app, or switching to the app from another app, will clear the cache. This significantly reduces mobile bandwidth usage and improves perceived performance.
[Mobile/Profiles/Plugins] Implemented a 'mobile.profile.block' extension point for plugins to provide custom content on profiles in the mobile interface.
[Mobile/Profiles/Ticket] Ticket profiles in the mobile interface now display the most recent message on the ticket, and the conversation history can be paged forward and backward.
[Mobile/Profiles/Ticket] Tickets can be replied to from the mobile interface. The reply button will automatically quote the currently displayed message, and the status and reopen date can be set. In order to reduce extra work from a mobile device when pruning quotes, only the most recent message worth of comments is displayed. In other words, quotes like ">>> Something said three messages ago" are automatically removed. When possible, signatures in quoted text are also automatically removed.
[Mobile/Profiles/Ticket] Basic ticket properties can be edited from mobile profiles: status, reopen date, owner, and spam training.
[Mobile/Profiles/Task] Basic task properties can be edited from mobile profiles: title, status, and due date.
[Mobile/Profiles/Message] Message profiles in the mobile interface show the full email content.
[Mobile/Calendars] Calendars are now displayed in a compact format in the mobile interface. These mobile calendars are displayed on workspace tabs, in workspace widgets, and on calendar profiles. Days that have events are indicated with a white circle. Clicking a day will select it, denoted by a pale blue circle, and its events will be listed below the calendar. Clicking an event from the list will display its profile, and the back button will return to the list with the previously selected date still highlighted.
[Mobile/Calendars] In mobile calendars, the current day is now highlighted as a filled in circle compared to the outlined circles denoting days with events.
[Mobile/Calendars] Mobile calendars can be paged forward and backward to adjacent months. A 'today' button is also provided to quickly reset the calendar on the current month with the current day selected. The selected month and year will be remembered per calendar for the duration of the session.
[Mobile/Calendars] Mobile calendars now tag daily events as a block of 'available' or 'busy' time.
[Mobile/Profiles/Virtual Attendants] Virtual Attendant custom behaviors are now available on mobile profiles. These are the same behaviors that show up in the desktop interface, enabling powerful automation from mobile devices.
[Mobile/Bookmarks/Usability] The mobile interface now allows any page to be added to the menu as a bookmark. This provides one-click access to frequently used widgets, profiles, Virtual Attendant behaviors, etc. To add a bookmark, navigate to a page and then click the 'menu' button in the top right. In the bookmarks section there will be an 'add' button if the page isn't a bookmark yet, and a 'remove' button if it is. Bookmarks are stored locally on each device, so different devices can have different mobile bookmarks even when the same user is logged in. Bookmarks are currently organized alphabetically.
[Mobile/Mail/Compose] Added a 'Compose' page to the mobile interface. This can send mail from any group the current worker is a member of. The 'To' field offers autocompletion for multiple email address recipients. An 'Insert signature' button will use the proper signature for the selected group and bucket. After sending the message, the worker will be redirected to the new ticket's profile.
[Mobile/Profiles/Addresses] Basic email address properties can be edited from mobile profiles: first name, last name, is banned, is defunct, and organization.
[Mobile/Profiles/Addresses] Mobile email address profiles provide a 'Search ticket history' button that lists all tickets where the address is a requester.
[Mobile/Profiles/Addresses] Mobile email address profiles provide a 'Compose' button that switches to the compose page with the email address pre-filled. This provides a similar workflow to the full interface where an organization is selected in order to determine the appropriate contacts.
[Mobile/Profiles/Orgs] Basic organization properties can be edited from mobile profiles: name, street, city, province, postal, country, phone, and website.
[Mobile/Profiles/Orgs] Organization mobile profiles provide a 'Search contacts' button which lists all associated email addresses in a worklist.
[Mobile/Profiles/Orgs] Organization mobile profiles provide a 'Search ticket history' button which lists all associated tickets in a worklist.
[Mobile/Notifications] Clicking on a mobile notification will now display its profile instead of opening up a browser to the full site. This allows a notification to be researched without leaving the mobile interface.
[Mobile/Notifications] Mobile notification profiles provide a 'Mark as read' button that clears the notification and returns to the previous page. This allows notifications to be saved for later if they're not currently actionable.
[Mobile/Notifications] The unread notification count in the mobile interface now updates every time a new page is displayed. The count is still efficiently cached on the server.
[Mobile/Profiles/Comments] Mobile profiles now display all the comments on a record. The most recent comment is displayed first, and buttons allow navigation forward and backward.
[Mobile/Profiles/Comments] New comments can be created from mobile profiles, with the ability to notify specific workers.
JIRA plugin
[JIRA/Plugins] Added a 'JIRA Integration' plugin to the Plugin Library. This automatically synchronizes JIRA project and issue information. It also extends Virtual Attendants with the ability to remote control JIRA data. JIRA Projects and Issues can be accessed from Cerb's global Search menu. JIRA data can also be linked to other records (e.g. addresses, orgs) to track customer interest in issues and provide Virtual Attendants with data for following up on that interest.
[JIRA/Virtual Attendants] Implemented an 'Execute an API request to JIRA' action in Virtual Attendants. Rather than being restricted to a few options, this can make any API calls to JIRA that the given credentials are authorized to do. For this reason, it is important to restrict this action to only trusted Virtual Attendants. Other VAs can still delegate actions to the behaviors on trusted VAs with access to JIRA. Check the online documentation for examples.
[JIRA/Issues/VAs] Implemented Virtual Attendant custom behaviors for JIRA Issue records. For example, a 'Resolve' behavior could close a JIRA issue from Cerb.
[Virtual Attendants/Simulator/HTTP Requests] When a Virtual Attendant executes an HTTP request as an action, a new "Also execute HTTP request in simulator mode" option is available. This is useful for testing behaviors when an HTTP request is read-only (e.g. GET), and it's also useful for testing live PUT/POST requests without leaving the simulator.
[Virtual Attendants/Simulator/Run Behavior] Virtual Attendants using the 'Run behavior' action may now enable an 'Also run behavior in simulator mode' option. Previously, the simulator only showed that a behavior would have run. Now delegate behaviors can also run in simulator mode, which makes it much easier to test and troubleshoot complex chained behavior.
[Virtual Attendants/Scheduled Behavior/Usability] The scheduled behavior popup on profiles now provides enough room for the "When:" text box. Previously, if the drop down of date fields was very wide then the text box could be compressed to only a few characters. If the dropdown is exceptionally wide now, the text box will wrap to a new line.
[Devblocks/Platform/Resources] TTF and WOFF font resources will now be transferred through the resource proxy with the proper mime types.
[Virtual Attendants] In Virtual Attendant actions, the Virtual Attendant itself will now always appear as a target in the 'On:' parameter. This happened in some places (e.g. mobile behaviors, API behaviors) but not everywhere else. This makes it much easier to delegate behaviors between Virtual Attendants using the 'Custom virtual attendant behavior' event.
[Virtual Attendants/Links] Virtual Attendants can use a new 'Get Links' action to load links of any type on any related record into a variable or placeholder. For example, when new mail is received a Virtual Attendant could check for a specific type of link (e.g. product, license) on the organization of the message sender.
[CHD-3557] [Workspaces/Dashboards/Subtotals] Fixed a bug where filters with NULL (e.g. blank) values in worklist-based widgets were being ignored in some cases. For instance, a pie chart showing task assignments based on a worker custom field, with an 'assignee is not blank' filter, would show all workers including 'nobody'.
[Setup/Branding/Usability] Renamed 'Logo & Title' to 'Branding' in the Setup->Configure menu.
[Setup/Branding] The favicon used by Cerb is now configurable on the Setup->Configure->Branding page. Thanks to Niek Beernink @ for the contribution!
[CHD-3464] [Consistency] Fixed a consistency issue where the refresh button on some profiles (e.g. task, worker) said "Reload this ticket" in the tooltip. This was due to the reuse of text from the translation system. These tooltips now show 'Refresh'.
[CHD-3561] [Setup/Mail/Filters] Fixed an issue on the Setup->Mail->Filtering page where 'Create behavior' buttons weren't being displayed for each of the Virtual Attendants listed.
[CHD-3565] [Virtual Attendants/Comments] The 'New comment on a record' event can now use the comment's parent record or author as 'On:' targets for actions. These were previously ignored because they are abstract (i.e. they can end up being various record types, and it's not possible for the simulator to know in advance). The author and parent record of a comment still can't be used in the 'On:' parameter of run behavior, schedule behavior, or unschedule behavior actions; instead, the desired record should be loaded into a private variable of a specific type (using {{comment_record_*}} placeholder fields), and that variable can be used as a target.
[Comments/Worklists/Choosers] Implemented subtotals, filters, and choosers for comment worklists.
[Worklists/Export] Fixed errors when exporting virtual fields from a worklist.
[Virtual Attendants/Comments] When simulating new Virtual Attendant behaviors on the 'New comment on a record' event, a specify comment record can now be targeted for testing. Previously this wasn't possible due to a lack of comment choosers.
[Support Center/Code Cleanup] Fixed a bug in the Support Center that ignored the sort order of the menu options.
[CHD-3566] [Time Tracking/Code Cleanup] Fixed an error being displayed in the 'Time Spent' field on Time Tracking profiles.
[CHD-3569] [Virtual Attendants/Mail/Headers] In 'Before sending worker message' Virtual Attendant behaviors, the 'Set header' action is now capable of replacing existing headers like 'Subject:' and 'X-Mailer:'. Previously, duplicate headers were being added.
[CHD-3519] [Virtual Attendants/Mail] In the 'Before sending worker message' Virtual Attendant behavior, the 'Bucket' condition is now available again.
[CHD-3568] [Worklists/Usability] Fixed an issue when editing 'Owner' filters on worklists where the existing values weren't displayed as defaults. This meant if you were filtering by a list of 5 owners, you had to reselect them in addition to any other changes you were making.
[Virtual Attendants/Groups] Fixed an issue with bucket names always being 'Inbox' in some Virtual Attendant behaviors.
[CHD-3508] [Virtual Attendants/Usability] When building Virtual Attendant outcomes and actions, the 'Insert placeholder' menu will now include the '|date' modifier on placeholders by default. Otherwise they are displayed as Unix timestamps (e.g. 1381874586). This used to happen in earlier versions, but the '|date' option was hardcoded for various fields; now it happens automatically based on the field type.
[CHD-3470] [Mail/Reply/Usability] On ticket profiles, if the reply form is already open then clicking the 'Reply' button or pressing the 'r' shortcut will focus the existing form rather than discarding its contents and opening a new one.
[CHD-3433] [Mail/Setup/Usability] Added a warning to POP3 setup that downloaded messages will be deleted from the mailbox. There have been a few instances where users included an IMAP mailbox with a long history where clearing the mailbox was not desirable.
[CHD-3378] [Virtual Attendants/Worklists] 'While displaying a worklist' behaviors can now be created by role-owned Virtual Attendants.
[Setup/Custom Fields/Usability] In Setup, custom fields can now be quickly dragged into the desired order rather than having to manually number them.
[Setup/Custom Fields/Usability] When deleting custom fields in Setup, a confirmation step is now shown prior to deleting the fields and their data.
[CHD-3372] [Setup/Custom Fields/Fieldsets] In Setup, global custom fields can now be easily migrated to fieldsets of the same type.
[CHD-3341] [Mail/Reply/Usability] After clicking the 'Reply' button in a ticket conversation, a loading indicator is shown in a popup until the form is displayed. This was requested several times by clients who experience occasional latency so they have a visual cue that something is happening.
over 11 years
Release notes for Cerb 6.5
Cerb (6.5) is a major functionality update released on September 20, 2013. It contains over 144 new features and usability tweaks from community feedback.
[CHD-3425] [Virtual
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Attendants/Code Cleanup] Fixed a PHP error regarding "Undefined variable: func in abstract_view.php" when Virtual Attendant behaviors contained list variables with a specific combination of parameters.
[Contacts/Snippets] Fixed an issue where the names of Contact Person records always displayed '(contact person)' in snippets and Virtual Attendant placeholders.
[Virtual Attendants/Variables] Virtual Attendant behavior variables now support parameters based on each type of variable. This provides more control over how they operate, and it also makes new variable types possible (like a picklist of pre-defined options).
[Virtual Attendants/Variables] Text-based Virtual Attendant behavior variables can be configured for single-line or multiple-line input. Previously, all text variables were single-line input, which made it difficult to enter certain kinds of data (e.g. long comments).
[Virtual Attendants/Variables] Virtual Attendant behavior variables can be reordered by dragging them in the UI
[Virtual Attendants/Variables] Virtual Attendant behaviors may specify picklist (drop down) variables. Picklists require a worker to pick an option from a list of predefined options. Previously, only freeform text entry was available. This is particularly useful for macro behaviors.
[Snippets/Tester/Usability] The snippet tester now displays output with a fixed width font that preserves whitespace. Previously, tester output stripped whitespace. This made it impossible to check the style of indentation (e.g. at the beginning of paragraphs, or in fragments of code).
[Virtual Attendant/Usability] The Virtual Attendant action for entering custom scripts no longer auto wraps the contents of the text box. This makes it easier to read source code.
[Virtual Attendant/Simulator/Usability] Added an indent to the form elements in the Virtual Attendant Simulator to improve readability.
[Virtual Attendants/Simulator/Variables] The public variables of Virtual Attendant behaviors may now be changed from within the simulator. This makes it much easier to test macros.
[Comments/Snippets] Implemented two new placeholders for comment records. The record_watchers placeholder is a list of watchers on the record containing the comment. The record_watchers_emails placeholders contains a comma-delimited list of watcher email addresses. This was requested by several people who wanted a way to relay an email to all watchers about comments on records of any type using Virtual Attendants; however, it can also be used to display a list of watchers anywhere the comment is referenced.
[Plugins/Choosers] Choosers can be opened in 'single selection' mode, where the first selection closes the chooser and returns control to the caller. This provides all the benefits of choosers for situations where a single record must be selected.
[Virtual Attendants/Simulator/Usability] The output of the Virtual Attendant simulator no longer has a maximum height before introducing scrollbars. Having multiple scrollable sections made it more difficult to read the output or to scroll down the page.
[Virtual Attendants/Simulator] When using the Virtual Attendant simulator, it is now possible to choose the exact record that the current behavior is being tested against. Previously, the simulator would choose random records to help test behaviors, but this often required opening up the simulator many times in order to find a suitable record. For macros, it was possible to run the simulator from a record profile in order to test using that record, but this option wasn't available to events like 'New message on a group conversation'.
[Virtual Attendants/Simulator/Usability] In the Virtual Attendant simulator, data entry for parameters and values have been moved to tabs. When a behavior provides parameters (public variables for entry by a worker), the parameters section is shown by default and the long list of values is hidden on a second tab, which improves usability by reducing clutter.
[Virtual Attendants/Snippets] Implemented a new json_decode() function for snippets and placeholders to convert a JSON string to an associative array. This can be used to easily reference JSON results from API calls within Virtual Attendant behaviors (or snippets in special situations).
[Virtual Attendants/Snippets] Implemented a new json_pretty filter for snippets and placeholders to optimize the human readability of a JSON string. This is mainly useful for advanced Virtual Attendant actions that exchange JSON with remote apps and services.
[Virtual Attendants] Virtual Attendants are now first-class records (like groups and workers), with worklists, profiles, peek, ownership rights, etc. Previously, Virtual Attendant behaviors were owned directly by roles, groups, and workers; but this was creating clutter and confusion because some behaviors are related but there was no indication of this in the UI. Now, multiple Virtual Attendants can be created to contain any number of behaviors, and each VA can be owned by a worker, group, or role. All existing behaviors have been migrated to a new default Virtual Attendant record for each distinct owner. Virtual Attendants now show up in the global 'Search' menu, and clicking into a VA profile is where you will find the behavior trees and scheduled behavior. This also provides many new possibilities for future expansion; for example, Virtual Attendants can log errors to their profile in an easy-to-find tab. You can export and import behaviors between Virtual Attendants to place related behaviors together.
[Messages/Performance/Snippets] The placeholder for message content is now lazy-loaded only when it is needed. This reduces extraneous queries from hitting the database when Virtual Attendants or snippets use message fields but ignore content.
[Virtual Attendants/Macros/Profiles] The 'Virtual Attendants' button on profiles now organizes behaviors by Virtual Attendant. This makes it much easier to find the behavior you're looking for. Additionally, the macro menu no longer displays two lines for each entry; instead, behaviors are indented below their Virtual Attendant. This allows more options to be displayed in a smaller space, and it's less visually confusing.
[Virtual Attendants/Activity Log] Activity Log entries that are created in response to Virtual Attendant actions will now log each Virtual Attendant as the actor. Previously, these entries were created as if the behavior's owner (e.g. worker, group) had performed them, which could lead to some confusion of accountability. Since Virtual Attendants are now first-class objects, they can be held accountable individually for actions they take. The Activity Log will also specify the name of the responsible behavior next to the Virtual Attendant.
[Debug/Virtual Attendants] The /debug/export_attendants page will now export all behaviors grouped by Virtual Attendant.
[Virtual Attendants/Scheduled Behavior] The 'Scheduled Behavior' tabs have moved to Virtual Attendant profiles. Previously, scheduled behavior was shown on worker and group profiles, since those records directly owned behaviors. The records targeted by scheduled behavior still show a summary at the top of their profile.
[Mail/Reply/Virtual Attendants/Macros] The 'Virtual Attendants' button that is displayed when replying to a message will now display macros grouped by Virtual Attendant.
[Setup/Virtual Attendants] The 'Setup->Configure->Virtual Attendants' page now displays a worklist of Virtual Attendants with links to profiles. Previously, a funky interface was used that required an admin to pick an owner from a list to view their owned behaviors in a tab. The new process is consistent with the way the rest of Cerb works.
[Virtual Attendants/Snippets] Implemented a new jsonpath_set() function for snippets and placeholders to dynamically create deeply nested JSON objects from inside scripts. This is mainly useful for advanced Virtual Attendant actions that exchange JSON with remote apps and services.
[Setup/Mail/Filtering/VAs] The Setup->Mail->Filtering page now shows the mail filtering behavior from all global Virtual Attendants on a single page. Previously, it was only possible to have a single global Virtual Attendant and its use was implied on this page.
[Setup/Mail/Filtering/VAs] When an admin views the Setup->Mail->Filtering page for the first time, Cerb will offer to create the first global Virtual Attendant if one doesn't exist already. This improves the onboarding experience.
[Virtual Attendants] Virtual Attendants may now be disabled, which treats all of their behaviors as being disabled. These behaviors will not trigger during events, and will now show up as macros on profiles. This makes it very simple to simultaneously deactivate related behaviors, which was tedious in earlier versions. Additionally, a worker can disable a Virtual Attendant while building and testing its behaviors.
[Activity Log] Activity Logs for actor profiles (address, worker, group, virtual attendant) now display entries where the record was either an actor or a target of the activity. Previously, the log only showed actor activity for those records, and target activity for everything else. This meant that when viewing an address's activity from its profile, you wouldn't see log entries for when that address replied to conversations (as an actor), only when workers performed actions on that address (as a target). This change provides a more comprehensive view of the activities a record was involved with.
[Activity Log/Groups] Group profiles now display an Activity Log tab.
[Virtual Attendants/Custom Fieldsets] Virtual Attendants can own custom fieldsets, providing them with long-term storage for arbitrary data on any record. This enables some very interesting new automation workflows. For instance, a monitoring Virtual Attendant can remember the last time it notified each worker about something by using a custom fieldset with a date on worker records. Similarly, a sales Virtual Attendant can keep track of its progress through an automated sales process with a custom fieldset that it saves on opportunities.
[Virtual Attendants/Macros] Application-owned Virtual Attendants can now create custom behaviors for any record type. This allows global macros that are accessible by all workers, which greatly simplifies many workflows. Previously, these macros could only be created by VAs owned by groups, roles, or workers.
[Virtual Attendants/Macros] Implemented a 'Custom virtual attendant behavior' event. This is the ideal place to implement generic behaviors that don't rely on a specific record type. For example, a Twitter Bot could schedule a recurring behavior to look for new @mentions, and it wouldn't make sense to target this behavior to any particular record. Previously, we had recommended to bind these generic behaviors on worker records just because it made them easy to manage from a profile. Now we recommend that these behaviors be migrated to Virtual Attendant profiles.
[CHD-3113] [Support Center/Logins/Usability] When a Support Center page requires a login, a visitor will be redirected to their original destination after successfully logging in. Previously, the Support Center didn't even provide a login form to anonymous visitors if they requested a protected resource, it just displayed the default page. The new process should make it much easier to send contacts direct links to a specific ticket history, or protected knowledgebase articles.
[Support Center/Usability] By default, the logo image on the Support Center is now a shortcut link back to the default page.
[CHD-3441] [Support Center] When a customer views a ticket in the Support Center, there is now a reply button per message and no reply from is shown by default. Previously, a single reply form was always displayed at the top of the ticket which led to much confusion.
[CHD-3148] [Support Center] When a customer replies to a ticket in the Support Center, the original message will now be automatically quoted in the response.
[Platform/Popups/Usability] Popups are now limited to a height no more than 85% of the current browser height. Previously, popups could be so tall that they scrolled off the page. This made them difficult to work with; particularly when dragging them around.
[Virtual Attendants/Macros/Plugins/Platform] Any Virtual Attendant behaviors that respond an event trigger will now be returned along with a snapshot of their data at their conclusion. This allows the caller to retrieve detailed information from those responders, and in an arbitrary way.
[Virtual Attendants/Actions/Run Behavior] Virtual Attendant behaviors may now use a global '(Run behavior)' action. This is similar to 'Schedule behavior', except it runs the behavior immediately and allows the caller to retrieve values from the delegate behavior. For example, if one Virtual Attendant delegates another VA's behavior in order to create a task, then the caller can afterwards retrieve information about the created task from the delegate. This greatly improves the reusability of Virtual Attendants, as specialized VAs can handle routine actions, and helper VAs can delegate requests to them. This also makes it possible to build mediator VAs that listen on channels like SMS, IM, and Campfire; with requests being delegated to VAs that can do almost anything possible in Cerb: send reminders; create and complete tasks; check and change calendars; interact with Twitter, Facebook, JIRA; etc.
[Virtual Attendants/Scheduled Behavior] Fixed an issue with the 'Schedule behavior' and 'Unschedule behavior' actions in Virtual Attendants. Disabled behaviors were not included in the list of available options, so if the actions referred to a behavior while it was disabled, and that action was edited and saved, then it would no longer refer to the behavior afterwards. Disabled behaviors are now displayed in the action, but they're marked as being disabled in case this is unintentional.
[Virtual Attendants/Actions] When a Virtual Attendant action is missing, the behavior editor will now provide more helpful information, including an indication of what it was supposed to be. Previously, a blank action box was shown without providing any clue about what was missing.
[Support Center/History/Reply] Fixed warnings created by the Support Center when a customer replies to a ticket without any attachments.
[Virtual Attendants/Actions/Variables/Usability] In Virtual Attendants, the actions for setting variables are now displayed at the top of the available actions. As with other global actions, they are surrounded by parentheses. Previously these were sorted alphabetically with other 'Set' options, which made them more difficult to find.
[CHD-1050] [Worklists/Custom Fields] When displaying a multiple value custom field as a worklist column, all of the selected values will now be displayed. Previously, only a single value per custom field was displayed based on what matched the search filters.
[CHD-1086] [Custom Fields/Attachments] Implemented two new custom field types: file and multiple files. These types allow arbitrary attachments to be attached to records through custom fields. Internally, these fields use the attachments system and they store file IDs.
[Virtual Attendants/Scheduled Behavior] The 'Schedule behavior' and 'Unschedule behavior' actions in Virtual Attendants are now global. They are available in all events and plugin-provided events do not need to implement them. Additionally, the action names are wrapped in parentheses so they appear at the top of the list of available actions.
[Custom Fieldsets] Custom fieldsets may now be owned by the application. These fieldsets are readable by all workers but only configurable by admins.
[Virtual Attendants/Custom Script] The 'custom script' condition in Virtual Attendant outcomes now a placeholders menu and script tester.
[Calendars/Virtual Attendants] Calendar records can now also be owned by Virtual Attendants or the Application.
[CHD-3460] [Virtual Attendants/Calendars] All Virtual Attendant behaviors may now use 'calendar availability' as a condition in outcomes. For example, this can be used to send different auto-replies based on availability.
[CHD-2866] [Virtual Attendants] The 'new message on a watched conversation' event will now always include a ticket's owner even if they aren't a watcher.
[Setup/Localization] A Setup->Configure->Localization page has been added for selecting the default date/time format for everywhere dates are displayed. Admins can choose between 12hr or 24hr formats, and this selection will cover all workers that don't have an established preference.
[CHD-3064] [CHD-2973] [Preferences/Localization] Each worker can choose their desired time format (12-hour or 24-hour) from the 'Settings' page in their worker menu.
[Virtual Attendant/Events] Added a new application-level 'Before sending worker message' event. Previously this was only possible at the group level.
[Virtual Attendant/Events] Added a new application-level 'After sending worker message' event. Previously this was only possible at the group level.
[CHD-3340] [Virtual Attendants/Mail] Virtual Attendant behaviors on the 'Before sending worker message' event may now add custom mail headers to the outgoing message. This was requested as a way to force read receipts, among other workflows.
[Virtual Attendants/Behaviors] Virtual Attendant macro behavior may now be marked as public or private. A public behavior is visible to everyone with access to the VA (on profiles, etc). A private behavior is only visible to the VA itself. Private behaviors are useful for implementing helper macros within a VA that shouldn't be exposed to the outside world. These are generally used from 'Run behavior' or 'Schedule behavior' actions.
[Virtual Attendants/Permissions/Events] Admins can choose which events each Virtual Attendant is capable of creating behaviors for. The options are 'allow all', 'allow these:', and 'deny these:'. This provides a way to offer limited Virtual Attendant functionality to workers with all use cases requiring prior approval. After the upgrade, all existing Virtual Attendants will default to 'allow all' events.
[Virtual Attendants/Permissions/Actions] Admins can choose which plugin-provided actions a Virtual Attendant is capable of using in behaviors. The options are 'allow all', 'allow these:', and 'deny these:'. For example, the actions for JIRA and Twilio may be restricted to admin-controlled global VAs that worker VAs can delegate to. Actions that directly communicate with external apps and services can be restricted from use by most workers. After the upgrade, all existing Virtual Attendants will default to 'allow all' actions.
[Virtual Attendants/Simulator/Actions] The Virtual Attendant 'Set custom placeholder' action can specify a format for its output of either 'text' or 'JSON'. JSON output will be automatically be converted to an object when it is saved to a placeholder. This is particularly useful to simulate JSON responses from actions that perform API calls.
[Virtual Attendants/Simulator/Actions] The Virtual Attendant 'Set custom placeholder' action can be configured to only set the placeholder when in simulator mode. This assists with providing test data in the simulator without affecting the outcome of a behavior when it runs normally.
[Virtual Attendant/Simulator] Public worklist variables in Virtual Attendant behaviors can now be tested properly in the simulator.
[Virtual Attendants/Actions] The 'Schedule behavior' and 'Run behavior' actions in Virtual Attendants can now include placeholders in the parameters being passed to the other behavior.
[Virtual Attendants/API] Implemented '/rest/va/list.json' in the Web API for retrieving the list of Virtual Attendants that are visible to the current worker. This can include an 'expand' parameter with the option 'behaviors' to list all of the defined behaviors.
[Virtual Attendants/API] Implemented '/rest/va/123.json' in the Web API for retrieving the a particular Virtual Attendant. This can include an 'expand' parameter with the option 'behaviors' to list all of its defined behaviors.
[Virtual Attendants/API] Implemented '/rest/va/behavior/123/run.json' in the Web API for running a 'Custom API request' Virtual Attendant behavior. This provides a standardized way for external applications and services to communicate with Virtual Attendants in Cerb. For example, a Campfire Bot can listen for messages in a chat room and relay a specific pattern (e.g. "@Cerb do something") to a specific VA behavior through the Cerb API. The response is a dictionary of all the behavior's values after running, including public and private variables. If a behavior retrieves a list of tickets, then their details will be available in the response for use outside of Cerb.
[Virtual Attendants/API] Added a new 'Custom API request' event to Virtual Attendants. This can be utilized by app-owned and worker-owned VAs. These behaviors work similarly to macros, except they are only triggered through the API from external apps and services. This allows for interaction with Virtual Attendants through mobile text messages, email, instant messages, Campfire/Hipchat, mobile applications, browser plugins, etc. Custom API request behaviors always target the owning Virtual Attendant, and they provide an 'Add to API response message' action that appends text to the _response value of the API response. Using the _response value is optional, but it provides for generalized interaction with Virtual Attendants through the API. For example, an iOS app could display a list of all Virtual Attendants and their API-enabled behaviors. Running any behavior could prompt for its public parameters, and the response message could be displayed. It's also possible to use the 'custom placeholder' action for additional outputs.
[Virtual Attendants/API] When a Virtual Attendants dictionary is converted to an array (e.g. for use by the Web API), any nested dictionaries will also be converted to arrays. Previously, if a behavior contained extra dictionaries (e.g. a list of records from a worklist search), it would return the IDs of those records but not their values.
[Virtual Attendants/Simulator] When simulating the Virtual Attendant 'Run behavior' and 'Schedule behavior' actions, the simulator output will now show behavior variables being set.
[Virtual Attendants/Simulator] Implemented Virtual Attendant simulator output for the 'Send email to notified worker' action in 'New notification for me' behaviors.
[Setup/Mail/Parser] Raw email messages can be imported from Setup->Mail by pasting them into a textbox. This simplifies development, training, and evaluations. Previously, these messages had to be saved in the /storage/mail/new/ directory and then the parser scheduler job had to be manually run.
[CHD-957] [CHD-3037] [CHD-3173] [Setup/Mail/Parser] Incoming mail messages that failed to parse can now be viewed, retried, or deleted from the Setup->Mail->Failed Messages page. Previously, administrators had to proactively monitor these files on the disk in the /storage/mail/fail/ directory, occasionally move them to /storage/mail/new/, and run the parser scheduled job manually in order to inspect the output. Failed mail is now displayed in a familiar worklist format with a peek popup to view each message source.
[Web-API/Usability] Added a QR code image to the Web API Credentials peek popup. This allows mobile apps to quickly scan the QR code to copy the access and secret keys rather than requiring a user to laboriously type them.
[Contexts/Messages] The generic label for Message records now shows the sender email, ticket mask, and ticket subject. Previously this just showed an unhelpful '(message)' placeholder. The label is used in Virtual Attendants, the Web-API, and the mobile app.
[Contexts/Activity Log] Activity Log contexts now provide actor_* and target_* placeholders. These can be used in Virtual Attendant behaviors, snippets, and the Web-API.
[Contexts/Activity Log] Activity Log contexts now provide a human-readable 'event' placeholder to describe the activity being logged. This can be used in Virtual Attendant behaviors, snippets, and the Web-API.
[Contexts/Workers] Worker contexts now provide is_disabled and is_superuser placeholders. These can be used in Virtual Attendant behaviors, snippets, and the Web-API.
[Snippets/VAs/Workers] Added 'last activity date' to worker placeholders.
[Devblocks/Workspaces/Charts/Plugin Development] The Devblocks HTML5 charting library now mediates all mouse interaction with the charts. Listeners can bind to 'devblocks-chart-click' or 'devblocks-chart-mouseover' to receive updates about user input. The returned event includes information about the closest data point to the mouse cursor, including chart coordinates. This saves the caller a lot of work when designing interactive charting elements.
[Workspaces/Dashboards/Line Charts] Line chart dashboard widgets now display a horizontal line through the selected data point to make lateral comparisons easier.
[Workspaces/Dashboards/Scatterplots] Scatterplot dashboard widgets now display crosshairs that intersect at the selected data point. This makes comparisons easier in both dimensions by creating quadrants.
[Workspaces/Dashboards/Gauges] Gauge dashboard widgets now display their labels below the widget for uniformity.
[Virtual Attendants/Variables/Lists] When a Virtual Attendant behavior has a list variable, the resulting worklist view_id will now be saved in the dictionary in the format var_name_view_id. This allows reuse of the underlying worklist for all kinds of functionality. Notably, it's currently used to send worklists to the mobile app. It could also overcome the 100 object limit of list variables now.
[Calendars] Fixed an issue where long-running calendar events that started before and ended after the current month wouldn't be displayed as spanning the entire month.
[Platform/Contexts/Plugins] Added a getPropertyLabels($dictionary) method to Extension_DevblocksContext extensions. This provides more terse human-readable text for labels when dictionaries are used on worklists and profiles (particularly in the mobile interface where spaces is limited). For example, "Ticket initial message sender address" can be abbreviated to "First wrote".
[Mail/Display] Fixed an issue when displaying tickets where very long messages (i.e. over 1MB) could cause a PHP timeout before the page was displayed. This was caused by attempting to auto-hyperlink URLs found within the email message, and it was exacerbated if 'read all' mode was always enabled when reading tickets. Cerb will no longer attempt to auto-hyperlink URLs within messages that are greater than 512KB in length.
[Platform/Plugins/Search] Devblocks now provides an OPER_CUSTOM operator for DevblocksSearchCriteria objects. This allows the caller to provide their own WHERE clause. For example, in some situations a query needs to modify a value before doing a comparison on it (e.g. field_value+5 > other_field_value).
[Devblocks/Placeholders/Usability] The 'devblocks_prettytime' modifier in placeholders now outputs 'just now' instead of '0 secs'.
[Calendars/Datasources/Performance] On calendars, worklist datasources were previously inconsistent in that the 'end date' could use placeholders while the 'start date' required a specific date field. This option was provided so that events could be arbitrary lengths; however, it wasn't possible to efficiently determine the events that needed to be displayed for a given month because the placeholders would have to be evaluated for every record in the database. In order to fix this issue, the 'end date' for worklist datasources on calendars now requires an explicit date field. Event durations can be set by using the new 'offset' fields for the start and end dates. For example, an event can end using the same field as the start date, but with a "+2 hours" offset. These offsets are much more efficient to process algorithmically in the database than open-ended placeholders.
[CHD-3515] [Calendars/Datasources] Fixed an issue with displaying worklist records on calendars when the events didn't start and end within the same calendar month. For example, if an event started on August 31 2013 and ran for 3 days, it wasn't being displayed on the September calendar.
[Virtual Attendants/Actions/HTTP Requests] A new 'Execute an HTTP request' action in Virtual Attendants allows them to send and receive data with other apps and services. The results of an HTTP request are stored in a custom placeholder that can be used by subsequent outcomes and actions. JSON responses are automatically converted to an object. Image resources as a response (e.g. PNG, GIF, JPEG) are converted to base64 text. For example, when new mail is received a Virtual Attendant could send relevant details to an external URL (like a webhook). A behavior could also request information from any source as a URL; e.g. datacenter temperature, website traffic, monitoring metrics, etc.
Mobile plugin
[CHD-1056] [CHD-1108] [CHD-2378] [Mobile/Plugins] A 'Mobile Interface' plugin has been added to the Plugin Library. We had originally held off on creating a mobile interface because most workers use desktop computers and Cerb's UI workflow design is heavily dependent on multiple layers of popups to enable multiple actions from the same page. With the introduction of custom workspace pages in 6.0 and distinct Virtual Attendants in 6.5, the components of a mobile interface clicked into place. Rather than seeking to replace all the functionality in Cerb's normal UI, the mobile UI provides a access to previously curated content. The primary focus is on providing access to notifications, workspaces, and special Virtual Attendant mobile behaviors. The mobile plugin is built using jQuery Mobile, so there is a large list of supported devices: iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows Phone, Blackberry, WebOS, etc. We feel that a slim web interface is an ideal mobile strategy for Cerb because the functionality is contained within a plugin that is always in sync with the version of the main project. With mobile apps in various app stores using Cerb's API, users would constantly run into issues with version incompatibilities. Once logged in, the mobile interface can be accessed from any mobile browser by visiting the '/m' page at your normal Cerb URL. This can be bookmarked or saved to your device's home screen.
[Mobile] Notifications can be viewed in the mobile interface. At the moment they open up a new browser tab to the full Cerb UI. In the near future we plan to implement mobile-friendly profiles for all record types. A count of unread notifications is displayed on a badge at the bottom of the app.
[CHD-891] [Mobile/Workspaces] Workspaces can be viewed in the mobile interface. All workspaces that the current worker has access to will be displayed. The worker is prompted in several steps to select a workspace, a tab, and finally a worklist or a widget. The pages for tabs, worklists, and widgets provide shortcuts to jump back to the previous selections (for instance, from a widget to a page or tab). A filter box above the list narrows down the choices (for example, only showing pages with a specific owner). At the moment, clicking on a worklist row opens up the record in the full Cerb UI in the default browser.
[Mobile/Virtual Attendants] Added a new 'Mobile behavior' event to Virtual Attendants. These behaviors can be run from mobile devices for any kind of workflow. For instance, mobile behaviors can create or search tickets, create tasks or notifications, search external systems for information, etc. Any public behavior variables will prompt the current worker for additional information. These behaviors can also be implemented on app-owned VAs so they are available to all workers by default. Mobile behaviors can respond with various types of messages that are displayed in a mobile device (e.g. text, html, maps, etc).
[Mobile/Virtual Attendants] Virtual Attendants with mobile behaviors can be viewed in the mobile interface. All VAs that the current worker has access to will be displayed. When a Virtual Attendant is selected, a list of its available mobile behaviors is displayed. Selecting a behavior will prompt for the input of any public behavior variables (for instance, a mobile behavior to create a task would prompt for the task's name and due date). The response from the Virtual Attendant is displayed in a message reminiscent of a chat bubble. This functionality is incredibly powerful; Virtual Attendant powered mobile behaviors can provide workers with shortcuts to accomplish almost any workflow. Those behaviors are built inside Cerb's normal web interface.
[Mobile/Plugin/iOS] The Cerb mobile interface now supports being added to the iOS home screen as a web app. This removes the location bar and footer from Mobile Safari so the experience feels more like a native app. Device-specific icons and start screens are provided (e.g. iPhone, iPad, retina).
[Mobile] Implemented a sidebar panel in the mobile interface. This provides access to more functionality than can fit in the footer shortcuts: favorites, compose, pages, search, etc.
[Mobile/Workspaces/Pages] The mobile interface now provides access to both workspaces and pages. The distinction is that a workspace is a page added by a worker to their navigation menu. Pages represent everything that a worker could choose to add to their menu as a workspace.
[Mobile/Workspaces] The Workspaces shortcut in the mobile footer now displays a worker's workspaces in the same order that they appear in the full site. Previously this was displaying a list of all pages in alphabetical order.
[Mobile/Profiles] The mobile interface now provides a profile page for every record type in Cerb. This makes it possible to gather more information without leaving the mobile site. Profiles also provide automatic links between related records. For example, from a ticket profile you can quickly view the sender's profile, their org's profile, the assigned group's profile, the ticket owner's profile, etc.
[Mobile/Search] The mobile interface now provides a 'Search' page in the menu panel. This displays a list of every record type in Cerb. When a record type is selected then a mobile worklist is displayed with the matching records. Clicking on a record displays its mobile profile. The profile also contains a link to open the record in the full site. This improvement makes the mobile interface very useful for workers who need to perform quick record lookups while away from their desk.
[Mobile/Workspaces] Mobile worklists now display their current filters above the list. Clicking a filter removes it.
[Mobile/Workspaces] New filters can be added to mobile worklists using quick search functionality. Clicking the filters button above the list opens a popup that displays all searchable fields.
[Mobile/Workspaces] Mobile worklists can use existing filter presets. After clicking on the filters button, all presets are displayed as buttons in a popup. Clicking one of these buttons will instantly replace the filters. This is particularly useful in a mobile environment, especially when performing ad-hoc searches rather than using prebuilt workspaces.
[Mobile/Workspaces] Mobile worklists can be sorted in ascending or descending order on any available column. The field currently being sorted by is displayed above the list, and the arrow next to the label indicates the sort direction (i.e. asc, desc).
[Mobile/Workspaces] Mobile worklists can be paged forward and backward. On subsequent pages, an option is provided to instantly jump back to the first page. In a slight deviation from the full UI, paging displays the current and total pages along with the total number of results. In the full UI, paging displays the current position in the results and the total number of results (i.e. no indication is given for the total number of pages).
[Mobile/Workspaces] Mobile worklists can now display any number of fields for each row. Since screen space is generally limited on mobile devices, these fields are not displayed as horizontal columns like in the full UI, but as smaller vertical rows beneath each result's heading. At the moment, the displayed fields are based on useful defaults for each record type. In the near future this feature will support the ability to decide which fields should be displayed per worklist or worklist type. This functionality is actually more advanced than the main UI, since it uses the placeholders from Virtual Attendants and snippets instead of being confined by the results from the database. In the main UI, only a limited amount of information from related records is available as columns (e.g. ticket -> organization). With the placeholder approach, even content at the end of a long chain of related records can be displayed (e.g. ticket -> first message -> sender -> org -> custom field).
[Mobile/Virtual Attendants] Mobile Virtual Attendant behaviors now return their response on a new page. Previously the response was displayed below the submit button. The state of the response page is now cached so that the back button works properly. This allows responses to include links to new records, with the back button returning to the response without re-running the behavior. By not caching the behavior page, the mobile app can now instantly see any changes made to the behavior in Cerb.
[Mobile/Workspaces] Mobile worklists can now be paged, sorted, filtered, and searched in place using Ajax. Previously, these actions were initiating a full page reload due to the way that popups work in jQuery Mobile. The reload was displaying a 'flash of unstyled content' on mobile devices.
[Mobile/Virtual Attendants] Mobile Virtual Attendants can now return different types of responses. Previously, all messages had to be text-based.
[Mobile/Virtual Attendants] Mobile Virtual Attendants can return HTML responses. Any provided Javascript is evaluated, which makes interactive responses possible. For example, a Virtual Attendant can return a real-time chart using an HTML5 canvas.
[Mobile/Virtual Attendants] Mobile Virtual Attendants can return interactive worklists as responses. Previously, behavior variables that contained a list of records had to be displayed as text with links back to each record. Now any list variable on the behavior can be sent to a worker's mobile device. This displays a mobile worklist that's sortable, pageable, and filterable. The results also display properties about each record, and clicking on a record will display its mobile profile. The back button can be used to return to the worklist. For example, a mobile VA can send a list of tasks or tickets to a worker, and the worker can use that worklist in place as if they had searched for those results themselves.
[Mobile/Virtual Attendants] Mobile Virtual Attendants can return multiple responses to a single request. For example, a text response can state "Here are the results I found for you" and a second response can display the results as an interactive worklist.
[Mobile/Performance] Implemented caching for the common navigation pages in the mobile interface: search, workspaces, workspace tabs, pages, and Virtual Attendants. The content in these pages rarely changes; they'll now be pulled from the server once per session. Closing and reopening the app, or switching to the app from another app, will clear the cache. This significantly reduces mobile bandwidth usage and improves perceived performance.
[Mobile/Profiles/Plugins] Implemented a 'mobile.profile.block' extension point for plugins to provide custom content on profiles in the mobile interface.
[Mobile/Profiles/Ticket] Ticket profiles in the mobile interface now display the most recent message on the ticket, and the conversation history can be paged forward and backward.
[Mobile/Profiles/Ticket] Tickets can be replied to from the mobile interface. The reply button will automatically quote the currently displayed message, and the status and reopen date can be set. In order to reduce extra work from a mobile device when pruning quotes, only the most recent message worth of comments is displayed. In other words, quotes like ">>> Something said three messages ago" are automatically removed. When possible, signatures in quoted text are also automatically removed.
[Mobile/Profiles/Ticket] Basic ticket properties can be edited from mobile profiles: status, reopen date, owner, and spam training.
[Mobile/Profiles/Task] Basic task properties can be edited from mobile profiles: title, status, and due date.
[Mobile/Profiles/Message] Message profiles in the mobile interface show the full email content.
[Mobile/Calendars] Calendars are now displayed in a compact format in the mobile interface. These mobile calendars are displayed on workspace tabs, in workspace widgets, and on calendar profiles. Days that have events are indicated with a white circle. Clicking a day will select it, denoted by a pale blue circle, and its events will be listed below the calendar. Clicking an event from the list will display its profile, and the back button will return to the list with the previously selected date still highlighted.
[Mobile/Calendars] In mobile calendars, the current day is now highlighted as a filled in circle compared to the outlined circles denoting days with events.
[Mobile/Calendars] Mobile calendars can be paged forward and backward to adjacent months. A 'today' button is also provided to quickly reset the calendar on the current month with the current day selected. The selected month and year will be remembered per calendar for the duration of the session.
[Mobile/Calendars] Mobile calendars now tag daily events as a block of 'available' or 'busy' time.
[Mobile/Profiles/Virtual Attendants] Virtual Attendant custom behaviors are now available on mobile profiles. These are the same behaviors that show up in the desktop interface, enabling powerful automation from mobile devices.
[Mobile/Bookmarks/Usability] The mobile interface now allows any page to be added to the menu as a bookmark. This provides one-click access to frequently used widgets, profiles, Virtual Attendant behaviors, etc. To add a bookmark, navigate to a page and then click the 'menu' button in the top right. In the bookmarks section there will be an 'add' button if the page isn't a bookmark yet, and a 'remove' button if it is. Bookmarks are stored locally on each device, so different devices can have different mobile bookmarks even when the same user is logged in. Bookmarks are currently organized alphabetically.
[Mobile/Mail/Compose] Added a 'Compose' page to the mobile interface. This can send mail from any group the current worker is a member of. The 'To' field offers autocompletion for multiple email address recipients. An 'Insert signature' button will use the proper signature for the selected group and bucket. After sending the message, the worker will be redirected to the new ticket's profile.
[Mobile/Profiles/Addresses] Basic email address properties can be edited from mobile profiles: first name, last name, is banned, is defunct, and organization.
[Mobile/Profiles/Addresses] Mobile email address profiles provide a 'Search ticket history' button that lists all tickets where the address is a requester.
[Mobile/Profiles/Addresses] Mobile email address profiles provide a 'Compose' button that switches to the compose page with the email address pre-filled. This provides a similar workflow to the full interface where an organization is selected in order to determine the appropriate contacts.
[Mobile/Profiles/Orgs] Basic organization properties can be edited from mobile profiles: name, street, city, province, postal, country, phone, and website.
[Mobile/Profiles/Orgs] Organization mobile profiles provide a 'Search contacts' button which lists all associated email addresses in a worklist.
[Mobile/Profiles/Orgs] Organization mobile profiles provide a 'Search ticket history' button which lists all associated tickets in a worklist.
[Mobile/Notifications] Clicking on a mobile notification will now display its profile instead of opening up a browser to the full site. This allows a notification to be researched without leaving the mobile interface.
[Mobile/Notifications] Mobile notification profiles provide a 'Mark as read' button that clears the notification and returns to the previous page. This allows notifications to be saved for later if they're not currently actionable.
[Mobile/Notifications] The unread notification count in the mobile interface now updates every time a new page is displayed. The count is still efficiently cached on the server.
[Mobile/Profiles/Comments] Mobile profiles now display all the comments on a record. The most recent comment is displayed first, and buttons allow navigation forward and backward.
[Mobile/Profiles/Comments] New comments can be created from mobile profiles, with the ability to notify specific workers.
JIRA plugin
[JIRA/Plugins] Added a 'JIRA Integration' plugin to the Plugin Library. This automatically synchronizes JIRA project and issue information. It also extends Virtual Attendants with the ability to remote control JIRA data. JIRA Projects and Issues can be accessed from Cerb's global Search menu. JIRA data can also be linked to other records (e.g. addresses, orgs) to track customer interest in issues and provide Virtual Attendants with data for following up on that interest.
[JIRA/Virtual Attendants] Implemented an 'Execute an API request to JIRA' action in Virtual Attendants. Rather than being restricted to a few options, this can make any API calls to JIRA that the given credentials are authorized to do. For this reason, it is important to restrict this action to only trusted Virtual Attendants. Other VAs can still delegate actions to the behaviors on trusted VAs with access to JIRA. Check the online documentation for examples.
[JIRA/Issues/VAs] Implemented Virtual Attendant custom behaviors for JIRA Issue records. For example, a 'Resolve' behavior could close a JIRA issue from Cerb.
[Virtual Attendants/Simulator/HTTP Requests] When a Virtual Attendant executes an HTTP request as an action, a new "Also execute HTTP request in simulator mode" option is available. This is useful for testing behaviors when an HTTP request is read-only (e.g. GET), and it's also useful for testing live PUT/POST requests without leaving the simulator.
[Virtual Attendants/Simulator/Run Behavior] Virtual Attendants using the 'Run behavior' action may now enable an 'Also run behavior in simulator mode' option. Previously, the simulator only showed that a behavior would have run. Now delegate behaviors can also run in simulator mode, which makes it much easier to test and troubleshoot complex chained behavior.
[Virtual Attendants/Scheduled Behavior/Usability] The scheduled behavior popup on profiles now provides enough room for the "When:" text box. Previously, if the drop down of date fields was very wide then the text box could be compressed to only a few characters. If the dropdown is exceptionally wide now, the text box will wrap to a new line.
[Devblocks/Platform/Resources] TTF and WOFF font resources will now be transferred through the resource proxy with the proper mime types.
[Virtual Attendants] In Virtual Attendant actions, the Virtual Attendant itself will now always appear as a target in the 'On:' parameter. This happened in some places (e.g. mobile behaviors, API behaviors) but not everywhere else. This makes it much easier to delegate behaviors between Virtual Attendants using the 'Custom virtual attendant behavior' event.
[Virtual Attendants/Links] Virtual Attendants can use a new 'Get Links' action to load links of any type on any related record into a variable or placeholder. For example, when new mail is received a Virtual Attendant could check for a specific type of link (e.g. product, license) on the organization of the message sender.
[CHD-3557] [Workspaces/Dashboards/Subtotals] Fixed a bug where filters with NULL (e.g. blank) values in worklist-based widgets were being ignored in some cases. For instance, a pie chart showing task assignments based on a worker custom field, with an 'assignee is not blank' filter, would show all workers including 'nobody'.
[Setup/Branding/Usability] Renamed 'Logo & Title' to 'Branding' in the Setup->Configure menu.
[Setup/Branding] The favicon used by Cerb is now configurable on the Setup->Configure->Branding page. Thanks to Niek Beernink @ for the contribution!
[CHD-3464] [Consistency] Fixed a consistency issue where the refresh button on some profiles (e.g. task, worker) said "Reload this ticket" in the tooltip. This was due to the reuse of text from the translation system. These tooltips now show 'Refresh'.
[CHD-3561] [Setup/Mail/Filters] Fixed an issue on the Setup->Mail->Filtering page where 'Create behavior' buttons weren't being displayed for each of the Virtual Attendants listed.
[CHD-3565] [Virtual Attendants/Comments] The 'New comment on a record' event can now use the comment's parent record or author as 'On:' targets for actions. These were previously ignored because they are abstract (i.e. they can end up being various record types, and it's not possible for the simulator to know in advance). The author and parent record of a comment still can't be used in the 'On:' parameter of run behavior, schedule behavior, or unschedule behavior actions; instead, the desired record should be loaded into a private variable of a specific type (using {{comment_record_*}} placeholder fields), and that variable can be used as a target.
[Comments/Worklists/Choosers] Implemented subtotals, filters, and choosers for comment worklists.
[Worklists/Export] Fixed errors when exporting virtual fields from a worklist.
[Virtual Attendants/Comments] When simulating new Virtual Attendant behaviors on the 'New comment on a record' event, a specify comment record can now be targeted for testing. Previously this wasn't possible due to a lack of comment choosers.
[Support Center/Code Cleanup] Fixed a bug in the Support Center that ignored the sort order of the menu options.
[CHD-3566] [Time Tracking/Code Cleanup] Fixed an error being displayed in the 'Time Spent' field on Time Tracking profiles.
[CHD-3569] [Virtual Attendants/Mail/Headers] In 'Before sending worker message' Virtual Attendant behaviors, the 'Set header' action is now capable of replacing existing headers like 'Subject:' and 'X-Mailer:'. Previously, duplicate headers were being added.
[CHD-3519] [Virtual Attendants/Mail] In the 'Before sending worker message' Virtual Attendant behavior, the 'Bucket' condition is now available again.
[CHD-3568] [Worklists/Usability] Fixed an issue when editing 'Owner' filters on worklists where the existing values weren't displayed as defaults. This meant if you were filtering by a list of 5 owners, you had to reselect them in addition to any other changes you were making.
[Virtual Attendants/Groups] Fixed an issue with bucket names always being 'Inbox' in some Virtual Attendant behaviors.
[CHD-3508] [Virtual Attendants/Usability] When building Virtual Attendant outcomes and actions, the 'Insert placeholder' menu will now include the '|date' modifier on placeholders by default. Otherwise they are displayed as Unix timestamps (e.g. 1381874586). This used to happen in earlier versions, but the '|date' option was hardcoded for various fields; now it happens automatically based on the field type.
[CHD-3470] [Mail/Reply/Usability] On ticket profiles, if the reply form is already open then clicking the 'Reply' button or pressing the 'r' shortcut will focus the existing form rather than discarding its contents and opening a new one.
[CHD-3433] [Mail/Setup/Usability] Added a warning to POP3 setup that downloaded messages will be deleted from the mailbox. There have been a few instances where users included an IMAP mailbox with a long history where clearing the mailbox was not desirable.
[CHD-3378] [Virtual Attendants/Worklists] 'While displaying a worklist' behaviors can now be created by role-owned Virtual Attendants.
[Setup/Custom Fields/Usability] In Setup, custom fields can now be quickly dragged into the desired order rather than having to manually number them.
[Setup/Custom Fields/Usability] When deleting custom fields in Setup, a confirmation step is now shown prior to deleting the fields and their data.
[CHD-3372] [Setup/Custom Fields/Fieldsets] In Setup, global custom fields can now be easily migrated to fieldsets of the same type.
[CHD-3341] [Mail/Reply/Usability] After clicking the 'Reply' button in a ticket conversation, a loading indicator is shown in a popup until the form is displayed. This was requested several times by clients who experience occasional latency so they have a visual cue that something is happening.
over 11 years
Release notes for Cerb 6.5
Cerb (6.5) is a major functionality update released on September 20, 2013. It contains over 144 new features and usability tweaks from community feedback.
[CHD-3425] [Virtual
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Attendants/Code Cleanup] Fixed a PHP error regarding "Undefined variable: func in abstract_view.php" when Virtual Attendant behaviors contained list variables with a specific combination of parameters.
[Contacts/Snippets] Fixed an issue where the names of Contact Person records always displayed '(contact person)' in snippets and Virtual Attendant placeholders.
[Virtual Attendants/Variables] Virtual Attendant behavior variables now support parameters based on each type of variable. This provides more control over how they operate, and it also makes new variable types possible (like a picklist of pre-defined options).
[Virtual Attendants/Variables] Text-based Virtual Attendant behavior variables can be configured for single-line or multiple-line input. Previously, all text variables were single-line input, which made it difficult to enter certain kinds of data (e.g. long comments).
[Virtual Attendants/Variables] Virtual Attendant behavior variables can be reordered by dragging them in the UI
[Virtual Attendants/Variables] Virtual Attendant behaviors may specify picklist (drop down) variables. Picklists require a worker to pick an option from a list of predefined options. Previously, only freeform text entry was available. This is particularly useful for macro behaviors.
[Snippets/Tester/Usability] The snippet tester now displays output with a fixed width font that preserves whitespace. Previously, tester output stripped whitespace. This made it impossible to check the style of indentation (e.g. at the beginning of paragraphs, or in fragments of code).
[Virtual Attendant/Usability] The Virtual Attendant action for entering custom scripts no longer auto wraps the contents of the text box. This makes it easier to read source code.
[Virtual Attendant/Simulator/Usability] Added an indent to the form elements in the Virtual Attendant Simulator to improve readability.
[Virtual Attendants/Simulator/Variables] The public variables of Virtual Attendant behaviors may now be changed from within the simulator. This makes it much easier to test macros.
[Comments/Snippets] Implemented two new placeholders for comment records. The record_watchers placeholder is a list of watchers on the record containing the comment. The record_watchers_emails placeholders contains a comma-delimited list of watcher email addresses. This was requested by several people who wanted a way to relay an email to all watchers about comments on records of any type using Virtual Attendants; however, it can also be used to display a list of watchers anywhere the comment is referenced.
[Plugins/Choosers] Choosers can be opened in 'single selection' mode, where the first selection closes the chooser and returns control to the caller. This provides all the benefits of choosers for situations where a single record must be selected.
[Virtual Attendants/Simulator/Usability] The output of the Virtual Attendant simulator no longer has a maximum height before introducing scrollbars. Having multiple scrollable sections made it more difficult to read the output or to scroll down the page.
[Virtual Attendants/Simulator] When using the Virtual Attendant simulator, it is now possible to choose the exact record that the current behavior is being tested against. Previously, the simulator would choose random records to help test behaviors, but this often required opening up the simulator many times in order to find a suitable record. For macros, it was possible to run the simulator from a record profile in order to test using that record, but this option wasn't available to events like 'New message on a group conversation'.
[Virtual Attendants/Simulator/Usability] In the Virtual Attendant simulator, data entry for parameters and values have been moved to tabs. When a behavior provides parameters (public variables for entry by a worker), the parameters section is shown by default and the long list of values is hidden on a second tab, which improves usability by reducing clutter.
[Virtual Attendants/Snippets] Implemented a new json_decode() function for snippets and placeholders to convert a JSON string to an associative array. This can be used to easily reference JSON results from API calls within Virtual Attendant behaviors (or snippets in special situations).
[Virtual Attendants/Snippets] Implemented a new json_pretty filter for snippets and placeholders to optimize the human readability of a JSON string. This is mainly useful for advanced Virtual Attendant actions that exchange JSON with remote apps and services.
[Virtual Attendants] Virtual Attendants are now first-class records (like groups and workers), with worklists, profiles, peek, ownership rights, etc. Previously, Virtual Attendant behaviors were owned directly by roles, groups, and workers; but this was creating clutter and confusion because some behaviors are related but there was no indication of this in the UI. Now, multiple Virtual Attendants can be created to contain any number of behaviors, and each VA can be owned by a worker, group, or role. All existing behaviors have been migrated to a new default Virtual Attendant record for each distinct owner. Virtual Attendants now show up in the global 'Search' menu, and clicking into a VA profile is where you will find the behavior trees and scheduled behavior. This also provides many new possibilities for future expansion; for example, Virtual Attendants can log errors to their profile in an easy-to-find tab. You can export and import behaviors between Virtual Attendants to place related behaviors together.
[Messages/Performance/Snippets] The placeholder for message content is now lazy-loaded only when it is needed. This reduces extraneous queries from hitting the database when Virtual Attendants or snippets use message fields but ignore content.
[Virtual Attendants/Macros/Profiles] The 'Virtual Attendants' button on profiles now organizes behaviors by Virtual Attendant. This makes it much easier to find the behavior you're looking for. Additionally, the macro menu no longer displays two lines for each entry; instead, behaviors are indented below their Virtual Attendant. This allows more options to be displayed in a smaller space, and it's less visually confusing.
[Virtual Attendants/Activity Log] Activity Log entries that are created in response to Virtual Attendant actions will now log each Virtual Attendant as the actor. Previously, these entries were created as if the behavior's owner (e.g. worker, group) had performed them, which could lead to some confusion of accountability. Since Virtual Attendants are now first-class objects, they can be held accountable individually for actions they take. The Activity Log will also specify the name of the responsible behavior next to the Virtual Attendant.
[Debug/Virtual Attendants] The /debug/export_attendants page will now export all behaviors grouped by Virtual Attendant.
[Virtual Attendants/Scheduled Behavior] The 'Scheduled Behavior' tabs have moved to Virtual Attendant profiles. Previously, scheduled behavior was shown on worker and group profiles, since those records directly owned behaviors. The records targeted by scheduled behavior still show a summary at the top of their profile.
[Mail/Reply/Virtual Attendants/Macros] The 'Virtual Attendants' button that is displayed when replying to a message will now display macros grouped by Virtual Attendant.
[Setup/Virtual Attendants] The 'Setup->Configure->Virtual Attendants' page now displays a worklist of Virtual Attendants with links to profiles. Previously, a funky interface was used that required an admin to pick an owner from a list to view their owned behaviors in a tab. The new process is consistent with the way the rest of Cerb works.
[Virtual Attendants/Snippets] Implemented a new jsonpath_set() function for snippets and placeholders to dynamically create deeply nested JSON objects from inside scripts. This is mainly useful for advanced Virtual Attendant actions that exchange JSON with remote apps and services.
[Setup/Mail/Filtering/VAs] The Setup->Mail->Filtering page now shows the mail filtering behavior from all global Virtual Attendants on a single page. Previously, it was only possible to have a single global Virtual Attendant and its use was implied on this page.
[Setup/Mail/Filtering/VAs] When an admin views the Setup->Mail->Filtering page for the first time, Cerb will offer to create the first global Virtual Attendant if one doesn't exist already. This improves the onboarding experience.
[Virtual Attendants] Virtual Attendants may now be disabled, which treats all of their behaviors as being disabled. These behaviors will not trigger during events, and will now show up as macros on profiles. This makes it very simple to simultaneously deactivate related behaviors, which was tedious in earlier versions. Additionally, a worker can disable a Virtual Attendant while building and testing its behaviors.
[Activity Log] Activity Logs for actor profiles (address, worker, group, virtual attendant) now display entries where the record was either an actor or a target of the activity. Previously, the log only showed actor activity for those records, and target activity for everything else. This meant that when viewing an address's activity from its profile, you wouldn't see log entries for when that address replied to conversations (as an actor), only when workers performed actions on that address (as a target). This change provides a more comprehensive view of the activities a record was involved with.
[Activity Log/Groups] Group profiles now display an Activity Log tab.
[Virtual Attendants/Custom Fieldsets] Virtual Attendants can own custom fieldsets, providing them with long-term storage for arbitrary data on any record. This enables some very interesting new automation workflows. For instance, a monitoring Virtual Attendant can remember the last time it notified each worker about something by using a custom fieldset with a date on worker records. Similarly, a sales Virtual Attendant can keep track of its progress through an automated sales process with a custom fieldset that it saves on opportunities.
[Virtual Attendants/Macros] Application-owned Virtual Attendants can now create custom behaviors for any record type. This allows global macros that are accessible by all workers, which greatly simplifies many workflows. Previously, these macros could only be created by VAs owned by groups, roles, or workers.
[Virtual Attendants/Macros] Implemented a 'Custom virtual attendant behavior' event. This is the ideal place to implement generic behaviors that don't rely on a specific record type. For example, a Twitter Bot could schedule a recurring behavior to look for new @mentions, and it wouldn't make sense to target this behavior to any particular record. Previously, we had recommended to bind these generic behaviors on worker records just because it made them easy to manage from a profile. Now we recommend that these behaviors be migrated to Virtual Attendant profiles.
[CHD-3113] [Support Center/Logins/Usability] When a Support Center page requires a login, a visitor will be redirected to their original destination after successfully logging in. Previously, the Support Center didn't even provide a login form to anonymous visitors if they requested a protected resource, it just displayed the default page. The new process should make it much easier to send contacts direct links to a specific ticket history, or protected knowledgebase articles.
[Support Center/Usability] By default, the logo image on the Support Center is now a shortcut link back to the default page.
[CHD-3441] [Support Center] When a customer views a ticket in the Support Center, there is now a reply button per message and no reply from is shown by default. Previously, a single reply form was always displayed at the top of the ticket which led to much confusion.
[CHD-3148] [Support Center] When a customer replies to a ticket in the Support Center, the original message will now be automatically quoted in the response.
[Platform/Popups/Usability] Popups are now limited to a height no more than 85% of the current browser height. Previously, popups could be so tall that they scrolled off the page. This made them difficult to work with; particularly when dragging them around.
[Virtual Attendants/Macros/Plugins/Platform] Any Virtual Attendant behaviors that respond an event trigger will now be returned along with a snapshot of their data at their conclusion. This allows the caller to retrieve detailed information from those responders, and in an arbitrary way.
[Virtual Attendants/Actions/Run Behavior] Virtual Attendant behaviors may now use a global '(Run behavior)' action. This is similar to 'Schedule behavior', except it runs the behavior immediately and allows the caller to retrieve values from the delegate behavior. For example, if one Virtual Attendant delegates another VA's behavior in order to create a task, then the caller can afterwards retrieve information about the created task from the delegate. This greatly improves the reusability of Virtual Attendants, as specialized VAs can handle routine actions, and helper VAs can delegate requests to them. This also makes it possible to build mediator VAs that listen on channels like SMS, IM, and Campfire; with requests being delegated to VAs that can do almost anything possible in Cerb: send reminders; create and complete tasks; check and change calendars; interact with Twitter, Facebook, JIRA; etc.
[Virtual Attendants/Scheduled Behavior] Fixed an issue with the 'Schedule behavior' and 'Unschedule behavior' actions in Virtual Attendants. Disabled behaviors were not included in the list of available options, so if the actions referred to a behavior while it was disabled, and that action was edited and saved, then it would no longer refer to the behavior afterwards. Disabled behaviors are now displayed in the action, but they're marked as being disabled in case this is unintentional.
[Virtual Attendants/Actions] When a Virtual Attendant action is missing, the behavior editor will now provide more helpful information, including an indication of what it was supposed to be. Previously, a blank action box was shown without providing any clue about what was missing.
[Support Center/History/Reply] Fixed warnings created by the Support Center when a customer replies to a ticket without any attachments.
[Virtual Attendants/Actions/Variables/Usability] In Virtual Attendants, the actions for setting variables are now displayed at the top of the available actions. As with other global actions, they are surrounded by parentheses. Previously these were sorted alphabetically with other 'Set' options, which made them more difficult to find.
[CHD-1050] [Worklists/Custom Fields] When displaying a multiple value custom field as a worklist column, all of the selected values will now be displayed. Previously, only a single value per custom field was displayed based on what matched the search filters.
[CHD-1086] [Custom Fields/Attachments] Implemented two new custom field types: file and multiple files. These types allow arbitrary attachments to be attached to records through custom fields. Internally, these fields use the attachments system and they store file IDs.
[Virtual Attendants/Scheduled Behavior] The 'Schedule behavior' and 'Unschedule behavior' actions in Virtual Attendants are now global. They are available in all events and plugin-provided events do not need to implement them. Additionally, the action names are wrapped in parentheses so they appear at the top of the list of available actions.
[Custom Fieldsets] Custom fieldsets may now be owned by the application. These fieldsets are readable by all workers but only configurable by admins.
[Virtual Attendants/Custom Script] The 'custom script' condition in Virtual Attendant outcomes now a placeholders menu and script tester.
[Calendars/Virtual Attendants] Calendar records can now also be owned by Virtual Attendants or the Application.
[CHD-3460] [Virtual Attendants/Calendars] All Virtual Attendant behaviors may now use 'calendar availability' as a condition in outcomes. For example, this can be used to send different auto-replies based on availability.
[CHD-2866] [Virtual Attendants] The 'new message on a watched conversation' event will now always include a ticket's owner even if they aren't a watcher.
[Setup/Localization] A Setup->Configure->Localization page has been added for selecting the default date/time format for everywhere dates are displayed. Admins can choose between 12hr or 24hr formats, and this selection will cover all workers that don't have an established preference.
[CHD-3064] [CHD-2973] [Preferences/Localization] Each worker can choose their desired time format (12-hour or 24-hour) from the 'Settings' page in their worker menu.
[Virtual Attendant/Events] Added a new application-level 'Before sending worker message' event. Previously this was only possible at the group level.
[Virtual Attendant/Events] Added a new application-level 'After sending worker message' event. Previously this was only possible at the group level.
[CHD-3340] [Virtual Attendants/Mail] Virtual Attendant behaviors on the 'Before sending worker message' event may now add custom mail headers to the outgoing message. This was requested as a way to force read receipts, among other workflows.
[Virtual Attendants/Behaviors] Virtual Attendant macro behavior may now be marked as public or private. A public behavior is visible to everyone with access to the VA (on profiles, etc). A private behavior is only visible to the VA itself. Private behaviors are useful for implementing helper macros within a VA that shouldn't be exposed to the outside world. These are generally used from 'Run behavior' or 'Schedule behavior' actions.
[Virtual Attendants/Permissions/Events] Admins can choose which events each Virtual Attendant is capable of creating behaviors for. The options are 'allow all', 'allow these:', and 'deny these:'. This provides a way to offer limited Virtual Attendant functionality to workers with all use cases requiring prior approval. After the upgrade, all existing Virtual Attendants will default to 'allow all' events.
[Virtual Attendants/Permissions/Actions] Admins can choose which plugin-provided actions a Virtual Attendant is capable of using in behaviors. The options are 'allow all', 'allow these:', and 'deny these:'. For example, the actions for JIRA and Twilio may be restricted to admin-controlled global VAs that worker VAs can delegate to. Actions that directly communicate with external apps and services can be restricted from use by most workers. After the upgrade, all existing Virtual Attendants will default to 'allow all' actions.
[Virtual Attendants/Simulator/Actions] The Virtual Attendant 'Set custom placeholder' action can specify a format for its output of either 'text' or 'JSON'. JSON output will be automatically be converted to an object when it is saved to a placeholder. This is particularly useful to simulate JSON responses from actions that perform API calls.
[Virtual Attendants/Simulator/Actions] The Virtual Attendant 'Set custom placeholder' action can be configured to only set the placeholder when in simulator mode. This assists with providing test data in the simulator without affecting the outcome of a behavior when it runs normally.
[Virtual Attendant/Simulator] Public worklist variables in Virtual Attendant behaviors can now be tested properly in the simulator.
[Virtual Attendants/Actions] The 'Schedule behavior' and 'Run behavior' actions in Virtual Attendants can now include placeholders in the parameters being passed to the other behavior.
[Virtual Attendants/API] Implemented '/rest/va/list.json' in the Web API for retrieving the list of Virtual Attendants that are visible to the current worker. This can include an 'expand' parameter with the option 'behaviors' to list all of the defined behaviors.
[Virtual Attendants/API] Implemented '/rest/va/123.json' in the Web API for retrieving the a particular Virtual Attendant. This can include an 'expand' parameter with the option 'behaviors' to list all of its defined behaviors.
[Virtual Attendants/API] Implemented '/rest/va/behavior/123/run.json' in the Web API for running a 'Custom API request' Virtual Attendant behavior. This provides a standardized way for external applications and services to communicate with Virtual Attendants in Cerb. For example, a Campfire Bot can listen for messages in a chat room and relay a specific pattern (e.g. "@Cerb do something") to a specific VA behavior through the Cerb API. The response is a dictionary of all the behavior's values after running, including public and private variables. If a behavior retrieves a list of tickets, then their details will be available in the response for use outside of Cerb.
[Virtual Attendants/API] Added a new 'Custom API request' event to Virtual Attendants. This can be utilized by app-owned and worker-owned VAs. These behaviors work similarly to macros, except they are only triggered through the API from external apps and services. This allows for interaction with Virtual Attendants through mobile text messages, email, instant messages, Campfire/Hipchat, mobile applications, browser plugins, etc. Custom API request behaviors always target the owning Virtual Attendant, and they provide an 'Add to API response message' action that appends text to the _response value of the API response. Using the _response value is optional, but it provides for generalized interaction with Virtual Attendants through the API. For example, an iOS app could display a list of all Virtual Attendants and their API-enabled behaviors. Running any behavior could prompt for its public parameters, and the response message could be displayed. It's also possible to use the 'custom placeholder' action for additional outputs.
[Virtual Attendants/API] When a Virtual Attendants dictionary is converted to an array (e.g. for use by the Web API), any nested dictionaries will also be converted to arrays. Previously, if a behavior contained extra dictionaries (e.g. a list of records from a worklist search), it would return the IDs of those records but not their values.
[Virtual Attendants/Simulator] When simulating the Virtual Attendant 'Run behavior' and 'Schedule behavior' actions, the simulator output will now show behavior variables being set.
[Virtual Attendants/Simulator] Implemented Virtual Attendant simulator output for the 'Send email to notified worker' action in 'New notification for me' behaviors.
[Setup/Mail/Parser] Raw email messages can be imported from Setup->Mail by pasting them into a textbox. This simplifies development, training, and evaluations. Previously, these messages had to be saved in the /storage/mail/new/ directory and then the parser scheduler job had to be manually run.
[CHD-957] [CHD-3037] [CHD-3173] [Setup/Mail/Parser] Incoming mail messages that failed to parse can now be viewed, retried, or deleted from the Setup->Mail->Failed Messages page. Previously, administrators had to proactively monitor these files on the disk in the /storage/mail/fail/ directory, occasionally move them to /storage/mail/new/, and run the parser scheduled job manually in order to inspect the output. Failed mail is now displayed in a familiar worklist format with a peek popup to view each message source.
[Web-API/Usability] Added a QR code image to the Web API Credentials peek popup. This allows mobile apps to quickly scan the QR code to copy the access and secret keys rather than requiring a user to laboriously type them.
[Contexts/Messages] The generic label for Message records now shows the sender email, ticket mask, and ticket subject. Previously this just showed an unhelpful '(message)' placeholder. The label is used in Virtual Attendants, the Web-API, and the mobile app.
[Contexts/Activity Log] Activity Log contexts now provide actor_* and target_* placeholders. These can be used in Virtual Attendant behaviors, snippets, and the Web-API.
[Contexts/Activity Log] Activity Log contexts now provide a human-readable 'event' placeholder to describe the activity being logged. This can be used in Virtual Attendant behaviors, snippets, and the Web-API.
[Contexts/Workers] Worker contexts now provide is_disabled and is_superuser placeholders. These can be used in Virtual Attendant behaviors, snippets, and the Web-API.
[Snippets/VAs/Workers] Added 'last activity date' to worker placeholders.
[Devblocks/Workspaces/Charts/Plugin Development] The Devblocks HTML5 charting library now mediates all mouse interaction with the charts. Listeners can bind to 'devblocks-chart-click' or 'devblocks-chart-mouseover' to receive updates about user input. The returned event includes information about the closest data point to the mouse cursor, including chart coordinates. This saves the caller a lot of work when designing interactive charting elements.
[Workspaces/Dashboards/Line Charts] Line chart dashboard widgets now display a horizontal line through the selected data point to make lateral comparisons easier.
[Workspaces/Dashboards/Scatterplots] Scatterplot dashboard widgets now display crosshairs that intersect at the selected data point. This makes comparisons easier in both dimensions by creating quadrants.
[Workspaces/Dashboards/Gauges] Gauge dashboard widgets now display their labels below the widget for uniformity.
[Virtual Attendants/Variables/Lists] When a Virtual Attendant behavior has a list variable, the resulting worklist view_id will now be saved in the dictionary in the format var_name_view_id. This allows reuse of the underlying worklist for all kinds of functionality. Notably, it's currently used to send worklists to the mobile app. It could also overcome the 100 object limit of list variables now.
[Calendars] Fixed an issue where long-running calendar events that started before and ended after the current month wouldn't be displayed as spanning the entire month.
[Platform/Contexts/Plugins] Added a getPropertyLabels($dictionary) method to Extension_DevblocksContext extensions. This provides more terse human-readable text for labels when dictionaries are used on worklists and profiles (particularly in the mobile interface where spaces is limited). For example, "Ticket initial message sender address" can be abbreviated to "First wrote".
[Mail/Display] Fixed an issue when displaying tickets where very long messages (i.e. over 1MB) could cause a PHP timeout before the page was displayed. This was caused by attempting to auto-hyperlink URLs found within the email message, and it was exacerbated if 'read all' mode was always enabled when reading tickets. Cerb will no longer attempt to auto-hyperlink URLs within messages that are greater than 512KB in length.
[Platform/Plugins/Search] Devblocks now provides an OPER_CUSTOM operator for DevblocksSearchCriteria objects. This allows the caller to provide their own WHERE clause. For example, in some situations a query needs to modify a value before doing a comparison on it (e.g. field_value+5 > other_field_value).
[Devblocks/Placeholders/Usability] The 'devblocks_prettytime' modifier in placeholders now outputs 'just now' instead of '0 secs'.
[Calendars/Datasources/Performance] On calendars, worklist datasources were previously inconsistent in that the 'end date' could use placeholders while the 'start date' required a specific date field. This option was provided so that events could be arbitrary lengths; however, it wasn't possible to efficiently determine the events that needed to be displayed for a given month because the placeholders would have to be evaluated for every record in the database. In order to fix this issue, the 'end date' for worklist datasources on calendars now requires an explicit date field. Event durations can be set by using the new 'offset' fields for the start and end dates. For example, an event can end using the same field as the start date, but with a "+2 hours" offset. These offsets are much more efficient to process algorithmically in the database than open-ended placeholders.
[CHD-3515] [Calendars/Datasources] Fixed an issue with displaying worklist records on calendars when the events didn't start and end within the same calendar month. For example, if an event started on August 31 2013 and ran for 3 days, it wasn't being displayed on the September calendar.
[Virtual Attendants/Actions/HTTP Requests] A new 'Execute an HTTP request' action in Virtual Attendants allows them to send and receive data with other apps and services. The results of an HTTP request are stored in a custom placeholder that can be used by subsequent outcomes and actions. JSON responses are automatically converted to an object. Image resources as a response (e.g. PNG, GIF, JPEG) are converted to base64 text. For example, when new mail is received a Virtual Attendant could send relevant details to an external URL (like a webhook). A behavior could also request information from any source as a URL; e.g. datacenter temperature, website traffic, monitoring metrics, etc.
Mobile plugin
[CHD-1056] [CHD-1108] [CHD-2378] [Mobile/Plugins] A 'Mobile Interface' plugin has been added to the Plugin Library. We had originally held off on creating a mobile interface because most workers use desktop computers and Cerb's UI workflow design is heavily dependent on multiple layers of popups to enable multiple actions from the same page. With the introduction of custom workspace pages in 6.0 and distinct Virtual Attendants in 6.5, the components of a mobile interface clicked into place. Rather than seeking to replace all the functionality in Cerb's normal UI, the mobile UI provides a access to previously curated content. The primary focus is on providing access to notifications, workspaces, and special Virtual Attendant mobile behaviors. The mobile plugin is built using jQuery Mobile, so there is a large list of supported devices: iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows Phone, Blackberry, WebOS, etc. We feel that a slim web interface is an ideal mobile strategy for Cerb because the functionality is contained within a plugin that is always in sync with the version of the main project. With mobile apps in various app stores using Cerb's API, users would constantly run into issues with version incompatibilities. Once logged in, the mobile interface can be accessed from any mobile browser by visiting the '/m' page at your normal Cerb URL. This can be bookmarked or saved to your device's home screen.
[Mobile] Notifications can be viewed in the mobile interface. At the moment they open up a new browser tab to the full Cerb UI. In the near future we plan to implement mobile-friendly profiles for all record types. A count of unread notifications is displayed on a badge at the bottom of the app.
[CHD-891] [Mobile/Workspaces] Workspaces can be viewed in the mobile interface. All workspaces that the current worker has access to will be displayed. The worker is prompted in several steps to select a workspace, a tab, and finally a worklist or a widget. The pages for tabs, worklists, and widgets provide shortcuts to jump back to the previous selections (for instance, from a widget to a page or tab). A filter box above the list narrows down the choices (for example, only showing pages with a specific owner). At the moment, clicking on a worklist row opens up the record in the full Cerb UI in the default browser.
[Mobile/Virtual Attendants] Added a new 'Mobile behavior' event to Virtual Attendants. These behaviors can be run from mobile devices for any kind of workflow. For instance, mobile behaviors can create or search tickets, create tasks or notifications, search external systems for information, etc. Any public behavior variables will prompt the current worker for additional information. These behaviors can also be implemented on app-owned VAs so they are available to all workers by default. Mobile behaviors can respond with various types of messages that are displayed in a mobile device (e.g. text, html, maps, etc).
[Mobile/Virtual Attendants] Virtual Attendants with mobile behaviors can be viewed in the mobile interface. All VAs that the current worker has access to will be displayed. When a Virtual Attendant is selected, a list of its available mobile behaviors is displayed. Selecting a behavior will prompt for the input of any public behavior variables (for instance, a mobile behavior to create a task would prompt for the task's name and due date). The response from the Virtual Attendant is displayed in a message reminiscent of a chat bubble. This functionality is incredibly powerful; Virtual Attendant powered mobile behaviors can provide workers with shortcuts to accomplish almost any workflow. Those behaviors are built inside Cerb's normal web interface.
[Mobile/Plugin/iOS] The Cerb mobile interface now supports being added to the iOS home screen as a web app. This removes the location bar and footer from Mobile Safari so the experience feels more like a native app. Device-specific icons and start screens are provided (e.g. iPhone, iPad, retina).
[Mobile] Implemented a sidebar panel in the mobile interface. This provides access to more functionality than can fit in the footer shortcuts: favorites, compose, pages, search, etc.
[Mobile/Workspaces/Pages] The mobile interface now provides access to both workspaces and pages. The distinction is that a workspace is a page added by a worker to their navigation menu. Pages represent everything that a worker could choose to add to their menu as a workspace.
[Mobile/Workspaces] The Workspaces shortcut in the mobile footer now displays a worker's workspaces in the same order that they appear in the full site. Previously this was displaying a list of all pages in alphabetical order.
[Mobile/Profiles] The mobile interface now provides a profile page for every record type in Cerb. This makes it possible to gather more information without leaving the mobile site. Profiles also provide automatic links between related records. For example, from a ticket profile you can quickly view the sender's profile, their org's profile, the assigned group's profile, the ticket owner's profile, etc.
[Mobile/Search] The mobile interface now provides a 'Search' page in the menu panel. This displays a list of every record type in Cerb. When a record type is selected then a mobile worklist is displayed with the matching records. Clicking on a record displays its mobile profile. The profile also contains a link to open the record in the full site. This improvement makes the mobile interface very useful for workers who need to perform quick record lookups while away from their desk.
[Mobile/Workspaces] Mobile worklists now display their current filters above the list. Clicking a filter removes it.
[Mobile/Workspaces] New filters can be added to mobile worklists using quick search functionality. Clicking the filters button above the list opens a popup that displays all searchable fields.
[Mobile/Workspaces] Mobile worklists can use existing filter presets. After clicking on the filters button, all presets are displayed as buttons in a popup. Clicking one of these buttons will instantly replace the filters. This is particularly useful in a mobile environment, especially when performing ad-hoc searches rather than using prebuilt workspaces.
[Mobile/Workspaces] Mobile worklists can be sorted in ascending or descending order on any available column. The field currently being sorted by is displayed above the list, and the arrow next to the label indicates the sort direction (i.e. asc, desc).
[Mobile/Workspaces] Mobile worklists can be paged forward and backward. On subsequent pages, an option is provided to instantly jump back to the first page. In a slight deviation from the full UI, paging displays the current and total pages along with the total number of results. In the full UI, paging displays the current position in the results and the total number of results (i.e. no indication is given for the total number of pages).
[Mobile/Workspaces] Mobile worklists can now display any number of fields for each row. Since screen space is generally limited on mobile devices, these fields are not displayed as horizontal columns like in the full UI, but as smaller vertical rows beneath each result's heading. At the moment, the displayed fields are based on useful defaults for each record type. In the near future this feature will support the ability to decide which fields should be displayed per worklist or worklist type. This functionality is actually more advanced than the main UI, since it uses the placeholders from Virtual Attendants and snippets instead of being confined by the results from the database. In the main UI, only a limited amount of information from related records is available as columns (e.g. ticket -> organization). With the placeholder approach, even content at the end of a long chain of related records can be displayed (e.g. ticket -> first message -> sender -> org -> custom field).
[Mobile/Virtual Attendants] Mobile Virtual Attendant behaviors now return their response on a new page. Previously the response was displayed below the submit button. The state of the response page is now cached so that the back button works properly. This allows responses to include links to new records, with the back button returning to the response without re-running the behavior. By not caching the behavior page, the mobile app can now instantly see any changes made to the behavior in Cerb.
[Mobile/Workspaces] Mobile worklists can now be paged, sorted, filtered, and searched in place using Ajax. Previously, these actions were initiating a full page reload due to the way that popups work in jQuery Mobile. The reload was displaying a 'flash of unstyled content' on mobile devices.
[Mobile/Virtual Attendants] Mobile Virtual Attendants can now return different types of responses. Previously, all messages had to be text-based.
[Mobile/Virtual Attendants] Mobile Virtual Attendants can return HTML responses. Any provided Javascript is evaluated, which makes interactive responses possible. For example, a Virtual Attendant can return a real-time chart using an HTML5 canvas.
[Mobile/Virtual Attendants] Mobile Virtual Attendants can return interactive worklists as responses. Previously, behavior variables that contained a list of records had to be displayed as text with links back to each record. Now any list variable on the behavior can be sent to a worker's mobile device. This displays a mobile worklist that's sortable, pageable, and filterable. The results also display properties about each record, and clicking on a record will display its mobile profile. The back button can be used to return to the worklist. For example, a mobile VA can send a list of tasks or tickets to a worker, and the worker can use that worklist in place as if they had searched for those results themselves.
[Mobile/Virtual Attendants] Mobile Virtual Attendants can return multiple responses to a single request. For example, a text response can state "Here are the results I found for you" and a second response can display the results as an interactive worklist.
[Mobile/Performance] Implemented caching for the common navigation pages in the mobile interface: search, workspaces, workspace tabs, pages, and Virtual Attendants. The content in these pages rarely changes; they'll now be pulled from the server once per session. Closing and reopening the app, or switching to the app from another app, will clear the cache. This significantly reduces mobile bandwidth usage and improves perceived performance.
[Mobile/Profiles/Plugins] Implemented a 'mobile.profile.block' extension point for plugins to provide custom content on profiles in the mobile interface.
[Mobile/Profiles/Ticket] Ticket profiles in the mobile interface now display the most recent message on the ticket, and the conversation history can be paged forward and backward.
[Mobile/Profiles/Ticket] Tickets can be replied to from the mobile interface. The reply button will automatically quote the currently displayed message, and the status and reopen date can be set. In order to reduce extra work from a mobile device when pruning quotes, only the most recent message worth of comments is displayed. In other words, quotes like ">>> Something said three messages ago" are automatically removed. When possible, signatures in quoted text are also automatically removed.
[Mobile/Profiles/Ticket] Basic ticket properties can be edited from mobile profiles: status, reopen date, owner, and spam training.
[Mobile/Profiles/Task] Basic task properties can be edited from mobile profiles: title, status, and due date.
[Mobile/Profiles/Message] Message profiles in the mobile interface show the full email content.
[Mobile/Calendars] Calendars are now displayed in a compact format in the mobile interface. These mobile calendars are displayed on workspace tabs, in workspace widgets, and on calendar profiles. Days that have events are indicated with a white circle. Clicking a day will select it, denoted by a pale blue circle, and its events will be listed below the calendar. Clicking an event from the list will display its profile, and the back button will return to the list with the previously selected date still highlighted.
[Mobile/Calendars] In mobile calendars, the current day is now highlighted as a filled in circle compared to the outlined circles denoting days with events.
[Mobile/Calendars] Mobile calendars can be paged forward and backward to adjacent months. A 'today' button is also provided to quickly reset the calendar on the current month with the current day selected. The selected month and year will be remembered per calendar for the duration of the session.
[Mobile/Calendars] Mobile calendars now tag daily events as a block of 'available' or 'busy' time.
[Mobile/Profiles/Virtual Attendants] Virtual Attendant custom behaviors are now available on mobile profiles. These are the same behaviors that show up in the desktop interface, enabling powerful automation from mobile devices.
[Mobile/Bookmarks/Usability] The mobile interface now allows any page to be added to the menu as a bookmark. This provides one-click access to frequently used widgets, profiles, Virtual Attendant behaviors, etc. To add a bookmark, navigate to a page and then click the 'menu' button in the top right. In the bookmarks section there will be an 'add' button if the page isn't a bookmark yet, and a 'remove' button if it is. Bookmarks are stored locally on each device, so different devices can have different mobile bookmarks even when the same user is logged in. Bookmarks are currently organized alphabetically.
[Mobile/Mail/Compose] Added a 'Compose' page to the mobile interface. This can send mail from any group the current worker is a member of. The 'To' field offers autocompletion for multiple email address recipients. An 'Insert signature' button will use the proper signature for the selected group and bucket. After sending the message, the worker will be redirected to the new ticket's profile.
[Mobile/Profiles/Addresses] Basic email address properties can be edited from mobile profiles: first name, last name, is banned, is defunct, and organization.
[Mobile/Profiles/Addresses] Mobile email address profiles provide a 'Search ticket history' button that lists all tickets where the address is a requester.
[Mobile/Profiles/Addresses] Mobile email address profiles provide a 'Compose' button that switches to the compose page with the email address pre-filled. This provides a similar workflow to the full interface where an organization is selected in order to determine the appropriate contacts.
[Mobile/Profiles/Orgs] Basic organization properties can be edited from mobile profiles: name, street, city, province, postal, country, phone, and website.
[Mobile/Profiles/Orgs] Organization mobile profiles provide a 'Search contacts' button which lists all associated email addresses in a worklist.
[Mobile/Profiles/Orgs] Organization mobile profiles provide a 'Search ticket history' button which lists all associated tickets in a worklist.
[Mobile/Notifications] Clicking on a mobile notification will now display its profile instead of opening up a browser to the full site. This allows a notification to be researched without leaving the mobile interface.
[Mobile/Notifications] Mobile notification profiles provide a 'Mark as read' button that clears the notification and returns to the previous page. This allows notifications to be saved for later if they're not currently actionable.
[Mobile/Notifications] The unread notification count in the mobile interface now updates every time a new page is displayed. The count is still efficiently cached on the server.
[Mobile/Profiles/Comments] Mobile profiles now display all the comments on a record. The most recent comment is displayed first, and buttons allow navigation forward and backward.
[Mobile/Profiles/Comments] New comments can be created from mobile profiles, with the ability to notify specific workers.
JIRA plugin
[JIRA/Plugins] Added a 'JIRA Integration' plugin to the Plugin Library. This automatically synchronizes JIRA project and issue information. It also extends Virtual Attendants with the ability to remote control JIRA data. JIRA Projects and Issues can be accessed from Cerb's global Search menu. JIRA data can also be linked to other records (e.g. addresses, orgs) to track customer interest in issues and provide Virtual Attendants with data for following up on that interest.
[JIRA/Virtual Attendants] Implemented an 'Execute an API request to JIRA' action in Virtual Attendants. Rather than being restricted to a few options, this can make any API calls to JIRA that the given credentials are authorized to do. For this reason, it is important to restrict this action to only trusted Virtual Attendants. Other VAs can still delegate actions to the behaviors on trusted VAs with access to JIRA. Check the online documentation for examples.
[JIRA/Issues/VAs] Implemented Virtual Attendant custom behaviors for JIRA Issue records. For example, a 'Resolve' behavior could close a JIRA issue from Cerb.
[Virtual Attendants/Simulator/HTTP Requests] When a Virtual Attendant executes an HTTP request as an action, a new "Also execute HTTP request in simulator mode" option is available. This is useful for testing behaviors when an HTTP request is read-only (e.g. GET), and it's also useful for testing live PUT/POST requests without leaving the simulator.
[Virtual Attendants/Simulator/Run Behavior] Virtual Attendants using the 'Run behavior' action may now enable an 'Also run behavior in simulator mode' option. Previously, the simulator only showed that a behavior would have run. Now delegate behaviors can also run in simulator mode, which makes it much easier to test and troubleshoot complex chained behavior.
[Virtual Attendants/Scheduled Behavior/Usability] The scheduled behavior popup on profiles now provides enough room for the "When:" text box. Previously, if the drop down of date fields was very wide then the text box could be compressed to only a few characters. If the dropdown is exceptionally wide now, the text box will wrap to a new line.
[Devblocks/Platform/Resources] TTF and WOFF font resources will now be transferred through the resource proxy with the proper mime types.
[Virtual Attendants] In Virtual Attendant actions, the Virtual Attendant itself will now always appear as a target in the 'On:' parameter. This happened in some places (e.g. mobile behaviors, API behaviors) but not everywhere else. This makes it much easier to delegate behaviors between Virtual Attendants using the 'Custom virtual attendant behavior' event.
[Virtual Attendants/Links] Virtual Attendants can use a new 'Get Links' action to load links of any type on any related record into a variable or placeholder. For example, when new mail is received a Virtual Attendant could check for a specific type of link (e.g. product, license) on the organization of the message sender.
[CHD-3557] [Workspaces/Dashboards/Subtotals] Fixed a bug where filters with NULL (e.g. blank) values in worklist-based widgets were being ignored in some cases. For instance, a pie chart showing task assignments based on a worker custom field, with an 'assignee is not blank' filter, would show all workers including 'nobody'.
[Setup/Branding/Usability] Renamed 'Logo & Title' to 'Branding' in the Setup->Configure menu.
[Setup/Branding] The favicon used by Cerb is now configurable on the Setup->Configure->Branding page. Thanks to Niek Beernink @ for the contribution!
[CHD-3464] [Consistency] Fixed a consistency issue where the refresh button on some profiles (e.g. task, worker) said "Reload this ticket" in the tooltip. This was due to the reuse of text from the translation system. These tooltips now show 'Refresh'.
[CHD-3561] [Setup/Mail/Filters] Fixed an issue on the Setup->Mail->Filtering page where 'Create behavior' buttons weren't being displayed for each of the Virtual Attendants listed.
[CHD-3565] [Virtual Attendants/Comments] The 'New comment on a record' event can now use the comment's parent record or author as 'On:' targets for actions. These were previously ignored because they are abstract (i.e. they can end up being various record types, and it's not possible for the simulator to know in advance). The author and parent record of a comment still can't be used in the 'On:' parameter of run behavior, schedule behavior, or unschedule behavior actions; instead, the desired record should be loaded into a private variable of a specific type (using {{comment_record_*}} placeholder fields), and that variable can be used as a target.
[Comments/Worklists/Choosers] Implemented subtotals, filters, and choosers for comment worklists.
[Worklists/Export] Fixed errors when exporting virtual fields from a worklist.
[Virtual Attendants/Comments] When simulating new Virtual Attendant behaviors on the 'New comment on a record' event, a specify comment record can now be targeted for testing. Previously this wasn't possible due to a lack of comment choosers.
[Support Center/Code Cleanup] Fixed a bug in the Support Center that ignored the sort order of the menu options.
[CHD-3566] [Time Tracking/Code Cleanup] Fixed an error being displayed in the 'Time Spent' field on Time Tracking profiles.
[CHD-3569] [Virtual Attendants/Mail/Headers] In 'Before sending worker message' Virtual Attendant behaviors, the 'Set header' action is now capable of replacing existing headers like 'Subject:' and 'X-Mailer:'. Previously, duplicate headers were being added.
[CHD-3519] [Virtual Attendants/Mail] In the 'Before sending worker message' Virtual Attendant behavior, the 'Bucket' condition is now available again.
[CHD-3568] [Worklists/Usability] Fixed an issue when editing 'Owner' filters on worklists where the existing values weren't displayed as defaults. This meant if you were filtering by a list of 5 owners, you had to reselect them in addition to any other changes you were making.
[Virtual Attendants/Groups] Fixed an issue with bucket names always being 'Inbox' in some Virtual Attendant behaviors.
[CHD-3508] [Virtual Attendants/Usability] When building Virtual Attendant outcomes and actions, the 'Insert placeholder' menu will now include the '|date' modifier on placeholders by default. Otherwise they are displayed as Unix timestamps (e.g. 1381874586). This used to happen in earlier versions, but the '|date' option was hardcoded for various fields; now it happens automatically based on the field type.
[CHD-3470] [Mail/Reply/Usability] On ticket profiles, if the reply form is already open then clicking the 'Reply' button or pressing the 'r' shortcut will focus the existing form rather than discarding its contents and opening a new one.
[CHD-3433] [Mail/Setup/Usability] Added a warning to POP3 setup that downloaded messages will be deleted from the mailbox. There have been a few instances where users included an IMAP mailbox with a long history where clearing the mailbox was not desirable.
[CHD-3378] [Virtual Attendants/Worklists] 'While displaying a worklist' behaviors can now be created by role-owned Virtual Attendants.
[Setup/Custom Fields/Usability] In Setup, custom fields can now be quickly dragged into the desired order rather than having to manually number them.
[Setup/Custom Fields/Usability] When deleting custom fields in Setup, a confirmation step is now shown prior to deleting the fields and their data.
[CHD-3372] [Setup/Custom Fields/Fieldsets] In Setup, global custom fields can now be easily migrated to fieldsets of the same type.
[CHD-3341] [Mail/Reply/Usability] After clicking the 'Reply' button in a ticket conversation, a loading indicator is shown in a popup until the form is displayed. This was requested several times by clients who experience occasional latency so they have a visual cue that something is happening.