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Analyzed 4 months ago. based on code collected 4 months ago.
Posted about 17 years ago by [email protected] (janb)
Hello, I was wondering if anyone knows if it is planned that android handsets will setup a dynamic DNS entry for themselves as part of establishing a network connection and obtaining an IP address? regards Jan
Posted about 17 years ago by [email protected] (Aaron P. D'Souza)
hello folks: if you are interested in working with Android on a real hardware platform, you can now buy a new hardware development board from DotPhone! First Android Hardware Development Board Available [link] [...]
Posted about 17 years ago by [email protected] (Aaron P. D'Souza)
hello: you want to have a look at the first Android phones? here is the link. Android prototype leads GSMA new-phone parade February 12, 2008 6:52 AM PDT [link] enjoy! the phones look real fantastic. Aaron
Posted about 17 years ago by [email protected] (Raymond)
Hi I am just trying to port android to my platform with 2.6.21 kernel. I add all the android's drivers to my kernel, except for the lowmemory killer. I can run up to the red startup bar, but never goes to the main screen. It shows like: init: HOW ARE YOU GENTLEMEN init: reading config file
Posted about 17 years ago by [email protected] (Nauman ...)
Hi group, I've just started working on Android and I have a query regarding the Android Kernel. Does the latest android kernel ship with SELinux? If not, can the kernel be re-compiled directly to get SELinux functionality in it? Regards, Nauman
Posted about 17 years ago by [email protected] (motz)
Hi, all I'm trying to run the emulator rebuilt from the source. I succeeded in running it with -wipe-data option. But it fails without -wipe-data option. Emulator repeats red cyclon forever. The log of rebuilt emulator includes lines below. $ ... [More] ./emulator -logcat 'dalvikvm:v *:e' W/dalvikvm( 501): DexOpt: incorrect opt magic number (0xff ff ff ff) [Less]
Posted about 17 years ago by [email protected] (RomChip300)
Browsing with Android through an eth0 link seems quite easy and P&P. Browsing through a ppp0 "already established" link seems to be a pain. As soon as the ppp0 link is available (IP @ given), what's the procedure to tell to the Android browser to use this bridge ? Any trick about this ?
Posted about 17 years ago by [email protected] (Jürgen Lösche (TU Cottbus))
Posted about 17 years ago by [email protected] ([email protected])
Hi, I found a problem for -http-proxy option in m5-rc14. In the former version, http-proxy of setprop works well for WWW browsing from inside a firewall to the Internet. But, new version android trys to solve a domain name before forwarding URL, and error is caused because that domain name is not possible to
Posted about 17 years ago by [email protected] (anothermike)
Hello all, I am trying to cross-compile a small libpng example for modfiying png images on android. I want to play around with some image processing functions, which bases upon libpng. I installed libpng and libz on my ubuntu system to test the code and to prepare for cross-compiling using "arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc".