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Posted almost 12 years ago by [email protected] (Geoffrey Guest)
So, committed change... everything is working, I didn't do a test case for it, because I figure 1) that umpleSelf and the implementation files should take care of most that, and 2) that there isn't much of an architecture to do so. But yeah, if ... [More] you look in the jumpjet file, you will find the modularization of what I found to be the major sections(some less major, [Less]
Posted almost 12 years ago by [email protected] (Timothy Lethbridge)
OK. I see you point; this may be easier than I thought. Why don't you try to see if you can get it to work ... - Tim Timothy C. Lethbridge, PhD, P.Eng., I.S.P., CSDP Professor of Software Engineering and Computer Science / Professeur Titulaire de g�nie logiciel et d'informatique
Posted almost 12 years ago by [email protected] (Geoffrey Guest)
But why automated? If we compartmentalize the main parts of the jet files, then those should never grow beyond their means, I mean, it's a simple copy paste of the aforementioned code into the jumpjet file at the various locations, we wouldn't have to worry about errors in postprocessing(because
Posted almost 12 years ago by [email protected] (Timothy Lethbridge)
Precisely. This is what needs to be automated. Timothy C. Lethbridge, PhD, P.Eng., I.S.P., CSDP Professor of Software Engineering and Computer Science / Professeur Titulaire de g�nie logiciel et d'informatique Facult� de genie / Faculty of Engineering University of Ottawa / Universit� d'Ottawa
Posted almost 12 years ago by [email protected] (Geoffrey Guest)
Hey guys, so... i was thinking about this problem, couldn't we do something like this: <%=getAttributeCode(stringBuff er,uClass,gClass,gen,isFirst,t raceItem)%> <%return stringBuffer.toString(); } private String getAttributeCode(StringBuffer stringBuffer,UmpleClass uClass, GeneratedClass gClass, JavaGenerator gen, boolean isFirst,
Posted almost 12 years ago by [email protected] (Quinlan Jung)
Hi all, Constraints can now have negation operators (!, ~ or not). For example, you can now write a constraint like [ ! (age < 1)]. I have also committed the tests as well as the implementation. The master issue for this is 187. -- Cheers, Quinlan Jung
Posted almost 12 years ago by [email protected] (Andrew Forward)
The post processing solution sounds a little error prone, and if we were to go down that route I would have those detailed covered by the code generator glue code and not via ant. One way that I reduced the amount of jet code generated was to ensure I only called a template once, otherwise jet will inject the same code multiple times.
Posted almost 12 years ago by [email protected] (Gabriel Blais Bourget)
It now raises an error when you try this code : class LightFixture { bulb { On {} || Off {} } At the moment, Umple can't allow concurrency between top level states, but only between nested state-machines. Change has been commited.
Posted almost 12 years ago by [email protected] (Timothy Lethbridge)
Hi again Geoffrey and others. (see the earlier message today if you are missing the context) I have studied the infamous getCode method in JavaClassGenerator.java that is now biting us again, and it would be fairly easy to write a relatively dumb post-processor that would refactor it by splitting out a series of
Posted almost 12 years ago by [email protected] (Timothy Lethbridge)
Hi, The issue of running over the 65K limit in the jet-generated getCode method is serious. The problem, as I understand it, is that in Java, a method's byte code cannot exceed this size. Jet does not know it is writing Java that when compiled will exceed this limit. We have run into this before a couple of times, and refactored to