about 11 years
Sure - I will say that the PMU Connection Tester, as a tool, is widely used throughout the industry as a "test tool" to validate protocol development.
The tool is known to work with:
SEL, GE, Arbiter, ABB, Ametek, Siemens, Alstom, Mehtatech
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, Hathaway, Macrodyne PMU devices as well as PDC devices such as ePDC and openPDC.
Given this diverse set of device protocol implementations from a wide variety of vendors - I will be less inclined to look for a problem in the PMU Connection Tester's protocol parsing implementation as a first step - although this is possible, I would look at other possible issues first.
Even so, there have been very few production implementations of IEEE C37.118.2-2011 (most all deployments are IEEE C37.118-2005) so there could may an issue there - are you using a configuration 3 frame or a configuration 2 frame to start the parsing process?
I think I would initially try the configuration 2 frame since it is the one that has been widely tested.
about 11 years
And I'm trying to understand how to work with PMU Connection tester, because now our company is developing multifunctional device, which includes PMU. And I'd like to use PMU connection tester to test our device in future.
So firstly I'm trying to test this tester with my simple simulator/
about 11 years
frame rate = 30 frames per second. I tried to change this value, but in vain....
Actually I tested not a device, but programm. Which I created in visual studio (so called PMU simulator). I mean - I created simple program, which firstly send
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configuration frame (it is received and displayed correctly) and then i send data frame in accordance with configuration frame... and data frame is received (I can see data ARRAY in PMU CONNECTION TESTER) but isn't displayed on graph plot and on the table.
about 11 years
Is this still an issue? We made some enhancements to these protocols over the last year...
about 11 years
What is your frame rate? There may be too many data drops to begin trending data.
What is your source device type?
about 11 years
I'm using PMU CONNECTION TESTER. Namely data transmission through C37.118-2011 (with UDP connection). And I can't see the data displaying. I send configuration frame and it is displayed correctly (i mean all the values and names). Then I sent
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data frame. and data byte array was displayed correctly but I couldn't see it on graph plot and on the table, where:
are shown.
By the way string "Time" is displayed correctly. But strings - "Frequency, Angle, Magnitude" show "0" everywhere.
I thought it was trouble with checksum, but checksum is correct
over 11 years
Project Description
The PMU Connection Tester administered by the
Grid Protection Alliance (GPA) verifies that a data stream from synchrophasor measurement device is being successfully received. The PMU connection tester supports the following
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phasor data protocols: IEEE C37.118 (Version 1/Draft 7, Draft 6), IEEE
1344, BPA PDCstream, SEL Fast Message, UTK FNET streaming data protocol, IEC 61850-90-5 and Macrodyne.
User can save "Connection Files" for individual device connections:
User can also save "Capture Files" for later playback and visualization:
These capture files may also be played back into the
openPDC for conversion into other streaming protocols.
here to download binaries from nightly build. Nightly builds happen at midnight in the Eastern time zone each day so long as there was a code change checked into the solution that day. Use the nightly builds at your own risk as these builds will not have
been tested for quality assurance.
BPA PDCstream FNET IEEE 1344 IEEE C37.118 IEC 61850-90-5 Macrodyne Phasor PMU Protocol Tester SEL Fast Message Synchrophasor Std
over 11 years
Project Description
The PMU Connection Tester administered by the
Grid Protection Alliance (GPA) verifies that a data stream from any known phasor measurement device is being successfully received. The PMU connection tester supports the
... [More]
following phasor data protocols: IEEE C37.118 (Version 1/Draft 7, Draft 6), IEEE
1344, BPA PDCstream, SEL Fast Message, UTK FNET streaming data protocol, IEC 61850-90-5 and Macrodyne.
User can save "Connection Files" for individual device connections:
User can also save "Capture Files" for later playback and visualization:
These capture files may also be played back into the
openPDC for conversion into other streaming protocols.
here to download binaries from nightly build. Nightly builds happen at midnight in the Eastern time zone each day so long as there was a code change checked into the solution that day. Use the nightly builds at your own risk as these builds will not have
been tested for quality assurance.
BPA PDCstream FNET IEEE 1344 IEEE C37.118 IEC 61850-90-5 Macrodyne Phasor PMU Protocol Tester SEL Fast Message Synchrophasor Std
over 11 years
Project Description
The PMU Connection Tester administered by the
Grid Protection Alliance (GPA) verifies that a data stream from any known phasor measurement device is being successfully received. The PMU connection tester supports the
... [More]
following phasor data protocols: IEEE C37.118 (Version 1/Draft 7, Draft 6), IEEE
1344, BPA PDCstream, SEL Fast Message, FNET streaming data protocol, IEC 61850-90-5 and Macrodyne.
User can save "Connection Files" for individual device connections:
User can also save "Capture Files" for later playback and visualization:
These capture files may also be played back into the
openPDC for conversion into other streaming protocols.
here to download binaries from nightly build. Nightly builds happen at midnight in the Eastern time zone each day so long as there was a code change checked into the solution that day. Use the nightly builds at your own risk as these builds will not have
been tested for quality assurance.
BPA PDCstream FNET IEEE 1344 IEEE C37.118 IEC 61850-90-5 Macrodyne Phasor PMU Protocol Tester SEL Fast Message Synchrophasor Std
over 11 years
This is the current release build of the PMU Connection Tester, version 4.4.0
This version of the connection tester was released with openPDC 1.5 SP1 and openPDC 2.0 BETA.
This application requires that
.NET 4.0 already be installed on your
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Note this is the last release of the PMU Connection Tester that will built on .NET 4.0 using the
TVA Code Library and the
Time-series Framework. Future releases of the PMU Connection Tester will be built on .NET 4.5 (or later) using the
Grid Solutions Framework (GSF). If you want to use or browse protocol source code, please download the
GSF source code and look for the GSF.PhasorProtocols project.
Recent Improvements:
Improvements and operational fixes to the UTK F-NET, BPA PDCstream and Macrodyne protocols as well as fixes for various digital fault recorders and power quality meters - these changes are inherited from the
openPDC 1.5 SP1 official release.
For more details, see closed items in
PMU Connection Tester Issue Tracker and
openPDC Issue Tracker as well as check-in history for the following related projects:
openPDC Change Log
TVA Code Library Change Log
Time-series Framework Change Log
Other recent improvements include:
As of 4.3.10, includes protocol support for IEC 61850-90-5, Macrodyne-G with INI file support and improved UDP "receive from" capability when using multicast connections.
Includes updates to allow selection of a specific network interface when using a TCP or UDP socket as well as allowing specification of a multicast source IP for multicast subscriptions that require this. Additionally users now have the ability to specify a
receive from IP filter for UDP broadcasts (when multiple broadcast are being sent to the same endpoint) and a new feature to allow control of whether or not to keep the command channel open when a data channel and command channel is defined.
As of 4.2.12, includes updates to Macrodyne protocol as well as other bug fixes specific to the connection tester.
Includes support for BPA Phasor Data File Format files (i.e., .DST files) for replay (from updates in v4.2.8).
Use the following steps to enable playback from a .DST file:
Select the File tab under the Connection Parameters section. Click the Browse button. Select BPA Phasor Data Files (*.dst) from the file types pick list (bottom right).
Browse to the desired .DST file to playback. Verify that the selected protocol is BPA PDCstream. Click on the Extra Parameters tab. Verify that UsePhasorDataFileFormat is set to True. Select the ConfigurationFileName field and click the elipse "..." button (far right).
Browse to the .INI file associated with the previously selected .DST file. Click the Protocol tab to close the Extra Parameters tab. Click Connect.