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Analyzed 17 days ago. based on code collected over 5 years ago.
Posted over 14 years ago by mjohnston
The current CVS of Adun contains a beta version of Adun’s data-sharing implementation. This allows users of Adun to easily access data in others users databases and also to share data with other users. Two forms of sharing are supported: P2P sharing – This is for sharing with particular people Publishing – This is for [...]
Posted over 14 years ago by mjohnston
The Adun manual section has been updated and expanded based on information in the Adun Mac help book. It’s still a work in progress but quite a lot of useful information is already present. Click User Manual in the pages sidebar to get an overview of the manuals contents. Topics in green are complete while [...]
Posted over 14 years ago by mjohnston
A new guide on how to extend Adun’s GUI with scripts has been added and we’ve rearranged the existing scripting documentation to make it more accessible. See the Scripting item under Documentation in the side-bar for more (or click here)
Posted almost 15 years ago by jvilla
The possibility of sharing simulation templates and results has been a missing feature in standard molecular simulations packages for many years. The usefulness of such collaborative approach is clear when comparing algorithms, validating simulations ... [More] or building datasets of precomputed simulations. Realizing this problem, the Adun team realized years ago that the power of our software [...] [Less]
Posted almost 15 years ago by jvilla
After enjoying Plone for a long while, we have moved Adun to a simpler and more manageable site through wordpress. This site is intended to provide better chances to communicate between users and developers, so, make use of it.